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5928355 No.5928355 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a special snowflake?

>> No.5928359

No, closer to slush.

>> No.5928362

>dat redundancy

>> No.5928376

Np, I'm different from all the special snowflakes

>> No.5928385
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I'm a snowcone

>> No.5928386

Define special snowflake.

>> No.5928394

If any of us is 'special', then being 'special' has lost its value

>> No.5928397
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>> No.5928400

If you're special I want to be normal.

>> No.5928401
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>five hits a sec
>you tell me
>*unsheathes swiss army katan*

>> No.5928414

Yes. My experiences are mine and mine alone.

>> No.5928423

Not really. In the grand scheme of things, 7 billion people isn't very many. With hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars, there's nothing wrong with saying each human is special. It's only when you forget that there's a giant world outside of human civilization that we begin to seem not-special. When people say things like "people are all the same" I tend to assume they're not very discerning. The "special snowflake" argument is a tired one.

>> No.5928432

Can someone explain what postmodernism is to me. I am very stupid so take this into account. Thank you in advance.

>> No.5928448

"there is no such thing as a slow metabolism" said the jelly man

>> No.5928464

Don't feel bad. Even Shakespeare didn't know what postmodernism was. It didn't exist yet, sure, but he managed to write without any knowledge of it, and I wouldn't call him stupid.

To answer your question: postmodernism, also spelled post-modernism, in Western philosophy, a late 20th-century movement characterized by broad skepticism, subjectivism, or relativism; a general suspicion of reason; and an acute sensitivity to the role of ideology in asserting and maintaining political and economic power.

>> No.5928467

It's when the mods take down your post.

>> No.5928485


>> No.5928552

If every snowflake is unique, it stands to reason something incredibly more complex than a snowflake is that much more unique.

>> No.5928561

Define define

>> No.5928569

yes there is, Ive seen evidence. I know a guy who is skin and bones and I seen him eat this huge plate of steak. I also know this other guy who is overweight claims to only eat things like healthy sandwiches and only snack occasionally. That kinda shit just makes people like you seem retarded. sorry bro, just the facts

>> No.5928577

What would it take to be one?

>> No.5928589

>I know a guy who is skin and bones and I seen him eat this huge plate of steak. I also know this other guy who is overweight claims to only eat things like healthy sandwiches and only snack occasionally

I eat fat steaks all the time (.75-1.25 pounds) with a 1lb bag of veggies, a container of cottage cheese, nuts veggies and shit. I'm 159 lbs and 5'11"

The thing is, I usually eat only one meal per day. Fasting for 16-20 hours is really good. As well, sugar and cheap carbs cause weight gain. Steak's just bad for your heart long term because of sat. fats, but don't cook everything in vegetable oil

>> No.5928660

>My anecdotes make you look dumb
I was super skinny and thought I ate a lot until I began counting calories
It is literally impossible not to gain or lose weight if you eat above or below your daily energy expenditure

>> No.5928667

sure, if you have a normal metabolism

>> No.5928676

>durr genetics
Shut up fatty. Losing weight is literally burning more calories than you consume, no matter how "bad" your "metabolism" is.

>> No.5928725

some people burn calories faster then others, everyone knows this

>> No.5928742

So your excuse for being disgusting is that other people can be not disgusting faster than you?

In other words you're lazy and don't want to put in the effort to become healthy because it comes easier to other people. Makes sense. Typical fatty.

>> No.5928750
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Of course I am. Why would my mom lie?

>> No.5928751
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>> No.5928756

unique, not special

>> No.5928760
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>> No.5928762

>reformed fatass detected

>> No.5928774

I've been between 8% and 12% body fat since I was a teen but even if I wasn't I don't see what the problem is? A reformed fatty is better than a fatty any day.

>> No.5928789

>The thing is, I usually eat only one meal per day. Fasting for 16-20 hours is really good.

you are risking to get gallstones

>> No.5928794

Has the term "special snowflake" ever been used in a non-cynical, positive connotation?
Just the the whole symbolism of it - there being billions of snowflakes, the fragility of snowflakes etc - seems to contradict such an interpretation.

>> No.5928806

why, snowflakes are cute, and a special snowflake is especially cute

also the little prince had a special rose, why cannot be a special snowflake

>> No.5928830

Yes that's how it started, not the term but 'there are lots of people, but they are all unique like snowflakes are.'

The pejorative started with Fight Club.

>> No.5928838

The fat guy is lying