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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 143 KB, 1473x2252, Aurini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5909202 No.5909202 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this Alpha Male?

>> No.5909209

he seems friendly enough

>> No.5909214

Is that a painting of Kierkegaard?

>> No.5909218

>three buttons on each cuff


>> No.5909219


Bitter spergs need heroes too.
Let them champion him if they want.

>> No.5909223

check 'em

>> No.5909230
File: 90 KB, 520x756, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All he does is spout unfalsifiable nonsense, dogmatic absolutes, pseudo-science, pseudo-psychology, and blatant lies. All that, coupled with his fedora facade, makes for a wholly disgusting person.

>> No.5909231

check my dubs please

>> No.5909235

Doesnt he drink out of plastic skulls? Lel.

>> No.5909239

>he said while posting shittiest KyoAni girl on a chinese cartoon image board

>> No.5909258

check 'em

>> No.5909282

Patrician as fuck :^)

>> No.5909295
File: 285 KB, 960x1280, wihA02W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to suck it...

>> No.5909309

Skinny faggot.

>> No.5909312

He literally looks like a serial killer. Maybe that's the look he's going for.

>> No.5909398

he looks like Ming the Merciless

>> No.5909400

He looks like a neo-nazi.

>> No.5911128

He infruriates me. His subscribers are degenerates.

>> No.5911148

don't know who that is

looks like a fugget

>> No.5911153

ive listened to some of his videos along with that guy who wrote enjoy the decline
he occasionally comes up with some good points but hes by far not worth listening to

>> No.5911155


is that the satanist guy?


>> No.5911169

I think he's not literature
inb4 he's published, you know nobody gives a shit about that

>> No.5911173

patricians do not wear t-shirts. patricians wear shirts like normal adults.

patricians do not wear cell phone holders

patricians bald gracefully. they do not shave their heads in insecure compensation.

patricians do not smoke cigarettes. cigarettes are for the working man of low-intellect. do not confuse yourself with a 1960's european intellectual.

>> No.5911194

nah that's not voluntary it's just nature

>> No.5911195

further: patricians do not wear all black. all-black wardrobes are the exclusive domain of either artsy and sophisticated new yorkers (though an acceptable thing on its own, it is not the same as being patrician), or immature suburban teenagers, depending on the wardrobe pieces themselves. this man leans toward the latter.

>> No.5911263



>> No.5911282

I like how he uses clashing cyan and pink lighting on either side of his face and a nighttime cityscape backdrop while he smokes a cigarette and pretends to drink scotch in nearly all his videos. Just knowing that all of those things are placed there as a conscious choice on his part is funny as fuck. You can tell how hard he wants to look like a fucking Cyberpunk antagonist. I bet he likes to sit there in his down time and imagine that there's a blue, three dimensional holographic projection of the world revolving slowly in place on the table in front of him. I love it.

>> No.5911285

i've once heard someone describe this person as part of a 'cargo-cult of masculinity' and that is very fitting

he cloaks himself in these images of things which he thinks a masculine person is supposed to be. fancy suits which he doesn't wear right, cigarettes (which he never smokes in his videos), whiskey (with fucking ice in it), trying desperately to be something he's not

his speaks badly and he cannot express a single coherent thought. even if you're a conservative/reactionary/whatever else this man claims to be then you can do better than this empty charlatan.

>> No.5911314


>he cloaks himself in these images

mein gott *sniff*

>> No.5911329
File: 10 KB, 226x170, alledgedly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've never understood how Aurini has spent so much time on LessWrong and Overcoming Bias while remaining so damn stupid.

>> No.5911351

>he doesn't wear right...never smokes...ice in it
Sounds like he's doing things in his own way. You criticize a guy for being a 'poser' while he does everything within his own niche?

>> No.5911364

I always see him take drags from his cigarettes but I literally never see smoke come out of his mouth when he exhales. Is he even actually smoking the fucking things?

>> No.5911365 [DELETED] 


>You criticize a guy for being a 'poser' while he does everything within his own niche?

small changes in affect mean nothing really, the real issue is the larger narrative that purposefully he plays into. it's reactionary drivel and just as biased as the groups that he's trying to criticize. they're just playing along narratives on the opposite spectrum.

i seriously question the critical faculties of those who don't see that this guy is a confirmation bias peddling dunce because it really couldn't be any more obvious.

>> No.5911372


>You criticize a guy for being a 'poser' while he does everything within his own niche?

small changes in affect mean nothing really, the real issue is the larger narrative that he purposefully plays into. it's reactionary drivel and just as biased as the groups that he's trying to criticize. they're just playing along narratives on the opposite spectrum.

i seriously question the critical faculties of those who don't see that this guy is a confirmation bias peddling dunce because it really couldn't be any more obvious.

>> No.5911400

I think that he actually fucking spent $10,000 on this and was completely serious about it:


>> No.5911404

I know this guy as some low-end youtube personality that engaged in an affair thereby contradicting his character entirely. I don't think a single person in this thread has even so much as hinted at taking him seriously. However, your critique and follow up post has got to be one of the silliest, literally 'on his level' silly, in this thread and I want you to take a look at what else has been posted itt:


...you're ELITE

>> No.5911415

fifteen thousand dollars


>> No.5911438

Don't post this shit, OP. I watched part of his video and turned it off with nothing nice to say. You only posted this so your internet buddies would tear him down and you would feel "superior" to him.

Seriously, you're only doing this because you're pathetic. I hate you for even bringing this to my attention and think of you as low as him, because you get off on this. You fucking faggot.

>> No.5911448

You clearly misread the post if you think i'm tearing him down.

>> No.5911479

What does /lit/ think of this Alpha Male?


>> No.5911482


>...you're ELITE

What a critique, anon

>> No.5911484

He provides some interesting talk. He does a bad job of articulating sometimes.
He dresses up and acts like a fucking faggot though and it's very distracting.

>> No.5911508


I have no opinions on the guy but not wearing a suit right is not some edgy choice as much as it's lack of knowledge or poor taste.

Also I have nothing against ice in whiskey but if you are cultivating an image of manly man, then pussying down your drink is a hard road to walk.

I get the whole alpha male doesn't give a fuck about your opinions and rules thing. But if we let this shit run in nature he's probably not going to be making any panties wet.

>> No.5911612


>and follow up post

wasn't that anon. first post itt, but we're all anonymous so i wouldn't expect you to know that.

still, take a moment to reflect on the irony of your issues with my critique somehow managing to be even more vacuous when your gripe with mine in the first place was that very issue. my points still stand btw, actually address them if you feel up to it. but you went ahead and linked half the thread after that so i'll assume you're in one of these angst funks where you just need to rage about something regardless of logical consistency.

i think you need a time out.

>> No.5911651

>unironically judging whether people are patrician

>> No.5911668

>wasn't that anon
You were.

>> No.5911722

I find him entertaining and easy to listen to.

>> No.5911748

The skull


>> No.5911758

is that foucault

>> No.5911769
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, [rori] Natsuiro Kiseki - 11 [1BD6A124].mkv_snapshot_10.14_[2014.12.03_00.55.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't this that MRA faggot on youtube who sounds like a geek?

his video on elliot rodger kind of pissed me off

>> No.5911786


>believes in occult/ perennialist nonsense

>> No.5911800


trust me, i'm being ironic.

>> No.5911844


i agree with you. frankly, if he were on some "i'm an alpha dog" shit, then he would have no need to cloak himself in all these traditional signifiers of the affluent male elite. in using those signifiers incorrectly he just betrays how little of it he actually understands. this is just an ego/image thing for him.

and i'm not sure why one shouldn't critique him seriously. he seems to take himself seriously, and so do his followers.

>> No.5911848


>i have nothing to say to that please take this lame attempt at saving face it's all i have


>> No.5911895

What point do you think you made?

>> No.5911938

>/lit/ - literature

anyways here's a video he produced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJSGc2ylZe4

>beautiful, clean city.
>nice new public transit system
>pretty public parks with trees
>literal end of civilization because supreme gentleman can't get poosay.

>> No.5911944

That's an insult to /pol/

>> No.5911975

"We're a generation that never learned how to love."

I have a Conservative friend who recently shared an article on facebook with the same headline. It's sort of an interesting right wing talking point, I suppose, but it fits in with the regular romanticisation of the past and appeal to asthetics and the idealistic - the nebulous lost concept of 'love' that has quantifiably gone down somehow - that are common motifs of this ideology.

>> No.5912002

I'm not into conspiracies but I reckon young women and girls believe its a man's world because a lot of good entertainment TV, films, games are for male audiences. That's why their activism is centred around changing the entertainment world; to some extent they believe that is the world.

>> No.5912101
File: 227 KB, 1500x1500, 84668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worth every penny

>> No.5912135

oh god im going to unsubscribe this guy.

fedorafag complaining about pussy, posing bastard.

>> No.5912162

critic is so butthurt

>> No.5912195

I used to watch him but he seems bitter and butthurt and takes a long time to say something relatively simple and he's an edgy melodramatic "dark enlightenment" guy

>> No.5912408


everything in the conservative mind has to do with some pre-lapsarian ideal (that never actually fucking existed).

>> No.5912422

>some pre-lapsarian ideal

not even close

>> No.5912430


i mean that figuratively (if u take the bible as literal fact, which apparently you do?)

>> No.5912528

You forgot Poland

>> No.5912610

>"whisky (with fucking ice in it )"
I dont drink, but it's to my understanding that people often put ice or water in whisky to get a better aroma and taste of the whisky

>> No.5912638

The Maoist Rebel News of the far right.

>> No.5912657

people who criticize other people's tastes are usually underachieving people with shit lives.

and yes you are right.

>> No.5913072
File: 161 KB, 1000x1000, YjLSXFibSxq9lfyp4c6b_skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5913200

>sticking your sai in front of you = absolute defense
>metaphorically fedora fighting
>all dem cliches
>every single line
>red mspaint blood during b&w sequence
>he was actually just playing with imaginary friends in the park
>this is the world we live in

>> No.5913236
File: 3.78 MB, 200x134, 1419438767680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember watching one of this guy's videos that was posted here as a joke a year or so ago.

His whole character came off as really contrived and I couldn't get through it, so I went on /b/ and masturbated instead.

>> No.5913282

When I watch his videos I can't shake the idea that behind this effeminate exterior is the evil mastermind that is secretly ruling the world, and that his videos are littered with clues revealing his dominion over humanity.

>> No.5913384

Hello Davis.

He wrote a book which was basically crude fallout 3 fan fiction, it was hilariously adorable.

>> No.5915493

No one on the right likes this faggot.

>> No.5915505

>answering 25 hours later

>> No.5915510


>> No.5915512

Some boards move much slower than even that.

>> No.5915538


>> No.5915544

gr8 post, anon.

>> No.5915687

Back to /b/.

>> No.5915698

He got to meet Tunney and I didn't. Life is truly cruel.