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5907804 No.5907804 [Reply] [Original]

Does the writing get better after A Game of Thrones (book 1)? I really enjoy the story and the characters, but the prose is 6/10 pretty dull. And if it does get better, can I skip ahead if I'm current with the HBO series?

>> No.5907809

>genre fiction

>> No.5907821

The whole series sounds very overrated.

>> No.5907832

the prose improves book-to-book, with the most noticeable change being between books 1-3, but it's a really bad idea to discuss this series on /lit/.

>> No.5907834


Sorry, I'll try to act more patrician.

>> No.5907839

You're a couple of years late, I'm afraid, back before the HBO show aired /lit/ mostly liked ASoIaF.
Not anymore though, because we're too cool and patrician for >genre fiction these days.

>> No.5907847

Don't listen to this guy.
The prose is the worst part and fluctuates throughout the series, but the average is like 4/10 at best, and that's for the majority of it. It's mostly stuff weak and/or unnecessary description like
>He waved his giant sword.

>> No.5907856

inb4 Sunset found her squatting

>> No.5907869

Just listen to the audiobooks by Roy Dotrice.
Not for the plot, but there is nothing better than a 91 year old Englishman reading Dany's sex scenes.
>Her cunt became the world

>> No.5907878

A Game of Thrones is the best book in the series. The prose stays exactly the same and the plot just gets worse and worse.

>> No.5907883
File: 246 KB, 665x341, grrm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit that's a real quote, I just looked it up. Grum, you so crazy.

>> No.5907888


Well I guess I'm just going to stick with the HBO series...

How is Silmarillion? I kind of want to read it.

>> No.5907890

That's only the tip of the FAT PINK MAST that is GURMs world.

The Silmarillion is LITERALLY the best thing written ever since people figured out how to write.

>> No.5907893


"her cunt became the world"? that's an actual line? i will never read these books.

>> No.5907910

You think that's bad.

Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons off my face and fingers one by one, all pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs.
That's Cersei thinking about blowjobs.
Next time you get or give a blowjob, this'll pop into your head.

>> No.5907927

>Well I guess I'm just going to stick with the HBO series...
tsst tsst
there's your first mistake

>> No.5907934


Fucking lel! Why is he called GURM btw? Or is it Grum? He sure is an old pervert his prose reads like cheesy fan fiction.

>> No.5907941

George R. R. Martin, GRRM short
Pronounced as GURM or GRUM because why the fuck not.

And yeah, his sex scenes are laughably bad. I mean, writing about sex is difficult in any case, but it really doesn't help imagining this fat fuck jacking off to Daenerys while typing about her shitting in the grass with his other hand.

>> No.5907953

>The Silmarillion is LITERALLY the best thing written ever
I honestly don't understand people that say that. I tried reading it and it was so abysmally boring I couldn't get past page 30 even forcing myself.
What's so great about it?

>> No.5907958


>> No.5907979

Real talk, do you think he has a scat fetish?

I mean, I appreciate what he's doing, bringing earthiness to a high fantasy setting. And I also know that the medievals of OUR world loved them some scatological humor.

But the motherfucker talks about poop and pooping a LOT.

>> No.5907987

Honestly that's not a thought I want to entertain, GRRM is creepy enough without any disgusting fetishes.
It wouldn't surprise me though.

>> No.5908007

This is the general problem with the books. Inconsistent writing, great everything else. There are only a handful of genuinely bad/weird passages or sentences, but how on earth did the author not think they were bad ideas?

>> No.5908011

>There are only a handful of genuinely bad/weird passages or sentences,
Come on Anon, I like the story too but GRRMs writing is pretty consistently awful.

>> No.5908028
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he talks about people pooping a lot because actual people poop

You are dense, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

>> No.5908039


But why talk about it?

>> No.5908042

he's doing a literary cargo cult ritual, pynchon talked a lot about poops so therefor if i put a lot of poop in my novel it will be high literature too!

>> No.5908045

>Come on Anon, I like the story too but GRRMs writing is pretty consistently awful.
That's way too much of an exaggeration. There are about 5 examples which can be labelled 'awful'. The rest ranges from awkward and frustratingly unsatisfying, to decent, to surprisingly good. If there's one thing about his writing that it can't be called, it's consistent. Neither consistently good or consistently bad; there is too much range of quality, even if that quality doesn't reach genuinely great examples.

>> No.5908052

Alright, consistently mediocre, then.
Maybe that's exactly what irks me about it, his writing isn't any better or worse than 95% of fantasy genre writers and yet he's either lauded to be the second coming or LITERALLY WORSE THAN HITLER

>> No.5908055

I think it is to add a deeply human nature to the storyline

You don't hear much about Frodo and Sam taking shits all the way to Mordor in LOTR

>> No.5908061


I bought the book after reading the prologue in "A Game of Thrones", which I thought was excellent, but as I continued reading I was disappointed.

The scene early in the series where Tyrion gets captured by Catelyn was pretty sparse when I read it and even watching the show in the TV series again the dialogue could've been expounded upon.

>> No.5908089

In a funny way it's taking his idea of wildly unpredictable fate/cause and effect to its logical, extreme conclusion: the young girl who was married off by her brother, experienced a meteoric rise, became a ruler, lost it all and found herself in the most humiliating scenario. Many characters are constantly meeting anticlimactic and undeserving ends or situations.
I think it's also his attempt to de-romanticise the fantasy genre and medieval setting.
I just don't understand why he has to write in that particular way...

>> No.5908103

Well the praise is for his story, characters, and concepts, not his language.

>> No.5908109


Thanks for the spoiler tags.

>> No.5908113

Shit, sorry...

Best not to enter these threads until you've read all the books. I learned that lesson the hard way.

>> No.5908146


It's alright don't feel bad I could kind of see her losing her power from how the TV series is going and I already knew she fights Rhaegar