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File: 54 KB, 424x572, broder2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5924814 No.5924814 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone writing poetry can stop now. Melissa Broder has won the game.


>> No.5924823




>> No.5924833

I'd win her game, if what I'm implicating here is cognizant to you. ;)

>> No.5924938

I enjoyed the one about the rain, How I Get Over my Life was good, Dry Child was almost good, Essence Control had a few decent ideas. She didn't capitalize God...

>> No.5924995

It's terrible but I'm comforted by the fact that she felt she had to express herself in this way, and that she put as much effort into it as she did.

I encourage this.

>> No.5925017

It's terrible??

>> No.5925021

Yes very much so--but she's expressing herself in a constructive way, must be encouraged. Who knows, she might get better if she keeps doing it. It's the same principle as a pre-schooler drawing, you have to put it up on the fridge or you'll discourage creativity.

>> No.5925037

I don't read much poetry..except for a few epic poems and Blake. I liked some of her stuff. What is terrible about it?

>> No.5925068


Don't use these guys for talking points to parrot later on after you've decided that you hate it now too. Just keep reading and work things out for yourself for the time being. Trust me.

>> No.5925136

Why are people starting to like words thrown together with no rhyme reason or meaning? Is that what's cool now? I need to know so I can impress all the hipster qts outside 7-11.

>> No.5925142

In general, I don't argue, or even talk about, poetry. I'm just interested in finding out what it is someone else looks for/doesn't find in work like this.

>> No.5925152
File: 21 KB, 272x340, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, qt retards like to call it free-verse when in reality they threw up as many "sincere" words they could think of into a blender and turned it on high. Then they wrote down the results while placing line-breaks haphazardly throughout the "piece"

We are truly living in the golden age of art if I do say so myself

>> No.5925180

i wonder if anti-sincerity backlash is possible
i wish, i'm too cold to like sincere lyrics, it annoys me at best or bores at worst

>> No.5925182

She should have left this stuff in her diary

>> No.5925189


>he was too cold to like sincere lyrics


>> No.5925195

>trying to act like this has anything to do with "new sincerity"
wow, it's almost like none of you know anything about contemporary poetry beyond dfw buzzwords.

>> No.5925204

There is no sincerity here. She is writing with the intention of imoressing readers, except she fails to do it with style, or subtly, so she does it with dirty sex. Oh no I had sex with a stranger and I feel bad. If she killed herself I would believe her, but otherwise she is a talle tless aging showpony.

>> No.5925207

Because contemporary poetry is shit, m80.

>> No.5925209
File: 109 KB, 900x600, S0zh0Su.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm too cold to like sincere lyrics

>> No.5925224

grate post m8.

>> No.5925235

You're trying to be positive, keep it up buddy, mindfulness helps with depression!

>> No.5925236

may be i sound too edgy.. i dislike rather not the sincerity itself but that it's often considered mandatory and when it is aggressively expressed. i don't like strong feelings of any kind and like to read poetry as a fancy art, not as looking at somebody's dirty underpants


ponies are cute... don't make me feel sympathy to her -_-

>> No.5925249
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Found pepe

>> No.5925251

>tfw getting laid everyday with uberhot foreign guys during world pride in to
why did it have to end ; ;

>> No.5925571
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I just want to find a place in this world

>there isn't one, not for us. bury your soul in the bosom of mutant mass mountain, leave humanity behind.
it is the only way for us. we are the beautiful ones.

Nay, there are more beautiful ones. Many types. Some of them are called "schizo" and "manic" and "frayed neurons randomly fusing together and spitting out glowing green chunks of Unobtanium ore". They shoot faint radio brain waves across the galaxy, and you have a brain wave receiver built into your mind.

>> No.5925582

scratch that, now its just

>"frayed neurons randomly fusing together and spitting out glowing green chunks of Unobtanium ore".

>> No.5926676

Am I the only one just seeing a skull in a rotating light?

>> No.5926712

it's not

>> No.5926714

>no reason or meaning

Someone can't read.

>> No.5926718
File: 25 KB, 393x391, 10351606_10152917844213674_6730785251797210038_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


INFPs, when will they learn?

>tfw INFJ master race

>> No.5926721

That is fucking 10/10 presentation. Seriously, good job to her or whoever came up with the website.

4/10 poetry.

>> No.5926743


INFPs are usually very competent artists. :^D

Good at least at conveying beauty even if they're shit at anything productive or actually intellectual.

>> No.5926758
File: 1.25 MB, 1139x1095, 1399681795358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>even if they're shit at anything productive or actually intellectual

lol you're making uniform declarations of character over something as ambiguous as the myers-briggs who are you people do you even listen to yourselves when you say this shit

>> No.5926789


>not understanding the system
>criticizing people who use it

What I said is literally one of the defining factors of INFPs.

>> No.5927814

And you just lost The Game.

>> No.5927826
File: 132 KB, 640x480, broder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google image melissa broader
>she looks nothing like OP pic
>she looks like a spoilt trust fund teenager

>> No.5928266


>> No.5930001
