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5912963 No.5912963 [Reply] [Original]

I recently bought a moleskine, I can't remember the dimensions exactly but it is somewhere between a5 - a4 and has blank pages (non lined) Boy its quiet beautiful, though my hand writing (like my mind) is extremely messy and i am afraid to taint its beautiful pages with my nonsensical writing... Am I alone here? Or do you guys have that sort of "how to start a journal" anxiety, I have my old journal, its a modena, really nice and ive managed to pump out a few pages in there, (ripping out a few here and there) which im trying to avoid with this moleskine... Are there any resouces on improving your hand writing at 20? or should i go with the flow and let my own character shine through my writing.

TL;DR: Poor handwriting journal writing anxiety, Also any famous writers with exceptionally bad hand writing?

>> No.5912970

>I recently bought a moleskine
-> /reddit/

>> No.5913001

>Not just a notepad or a small spiral notebook

>> No.5913002


if you both must know i didn't buy it at all, it was a christmas gift from my girlfriend

>> No.5913071

I stopped buying them after I bough 3, had to tear out a page and then felt like I ruined them.

Maybe I'm just too much a fucking perfectionist.

>> No.5913077

Im the same, Not a perfectionist though because i like things a certain 'messy'... maybe just my idea of perfection

>> No.5913078


>> No.5913106

This has fag written all over it

>> No.5913135

>I recently bought
>you both must know i didn't buy it

Stop lying OP

>> No.5913404
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>From my girlfriend

Fuck off normie

>> No.5913411 [DELETED] 

take it to a STEM board, assberger

>> No.5913412

Shut the fuck up, you shitposting fucking retard. God damn am I happy the fat autistic spergs on this website will have to suffer through -decades- of their "feels". What thouroughly, completely garbage wastes of organs. I am so happy you shitheads have terrible lives. You're all so dumb and petty and confused by the world. Fuck you and everyone like you. Autists should be put down on diagnoses.

>> No.5913443

It's a fucking journal OP, it's supposed to reflect your innermost self. If your handwriting sucks, congratulations, you have shitty handwriting. The words inscribed aren't impacted by how it looks.

>> No.5913658

Why don't people keep journals these days?

>> No.5913666

wow you got trolled. these autists can't be as powerless as you say if they can get you so shook

>> No.5913701


I keep one in the morning and the night. Vaguely inspired by Benjamin Franklin's "What good shall I do today" method.

>> No.5913763

I used to get good notebooks from my parents when I was younger and I had the same problem. I have the writing of an autistic four-year old and was afraid how it would look in my nice journals. I just kept writing in my ordinary spiral notebooks until I felt like I had something worthwhile to write. Then I'd write in my nice notebook.

>> No.5913784

[Spoiler]no such thing as halfway crooks.[/spoiler]

>> No.5914305

>gets trips
>doesn't recognize copypasta
Man what are you doing with your life?

>> No.5914953


OP, listen to me. If you want to have any hope of becoming a decent, cultured, well-read, patrician, polyglot human being, please burn your Moleskine this instant. If you really want to journal and record your thoughts and grow as an individual, you will break up with your girlfriend and go to the nearest office supply store to buy a spiral notebook or notepad. This way, when you're in a coffee shop or park or wherever, you can write comfortably with the assurance that you're not on the hipster bandwagon. However, if you foresee yourself becoming a more prolific journaler (such as any writer of antiquity) and want something more durable, then spend your time researching the best writer's journals that aren't Moleskins (every great writer has done this, I promise), because writing in a Moleskine will make you a cocksucking faggot. Buy a Rhodia or Field Notes or Midori, or even pay the extra shipping cost for a Leuchtturm or Cartesio--no matter the cost or inconvenience, do whatever you can to buy anything but a Moleskine, so that if you ever write outside--or even, god forbid--a coffeeshop, you won't be judged by a self-styled literati who actually gives a shit what brand of journal you write in.

But don't worry at all OP; what you're describing is symptomatic of getting a first (nice) journal. The feeling will wear off the more you write. Remember that you are journaling for yourself, not anyone else. A blank page is a blank page.

>> No.5915019

Do you need to have a journal? Doing it only to keep record of what you do ("Dear diary, today I went to class..." bullshit) seems kind of pointless.

Also, Moleskine it's say to expensive compared to their quality, you're paying for the brand more than the journal itself.

My journal is a Leuchtturm1917, it's better than the moleskine in pretty much every aspect and around the same price. Since you already bought a moleskine better use it, but consider leuchtturm1917 for your next notebook.