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/lit/ - Literature

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5918993 No.5918993 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, /v/ here

Help us get something straight: Can visual novels be considered literaturely works? Some asshats on /v/ say it isn't even though they agree video games are art. What's your opinion

>> No.5919006

OP is a faggot

>> No.5919023

You play video games and watch anime. You don't deserve an answer.

*tipping my fedora to you*

>> No.5919026

Emi best girl.

>> No.5919030

Yes OP, they are valid intellectual outlets.


>> No.5919032
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>video games are art

get the fuck off of this board you philistine

>> No.5919037

>Buying into bait this hard

tee hee

>> No.5919041

It's visual masturbation at best.

>> No.5919044

No, the same way light novels aren't.

Try to imagine your VN's without the pictures.

>> No.5919049

Don't let the elitists fool you.

>> No.5919052

Choose one:

Nolegs qt or Noarms qt

>> No.5919060


I guess when you're pathetic enough to maintain VN's are on par with western novels then I can understand how anyone with a modicum of sense might appear elitist. Still, you're pitifully deluded.

>> No.5919064

Prove me wrong.

>> No.5919065

>to maintain VN's are on par with western novels

Who said that, you ape?

Is your fedora a bit tight on your thick shit skull?

>> No.5919067

Cell phone novel: “Boom! A boom turned me around”

Light novel: “There was a violent explosion to my rear. I figured this would be another pain in the butt, and thoughts like ‘It’s probably going to make me skip lunch.’ swirled in my head as I turned around.”

Yuusuke Yamada: “There was the sound of a big explosion. I was surprised at the shock. I turned around.”

Ryoutaro Shiba: “There was an explosion. Getting off topic, but did you know that the first time fireworks were used as a weapon in Japan was around the time of the Mongol Invasion?”

Hiryohiko Araki: “There was an explosion behind meeeeeee! I stopped! And I turned around at the same time! And the blast hit me!”

Ryukishi07: “BOoOoOoMM! There was a big explosion behind me…! I noticed the conditions of my surroundings… Before my brain could react, I took action…!! Immediately, I turned around to look behind me…!”

Ryuu Murakami: “There was an explosion behind me. A black cat ran away, a beggar woman vomitted, the excrement collecting at her feet. And then I stepped on the tomato as hard as I could, and turned around.”

Kinoko Nasu: “Suddenly, the sound of an explosion rang out behind me. If my normal speed was a gale of wind, my sudden turn was a lightning bolt, as I spun to face the noise!”

Mari Yaguchi: “I loved to play Bomberman when I was a kid, so when I heard an explosion, I turned to see. I thought maybe it was a stunt by the world’s biggest Bomberman fan.”

Natsuhiko Kyogoku: “A thunderous noise shook the ground. …Was it an explosion? If you were to ask me, it was about as plain as tea without the leaves. …That’s why I replied. With a ‘What?’ A bell, that is, a wind chime, was singing somewhere else.”

Sho Ikegami: “Now, I’m sure everyone is wondering what this explosion was. That’s why I’ve prepared a diagram. Please look behind you.”

Why are gooks so bad at writing?

>> No.5919071

Burntfaec qt

>> No.5919078


No, the fact that even the most common pleb wrinkles his nose at the sight of that garbage is enough. Enjoy your waifu.

>> No.5919234

Japanese doesn't translate to English that well.

>> No.5919257


are not the same thing. Games are art, visual novels could be art. Literature, they are not.

>> No.5919284
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>ryotaro shiba

>> No.5919298
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of course not, you fucking dimwit. oh and there is something else: vidya isn't art.

>> No.5919301

>Mari Yaguchi
How are you so sure a pop idol would write like that?

>> No.5919333

that's old ass copypasta

>> No.5919341

Shoot, you got me, haha!

>> No.5919362

Emi worst girl. On my fist blind run I got her route (by, you know, following sound medical advice) and she's just a massive slut with daddy issues.

But, sure, visual novels can be considered literary works. Why not? Heck, Saya no Uta could even be considered a primer on the subjectivity of beauty and morality.

>> No.5919369
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>You will never lick Emi's feet
>Tfw she doesn't even have feet

>> No.5919400

>After end of Emi route
>She finds out about your foot fetish
>Sad, scared of losing you
>Next day
>"Hey, you know how Rin and I help each other out, since together we've got all our limbs? Well, I talked to her about... You know... What you like, and she said she doesn't mind helping out. She's coming over to my room tonight, so whaddaya say? Wanna have a threesome?"

>> No.5919407

Now that I can get behind.

>> No.5919532

>Can visual novels be considered literary works?

They are, but in the same ways that the average /lit/ users laughs at some books and praise another without grasping any, will talk about vn's being inferior to book.

Being honest, most in vn's are inferior to most books regarding plot and prose as well. There are some exceptions, but not very well-known here.

Anyway, you shouldn't ask this question here. It's a quite dumb idea to ask people who don't read vn's what they think about vn's.

>> No.5919553
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>> No.5919690

fuck off to /a/, pleb

>> No.5920112

This gets asked a lot but, like >>5919532 said, there's no point asking people who don't even read VNs and will probably never read the ones that actually have some sort of literary value since they're either never going to be available in English or will be ruined beyond recognition by shitty fan translators.

>> No.5920127

Well, my first blind run ended with her on a plane to fucking Scotland.

Emi best girl, loves life and you'd be emotionally scarred if it had happened to you too.

>> No.5920132

Oh, I guess that you are a 4chan's patrician.

>> No.5921364

Saya no Uta is garbage for edgy kids.

>> No.5922423 [DELETED] 
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>since they're either never going to be available in English or will be ruined beyond recognition by shitty fan translators.
Ever17 got an official translation and without many errors. Very nice vn btw.

>> No.5922431

They're text adventures.

>> No.5922452
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>they're either never going to be available in English or will be ruined beyond recognition by shitty fan translators.
Ever 17 has an official translation without too many errors. Very good vn in my opinion.


>> No.5922465

What exactly is the point?
From what I understand its just text you can click through with some pictures and you cannot even level magic or fight or whatever.
Why not just read a book or maybe a comic?

>> No.5922578 [SPOILER] 
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I choose best girl?

>> No.5922579

Bacon qt

>> No.5922586

they're all texts in the sense that they are communications that carry meaning.

the difference with visual novels is that they are doubly imprisoned, by language and by the visual field

>> No.5922593

Can it? Yes. But even the best works aren't really up-to-par in regards to literary/artistic merit.


There's something more interpersonal and immersive about the medium.

>> No.5922630

This. They are illustrated text adventures. It's conceivable that some might have good writing, but I haven't seen any.

>> No.5922654

What /vn/ has the most artistic merit /lit/?

>> No.5922850

Literature, in its broadest sense, is any written work. As for literary validation, you're asking a lot from a field that's slow to admit even the best that classic genre fiction has to offer into the canon.

>> No.5923443

you should feel grateful this shithole has a patrician check you fedored autistic faggot

>> No.5923538

Muv Luv Alternative is fucking fun as fuck.

Symphonic Rain actually has decent prose for a fan translation and has a pretty cool story.

Grisaia has great prose for a fan translation of a VN, but the plot really isn't very good. Some routes are far worse written than others too.

Saya no Uta and Kikokugai are cool and decently written with good music, but short as fuck.

That's about everything there is to know about english translated VNs.

>> No.5923555
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Is this any good?

>> No.5923579

>Some fat autist got so mad he actually spent time making this


>> No.5923834

they could be, but it is my understanding that the pictures are usually used as masturbation fodder
if it is to be "literaturely" the visuals can't be a crutch, it would have to be some chris ware type stuff in a game
as for the CYOA format, i remember that being used to great effect with a select number of text adventure games that were designed to highlight free will or lack thereof, so that isn't necessarily a barrier either
but are they now? i doubt it, i probably would have heard about it

>> No.5923861
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>tfw playing Katawa Shoujo was the closest I've ever gotten to a gf

>> No.5923883

I was talking about writing with a guy, and he listed his influences as only anime and vidya. Not a single book

Books are essential!

>> No.5923899 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5924411

>they agree video games are art
They are not, though.
The graphics can be of high quality and sometimes the scrip is original, deep and well developed, that doesnt make it art but a piece of entertainment with a lot of work behind.
A visual novel may content a literature work -the story- bit it's not a lit work itself, its a videogame.

>> No.5924508

>i was distant to my gf for two days
>i was sad because lilly left me

>> No.5924622
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Most of /lit/ doesn't even read VNs, much less the untranslated ones (which is where you'll find the prose not butchered by amateur translators).

Honestly I wouldn't even call them inferior. They're made for different audiences with different purposes, and in different contexts. Sure, they may not be as elaborate as "classical literature", but some of them do have their merits (and have actually good prose, unbelievable!). I wonder if /lit/ would like pic related, though. It's filled with literary and philosophical references. Maybe one of you guys can recognize the one in the image, for example. Tip: God goes in one side, melody, on the other.

>> No.5924643

SubaHibi translation will be finished one day, hopefully. Then I'll read it.

I'm not gonna learn Japanese just for that and a few other cool writers like Jackson and Romeo.

>> No.5924682

>implying vidya isnt art
>implying art is not subjective
>implying you can define what art is and what is not
>implying 200 years from now people will not have Doom/Quake/etc praise cults

bunch of plebs, all of you

>> No.5924733

>I'm not gonna learn Japanese just for that and a few other cool writers like Jackson and Romeo.
I'd say it's worth it because you'll also get all the cool japanese books from the 20th century. But then, it requires a lot of effort, and usage of free time.

>> No.5925448

I use vn only for masturbation. True story.
Can't wait march for playing "starless" officially translated in eng.

>> No.5926667

>Not Weeaboo
>At least 42 of those banners by my count, not including stuff like the Anime Club, There She Is, Yotsuba as a character, and Galosengan have no tangible connection to anime or Japanese culture.

I hate these stupid fucking charts and the mouthbreathers who post them. It riles me enough that I somehow decided to make a most meaningless post in a thread that like many others, goes absolutely nowhere.