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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 309x452, GRAYSANATOMYBOOKCOVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
589815 No.589815 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone on earth is killed except for the people who have been on 4chan in the last 24 hours.

You get the choice to kill yourself, or you get 10 minutes and then you're teleported to a subtropical island populated by the other people of the board you frequent most often with the objects on your person (what you are wearing and holding).

The other boards are alive and on different places of the archipelago. So, naturally, the populace depends on the continents.

The Earth's atmosphere is no longer fucked up, and all the resources on the Earth have been restored to record levels. Long-extinct plants and animals live once more, although the island would have a limited large predator population.

Moot is dead, and we don't have means of communicating with other islands. The boards with <20 people are randomly distributed amongst the bigger boards.

In /lit/, a grand library is built on the island, twenty times bigger than the library of congress and a thousand times better quality. Here's the catch, the only books that fill the library are ones that /lit/ brings with themselves.

What do you contribute, /lit/? For the sake of this, Gray's Anatomy and Pocket Reference are already there.

>> No.590340

Well I'd be on /mu/ I'd probably just try and grab as many books as I could though seeing as electronics would be pretty useless.

>> No.590352

you mean, everyone list all of their books?

>> No.590360

/k/ would come and kill everyone.

>> No.590366

I remember /co/'s version of this.

Pretty much it ended up with organizations divided as the new color scheme that DC uses on Green lantern (a defense group on red, an organization group on blue and stuff like that) and different storytimes each night to choose...

>> No.590370

i would bring all Bukowski, Vonnegut and Palahniuk i can. Camus? Remarque.

>> No.590375

A quick glance to my left reveals some... pretty lowbrow stuff. Well, you'll have a copy of Guns, Germs, and Steel... plus some Tom Clancy, William Gibson, and Robert Heinlein.

>> No.590393

We won't be low on fantasy novels, random erotica, historical fiction or random 'classics' from my end.

>> No.590405

I also remember this thread in /y/ a while back. The only part that I remember was there was alot of stealing men from /fit/ and forcing them to have sex. And /po/ was going to make something 'useful'.

>> No.590410

I would choose death over being trapped on an island solely populated by btards.

>> No.591244

I would bring the collected fictions of Jorge Luis Borges, The Complete Stories of J.G. Ballard, The Tao of Pooh, and The Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology.

>> No.591253

this vision would mean the end of humankind.

1. because the male/female ratio would be 100:1
2. because the /b/ / rest of 4chan ration would be 98:1

apart from the fact that the few women would mean violent outbreaks of violence over their possession, the b-tards would kill and eat each other and the rest of the remaining population.

Whatever books I bring is irrelevant.

>> No.591257

I see I totally screwed up the b-tard ratio there

>> No.591259

I think there would be a lot of emmigration from /b/ to the other boards/islands. Only the most die hard assholes would stay there.

>> No.591272

you forget the fact that many /b/ tards never went to any other board.
They came because b was internet famous. they did not come for 4chan (well, they maybe fapped to h or s)

>> No.591273

Obviously here on /lit/, we're a bunch of limp-wristed, bespectacled, tweed-wearing pussies. What other island could we ally ourselves with for protection?

I'm going to suggest R9K, assuming that don't come off as too pretentious.

>> No.591308

some boards have much better ratios then that, /ck/, /a/, /fa/, /an/, /i/ and /ic/ all have a reasonable amount of women,most of those boards are to small and would be devided amoung the other boards, also i'm sure /lit/ is at least 10% women.

>> No.591310

>implying /r9k/ + /lit/ would not be so pretentious that it would shatter the universe.

>> No.591314

I know how we do it. We get the maniacs from k to protect us in exchange for our females (I guess we have a pretty good amount of them in relation to other boards).
maybe we can trick those lunatics to attack the others. and when they are weak and confused by not having any ammo left, we beat them to death with our heavy books.

>> No.591319

medical textbooks, technical writings.

Fuck existentialism, we can get depressed once we're affulent enough

>> No.591329

nah, we'd get raped bro. those guys would motherfucking pillage our ass.

Instead, we build a gigantic fortifcation surrounding the whole island and protecting the library. We make moltovs and Sten guns if technology allows, or we make longbows and fuck'em up with greek fire.

Former /k/ommando here, we lead amphibious raids over to the other islands to get weapons and supplies. And if we really do have a large female population, we can probably repopulate our settlement pretty damn fast

>> No.591342

you actually pretty much convinced me that we could trick those retards to pretty much do anything for us.
maybe we shouldn't bludgeon them to death after all.

>> No.591344

>Former /k/ommando here
> we could trick those retards to pretty much do anything for us.

bah, idiots with guns are still dangerous even if they are idiots. It would be a mercenary imbalance of power; we'd be slaves.

>> No.591346


>> No.591356

you got a map OP?

>> No.591360

so basically we'd have a huge stash of fantasy novels?

well at least we would always have fires burning

>> No.591374

Do I have to be tactical?

If so I'd pick something it would be somewhat unlikely that someone else would bring, like the works of Mishima. Probably some Foucalt too, I think Discipline and Punish would be useful in dealing with the inevitable problems that arise.

>> No.591381


>> No.591390

Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

>> No.591396

would not be much opportunity to apply its contents, tho

>> No.591403

As many of my science books as I could grasp, as many textbooks as I could grasp, and a collection of Calvin and Hobbes.

>> No.591404

I would kill you in your sleep

>> No.591405

Think. Any pregnancy. What would a bunch of 4channers do?

1. Scream like little girls and hide
2. Giggle nervously, then hide
3. Argue incessantly and loudly, then hide

>> No.591408

yup, we'd have the edge

>> No.591412

yeah. thats what they would do.

and because of that there wouldn't be any pregancies in the first place.

And the joke was that there are no women on 4chan.

>> No.591415

4. kill woman, eat fetus.

>> No.591417

My collection of political philosophy including Machiavelli, Plato, Aristotle, Marx, Hegel, St. Aquinas, St. Augustine. I'd also bring the 48 Laws of Power, the 33 Strategies of War, Sun-Tzu, Clausewitz, and Musashi so we can invade the other islands. Plus, I like those books. I'd also bring my pipe and pray that we have an infinite supply of all the different types of tobbacco.

>> No.591423

what are you gonna do with those books? throw them at the enemy in the hope to either hurt them on impact or confuse them with their content?

>> No.591426

bah, we've got about 50:50 according to the surveys

>> No.591434

Outsmart them, you ass! We give /k/ intel as they give us protection.

>> No.591437

>implying everyone on /k/ hasn't read the Art of War multiple times

>> No.591439

fuck no. see


if you've read machiavelli than you'd know that MERCS AREN'T TO BE TRUSTED.

>> No.591446

* Age: 18-34
* Gender: ~65% male, ~35% female
That's according to the whole-site statistics, and I gather we have a higher ratio of women? Either way, we should have enough women, although it might end up like Luna in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

>> No.591463



>> No.591468

in your head, motherfucker.

>> No.591475
File: 186 KB, 390x500, bec11e_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going on the thread of basic human anatomy, knowing what it is and where it goes is shit unless you know how to treat for it. Therefore, I submit this to the library as a current licensed paramedic.

tldr: yo dawg, I heard you like to stay alive, so I put some staying alive in library so you can stay alive while you stay alive

Emergency Care 10th edition

>> No.591481

The Communist Manifesto. They'll be orderly islands yet.

>> No.591482

As of now i'd have contributed Altas Shrugged.
It's mandatory at my school.

>> No.591485

All of my Loeb Classical Library books.

>> No.591488

judging from my experience in lit, we would have hundredes of copies of about 20 different books.

>> No.591489
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this goes without saying

>> No.591498

Not unless you kill them after they are weakened and have done their jobs for us.

>> No.591501

bro. We don't have guns. We don't have strength.

there are more of them than us.

>> No.591502
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advanced trauma life support as well

>> No.591503

Disregard that.

>> No.591515

Id want to be on /cm/.
Only straight women and gay/bi men go there(mostly gay id imagine)
So you get a whole bunch of horny straight chicks stuck on an island of mostly gay men.

so basically it would be paradise.

>> No.591516

I would bring my cutlass and horse and rule you all. Books that bring i would: collins gem sas survival guide, a world atlas, total lovecraft, total conan, total lotr

>> No.591517

pah, obviously you have learned nothing from reading Hobbes.

Even the weakest individual has the ability to kill the strongest in the natural state of things.

And those asshats, once out of ammo and after they killed each other over the utmost stupid things, could be easily killed in their sleep even by those faggots from /fa/.

I stick with my plan. We offer them intel and our supply of females for cooperation. We might even say "hey, don't kill us, we will be your humble servants" and then just poison them or something like that.
I would recommend this for the reason alone, that those idiots have to be purged anyway.

>> No.591525

>idealistic philosopher

oh man, you really should stay outta politics. No-one is going to become subservient by choice, authority is backed by power when it comes to politics. An alliance might hold out, but the moment there was a disagreement we'd be fucked.

walk softly and carry a big stick

>> No.591530

> implying that not everybody who studied political theories should stay out of politics

>> No.591536

>/k/ killing each other
Why would /k/ kill each other over stupid stuff and why do you assume that you could kill them so easily if they didnt have guns?

A) why would they kill each other but the other boards wouldnt? Just because they have guns?

B) They still have way more millitary know how than any of the other boards combined. I think when it comes down to it /k/, /sci/, and /b/(just by sheer numbers) will be the major forces to be reckoned with.

>> No.591538
File: 847 KB, 604x598, trollemplying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying u mad.

t-t-t-troll. I'll personally lead the first troll witch-hunt that happens on the island.

>> No.591540

/lit/ would make good jesters!

>> No.591543


>> No.591550

i like to think we are all witty and tellers of fine tales because of the books

>> No.591559

/lit/ should be the rulers

>> No.591578

they would kill each other because they are stupid and have extreme violent tendencies. since they are a group the nearest people they can argue with are themselves.

And its easy for everybody to kill someone else in their sleep.

/sci/ is pathetic, they would starve on their first day (or die of asthma-attacks and allergies).

the only force to be reckoned with is /b/ due to its size. but seeing how they are anti-social assholes, they occupy each other.

But the best reason why I think /lit/ would succeed is the fact that I am on /lit/. naturally I would be soon recognized as the strongest, smartest and most beautiful and thus elected eternal ruler of the world with a 100% majority.
As the supreme philosopher-king I would establish platos republic.

don't try to confuse me with facts on this one. be glad, you are gonna be part of the ruling class.

>> No.591591

i lol'd, good show old chap!

>> No.591596
File: 232 KB, 663x496, lit sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hypothetical scenario is so god damn stupid I thought I was on /r9k/ for a moment

>> No.591607

I lol'd

but thats how I like it, so get the fuck out

>> No.591610

I'm gonna kick yer ass the moment we get on that island, you fucking rand-troll

>> No.591614

That list is very accurate.

>> No.591627

u mad!

but why?

>> No.591637
File: 25 KB, 100x100, wtf_strum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figure it out


>> No.591677

Forget /sci/. Those guys suck. /b/ and /k/ would definitely be contending forces because of size and weapons, respectively. I would like to think that /lit/ would also be a major player, but that may just be ego talking. But seriously, you don't need to be a military power house or have a massive populace to carve out a nice little country for yourself. We might not be able to conquer /b/, for example, but why the fuck would we want to rule to 4chan archipelligo anyway? Why not have a secure island with an awesome library?

On a mostly unrelated note, nobody has mentioned /fit/. Am I the only one that thinks they would definitely team up with /k/? (they both seem to be populated with the same overly-macho testosterone junkies).

>> No.591688

This man speaks logic. He will now be ridiculed, flamed, trolled and ultimately, ignored.

Carry on.

>> No.591691

/k/ can't procreate because of all the steroids they took, so they are somewhat out of the equation in the long run.
They are also raging faggots. They would probably only pause working out in order to please each other, maybe having a pointless wrestling match because of heightened aggressiveness due to their testosterone-levels once in a while.

>> No.591702

logic? he is a goddamn pacifist wimp. he is gonna turn out just like the fat kid from lord of the lies.
first he is gonna blow the horn of reason, then hes gonna blow whoever feels like getting his dick sucked.

>> No.591723

>implying that attacking an island full of gun-toting maniacs is less logical than peacefully co-existing.

>> No.591740

> implying that the rules of logic were not abandoned by the premise of this thread

>> No.591743

I would bring
1. One Hundred Years of Solitude
2. The Catcher in The Rye
3. How to Kill a Mockingbird
4. All the Playboy issues since 1970.
Or is there going to be internet, for what I can tell about the rules of internet, there wont be any woman in that little archipielago of yours

>> No.591760

dude, stop taking OP seriously. you are ruining a perfect game here

>> No.591767


I'm pretty sure someone amongst /lit/ can play an instrument of some sort, and with the thing about all the resources, you'd have an unspoilt choice in things to make.

>> No.591769

I mean chance are, that the most covetted comodities will be woman. So b will inmediatly raid which ever island has the most

>> No.591772

I would bring all my biology, chemistry, physics, and math textbooks. I would also bring my fleshlight and a jar of peanut butter.

>> No.591795

now thats the reasoning I was expecting.

>> No.591831

yup, so me must build up a strong millitary defense to maintain our strength as a nation. Yanomamo stuff, straight from teh anthropology text

>> No.591841

>implying /b/ can figure out how to tie their shoes, much less build a boat.

>> No.592177

>only people who go to 4chan live

>> No.592270

/b/ rapidly becomes the dominating force thanks to overwhelming power in numbers. It enjoys a moment of incredible wealth, considerable social organization and institutionalized rape and orgies, but quickly crumbles under its own weight, becoming Hell on Earth. The few survivors scatter throughout the other islands.

/a/ and /c/ band together to try and create a sustainable economy by trading DVDs and manga with neighboring islands in exchange for basic necessities, seeing as most of them are incapable of taking care of themselves. /jp/ tries to incorporate itself to this nation, but the socially crippled denizens are instantly enslaved and forced to do menial labor.

>> No.592275

/d/, /e/, /h/ and /y/ form a similar alliance, trading emaciated, male prostitutes who speak broken Japanese to Japanophiles throughout the 4chan continent. They find unexpected success in this venture, and soon it becomes a country of brothels.

/f/ and /g/ pretend to form a super-nation that holds all the technological know-how and ability, which they plan to export in order to become the wealthiest island. /gif/ tags along when they're not looking, despite being completely useless. However, their utter inability to fend for themselves causes them to be trampled under /k/'s boot. Currently the /k/ommandos rule the nation, and are looking to expand.

>> No.592281


/p/, /new/, /int/ and /hr/ become journalists by trade and establish the first newspaper, scattered throughout, without a nation to call their own.

/o/ exchanges know-how with /n/ and /trv/ to become the tycoons of transportation. They build the first viable vehicles and allow the islands to communicate regularly, seeing as advanced technology is scarce, mostly being hogged by /k/.

/s/, /cm/ and /y/ band together, trying to imitate the prostitution plan of /yhed/, but fail miserably due to their 216:1 male-to-female ratio. They are soon captured and auctioned off as slaves.

/r/ become the gophers of the world, endowed with an extraordinary capability to find things. Others become common thieves. Their nation crumbles, but the people themselves thrive in other islands.

>> No.592287


Upon realizing their crippling inability to do anything productive, /t/ and /v/ band together in a desperate attempt to coexist. They find that trading video games and consoles with other islands is a fleeting but great success. /v/’s sheer size allows them to keep their head above water, but only barely.

/w/, /wg/, /i/ and /ic/ combine to form the supernation of artists, painters and designers. They would have still perished, had they not struck a deal with the powerful nation of /co/ to become their employees. /tg/ throws its hat into the ring as well, and they become entrepeneurs of entertainment.

/r9k/ seclude themselves in a great, silver lighthouse of iron, designated as the watchmen of the islands, but all they really do is whine in there. The community of /adv/ blossoms around it.

>> No.592292


/an/ become hardened survivalists and hunters; with the help of /ck/'s culinary know-how and /cgl/'s sowing savvy (overseen by /fa/), they become the most powerful nation, supplying basic necessities to all the other islands. /fit/ and /sp/ become their soldiers.

/lit/ and /sci/ become a relatively peaceful island, exporting knowledge and instruction, allowing the other islands to become self-sufficient. Their occupation by /k/ was feared, but they strike a felicitous deal with /m/, and now their libraries are guarded by Gundams.

/po/ and /toy/ become handy craftsmen, good with their hands, abandoning paper cranes and plastic robots for more useful things in this new situation. They are eventually absorbed by the /lit/-/sci/ community, strengthening both.

>> No.592301


/tv/ mostly dies out, but all the nice old ladies who just want to discuss their favorite shows in peace dispersed and are allowed to inhabit other islands, where they manage quaint little coffeehouses or tell stories before bedtime to the surplus of thirteen-year-olds in every island.

/x/ lies hidden; its location is a thing of legend. A dense, supernatural mist obscures their whereabouts. Nobody knows how they're faring. Some say that their island is actually a gargantuan, dormant sea-monster.

It's a brave, new world.

>> No.592312

Sir, I fucking tip my hat to thee. Thou wins.

>> No.592313

It's a brave, new world.

nicccccce. this the epilogue?

>> No.592317

>/mu/, /g/, /fa/ and /k/
>what you are wearing and holding
>boxers, my dick


>> No.592323

This is the most bleak,depressing and terrifying scenario i have heard.
We are all fucked.
I think i would chose to kill my

>> No.592331

I would bring the newest edition of the English dictionary.

>> No.592332

its beautiful

>> No.592336


>> No.592337

lol, /lit/'s library would consist of:

30% manga
30% pulp fantasy and sci-fi
30% romantic novels
8% copies of Atlas Shrugged
1% high-brow philosophical texts
1% actually useful books

>and now their libraries are guarded by Gundams.

This, however, is fucking awesome.

>> No.592354

Maybe I'm being blindy optimistic, but I think a community ran by us would not be so bad. We just need to keep our women safe, strike a deal with /k/ and stay the fuck away from /b/.

>> No.592410

Remember that just like /co/mrades, c/lit/s are together for their love of stories, even if the medium and techniques change.
So we could get together easily. That way we would have a women population only comparable to /cm/, /y/ and the like.

>> No.592427

> strike a deal with /k.
no, a thousand times NO.

but it would be pretty damn awesome. Shit, this would be the kind of situation I actually WANT to be in.

>> No.592449

i want to ride about on my mighty steed with my mighty hound and save maidens