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/lit/ - Literature

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590485 No.590485 [Reply] [Original]

/Lit/, I'd like to broaden my horizons and read some content that otherwise may never be possible for me.

So, my request is that you suggest some novels that may be from any genre and I will do my best to read everything you recommend for me.

Please do not ask what I 'enjoy', as it may deter you from providing ideas that are different to my current 'comfort zone' of readings.

Picture related, novel I last read that someone here recommended for me.

Thank you, as always. :D

>> No.590492

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Cancer Ward and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.590493

Midnight's Children
Fathers and Sons
Pedro Paramo
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.590499
File: 92 KB, 260x400, The_Brothers_Karamazov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything Dostoevsky.

>> No.590512

well Archipelago is good also...
but ever read Palahniuk? or Bukowski?

>> No.590514

I haven't read Arcipelago - truth be told, I haven't read Day in the Life either, but i'll give Archipelago a go.

>> No.590522

OP here.

Cheers guys, however, I'm yet to read anything you've suggest as of yet. How embarrassing!

Please keep it up, having a nice long list to read is always good :D

>> No.590524

cool book thread guys, but check out my doubles.

also, so it goes.

>> No.590527

You didn't get any doubles, nor did anything bad happen to entail 'so it goes'.

Inferring you're copying the use from Slaughterhouse-five of course :)

>> No.590530

That's not embarrassing bro!

Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

>> No.590531

Lots of Russian literature here, should be good for me seeing as I've yet to read any :)

>> No.590533

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.590535

The ONE novel I've read! And I didn't read it in high school.

>> No.590537

Try Ulysses... good luck

>> No.590539

I don't think I'm ready to tackle that.

>> No.590540

Nor would I be ready for Gravity's Rainbow.

My favourite novels would happen to be The Winds of War and War and Remembrance, the earlier was over 1000 pages I believe. The only other novel over 1000 pages I read was 'It' by Stephen King, but King's always easy to digest.

>> No.590543

i was. and the bad thing was that i was unlikely to actually get them.

>> No.590547

This is one of the slowest moving boards, if you took time to check when to post, it'd be unlikely to have fucked up :P

>> No.590550

italo calvino - invisible cities
virginia woolf - the waves
vladimir nabokov - ada or ardor

>> No.590551

umberto eco - foucault's pendulum

>> No.590555

i'll try...triples even

>> No.590554

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov
The Engineer Trilogy by KJ Parker
Pretty much anything by Steven Brust if you like pulpy fantasy written in a more modern voice

>> No.590559


>> No.590580


>> No.590589

thats what i was going to say, i would start with crime and punishment. then move on to brothers karamazov. i have heard more than one person say they could not make it all the way through brothers. it is very good though. Also- Cash, very good book even if you dont like his music. peace!

>> No.590590

slaughterhouse five,,is it good?

>> No.590593

Will do. Thank you /lit/non.

>> No.590595

I, for one, really enjoyed it. However, it depends on what you're looking for. What do you normally read?

>> No.590598

Currently reading Wetlands by Charlotte Roche - so far, thoroughly recommend it.

>> No.590624

Because of its sexual content?

>> No.590630

because it has niggers and lolicon.

not the one you're quote. i hated the book, in fact.

>> No.590636

I'll probably still read it, for the sake of reading it.

Does anyone else ever get the feeling that they just want to read as much as they can? Probably the OCD in my family in me :(

>> No.590773

I would recommend anything by either Arthur Conan Doyle or G. K. Chesterton. For me, those two are authors that I simply enjoy reading, no matter what the novel is. I only wish I had discovered them when I was younger.

The books I reccomend for starting out with them would be:

The Man Who Was Thursday (Chesterton)

The Lost World (Doyle)

>> No.590790

Yes. I've always loved reading since I was old enough to do it but recently I've been going on a binge. I'm constantly looking on the /lit/ boards of various chans for new books to read, I've got about 15 lined up to read this summer and I can't stop.

>> No.590797

Hunger by Knut Hamson
The Stranger by Albert Camus

Both of these books are very short and very enjoyable.

>> No.590802

I have over 60 books on my 'to-read' list, thanks to /lit/.

>> No.590807

I read Slaughterhouse 5 and didn't like it one bit. Then I read Breakfast of Champions and it was both whiny and stupid. Then I read Cat's Cradly, which was hilarious at first, then profoundly stupid later on. I also read 2 B R 0 2 B and so my mind was set: Vonnegut fucking sucks.

>> No.590810

It builds before you know it. Those 15 aren't all of my to-read list- just the ones for this summer (going to Australia for 6 weeks *mega-grin*).

>> No.591173

Totally, utterly, completely PLUS 1.
The mother of all books...

>> No.591184

are you kidding?

that book is almost unreadable. I personally thought it was great, because I really liked the subject matter, but some chapters are just like a textbook.
If you are not into hermetics and such, this is a boring book. And the ending was completly superfluous.
the name of the rose was way better in terms of it being more of an actual novel.

>> No.591235
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>> No.591779

This is OP, and OP is Australian.

Whilst you'll be enjoying your winter in Australia (opposite seasons, but don't worry, our winter is NOTHING compared to yours), I'll be enjoying my solo-holiday in Japan ;)

Please keep it up guys