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/lit/ - Literature

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5906988 No.5906988 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that you don't know shit about literature unless you bench 315lbs and got an A in Real Analysis.

>> No.5907018

>Euphoric /fit/ meat-heads flirting with the idea of becoming intellectuals, "cultivating their minds" as they "cultivate their bodies", in effect creating clueless threads on the actual, de facto board of intellectualism.

Anyone else amused to death?

>> No.5907025

>real analysis


>> No.5907031
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>claims to be intellectual
>still uses imperial measurements

>> No.5907073

what anon said

>> No.5907076

I don't care about cultivating a thing. I care about being jacked as shit and having your girl suck my dick while I read Tacitus in the original Latin and lol heartily at the manlets and betas of the world.

>> No.5907083

>thinks blowing up to a marvel superhero will result in anything but other homosexuals sucking his dick

stay gay, fag

>> No.5907087

see ops pic? if u go any bigger than that you're either doing life in prison, a fucking fag, or both

>> No.5907089

Ahah christ almighty you sound like an insecure faggot! Feels good knowing there are people as simple minded and delusional as you out there in this big ol' world of ours.

>> No.5907092

you can keep your filthy commie measurements

>> No.5907097

One such as enlightened as yourself surely has no qualms with the homosexual community?

>> No.5907100

and another "muscle bottom" is born!

>> No.5907102

LOL Real Analysis is probably the most logically problematic area of modern math, pleb OP, see Norman Wildberger for more details

>> No.5907108

you'ns hear them teeth chippin' itt?

>> No.5907113

>Tacitus in the original Latin
>See responces to OP
This whole thread is bait, isn't it?

>> No.5907116

surely one as "jacked" and "alpha" as yourself is not a fag? oh hohoho, just kidding, of course you're a fag!

>> No.5907124

You can't get that big without lots of steroids and extreme dedication. The natural limit is closer to the statue in the OP with somewhat bigger chest and thigh muscles than what you're probably imagining.

>> No.5907240


I'm so glad my life doesn't include people like you.

>> No.5907247

lol but hes banging ur girl aren't you mad or something

>> No.5907271
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>Those knee jerk reactions to save your ego

I'm not that guy, but what kind of soulless fucking neckbeard feels the need to berate people with better bodies/minds than them?

It's like you're a bunch of highschoolers trying to justify their shitty grades with "muh personality".

>> No.5907276


>> No.5907282

I'm not an asshole I just do what I need to do to get replies brother. And hopefully threads like this can help encourage some /lit/ posters to lead a healthier lifestyle.

>> No.5907338
File: 269 KB, 369x422, Screen Shot 2014-12-24 at 5.25.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw listening to audiobooks/language tapes while working out at the gym
>spend free time playing piano or studying mathematics
>getting lots of sleep and eating organic

Why aren't you living a superior lifestyle based on virtue and humility /lit/?

>> No.5907363

>I'm not that guy, but what kind of soulless fucking neckbeard feels the need to berate people with better bodies/minds than them?

i don't know why don't you ask the guy they are replying to since he was doing just that...reading latin and blowing up to he-man size just sounds like you're some kid who got molested by a priest. protip: steroids aren't a cure for being gay

>> No.5907375


>It's like you're a bunch of highschoolers

He says while randomly attaching pictures of hot women to his posts like a horny little schoolboy.

>> No.5907433
File: 6 KB, 177x168, 1405478738399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really don't understand how literature works if you think that your cognitive patterns are functioning in the same way when listening to an audiobook passively as they are when specifically reading and analysing a text.

Go back to whatever board you came from it's obvious that you're too casual to try and literati rep here you tourist.

>> No.5907448


> You don't know shit about literature until you can move something heavy and can do some sums.

How is this relevant to reading?

>> No.5907451

/fitlit/, its not that people would hate your bodies. They can be amazing and gorgeous and all that.

What people dislike in you is your massive insecure which you patch up with need to show off, blind celebration of machismo and other habits that just annoy the shit out of others. If you need to specifically say that you're good in something, rather than allow it to be shown naturally, you have already failed.

>> No.5907461



>> No.5907491


to be fair their machismo wankers are a lot like our adolescent pseudos. both communities have their glaring shitstains to them. but the reason this thread is so horrible is because it's the equivalent of one of our young pseudos going over to /fit/ and saying something desperately poser like "i see all of you like to argue about fitness but i bet none of you even know what the socratic method is hahaha you don't even know how to reason properly" or some lame shit like that.

>> No.5907492

to save my ego from what? some nerd's fantasy of not being a little bitch for once in his life? lellll being "alpha" or "beta" are personality types, not body types, you can't cure beta any more than you can cure gay, some people are born to lead, some are born to follow, deal with it, bitch

>> No.5907511


>i know i'm wasting time on 4chan as i talk about people born to lead the hypocrisy is obvious to me i'm just not very good at baiting okay please play along i'd appreciate it

>> No.5907515

i'm relaxing after working out actually, excuse me for taking a minute to relax, oh wait you aren't my boss, fuck off, nerd

>> No.5907520


>thank you for giving me a chance to continue my bait practice you are very understanding and kind

>> No.5907523

>the actual, de facto board of intellectualism

>> No.5907525

>durr i project my neckbeardy neetness on to everyone and assume everyone is as shit as i am durr hurr thats why i dont go outside its harder to pretend everyone is as lame as me when they're standing in front of me

go watch an anime or something, fag

>> No.5907526


>i know i'm the one who is meant to be making other people mad when i bait and not getting mad myself but i just can't help it i get too nervous when i bait

>> No.5907573

if you wanna look like a gorilla, if you really want to be patrish you would become ottermode

>> No.5907606

So much bitter misconception as fucking usual.

/fit/ is one of the most positive and accommodating boards. Sure they'll mock your progress like Lit will mock your poetry and short stories if your vain enough to post it here but 'meatheads' is a big flashing beacon alerting everyone the poster using it doesn't know what he's talking about and still holds to high school stereotypes.

>> No.5907610

i'm sorry but /fit/ and /fa/ just reek of beta kids trying to get laid (and in denial about being gay)...it's a sad scene.

>> No.5907808


>> No.5907874

Reminder that you don't know shit about Chemistry unless you regularly build brick walls and wrote a 1100 page paper on Hamlet.

>> No.5907935
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Greetings, original poster.

That is quite an amount. Congrats on remaining dedicated to lifting. You are an alright person, if a bit of a boaster. I'm glad that you got an A in Real Analysis. Keep up the good work. I am serious.

I wish all of you itt a nice day and some well-deserved inner peace.


>> No.5908140

thanks brah

>> No.5908166

>tfw bench is still shy of lmao2pl8s
>tfw no A in Real Analysis
Welp, guess I don't know shit about literature

>> No.5908175

i prefer /xlit/

>> No.5908176

Me too but most of /x/ is horrendous plebs and get mad at me

>> No.5908194

Fuck biting on this bait - anyone have real analysis textbook recs?

>> No.5908211

spivak, apostol, courant, rudin, the list could go on..

>> No.5908222

Plebs react allergically to their own kind, what did you expect?

>> No.5908227


>> No.5908252



5'10"-6'3" and 180-220 lbs is the ideal human dimensions, obviously with a muscular and cut--but not too cut--physique.

>> No.5908356

most people don't realize how fucking big a 6' lean 210lber is compared to the average person

>> No.5908422


>> No.5908428

>Norman Wildberger
A crackpot.

>> No.5908432

i'm like 6 feet 180 or so, if I put on another 30 pounds of muscle i would still look like a normal person, not some big "muh gains are so alpha" man-gorilla

>> No.5908467

it's generally really hard or impossible to look like a gorilla unless you do steroids or are willing to be quite fat as well as muscular.

>> No.5908842
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>You really don't understand how literature works if you think that your cognitive patterns are functioning in the same way when listening to an audiobook passively as they are when specifically reading and analysing a text.

>Ignoring the musicality of language
>Not enjoying the story and prose
>Not giving books a cursory reading before analyzing them

Someone doesn't know how to have fun. I bet you don't even read out loud.

>blind celebration of machismo
>i'm sorry but /fit/ and /fa/ just reek of beta kids trying to get laid (and in denial about being gay)...it's a sad scene.
It's like you guys live in some highschool drama movie.

>> No.5908867


>Not giving books a cursory reading before analyzing them

Exactly. At some point the text needs to be actually read and not just passively listened to if you want to properly analyze it. There was no mentioned of cursory reading or reading of any sort in the post that I was replying to, you are trying to editorialize after the fact.

Thanks for proving my point you moron.

>> No.5908943
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>At some point the text needs to be actually read and not just passively listened to if you want to properly analyze it
>There was no mentioned of cursory reading or reading of any sort in the post that I was replying to, you are trying to editorialize after the fact.
I never mentioned analysis either you dunce.

Besides, you act as though literature is only valuable if it's painstakingly analyzed. I can see a Shakespeare play and realize it's beautiful and be moved by it without taking notes. You sound like your entire idea of how "literature works" comes from high school English classes.

Maybe if you studied more mathematics you'd have a better sense of reading comprehension and beauty. Maybe if you worked out more you'd see the world more sensually instead of having to dissect everything. Which brings us back to the OP, you clearly don't know shit about literature.

>> No.5909076

This thread is proof that /lit/ is filled with tumblrinas. I doubt many of them have been here for more than a couple of months.

>falling for the most obvious of bait
>projecting insecurities
>calling people gay cos they care about their bodies
>complaining when someone posts pics of a woman like it's something new
>oh lawd more projecting insecurities
>getting legitimately mad when someone says they'll fuck your bitch

/lit/ - Whiny SJWs

>> No.5909092

At Uchicago, honors analysis is thought to be the hardest undergrad course.

>> No.5909095


I mean wow.
>of beta kids trying to get laid (and in denial about being gay)
>go watch an anime or something
>surely one as "jacked" and "alpha" as yourself is not a fag?
>Euphoric /fit/ meat-heads
How insecure do you have to be to even think some of the replies here.

Post this thread on ANY other board, and you won't be getting half of the replies. None of them would even be half as mad as some people in here are.

It's truly pathetic.

>> No.5909096

>body shaming
>calling people gay


>> No.5909101

>implying SJWs are rational
>implying SJWs won't jump at the chance to blame their insecurities on someone else
>implying SJWs won't go to any length to protect their ego, no matter how many times they contradict themselves
>implying they even know they're contradicting themselves

>> No.5909108

>implying you are rational
>implying you won't jump at the chance to blame your insecurities on someone else
>implying you won't go to any length to protect your ego, no matter how many times you contradict themselves
>implying you even know you're contradicting yourself

>> No.5909110

Stay triggered, legbeard

>> No.5909112

enough of your irrational rambling

you fucked up, move on with your life bro

>> No.5909116


>> No.5909125
File: 9 KB, 183x275, kekkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In anticipation of the shitstorm following
and in amusement of the preliminary shitflicks, >>5909108

This thread is now henceforth a male/white appreciation thread.

>> No.5909128

Fuck yeah Athena, the whitest male there is.

>> No.5909143

That was just to symbolize the glory of both the wisdom and the arts that the white man has blessed us with, but since your hairy vagina is craving male bootay so much, this one is just for you.

>> No.5909146
File: 276 KB, 533x800, bootay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. Forgot pic. Almost disappointed, weren't you?

>> No.5909147

Athens knew the trouble women could lead to if given free reign. Part of the reason why Athens was so successful.

>> No.5909151


>> No.5909153


>I can see a Shakespeare play and realize it's beautiful and be moved by it without taking notes.

There is a difference between this and only ever passively listening to novels in audiobook form without any degree of even basic analysis on your part. You cannot passively listen to difficult texts and expect this to be an equally effective way of gaining a sound understanding of them as reading and rereading affords you.

I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're baiting here because there is no way you need something this obvious seriously explained to you.

>> No.5909156

Hercules wasn't a slav.

>> No.5909182

american redneck spotted

>> No.5909192


stay BTFO with your objectively subpar system lol

>> No.5909241
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>> No.5909251
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Obviously the experience varies from book to book, but I don't see how listening is inherently worse than reading, literature evolved from oral story telling traditions.
Take Lolita for example, all the word play is brought out even more brilliantly in an audio medium. I'm not a fucking retard so all the references and parallels to Poe and Catullus. I'm not writing a thesis on the book, I'm "reading" it to amuse myself. Recently I've been listening to Orages d'acier to practice my French, hah, because just reading isn't nearly as engaging. Why do you assume that listening=passive?

You sound like a teenager who take's /lit/ memes too seriously.

>> No.5909253

>There are people who actually believe that a person can be both intellectual and physically attractive.

kek. What's next, a person can be into both mathematics and literature?

>> No.5909292


>Obviously the experience varies from book to book

Which is why a general rule of only ever listening to audiobooks is necessarily faulted as an approach to all literature.

Look just stop posting you're not very good at it.

>> No.5909293
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Anyway, I kind of agree with you.

>> No.5909297

Don't do this shit, I need to know if you're serious or not. I too confused right now

>> No.5910883

they do.


most of the rest of the internet too.

>> No.5910891

I was serious anon. Stay healthy and happy.

>> No.5910900

I think what the guy is trying to say is just because he DOES listen to audiobooks, that DOESN'T mean it's the only way he gets his literature.

>he reads too

and you're just assuming that since he DOES listen to audiobooks, that he NEVER actually reads.

but there was nothing in that post to indicate that thing.

>> No.5910925

I g-got a B+

>> No.5910950
File: 1 KB, 300x57, litti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool statue

we should make a statue thread

captcha: litti