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/lit/ - Literature

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5909440 No.5909440 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you are writing something that you know is really good and will be loved by most of those who read it and might even make waves in the political world but you don't know if you can make it to the end.

>You don't know if you can keep on living with this much pain even though that is what makes your writing decent.

>You don't if you'd rather kill yourself or finish the only thing you will be proud of.

Is this what being a writer is guys?

I have plenty of friends and I make plenty of laughs and I make plenty of girls wet.

But I've been plagued with this crushing feeling and it drives me to write and read and that is it.

Sex doesn't even do it for me. Neither do drugs or alcohol.

Just writing and reading. But that isn't life.

I don't enjoy money or women or men or food or sport or family or life at the most basest of forms.

The only time I feel fulfilled is when I write. I write while in a trance as well and the only time I'm aware of it is when I stop and go back and edit the pages I have written.

This isn't life.

I wanted a wife to love.

I wanted a family.

I wanted a home near a lake so I could go fishing during the days of my retirement.

I don't know why I'm telling you dolts this. All you do is critique each others shitty short stories and brag about how much you enjoyed On the Road and do your best to imitate Hemmingway and Kafka and Fitzgerald when you know deep down that you can never scream as loud as they could.

God kill me.

>> No.5909448

Cool story, bro

>> No.5909498

Maybe you should kill yourself you worthless blogging faggot

>> No.5909525

I know how you can fill the void in your life, OP.


>> No.5909534

>you can never scream as loud as they could

Go to bed Oprah

>> No.5909541

I don't know why I'm telling you dolts this. All you do is critique each others shitty short stories and brag about how much you enjoyed On the Road and do your best to imitate Hemmingway and Kafka and Fitzgerald when you know deep down that you can never scream as loud as they could.

Because you dont have friends and you need validation, maybe the reason you dont have friends is that you think everyone but you is stupid

>> No.5909552

First you have a life, then you write about what have you learnt
If you spend your whole life reading and writting then you will never produce anything original, you will just reflect on the discoveries of other people

>> No.5909557


I recommend lighting up a nice satvia leaning blend of marijuana if you don't already smoke. Certainly helps my depression a fuck load more than self help books or traditional medicine ever did. Though I guess a lot of it was because it made the self help books stick.

>> No.5909562


To be fair the vantage point being the farthest in the future as any other human at the moment and consuming those past works and ideas lets you apply them in different ways.

>> No.5909670

>Because you dont have friends and you need validation, maybe the reason you dont have friends is that you think everyone but you is stupid

But I have friends and I don't think everyone else is stupid.

>> No.5909673
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>> No.5909682

>you are writing something that you know is really good
Post an excerpt you're proud of. A chapter, a paragraph, even just a few lines.

You're asking us if you should end your life now or finish what you're writing first. I need to read your work or at least have an idea of its quality to answer your question.

>> No.5909686

>something that you know is really good and will be loved by most of those who read it and might even make waves in the political world
As a fellow talented patrician who wrote stuff this good, finish saying what you have to say before killing yourself.

>> No.5909765
File: 279 KB, 1182x768, why does he lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After delivering myself of this extraordinary and complicated romance, I grew confused, and blushed so much that every one must have seen that I was lying. Both Varenika, who was handing me a cup of tea, and Sophia Ivanovna, who had been gazing at me throughout, turned their heads away, and began to talk of something else with an expression which I afterwards learnt that good-natured people assume when a very young man has told them a manifest string of lies—an expression which says, "Yes, we know he is lying, and why he is doing it, the poor young fellow!"

>> No.5909810

Post a textual example.

>> No.5909896
File: 22 KB, 325x246, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jizzus Christ, look at the bitch in the middle.
She craves the cock.

>> No.5909897

Anyone can make a girl wet if they have a big nerd like you to piss themselves over lmao #WREKTIFIED

>> No.5909899
File: 14 KB, 202x200, sluut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She CRAVES it, man.

>> No.5909903
File: 9 KB, 142x82, sluuut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's eye raping him!

>> No.5909909


You can rest assured that whatever you are writing is absolute garbage, you're just fantasizing about being one of the greats with muh depression, and deep down, you only want to kill yourself because you know if you attempted to publish your work, you would receive mountains of form rejection letters.

>> No.5909916

>whatever you are writing is absolute garbage, you're just fantasizing about being one of the greats
Jesus, this is some Chris Hansen tier projecting...

>> No.5909969

You're a very silly person if you think anyone here is just going to take your word that your writings will change the world. Going further, you don't KNOW that you will be great, because no one can know the future; that is just your expectation of what will happen, a fantasy. Lastly, you ask why you are telling us this when you seem to resent us.... well, what do YOU think, Herr Autor?

>> No.5909977

wait, so when chicks look at u like that it means u can hit it? shit, now you tell me

>> No.5910035

Hours slipped by and the outside world trudged on with flashing lights and megaphones. Artificially illuminated obelisks of industry tower above the army of scurrying specks below. The piercing light emanating from the sky idols has made the little creatures forget about the wondrous fire that burns beyond. The beckoning cry of the unknown ignored as their ears are pumped full of pleasant lies and soothing coos of sex and half hopes of fortune. Their glazed dull eyes are fixed on the pavement and on the varied color schemes in the shape of universal signs. Stop, Go, Prepare CITI Card. Their minds don't have the ability to engage in thought. Instead they carry out automated schematics of means to get food, sex, currency, shelter, and products to improve their image. Sometimes there is a ping of thought that lingers for mere milliseconds but they cannot grasp it. They can't hold or chase it. It slips bye barely noticed and disappears into the maw. They have gone far too long without it. They have gone far too long with structure and trend. The spark of ingenuity and sheer intelligence was systematically maimed in the classrooms in an age lost and forgotten. Then it was swiftly executed with distraction and monotony.

>> No.5910040

Are you dying, OP?

>> No.5910046

I went and fixed part of a ceiling that was rotten and inside it was dead wasps and the largest abandoned hive I've ever seen.

>> No.5910057

Is this you OP? What about it is revolutionary? This is Wall-E tier social criticism.

>> No.5910060

>you would receive mountains of form rejection letters.

I believe I will because my novel won't fit the social and political narrative that is in place currently.

>> No.5910073
File: 109 KB, 768x898, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this what being a writer is guys?

>> No.5910099

It's good to have an ego protecting narrative ready.

>> No.5910120

I already have secured a reader base.

I don't have an inflated ego. I have shown many chapters and excerpts to anonymous people who read books instead of pretending to write them like yourself.

Why do you hate me so much you don't even know me. You seem so sure that a stranger on the internet who writes because it's the only thing that gives him pleasure and purpose won't be good at writing a novel.

I don't know why you hate me.

>> No.5910123

I love this post somehow.

>> No.5910131


>vomit prose

literally vomit

like your brain just spewed the most 101 babby's first political thoughts onto paper with no filter or editing beyond looking at a thesaurus every now and then

then and again it is just one paragraph which is always difficult to critique but it's definitely not good, probably terrible

>> No.5910154


>> No.5910165

Hey OP, I like it. You got bit too melancholic in the OP but I agree with you, this is a very bizarre tier of 'life', even on /lit/ most people don't ''get'' it because it requires a strong environmental context to make you end up this way.

It's just one of the images of writing, likely the most drastic one.

>> No.5910168

Honestly OP, sounds like some kind of demonic possession.

>> No.5910173


>> No.5910178


>make waves in the political world

lol. no. Politics is controlled by money, not ideology. I really have to question your wisdom if you think that a book is gonna accomplish any political effect.

>> No.5910182

I did have a nightmare a month ago where a goatman showed me WWIII and told me that I was his son and his soldier.

I wasn't able to sleep for two days and every time I tried during that period my ears would explode with the screams of women and sheep.

But it's one of those noises where it emanates from your skull while your ears make its own thunderous noise as if they are trying to block it out.

It's weird that you brought that up .

>> No.5910190

>I really have to question your wisdom if you think that a book is gonna accomplish any political effect.

I'm not writing mien kamf or Gaddafi's green book.

I'm not Karl Marx either. It's fiction.

But fiction does rub elbows.

>> No.5910195

I remember a few famous authors having similar experiences to yours, namely having joyless lives and writing in trance like states. J. K. Rowling for example.
People here have criticized you for not having literary prose but there is a good reason why you wouldn't have that; your work is intended for a mass audience, like Harry Potter was.
My interpretation of the dream would be that the demon was bragging about using you as a pawn to spread his doctrines around the world.

>> No.5910204


>> No.5910209


>> No.5910211


OP you can give up the ruse, you had me going for a little while but your trolling just got a whole less subtle. Overall good effort pretending to be a condescending douche, you get an 8.5/10 on the trolling scale.

If you're not a troll then your prose isn't bad at all, but the subject matter is far from revolutionary, it was pretty much

>hurr look at me I'm so smart and everyone else is a sheep incapable of basic thoughts why am I so tormented with my superior intelligence

>> No.5910213


wow everybody looks like we've got a major edgelord over here! tip tip

>> No.5910231


if you're work did have a mass influence OP it would be a bad sign.
there is a mass psychology technique called predictive programming. It involves showing a populace an event that is going to happen and how to react to it, so that when the event does happen they passively accept it and behave accordingly.
so the spreading of this kind of dystopian nightmare vision would be a way of psychologically bullying mankind into accepting a dystopian world.

>> No.5910232


My book is to trick indoctrinated college idiots into reading it and then showing them how much self deprecation they have done to their own people and the after effects it will cause for the decades to come.

Everyone knows that the world is fucked. The difference is normal people think that they only know.

It's easy to play to their narrative. It truly is.

I mean the title of the novel is just a goddamn honeypot for morons who just finished reading animal farm and 1984.

Nobody has been able to publish the subject matter of what I am pushing.

I don't believe everyone else in this world is a sheep. I'm just counting on condescending jerks to think that way.

And in the literary community it is chock full of them.

>> No.5910234

So subtle

>> No.5910236

Tell us more about the book itself.
What is the difference between your book and Brave New World / 1984?
Who is/are the ruler(s) of this dystopia?

>> No.5910237

You are suffering a messiah complex
Been there

>> No.5910238

> Who is/are the ruler(s) of this dystopia?
strong independent transwomyn of color

>> No.5910242

You sure don't sound like a good writer, stop crying.

>> No.5910245

Now imagine that your 19 and had just recently let 1984 or animal farm or brave new world sink in.

I have you eating out of my hand.

Now imagine that your a college social marxist who hates corporation and believes that it enslaves the human race.

I have you eating out of my hand.
I'm too far ahead of you guys. You can shit on my prose all you want but you what I am saying is true.

>> No.5910246


>Nobody has been able to publish the subject matter of what I am pushing.

why, what is your subject matter?

>> No.5910252

Is this b8? Maybe you should end it all OP

>> No.5910253


Okay and I hope you get your book published some day and overcome your depression but you really need to tone down the edginess in your prose if you want to accomplish what you said from your narrative because currently you're hitting your reader over the head with it.

>> No.5910256

what the fuck is happening here

>> No.5910262

>Who is/are the ruler(s) of this dystopia

Who says it's a dystopia?

If I'm pandering to liberals I'm going to make it a liberal heaven. Not over the top with a tranny overlord or any of that bullshit. There is a "working democracy". Mixed race male president.

Sure some of what I say might be heavy handed but most people will read that as good subtle political writing because they are idiots.

But the whole point of the book is to get these idiots to read it and empathize with the protagonist. Then the climax happens and a crushing realization falls upon the protagonist and it is something that is completely backwards from what these idiots say they support in real life. But because they have become attached to my protagonist they will support his decision and empathize and then hate the system that punishes him. The same system that is pretty blatantly based off a core version of what an ideal utopian government would be like for the reader.

Then for everyone else it's heavy handed satire that was made for the sole purpose to change the young minds of those who potentially be cancer to our upcoming generations political party.

>> No.5910272
File: 31 KB, 587x558, 1307563663001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you in green text format:

>OP has ambitions of being a writer
>He is subtly brainwashed over the years into developing a cynical view of the world and misanthropic disdain for mankind
>A demon comes and starts to channel a book through him; however, this same demon torments OP so that he is miserable whenever he is not writing, compelling him to write
>In a state of misery he complains to 4chan about his life
>because lit is full of layabouts who do nothing but like to dream of being fantastic literary authors they are extremely upset when someone claims to be a good writer
>OP is proud about his writing and speaks about it
>this offends lit who then insult OP in a childish manner
>this fuels OP's pride and disdain for humanity
>he'll go away and finish writing his book in a demonic trance
>The book is more or less the devil bragging about how he has brainwashed and brutalized mankind
>it'll be a huge success and be turned into a movie or three
>OP enjoys brief fame and fortune but his misery never seems to go away, and so he eventually kills himself and joins the legion of the damned for eternity

>> No.5910274

samefags and teenagers

>> No.5910277

So long story short I'm doing my best to make our future generation not so shit by attempting to influence them away from a socially and economically suicidal point of view that very well could become a serious political party within the next twenty years because of how much indoctrination of this garbage is shoveled down students throats by professors in all levels of education.

>> No.5910281


I like it now that you explained it fully, but I still think you should tone it down just a tad bit. And you should see a shrink about those demonic visions.

>> No.5910282

You know OP, I was talking to a guy on /mu/ once. I made a thread going over the lyrics of this rock musician showing how they are full of prophecy and demonic inspiration
Most of the people there were laughing it up and saying yeah whatever. However, one guy responded and started having a conversation with me. This man was the most subtlest and seemingly wise man I have ever spoken with on the internet. He seemed to know exactly what I was talking about. I'm telling you all this because he spoke EXACTLY how you are doing now, viz. he talked about how he was a musician, how he was certain to have success, and how he would pander to idiot liberals or other brainwashed demographics by singing lyrics that appeal to them. I can't get across how subtle he was. Unlike you he seemed to be aware that he was being influenced by the demonic.

>> No.5910304

'All great men are my sons and my soldiers.'

The worst part about all this is that I wrote the about the nightmare right after I had it.

I'm not bullshitting you.

>> No.5910305

It's not well written and I haven't edited it. But do you want me to post it to prove it? Because you are freaking me the fuck out.

>> No.5910308

Well, you should try prayer and reading from the Gospels. Also, stop writing for a while. The affect that this has on you should give you an idea of whether or not it is demonic.

>> No.5910310


it doesn't matter how "well written" it is

>> No.5910313

Fuck that shit. It's either I'm blowing my brains out or I'm finishing this novel.

>> No.5910314

I felt the gentle touch on both arms as I was flanked by two slender women garbed in flowing ivory white robes. They were of equal height and their chestnut hair flowed and danced as we walked through polished marbled halls. Their faces were bright and beautiful and their eyes held warmth. They guided me through the halls and showed me great works of art and sculpture. Fountains of spirits and angels sprouting from the water. Portraits of immortals fending off demons. Murals of utopia with orchards and the naked saved. I was entranced by it all. I had never seen a collection so impressive in my life especially one that was all made by human hands. The last work they guided me to was of a large fountain of ebony and gold. An uneasy feeling sank deep inside me as my eyes roved and studied the large golden sculpture of the goatman that sat on a dais in the middle of the fountain. It had its head craned upwards to stare at the ceiling or whatever lay beyond. The arms on the beast were human and one was raised and ended with two fingers pointed with the remaining three bent to clutch the palm. The other arm and hand were the same except they pointed at a downwards angle.

The two beautiful women let go of my arms and jumped into the fountain and began drinking the water.

One turned to me as she was cupping the water in her hands and said with a sweet gentle voice. “This is our favorite work in the cathedral. Isn't it beautiful?”

I didn't respond. A creeping paranoia was seeping in from the back of my skull. Little whispers told me to flee.

The angelic voice called out to me once more. “Come. Come and taste it. It is pure. Come and taste it. Then come and taste us. Drink. It is pure.”

My legs started moving and my heart began to pound and the whisper became a hysterical scream.

I bent to one knee and felt the cold from the marble against my exposed skin. The virgin brought her cupped hands to my face and I sipped. It was cold and it was pure. The virgin then dipped her hands into the fountain once more, cupped them, and dripped water onto the top of my head and face.

They then got out of the fountain and picked me up from my knee and placed their gent hands once again onto my arms and led me from the room.

They both looked up to me and said “You tasted the god's water now it is time to taste his daughters.”

>> No.5910316

We walked under an archway and into a courtyard where the sandals met crushed white stone rather than smoothed marble. As we crossed it two old crones with hunched backs and boils and walking canes hobbled to us. When they reached us they asked in creaking voices to look into our eyes to see our futures.

With shaking hands plagued by arthritis they attempted to touch the faces of the virgins but they shied away in fear. Then they turned to me with their shaking hands.

With slight annoyance I let them touch my face with their crooked fingers and they both gasped and when they looked into my eyes horror befell them. They began to shriek wildly and hobble away from us. “MOLLACH IS HERE! BETHLEMET IS HERE! BETHLEMET IS WITHIN THE CATHEDRAL OF GOD!”

The once blue bright sky above darkened and rolling black blacks blanketed the heavens. I turned to question the women on each arm but they disintegrated into dust and dissipated with the growing wind.

Within seconds all light was engulfed by darkness.

I began to blindly run in the direction of the cathedral entrance but my legs quickly became numb and the sensation of cooled tar encased my limbs.

A hellish voice called out from everywhere. “Where are you running to?”

I began to pray. I began to ask for forgiveness from god.

The voice called out once again. “There is nowhere to run to.”

I felt hot tears streak down my cheeks as I sputtered out. “Our father who art in heaven-”

>> No.5910321

Thunderous condescending laughter rained upon me and drowned out the rest of the prayer.

“You pray to him? He's doesn't care about your kind anymore. You are dead to him. Why pray to him?”

I am weeping now as I repeat the prayer.

“You pathetic little worm. I am your god not him. He has wrote you off while I have rewarded your brothers kindly and in time I will reward you too.”

With all the courage I could muster I shouted out into the darkness with fear staining my voice. “YOU ARE NOT MY GOD!”

The thunderous laughter answered.

“Oh I am and you are my son and my soldier. All great men are my sons and my soldiers.”

The world flashed to life and the world spun with a collage of light and voices. Of speeches and assassinations. Of wars and treaties. Of trials and prisons. Of rich men and beautiful women. Of empires birthed and destroyed by revolution and blood.

It began to spin faster and faster. “I am the weaver of history and you are my string. Everything important that has ever happened is because of me. Everything you know is because of me. The world you live in is because of me. I am your god and you are my son and soldier. All great men are my sons and my soldiers and I have chosen you.”

Then there was silence and the world went dark. A lone miniscule white sphere appeared in the tapestry of black. Then the white sphere grew and grew and grew until it was the size of a fist.

A faint breeze grazed the skin of my face and the world around me exploded into fire and mushrooms clouds. Tanks and war wearied soldiers trudging over mountains of irradiated corpses. Flags of Zion flow across the scorched earth. Slaves in gold and silver manacles keep their eyes glued to poorly drawn images of sex and treasure. Lines of young angry men have their tongues and their hands lopped off by their fathers and mothers. Blood bubbles up from the earth and bleeds in all cities. Men clutching books to their hearts are hunted down and strung up on lampposts. Orgies in the streets. Wives castrating their husbands. Fire in the skies. Decay and green paper on the ground. The engulfing chorus of screaming goats and sheep fills my ears and it pours into my skull and fills every nook and cranny.

“You are my soldier you are my son. I will make you rich and comfortable. I will give you women and I will give power. You are my soldier and my son. You are mine.”

My singed eyes begin to slowly open and the blurry image of a hulk of a man with a goat's head standing amongst the piles of dirty laundry in my bedroom appears. Terror grips me and I quickly close my eyes once more. I hear the clack of his hooves against the hardwood of my floor as he turns and opens my door and exits and closes it behind him.

My eyes shoot open. I dare not move. I dare not breathe.

The chilling cries of goats and sheep still ring.

>> No.5910327
File: 56 KB, 299x439, Baphomet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The arms on the beast were human and one was raised and ended with two fingers pointed with the remaining three bent to clutch the palm. The other arm and hand were the same except they pointed at a downwards angle.

pic related

this certainly does sound demonic OP

>> No.5910336


OP, "Mollach" is obviously Molech/Moloch. Bethlemet is the figure I'm the image I posted above, Baphomet. I don't know if these two are the same or not.

>> No.5910339


Post counter ruined the thread, it was kind of spooky for a minute but the narrative itt is too laser focused and seems unnatural. Still, kudos anyways. Look into proxies and this thread would be great.

>> No.5910344

im none of those things and i tihnk youre stupid.
you remind me of that weird sonic kid from all those cringe-videos

>> No.5910351

cuz you seem like an autistic attention whore. Is there anything more cringe-worthy?

>> No.5910357

Prose is alright, but the other people here are right, OP. The key to social criticism is subtlety and finesse. Otherwise you end up looking like a giant douche.

>> No.5910358

The fucked up this is I'm not samefagging.

I almost wanted to when a flurry of hate came to me when I posted the exert.

I know this is an anonymous board and it is prone to manipulation but I swear I'm not samefagging.

>> No.5910359

Yeah. There was a prophec in the 19th century. The Virgin Mary appeared to a young girl in Late Salette, France, and told her, among other things, that Rome would lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. Somewhere around 1900, I can't remember the date, Pope Leo XIII collapsed, in a cathedral I believed, and saw a vision of Satan speaking with Christ. Satan said that he was about to overthrow Christ's Church, and that he only had to have a little more time and more power over the people in his control. Christ said that he would give Satan this time and power. This vision caused Pope Leo XIII to formulate the famous Prayer to St. Michael which was prayed after every Mass. After the end of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s the pope at that time, Paul VI, said that the smoke of Satan had entered the Church.
So you entering a cathedral and being told that Baphomet has entered the cathedral of God has has precedence. It is also prophesied in the Bible, the Book of Revelation/Apocalypse, I believe.

Go to Google now and search for "Flaubert three tales", something like that. It's on gutenberg.org, three short stories by Flaubert. I believe it's the first one that presents the same history as you do in this dream, namely of the Devil inspiring great men and being in control of great events. Writers and artists have been influenced by spirits for thousands of years. In the old days they would invoke the muse. Plato talks about how the poets of genius received their genius from spirits.

>> No.5910367

>Late Salette
La Salette, this device has auto-correct.

>> No.5910368
File: 199 KB, 1000x1250, 1408756222892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, mate, finish the novel. Then smoke some weed, take acid, go to church, or whatever. (But not at the same time, unless your demonic muse says its a good idea.)

>> No.5910373

I have only gotten 4 hours of sleep in the last two days and you can tell it is me posting because most of my posts are littered with missing words in sentences.

>> No.5910379

Give me your email please.

>> No.5910382

this is Satan speaking in Flaubert's tale:

I bring birth and I give life. I direct empires and govern the affairs of States and of hearts.

I must be everywhere. The precious metals flow, the diamonds glitter, and men's names resound at my command. I whisper in the ears of women, of poets, and of statesmen, words of love, of glory, of ambition. With Messalina and Nero, at Paris and at Babylon, within the self-same moment do I dwell. Let a new island be discovered, I fly to it ere man can set foot there; though it be but a rock encircled by the sea, I am there in advance of men who will dispute for its possession. I lounge, at the same instant, on a courtesan's couch and on the perfumed beds of emperors. Hatred and envy, pride and wrath, pour from my lips in simultaneous utterance. By night and day I work. While men ate burning Christians, I luxuriate voluptuously in baths perfumed with roses; I race in chariots; yield to deep despair; or boast aloud in pride.

At times I have believed that I embodied the whole world, and all that I have seen took place, in verity, within my being.

Sometimes I weary, lose my reason, and indulge in such mad follies that the most worthless of my minions ridicule me while they pity me.

>> No.5910384

little fuckin manson jr. over here. grow up retard

>> No.5910390


>> No.5910394

little fuckin manson jr. over here. grow up retard

Did you even read the thread? Is that supposed to be insulting?

>> No.5910396


I'm not a wise man and you shouldn't expect wisdom from me. I'll talk to you though and help you in whatever way I can. But ultimately, you will need supernatural help for a supernatural problem.

>> No.5910400


the more I realize that this might not be b8, the more depressed I am for op and the world in general

the vocabulary is passable, but the prose is like 8th grade and the plot is just.......... edgelord3000

this is what happens when someone of average taste decides to write a "great" book

>> No.5910420

delusssioooons of grandeuuur

>> No.5910422

>Flags of Zion

Is this the Israeli white flag with blue Star of David?

>> No.5910423

That was of my nightmare friend. I wrote that right after I had it.

I didn't edit or spruce it up.

>> No.5910429

Le masterminds ellaborate ruse
Whats the point of writting for people you deem stupid?, shouldnt you be writting for people you deem intelligent?

>> No.5910435

yeah but heres the thing op: no teenagers, or anybody at all for that matter, is going to read this book.
for one thing you probably wont finish it, for the second it definitely sucks.
and lastly you ust seem like a fag

>> No.5910437

So," /pol/: the book: the false flag"?

>> No.5910443

underrated post

>> No.5910445

I don't know.

That is a great question.

I think it is because I respect those who are intelligent and those who are more intelligent than me.

I want to change a group of people for the better. I want to change how they look at something and I want it to nag at them whenever they are reminded of it.

In most intelligent men the only things that do that are their own musings and thoughts.

>> No.5910466

>says the teenage scholar author

>> No.5910468


>> No.5910478

>I want to change a group of people for the better.

I want them to think what I think

>I want to change how they look at something and I want it to nag at them whenever they are reminded of it.

I want them to see things as I see them.

>> No.5910483

I want to send a warning.

I'm not recruiting trial members for a cult.

>> No.5910498

A warning in terrible prose.

Fix your prose and your attitude and I wouldn't dislike you.

>> No.5910518

You don't even know me and all you read was an excerpt. A measly paragraph.

Why do you wish to attack me when all I have been is honest with you all.

It is like half of you are real people and the rest of you hate others because they don't write in the same way that you do (if you even write at all).

It takes a lot of courage to let other eyes scan your hard work. You just want an excuse to hate me.

So fuck you I don't have to change anything because all those I have shown outside of this place are easily enthralled by my so called shit prose and shit attitude.

You are in worse shape than I am and I don't don't whether to help you or scrape you off my boot.

>> No.5910523



dying at this sincere bait

>> No.5910540

>So fuck you I don't have to change anything because all those I have shown outside of this place are easily enthralled by my so called shit prose and shit attitude.

my sides

>> No.5910542


>You don't even know me and all you read was an excerpt.
>You are in worse shape than I am

Well aren't you a bit of a hypocrite?

>Why do you wish to attack me when all I have been is honest with you all.

It wasn't an attack. I'd actually like to see your prose and attitude improved.

Also, I hate to break it to you, but people might not respond as honestly to your writing when you are face to face with them as they do when they're anonymous.

I'll take it

>> No.5910557

>Also, I hate to break it to you, but people might not respond as honestly to your writing when you are face to face with them as they do when they're anonymous.

Was also anonymous.

>> No.5910572


>op with a mask wandering the streets with his autism manifesto approaching strangers
>p-p-please r-r-read this and l-l-let me t-t-rick y-y-you i-i-indoctrinated i-i-idiots

>> No.5910579

if you have doubts then its shit, throw it out

and stop being a faggot on 4chan

>> No.5910584

gud boast

>> No.5910614 [DELETED] 

Hey, demon scholars of /lit/, I also had a weird nightmare about a year ago. I didn't write it down but I remember it well.

In the dream I stand inside a dilapidated building, perhaps a factory or a school, or some other large and public building. I can see through the walls and scan the building's interior. The building is empty save for a room near the basement, which contains a large bird cage. Inside the cage is the devil, but it's only his body that's fettered, and through the house his spirit moves. The dream ends with his spirit coming up through the floorboards behind me and pressing his thumb into my back.

>> No.5910625

this thread is fucking /x/ tier

>> No.5910664

This thread is gold

>> No.5910698

>Now imagine that your a college social marxist who hates corporation and believes that it enslaves the human race.
I'm one of those OP, your writing is shit. You aren't William Gibson and you should stop pretending you might be.

>> No.5910705

Calling the audience you don't even have yet 'idiots' says more about you than it does about this imaginary audience.

>> No.5910755
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>> No.5910760

God, I haven't laughed this much in months. I hope someone archives this.

>> No.5910772


the fact that you interpret the world through internet memes only supports anon's point about people like you.

>> No.5910786


plz plz link us to an excerpt of your world-changing prose.

goddamn why is it always that the most self-satisfied, arrogant, self-proclaimed "writers" are the ones with the most middling ability.

i think deep down they don't care so much about communication as they do about recognition.

>> No.5910791

basically this, and i'm one of those layabouts

>> No.5910798


wait, what is this about a demon? wtf are you on about m8

>> No.5910855

honest critique for op: you need to pare back. the only people who would read this are the already converted but but a whole book of this would be wearying to read. also, you are explaining too much instead of revealing your ideas through characterization. you have the beginnings of good prose but you need to be less strident and dramatic.

>> No.5910911

>posts picture of fascist Spanish forces
>says his book is political

hmmm. i think we will all do well without your infantile thoughts in circulation.

>> No.5910998

OP, if this is really you, after careful and long deliberation, kill yourself and every relative that could spread genes similar to yours.

Jesus fucking Christ that was shit. Like, "14 year old that thinks he's the only thinking man in a world of sheeps" shit.

>> No.5911009

>I don't have an inflated ego.

>says he's a tormented, genius writer that could change the world
>his writing is 4th grade level edgy shit
>he doesn't have an inflated ego
Come on, this is an obvious troll.

>> No.5911016

Either troll or 14 year old.
Abandoning thread either way.

>> No.5911033
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 47558490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel an immense sense of relief

>> No.5911060


i love it when the reality of a thing turns out to be exactly as you imagined it.

>> No.5911067

He seems to be just a kid, leave him alone.

>> No.5911082


arrogance should be exposed and punished at all ages.

>> No.5911099

If we don't cut him down, helle never grow up.

>> No.5911106

I agree with this. This is a really shitty place. Depressed uncreatives do their best to kill whatever originality they find in the cradle out of sheer jealousy. Yes, jealousy, not just envy, because they're of such miserable spirit that they would rather destroy the successes of others than attempt their own.

>> No.5911110

>What is clinical depression?
>"Oh i'm sorry, the answer was "OP is a faggot"

>> No.5911131

Grow the fuck up, /lit/

The OP is probably a nice guy, albeit young and filled with grand ideas. His prose is not even that bad; I'm willing to bet he could become a solid writer if he's willing to invest enough time.

Why are you all trying to destroy him for the sake of it? Are you actually jealous of him? are you afraid he might steal your niche?

Also, to the OP. Keep writing, but be aware masterpieces are not simply the result of divine possession : you have to keep writing while constantly editing yourself. Your "trances" must be followed by hours of hating every word you have just written.

>> No.5911143

1. i am myself a writer, 2. this person's work is not original, 3. this person is not successful

he is being chastised because of his grating smugness, and for the predictable follow-up that demonstrated just how unjustified that smugness was. not because of jealousy.

>> No.5911145

>Why are you all trying to destroy him for the sake of it?
Because he came in here calling himself a great writer and posted mediocre prose.
Emphasis on 'came in here:' if he didn't expect this when posting his content to 4chan he deserves ten times the ridicule he's already received.
The demonic shit is either a sign of actual mental illness or proof of a troll. Either way, /lit/ reacted as it should to this kind of thing: by tearing him a new asshole and telling him to grow up.

>> No.5911146

>The same line spacing as every one of OP's posts

>> No.5911174

Calling someone an idiot and telling them that they should kill themselves without explaining in detail why is a pastime of /lit/, how long have you been here?

>> No.5911185

pretty sure you're trolling with the rest of your posts, but this is decent. I think you use too many adjectives though. It feels bloated

>> No.5911190

>i am myself

Finish high school.

>> No.5911193

M8 he's possessed by the devil, didn't you read the thread?

>> No.5911203


don't criticize my grammar quirks

>> No.5911274

If your little daughter came to you with a stick drawing of her sweet dad, would you tell her to kill herself and to stop drawing?

>> No.5911278

I'm just saying, it's common here.

>>5910272 put it well.

>> No.5911281


Yo, this isn't a 6 year old child. he is likely a grown adult. the fact that you're infantilizing him is also pretty telling.

>> No.5911283

Terrible analogy. If you were my daughter and you made that post I'd tell you to kill yourself.

>> No.5911287

>it's common therefore it's good
>inb4 muh /lit/ culture

>> No.5911290

I never said it's good, I just said you sound new.

>> No.5911306

Being more depressed doesn't make you more of an intellectual or a better writer.

>> No.5911309

What, should I prove my ancienty by triforcing or something?
I just felt compassion for the OP. Considering he probably locked himself in his room with rekindled hatred for the world, let's leave it at that.

>> No.5911674

Even a triforce couldn't make you seem like an oldfag at this point.

>> No.5911691

This is fucking terrible.
There's no subtlety.
The imagery is trite.
You're clearly a hack at best, OP.

>> No.5913328

If this is a success then everything written is a success.

You're a massive chode if you walk around acting like a big shot but when asked to back it up what you deliver is mediocre. /lit/ is garbage and most everyone here is equally retarded as the OP is but still.

>> No.5913346

This kind of argumentation against how people have been design to live works much better when you put the reader in his own shows and you higlight the times he questions this world (because we all do). Taking so much distance makes it all feel meaningless and a bit pedantic. You should read some Cheever.

>> No.5913366
File: 894 KB, 320x184, 1418692980240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already a thread about you, OP:


>> No.5913931


This is the plot of the Lego Movie

>> No.5913994

>Child labor laws