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/lit/ - Literature

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5917691 No.5917691 [Reply] [Original]

How are you going to become a successful writer when nearly all ideas have been used for writing a book. Especially fiction.

The murder mystery is overdone.

You cannot come up with a original horror book.


>> No.5917693

An idea doesn't need to be original, just originally presented.

>> No.5917699

>The murder mystery is overdone.
>You cannot come up with a original horror book.
so are you aware of anything outside the realm of genre fiction?

>> No.5917700

You fucking pleb, the plot idea doesn't matter. Greek tragedy and epic poetry was based on stories everyone already knew. And Shakespeare, fuck, at least have of his stories were well known before he wrote the plays.

The point is not to come up with an original story, but to tell an old story sublimely.

>> No.5917705
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Is this the /lit/ equivalent of jus bee urself?

>> No.5917711

No, this is the /lit/ telling you that if you bank yourself totally on your premise, everyone will just say you ripped off such-and-such work.

Creating a new premise is no more likely than creating a new medium.

>> No.5917718

In this day in age everything is going to be somewhat derivative because there's just so much out there. Just write your damn book already and stop worrying about it, some Redditor posted on here yesterday saying his stupid story about "Reptilens" got green lighted for a trilogy so I bet you can come up with something much better than that.

Breaking Bad could be seen as a ripoff of Scar Face, but no one seems to care and it's a highly beloved series so my advice? Just go for it.

>> No.5917721

>hurr durr
No shitstain, it's the real world equivalent of how storytelling works. You take a series of established archetypes, form a narrative based around a set of themes, and then spin a new tale based on an old idea.

What you're basically saying is: "Oh man no band will ever be successful using I, IV, V because it's already been done!"

>> No.5917740
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Writing on hard level: take a well-known story, make it even better

Pic related

>> No.5917749
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Thanks /lit/ i will start writing.

>> No.5917756

> not knowing that post-apocalyptic mystery/romance combo is the next big moneymaker

>> No.5918105

Ignoring "it's all about the style and presentation!", you can always be original by writing about new ideas, problems and experiences.

Dickens was original by writing about social problems in an industrial society.
Orwell was original by writing about the threat of a society of mass surveillance and control that was never thinkable before due to technology, but now is actually threatening.
Vonnegut was original by writing about his experience of the bombing of Dresden.
Asimov was original by writing predictions about how new technology may change not only society, but an individual's humanity as well.

All of them were "new things under the sun" because they arose from the world that didn't exist in the previous generations. You can do this as well.
>but I don't have any new ideas, problems or experiences
Well go out there and find some. Otherwise, why should you even be a writer?

>> No.5918165


People have been saying that there was nothing new to say for millennia, yet somehow people keep poppin' out books. Maybe quit being a defeatist, and write the story that you think you have?

Ecclesiastes 1:9. Shit's been said for thousands of years.

>> No.5918398 [DELETED] 

Because fuck off retard.

>> No.5918408

Is that dog from Arthur?

I have to know.