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5925199 No.5925199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you achieve post-shitposting?

Post-shitposting is a state of attitudes and mindset where you transcedent the shitposting. It occurs when you realise that the trolling is just a virtual construct in which we post expectations that would troll others, make them laugh or annoy them ironically. through this mechanism of shitposting we try to give meaning to our useless time on 4chan or other virtual websites.

When you achieve post-shitposting, you have a meta-framework of posting that is typically summarized by the following:
>no memes, no OC, but personality and integrity where needed
>no meaningless pursuit of shitposting, but acceptance of timekilling and entertainment

Post-shitposting does not mean no fun allowed, it merely means that you see through the shitposting mechanism and don't abuse having fun. Hence poltards or btards mostly can't be post-shitposters,

>> No.5925223

>they can't be smart b-because they called me a faggot!

further proof academia is just a bunch of butthurt losers still mad about being stuffed into trashcans

i typed this with supreme disinterest am i post-shitposting

>> No.5925264

Post-shit posting just sounds like passive-aggressive.

>> No.5925275

If we're gonna sit around categorizing every little thing we do, how about coming up with new terms instead of just affixing "post" and "meta" onto everything like it's still the 90s?

>> No.5925283

This is good shitposting anon, somewhat original although you're clearing piggy-backing off of my ideas.

>> No.5925287
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>he doesn't believe in the dream of the 90s

>> No.5925298
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>shitposter detected
Are you jealous that you aren't able to reach the transcedental phase?

>> No.5925299

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.

>> No.5925307

Yay, post-shitposting! I am smart, I am smart, I am smart after all! :D Thanks OP for validificationalizing your and mine "shitposts"!

By the way, the gay rights movement is really insidious! I hope you don't mind, gozaimasu! .______.

>> No.5925323

we should develop an entirely new form of posting
I'm serious, this could be our one project for the next year, it can be our one meaningful contribution to 4chan and to the internet at large

we need ideas

my ideas are aesthetic posts: aesthetic posts have no meaningful content beyond aesthetics. They have no link to the topic at hand and are not meant to troll or even to communicate with someone in any way. They are posted purely for enjoyment and to express one's sensations.


"the sky is looking gray, and my posts are black text in a blue box"

This is an aesthetic post because it is utterly irrelevant to the thread and is not designed to troll or communicate with anyone, but is purely a kind of solipsistic expression of one's assertions. This allows one to concretize one's private sensations, to give them a physical form.

>> No.5925331

>but is purely a kind of solipsistic expression of one's assertions.


>> No.5925341

my skinny wrists are aching holding up this kindle, my penis urges to piss but I am comfy in my bed

>> No.5925347


I think most people would rather if you kept your aesthetic musings out of unrelated threads.

>> No.5925351

my pillow is orange colour and cosy, I can hear the noise of cars at a distance

>> No.5925352


nice blog it's deep i'm gay what's your skype?

>> No.5925357


good blog real nice your grandfather died for this

>> No.5925358

I'm going to test this method on this board and others under this name.

>> No.5925362


You're going to be mistaken for a bot and banned. I hope.

>> No.5925363

grandfather corpse reeling, penis in a leather jacket

>> No.5925365

the room is dark but my screen is bright, I am laughing at my own frivolousness

>> No.5925372

I like this form of post-shitposting.

I propose that we create a thread with the ramblings of our minds in this form >>5925341 as a test. A new alternative to the old overabused greenposting.

>> No.5925377

No, you see, that simply falls under the category of faux-shitposting, or pseudo shitposting if you prefer.

This thread is simply an example of metashitposting and I'm entirely dissatisfied that Op did not cite my work in his post.

>> No.5925379

>I like this form of post-shitposting.

ghost of a shitty forced term moaning softly for proper burial

>> No.5925382
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So deep and artistic, won't you ever have sex with me?