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File: 2.14 MB, 1700x2275, Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5918115 No.5918115 [Reply] [Original]

Who deserves the flute: a child who can play the flute best or a child with no other toys

>> No.5918118

The former.

The child with no toys will probably develop a rich inner life, he should get access to writing materials.

>> No.5918119

are you trying to trick me into being a communist?

>> No.5918121

Give it to thebest flute player, but take one, or some of his toys and give it to the child that doesn't have any.

>> No.5918123

Define deserves faggot

>> No.5918125

I would've thought the opposite

>> No.5918126

They should share the goddamn flute like good people.

>> No.5918129

>you blow on one side and I'll blow on the other!

>> No.5918143

What if the flute is really short and their tongues accidentally touch each other?

>> No.5918149

smash the flute and then they can both be equal!

>> No.5918154

What if the flute is actually a dick?

>> No.5918157

Impossible, you blow on a flute but suck on a dick

>> No.5918159

well then one can suck it the other can teabag the balls, problem solved

>> No.5918160

What if they didn't know it was a dick though? If you mistake a dick for a flute you might accidentally blow on it.

>> No.5918162
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Have you seen Requiem For A Dream?

>> No.5918164

The flute isn't a toy

>> No.5918167

>one flute, two kids

problem solved

>> No.5918181

Is it just to give away someone else's dick?

>> No.5918183

It's likely too late for the child with no toys. Years of neglect made it a retard. Give the rich kid a flute, man.

>> No.5918186

go to bed arthur

>> No.5918207

>Years of neglect made it a retard.

I think this is the main source of retardation among blacks

>> No.5918245

Depends on what I want to achieve. And not enough information is given.

Who says either of them want or will even play the flute. How much happiness will giving the flute give each of the kids, how much for others. Also define best, is the kid just a decent flute player or he is a potential genius and has a very rare talent and can reach a level the other kid can never hope to achieve even with years of pratice.

If that is the case, that the one kid is a super rare talented flute player, I would personally give it to him as the amount of utility would be highest.
Aside from that he could inspire/entertain countless others and himself by using his gift.

>> No.5918255

Flautists are whores; whip the one that knows how to play it.

>> No.5918259

Let them fight for it.

>> No.5918273

let them eat cake

>> No.5918277

a flute is not a toy, my band teacher told me

>> No.5918334

Everything should go to the best flute player.

>> No.5918367



>> No.5918387

Why, what if he doesn't play the flute, or is the better flute player but still a mediocre one still. Utility wise it would probably be better to give it to the one who has nothing in those cases.

>> No.5918393

You have to consider that it's a division between someone who has a ton of distractions and someone who will focus entirely on music. The kid with no toys will learn to love music and dedicate all the toyless time to become better than the one that, when compared with someone who doesn't have a flute, is a superior player.

>> No.5918433

well logically child who can play the flute best already has a flute, how would he play it well if he did not. give it to a child with no toys and maybe we will have 2 good flute players

>> No.5918445

what if the flute player does not want a trade.

>> No.5918456

>The kid with no toys will learn to love music and dedicate all the toyless time to become better than the one that, when compared with someone who doesn't have a flute, is a superior player.
there is such thing as in born skill. you can't play basketball or sing with just training.
if he has no toys it means he is poor thus he will be more busy finding food then working on his skill. hell he may just trade away the flute

>> No.5918461


Slap the little shit and get better at parenting

>> No.5918474

Then he doesn't get the fucking flute, obviously.

>> No.5918480

Or he might have a distinct motivation to learn flute while the rich toyfull brat, even if he's openly interested in music, will be forced by society and good manners to at least play with his toys a bit to not look ungrateful.

>> No.5918508

wut? you are giving a toy, not chains .

>> No.5918515

I'm assuming he could make a living out of playing flute just like you're assuming that the rich kid is more talented. It's a pretty stupid OP anyway.

>> No.5918584
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>what is pathei mathos?

>> No.5918642

Whose flute is it?

>> No.5918869

I am the best flute player

>> No.5918876

Or just keep the flute and borrow it.
They both won't need to own it to play on it.

>> No.5918880

filthy bourgeois scum

>> No.5918887

Why, it would give a sense of community.

>> No.5918895
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>the musicians don't need to own their means of production

Truly an enemy of the people.

>> No.5918896


The best flute player will be happiest while performing the function of playing the flute. The child with no toys will not. So, the flute player.

>> No.5918897

Just make another flute and they can both have one

>> No.5918903


Protip: This is how Aristotle would respond.

>> No.5918907

The flute player most likely already has a flute

>> No.5918908

No, absolutely not.
Every post was about which kid should own the flute, but OP didn't ask who should own it. If you see the two kids as a community, the community owns the flute and that's it. Whoever honors it by playing, deserves it in the end.

>> No.5918929

Note "Or just keep the flute and borrow it."

The owner of the flute keeping it and borrowing it to the two youths as he sees fit, firmly in control of the means of music production.

>> No.5919008

Give the flute to the child who can play it best and then the other will not need any toys because the music will entertain him.

>> No.5919021

destroy the flute, children should learn that everything must be earned

>> No.5919031

>Who deserves the flute

Neither of course. Why would people have some kind of innate right to own flutes? If they want one, they should either buy or make one on their own.

>> No.5919040


this. nobody deserves anything. there is no cause and effect in emotional actions

>> No.5919042

Then why is it called a blowjob?

>> No.5919066

Art is bad for you.

>> No.5919081

neither. nobody deserves what belongs to nobody

>> No.5919090
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but what if he is a SUPREME flute player

>> No.5919091

The flute player has already been favored and from this has been given the gift of ability which cannot be taken away. The boy without the skill has a greater need in order to learn and should be given the flute.

>> No.5919096

plato go home you hypocrite

>> No.5919102


He'd probably be an arrogant bastard then and deserves only a good kick in the ass.

>> No.5919172

or, he will shed it and jerk around with the other poor kids like he has always done.

>> No.5919177

this made my day

>> No.5919226

So you would rather have two mediocre flautists than one great one?

>> No.5921892

The one who can play the flute.

>> No.5921898

the one who plays the flute best so he can teach the other how to flute

>> No.5921905

>ctrl + f flute
>0 results

>> No.5921927

check mate faggots

>> No.5921929

Where's Descartes when you need him

>> No.5922004

How did this child get good at using the flute if he didn't have one of his own?

Retarded question

>> No.5922010

loaner from the school marching band

>> No.5922015


>> No.5922019

Trick question- nobody should own a flute.

>> No.5922023

/lit/'s parenting guide everyone

>> No.5922056

this question is making me sad

why can't everyone have toys

(the boy who can play, is the answer of course, kids are happy with a stick and a pile of dirt)

>> No.5922234

exactly, the concept of "two kids, one toy" is evil by concept. why not everybody have a flute? or learn how to build one? is flute making the last resort of our capitalistic past?

>> No.5922259

I threaten to break the flute in two and see who objects

>> No.5922270
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>What if

>> No.5922284
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>slave morality

>> No.5922308

How do you know which one's good at playing the flute unless you let them try it out?

How did one kid get good at the flute if he didn't already have one?

Your story's full of holes, OP.

>> No.5922333

>i don't know what slave morality is

>> No.5922335

>I'm ashamed of my socialist slave morality

>> No.5922371

Don't you have to destroy a marriage somewhere?

>> No.5922400
File: 957 KB, 500x418, contemplative jazz music.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there are 3 brothers. The oldest has 30 sheep, the middle one has 3. The youngest brother wants to become a shephard and asks his brothers to kickstart his business:
The oldest brother gave him 5 sheep and the middle one 1.
After some years the oldest one has 50 sheep, the middle one 10 and the youngest one was successful and owned a herd of 132 sheep. Then he dies, his testament states that he wants his herd to be fairly divided.
How and why?

>> No.5922404

Because he wants it to be so.

>> No.5922407

both get their 5 respectively 1 sheep back and the rest goes to the state.

>> No.5922409

*le Marxist face

>> No.5922413

>youngest brother is poor and has no sheep
>gets some and is super successful businessman
>dies super young
damn what a life

>> No.5922414

He probably worked day and night to prove to his brothers that he was worthy of their investment.

>> No.5922422


The second. They can learn. The child who can play the flute had the opportunity to learn and must therefore have possessed one in the past at some point - are we to assume they lost theirs?

>> No.5922424

Even more considering that they probably cared for him anyway, they did give him sheep without asking questions when one of them had just 3 sheep to sustain his family.

>> No.5922463

The flute is the tool of the devil, designed to seduce the easily impressed youth. Break the flute, flog the child who plays the flute best because it has to have had practice before, hunt down whoever made the flute and burn him at the stake.
Pray fervently for God to keep the menace of flutes away from our devout community, consider bombing a flute factory.

10/10 thread, thank you guys.

>> No.5922470

Keep the flute. They aren't a diamond dozen, and it's a doggie dog world out there.

>> No.5922503


The middle bro is obviously shit at keeping sheep, so he should get none, and even the sheep he already has should be taken from him and given to the oldest bro, and the middle bro should go work for the oldest bro, according to his ability. The oldest bro should give the middle one a lamb every Easter so he can have a feast with his family. I have judged.

>> No.5922598

Both surviving brothers are obviously able to grow their herds without help. All 132 sheep should be sacrificed to the gods to celebrate the younger brother's life and mourn his all too soon death.

>> No.5922742


Depends on which way the youngest wishes to repay his brothers.

Repay based on relative contribution to him when he started out?
5/30*132 for the oldest
1/3*132 for the middle one
The remainder can either be distributed same way or sacrificed/what ever.

Repay based on contribution?
5/6*132 for the oldest
1/6*132 for the middle one

Repay based on which one will make most out of it?
Give all the the middle one (3 to 10 is better then 30 to 50)

Based on modern laws?
132/2 for each (lets leave the state out of it)

>> No.5922753

define being the best. is he naturally talented or did he just practice more? is having toys something that makes him more efficient? Otherwise what's the connection between playing flute and having toys? Is the poor kid interested in playing flute at all? how did the rich kid become the best without a flute on his own?
It's easy to look smart when you pretend you scenario isn't broken as fuck, aristotle.

>> No.5922775

How the advantage was got is irrelevant

>> No.5922791

>the middle bro should go work for the oldest bro

So he can stagnate his business too?

Middle bro should have his sheep taken from him by oldest bro, and cast out of his family.

Shit, he's probably behind youngest bro's death, unable to accept that even that little shit accomplishing more in life than he did.

>> No.5922886

Middle brother should have an 'accident', older brother should get them all.

>> No.5922898
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whoever can afford it

better dead than red

>> No.5922907
File: 125 KB, 992x880, 1411958281231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would give it to the boy that I (ie The Ego, The Unique) likes more.

the flute is MY property, so i can give it to WHATEVER boy i want, no laws will stop me from deciding what I want to do with MY property. I'm here to CHOOSE what I want, and I want to do MY interests.

>> No.5923023

The Greeks were very keen on the concepts of excellence and competition. We need another flute player.

>> No.5923127

I think you're on to something here. We are obviously living in a society with strong ties to family. You have the middle brother, Michael, barely scraping by with only 3 sheep. Over the years, a powerful resentment for his brother has grown in his heart. How come he gets 30 sheep from his parents, while he gets only 3? Why does being born late mean he is doomed to always come second in life?
Then the younger brother comes of age. He has never seemed to be able to go his own way, to become a carpenter or a farmer or even a soldier. No, all his life he has admired and loved his older brother and sought to imitate him in everything. Naturally, this makes the middle brother feel even more alienated from his family.
Obviously, the youngest brother wants to become a shepherd too. The older brother gives him 5 sheep, a reasonable amount. The middle brother looks over his 3 sheep, sighs and gives one of them away, because as much as he despises his brother, he is still part of the family. However, he chooses a sheep that has never been able to breed and he suspects is sterile.
But once in the care of the youngest brother, this one sheep starts having more offspring than any other sheep the family owns. It is regarded as a miracle, and behind the middle brother's back they laugh at him for giving away the blessed sheep. When it dies, the youngest brother has a herd of 70 sheep that only starts growing.
Now the middle brother is sandwiched between his older brother, who is successful because of his heritage, and his younger brother, who seems to be the lucky boy in the family. Meanwhile, he is taking on odd jobs to grow his herd, and stlll never gets beyond 10 sheep. Throughout long nights of guarding the sheep, a terrible plan begins to form...
His food poisoned by his sibling, the younger brother becomes sick and withers away in a matter of days. He barely has time to write out his testament and out of the goodness of his heart wants for his property to be divided fairly.
Everyone suspects the middle brother was responsible for the lucky child's death, and nobody is surprised that a few weeks after the first tragic incident in the family, the middle brother is found dead, having hanged himself in his tent. Some say it's for the better - already, there have been a few injuries as the village community can't stop fighting over what 'divide the sheep fairly' means. Meanwhile, the older brother becomes withdrawn and shy. His life will forever be marked by the tragedy that befell him, and no amount of sheep can make up for his sleepless nights.

>> No.5923141
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>> No.5923181

5/30 from the oldest -->1/6
1/3 from the middle one-->2/6

2/6 for the oldest --->(132*2)/6-->44
4/6 for the middle one-->(132*4)/6-->88

>> No.5923192

It's a fucking flute, no one "deserves" it. It's obnoxious how entitled humans have always been.

>> No.5923198

fucking commie

>> No.5923209

Is this from some story? I remember reading something like this in middleschool.

>> No.5923217

Novel tier reached.

>> No.5923237

I read it in a law book, where it was said to be an "ancient allegory" (without giving source though).

>> No.5923366

beginning of infinite regress

>> No.5923381

lol at pointlessly building on the question and making it "incoherent"

>> No.5923454

>already, there have been a few injuries as the village community can't stop fighting over what 'divide the sheep fairly' means

this thread just keeps on giving.

>> No.5924190

The kid who plays the flute best probably has other flutes to play. Give it to the other kid.

>> No.5924198

Yeah so he can blast his shitty fluting through the whole house.
You obviously don't have kids.

>> No.5924208

False dichotomies are just swell...

>> No.5924211

No flute for him

>> No.5924304

this shit on the other hand is not swell, you dumbfuck.

>> No.5924317

The one whose mother you want to fug the most.

>> No.5924324
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>> No.5924361
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>no amount of sheep can make up for his sleepless nights.
This is nextlevel as fuck

>> No.5924368

What kind?

>> No.5924388


how do you foster skill/ability if a child has too earn the tools to do so?

'oh no, son, you can't have a book with which to learn to read until you earn it! what, you think you have some innate right to the ability to read?'

>> No.5924393


*has to earn, jesus

>> No.5924418



>> No.5924421


you sound like some kind of fascist homo

>> No.5924430


dictator of sub saharan african nation pls leave

>> No.5924433


ngl both the boys and the flute sound like a bunch of spooks tbh m8

>> No.5924436

They can't share a flute?
Germs are good for their developing immune system. I saw it on Oprah or the CBC. Let the child who can play the flute best teach the Child with no other toys how to do it so they can play nice music for each other.

>> No.5924454


>no amount of sheep can make up for his sleepless nights.

fuck shit fuck

>> No.5924506

whichever one sucks my dick the best

this flute aint free niggas

>> No.5924535

i.e. the best flute player

>> No.5924547
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>> No.5924774

No one deserves anything.

>> No.5924785

Through some other skill or service. Obviously asking someone to earn something through reading in order to learn how to read is retarded.

>> No.5924840


What skills and services can young children who have not yet finished their education provide?

>> No.5924894

Good company for their parents and the community as a whole. In essence not being assholes and showing promise in school or learning a trade.

>> No.5924930

I wasn't being facetious or anything...

>> No.5924991


Wrong, you ask one child what the other would say, and then do the opposite, so it doesn't matter if he's lying or not.

>> No.5925874

Define infinite faggot

>> No.5925883

Your autism.

>> No.5926293

Because a really good woman blows hot and cold air onto it. Most dont though, even. In porn.

>> No.5926306

split the flute in half, 50 50

>> No.5926311

don't you mistake a really good woman with an air conditioning system

>> No.5926372

>b-b-but flute kid sure owns a flute

am i on /lit/ or what
dont fucking speculate on shit you dont know

flute goes to best flute player. thats how you mantain a healthy republic, you provide tools for the best ones. childs with no toys will have to develop his fucking imagination, he can develop whatever the fuck instrument out of trees and rocks IF he wanted and is meant to. if hes a genious he will find a way, if hes not, why bother?

>> No.5926401

What gives you the authority to decide who should get what.

>> No.5926408


i was just asked about it

>> No.5926420

Sic semper tyrannis

>> No.5926421

Rawls faggot.

>> No.5926426

What makes those rawls valid

>> No.5926430

What would you like for breakfast?

What's the name of the guy in OP's pic?

>> No.5926449

Me being aware of my own preferences gives me the authority to decide that I would prefer toast for breakfast.

Asking what the name of the guy in OP's pic isn't an opinion it's a fact. A fact is capable of standing on it's own independent of authority.

>> No.5926746
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>this entire thread

>> No.5926771

Is there really any difference?

>> No.5927364
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Ideally, the AI overlord/genetically engineered God-King can tell us which one we should give the flute to in order to maximize our progress towards universal dominance, but in the absence of either of those the community should debate and decide upon who most deserves the flute.

>> No.5927659
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>> No.5927679

the one that has killed millions of people.
oh wait.

>> No.5927767

I shall make them perform a series of challenges, each on more dangerous then the last. The one who succeeds shall receive the flute.

>> No.5928784

One must assume both children are happy without a flute so:
Use the flute a a model and make another flute.
Give both children flutes.
Give neither. The outcome is the same.

0 - 0
1 - 1
There will be no difference.

>> No.5928787

whoever makes the best cake

>> No.5928848


The child who can play the flute best is always going to have flutes shoved at him. Probably already has five flutes he's bored with.

The kid with no flute needs to get back to playing his harp and stop tugging at elbows. There's a good reason he has no flute to make a bunch of racket with.

Solution: Gently insert the flute in your rectum and blow your best Yankee Doodle.

>> No.5928864

you must be new here

>> No.5928883
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>> No.5928887


No one. This is a fucking stupid question.

>> No.5928902
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>> No.5928939

>all these people not putting motivation into account
Sure the best flute player is a better choice in the short term, but if he has other toys he'll eventually ditch the flute and do something else (more likely if he's a child growing up today).
The kid without other toys will be more inclined to actually get good and eventually surpass the better flute player.

>> No.5928964
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I don't even know anymore.

>> No.5929019

What do you mean by "deserves"?

>> No.5929110

"Deserving a flute" suggests a one-way exchange; so, an either/or, but never both. However, it is a nonsensical conundrum; no one deserves anything unless someone stipulates, beforehand, what one must do to earn the flute.

If it is for the ability to play it better than anyone else in consideration, then you hand over the flute to whoever plays it best.

If it is out of pity -- pitying a person with no toys to play with -- then give it to him.

>> No.5929378

I sense some phallic and homoerotic context from these so called "boys" that like to play with their so called "flutes".

>> No.5929402
File: 8 KB, 184x376, the_birds_nightingale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually the greek flute (aulos) looked like this

>> No.5931232

The flute should be given to the boy of higher birth, since the arts must be limited to an aristocracy if they are not to degenerate. The other boy should be learning how to farm and take pride in his labour while honouring the gods.

>> No.5931270

They both deserve it, the first boy because he's poor and has no toys, the other one because he's an excellent flute player.

I'm not gonna give my flute to either of them however, I enjoy playing the flute myself.

>> No.5932209


/lit/ obviously can't math. The middle brother was clearly superior in sheepherding as he more than tripled his sheep number (3 to 10), while the oldest brother couldn't even double his (30 to 50). That's 333% increase vs 66% increase, respectively. It went from a 10:1 ratio to 5:1. If you gave the middle brother some more time, he would catch up with the old brother, then beat him eventually. Thus, the middle brother deserves all the sheep.

>> No.5932367

If you divide the sheep among the brothers by the initial ratios, the ratios the older and middle brothers were willing to give away, then the older brother deserves 22 (5:1 --- 132 / 6 = 22) sheep while the middle brother, roughly 36 (2:1 --- 110 / 3 = ~36).

>> No.5932451

>implying Marx killed
Durr muh regimes

>> No.5932463

>implying there aren't diminishing returns on larger sheep numbers

>> No.5932480
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keep the flute yourself,
rent it out to both boys on a monthly basis with increasing interest,
eventually bundle the flute with a whole musical toy service and cable tv,
become rich and start a charity to buy everyone a flute.

>> No.5933139

Best response itt

>> No.5933747

Including the other boy

>> No.5933760
File: 18 KB, 195x219, flute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wanna play with my flute Mister?

>> No.5933799


>tfw neglected retarded man-child

>> No.5933816

television got me chasin dreams

>> No.5933856
