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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.26 MB, 645x847, sanctuary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5903722 No.5903722 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see them bookshelfs.

Post your novel hideaways and let us harshly judge your poor taste in literature.

>> No.5903742

Can't see shit OP

>> No.5903753

I'm not at home, so l can't contribute, sadly. Your bookshelf looks neat, however, so here's a bump instead.

Can't really read what's on it, though.

>> No.5903755

Have you heard about Kindle, OP? I really recommend it, it saves you a lot of space, and... trees.

>> No.5903758

Have you heard of the years before that tech was available? Also, you can't beat fireplace reading with old book scent.

>> No.5903761 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 600x600, 517658.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate mine guys

>> No.5903764


I could spend an eternity in that room reading books with some tea and the occasional glass of Cabernet sauvignon

Also, i would have a Butler named Gustav who would serve me food 3 times per day.

>> No.5903765

I can't see what the books are.

>> No.5903770
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Hardcover or not at all. Soft covers make me feel sick

>> No.5903773


I'm just fucking with you, i enjoy reading normal books myself, especially if they are lengthy and educational.

>> No.5903784
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What do you think of mine

>> No.5903791

I think you could wear a trilby without looking like a massive faggot, detective.

>> No.5903807

>Phi Beta Kappa diploma


>> No.5904262
File: 301 KB, 675x900, 1379702483926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your room is classy but your map doesn't seem very accurate

>> No.5905089
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>> No.5905099
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>> No.5905104

middlebrow IE pleb as fuck

>> No.5905105
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x1836, 20141224_224714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most of my books are in my house back East. I'd ship them back but I only have one bookshelf right now.

>> No.5905129
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>> No.5905154

almost all classics but still, good shit

>> No.5905169
File: 3.80 MB, 2944x728, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pops'

>> No.5905171
File: 2.12 MB, 1134x1090, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vs mine

>> No.5905189

Fak u gooby

>> No.5905191


>> No.5905215

Tell me about the crimson trio on the top shelf.

>> No.5905220
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>> No.5905235

There are just so many things wrong with this picture I don't know where to start.

>> No.5905243

Your copy of all quiet looks a lot thicker than mine, what's up with that?

>> No.5905249

lol yeah like what's with the fucked up top of that cable outlet plate, learn to take care of your house idiot

>> No.5905255

there is a speck of dust stuck to the wall at the top of this picture. fucking disgusting

>> No.5905277




Harvard Classics -

Nine Greek Dramas
Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius
Complete Poems in English - Milton

>> No.5905283

learn to solve a fucking rubik's cube

>> No.5905284

Damn! That's impressive.

I hope to pick something like those up.

>> No.5905310
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>> No.5905330

>typewriter next to computer
fuck you

>> No.5905351
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>> No.5905357
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>> No.5905358

Jesus christ.

>> No.5905367
File: 3.48 MB, 3264x2448, 20141219_013746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bottom shelf is /shit/erature

>> No.5905378
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Some books are missing, I can't find my Kierkegaard and The Necronomicon, a few others are in my apartment where I go to college (different city).
Manga is from my younger days.

>> No.5905380

That is an ugly bookshelf although it has good books on it

>> No.5905409

General question:
Have you read every book in your collection cover to cover? My personal library is pitiful right now, but I've read everything in it. Are some of your books on a backlog, or untouched?

>> No.5905410

a good shelf easily withstands being short of a few men, even its best. do not make excuses.

>> No.5905415

Luckily my shelf is still good.

>> No.5905419

how was Freedom? better than the corrections?

>> No.5905420

a good part of my collection was acquired in bulk, either bought from the salvation army or stolen from big-name stores... so, no.

>> No.5905423
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Funny+dog+face.+Funny+content+I+THINK+SOOOO+Killer+instinct+FTW_fd3b78_3103517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underbated post

>> No.5905445

thank u, merry xmas

>> No.5905461

>dat plato

I think I just jizzed

>> No.5905569

I haven't read it yet, but I've heard mixed things. Some say it's better and others say it's worse.

>> No.5905574

meant for

>> No.5905652
File: 1.79 MB, 4539x3896, collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5905678


>> No.5905704
File: 1.37 MB, 3000x2158, 20141225_131751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what survived through the ages.
Feel free to cringe!

>> No.5905719

>oov on disruptor

what are u doing

>> No.5905747

>dat Oberstufensammlung

Art of Computer Programming is GOAT, did you read it all? I gave up somewhere in the first book because I had to return it to library

King's Atlantis ist kacke, ich hab genau die gleiche Ausgabe



>> No.5905750

absolutely disgusting

>> No.5905757
File: 241 KB, 690x925, 1371799938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5905762

Lol you also noticed the fucked up top part of that guy's cable outlet cover plate?? Crazy how people just let their homes degenerate

>> No.5905871

Not yet through with it, I read them part by part over a very long time.

Atlantis war ein wenig langweilig, aber ich hab's als Souvenir behalten. Die meisten Bücher hatte ich auch in Bibliotheken ausgeliehen, darum auch nur ein kleines Regal...

Die Oberstufenbücher find ich gut, weil sie ziemlich konzentriertes Wissen enthalten.

>> No.5906905
File: 262 KB, 1278x720, ebebe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok g-guys

>> No.5906906
File: 142 KB, 500x375, WEIRSAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art of war

>> No.5906911

Minecraft and AoW perhaps questionable, but Conservatism's been pretty useful to me. It's a political standpoint that was virtually impossible for me to define until I got that book.

>> No.5906926

Where'd you get those shelves?

>> No.5906928

Is it worthwhile as they say it is?

>> No.5906938

And Peter Hitchens

>> No.5906942

From the Home Depot

>> No.5906949

thanks. books are good too but it's hard to read them.

>> No.5906955

I like Peter.

>> No.5907017
File: 311 KB, 1600x1200, 1201141156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small one by my bed

>> No.5907105

He's a piece of shit lol

>> No.5907143

>actually owning books about guns and NRA

rednecks detected

>> No.5907169

Do you need gloves to avoid cutting yourself on that edge?

>> No.5907222



Stuff out of the faucet is free ya'know.

>> No.5907238

He's clearly not old enough to drink. Probably stole the Bud Light from Dad's stash in the fridge.

>> No.5907454
File: 53 KB, 638x367, 1404491938366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peter Hitchens

hello, Brit/pol/

>> No.5907463


>> No.5907528

my dads a computer programmer and shoots competitively (owns just over 80 firearms), and used to be a bodybuilder when he was a fireman. he's not a redneck

>> No.5907535

>gun nut

sounds like you dad is trying too hard to be manly, he's probably a fag or a major dork

>> No.5907537

He's easily the best Hitchens.

>> No.5907538

and he was a rock climber, EMT and movie buff, he's just a cultured motherfucker.

>> No.5907553

They're both awful

>> No.5907566

and he was a freelance photographer because why not

>> No.5907569

Peter's latest stuff on Russia has been great

>> No.5907579

What did he say about Russia?

>> No.5907581

LOL what are his favorite movies? Let's see jsut how much of a "buff" he is

>> No.5907584

Why do you hate that guys dad so much lol

>> No.5907589

idk he likes westerns a lot, tombstone, seven samurai, anything bogart

he doesn't hate my dad, he hates that someone had a more fulfilling life than him

>> No.5907594

rock climbing is for manlets

>> No.5907609

>idk he likes westerns a lot, tombstone, seven samurai, anything bogart
Yeah, about what I expected. Pleb 2the max

>> No.5907613

sorry my dads not a weeb faggot

>> No.5907614


he has film taste in line with your average empire magazine reader no one cares about your pleb dad and his shit taste stop being such a cheerleader for him on internet message boards it's weird

>> No.5907615

Uh yeah that's why he likes gay samurai movies, lol

>> No.5907621

yeah for real dudes who worship their dad just seem stuck in some per-oedipal phase of life, you have to grow up and realize you dad was just some dude and not a magic man to leave childhood

>> No.5907627

but he could bench 375

>> No.5907629

What's wrong with reading AoW

>> No.5907635

well if i ever need somebody to move my refrigerator i'll be sure to give him a call, otherwise, who gives a shit

>> No.5907638

Nothing if you're a Chinese historian

>> No.5907646

By that logic this board should be filled with only ancient philosophers

>> No.5907675

curious as to what sets you have there

>> No.5907680

Ancient philosophy is more enriching than ancient military thought tbh

>> No.5907708
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>> No.5907841
File: 319 KB, 960x895, peasentlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that harry potter you fucking pleb

>> No.5910034

you couldn't flip this image before you posted???

>> No.5910043

>being this autistic
you sound like your typical redditor


>> No.5910074

>tfw still boarding
>tfw having to move constantly, at least thrice per year

I hope you all fuckers are grateful for your own personalized bookshelves. Can't buy a book without mulling over its price and weight.

>> No.5910093

I don't believe you've used thrice correctly in that statement.

>> No.5910119

Thrice? Three times? Am I wrong?
English is not my first language.

>> No.5910294

Too many books
too many books
too many books

>> No.5910311


that is literally the opposite of the faux agreeable reddit disposition are you some excitable kid who abuses maymays too much and now he's gets all carried away and confused over them?

>> No.5910326


I took the picture normally but it rotates whenever I upload it to 4chan. Don't know what to do about it honestly

>> No.5910361

if that's a birdcage: 1/10.
looks cozy and stuff, but animals aren't ours to keep in cages.
...if that's something else: 8/10

>> No.5910403

Screenshot it and if you have to edit the margins, phonebro

>> No.5910643
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shit stairies

>> No.5910648
File: 1.26 MB, 2560x1920, 1218141550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


norvels, petry

>> No.5910672


>not a single book with wear

top kek you materialistic faggot

>> No.5910707
File: 1.22 MB, 2592x1944, DSC_0149[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i-i dont even have a bookshelf.

>> No.5910909

what do you do for a living that justifies that much shit on your desk?

no bully. genuine question.

>> No.5910933

good question. mine is also small, but i've read them all. I mostly read library books. It's cheaper and I only so much space in muh tiny house.

>> No.5910940


>> No.5910947


mal necesario ;_;

>> No.5910952
File: 1.16 MB, 2560x1920, 20141226_200815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a pretty small collection

>> No.5910978

Not the same guy, but you're right. Some people just aren't familiar with the word I guess

>> No.5910991
File: 184 KB, 1024x768, Bertie-wooster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> actually hangs his framed diplomas

first person in your family to graduate university, there, big guy?

>> No.5911012

i know ;__;

>> No.5911042
File: 82 KB, 1080x608, 10892430_823595617707829_1460286536_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to take a few pictures to show them up close.


>> No.5911044
File: 80 KB, 1080x608, 10819545_823595244374533_1477659737_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5911047
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>> No.5911048
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All I got. All I need.

>> No.5911050

Looks like you haven't read the Golden Ass yet. Get on it. Fucking Brilliant.

>> No.5911051
File: 94 KB, 1080x608, 10878521_823594944374563_513576206_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5911053

Cool it anon, or you'll get a knuckle supper.

>> No.5911057
File: 90 KB, 1080x608, 10876510_823594864374571_631821014_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5911061

>shitty translations

>> No.5911062
File: 97 KB, 1080x608, 10844510_823594794374578_396376622_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one. I lost count.

>> No.5911066

You mean the Capote book?
It's my father's. I inherited it.

>> No.5911070

Then it's fine. Most old translations are kinda bad. Why are most of your books in a bad state? Did you buy them at sebos?

>> No.5911081

Yes, in fact I did. I go to a sebo every week, buy books for 10 real each.

>> No.5911095

Also, a lot of them are just really old;

>> No.5911466

I've never owned a book before, I get them all from the library. Fuck tha haters, reading books > owning books

>> No.5911510

Have you ever actually met someone who "hated" on you for borrowing books from the library?

>> No.5911564

I am not against you mate.
Personally know at least two people who ALWAYS buy their own books. They are also pretty well off that I secretly dislike them (butthurt

>> No.5912197

ikea, where you should buy all your furniture if you aren't shit tier

>> No.5912204

ye m8 it's my daughters you got a problem

>> No.5912378

She is a pleb
.... Is she..... hot?

>> No.5912383

she's 4 years old mate

>> No.5912387

answer the question

>> No.5912412

beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in your case, a sick, sick beholder

>> No.5912425

please tell me blood meridian hasnt always been like that, put it next to the other books its getting messed up the way it is you plebian.

and fix all the upside down books you fuck.

>> No.5912426


reddit he is joking just go home

>> No.5912593

mmmm Lolita

>> No.5912598

The books are upright. Books in Spanish are often like that

>> No.5913360


>> No.5913378

Do you happen to be 130 years old and British?

>> No.5913386

This isn't yours, Google Image Search reveals hundreds of sites with that pic

There's even a Reddit thread about it here: http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/2kl7cr/a_very_classy_computer_desk/

>> No.5913407

¿cual es la dificuldad de esto libro de Jodo para un hispanoablante casual?

(portuguese's my mother language, but I had spanish lessions in school, too bad that I haven't studied it in 10 years or so)

>> No.5913409

>Lavoura Arcaica
um dos melhores livros que eu já li

Agora, essa tradução do V. eu tenho também, e sinceramente, é melhor vendê-la pra algum incauto e comprar em inglês ou coisa do tipo.

>> No.5913422
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>> No.5913481

Austral era tan linda editorial.

>> No.5913561
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What the hell.


>> No.5913563
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>> No.5913564
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3/3 (fancy/cheap leatherbounds)

>> No.5913569
File: 17 KB, 320x180, IMG_0180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I'm not at home until tomorrow at some point and am unable to find a picture of my bookshelf.

>> No.5913572
File: 638 KB, 1200x797, hideaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the chair where I get most of my reading done.

There are probably another 100 books or so in the house too that belong mainly to my spouse. Not really very many of particular literary note however.

>> No.5913718

...can I...can I please help you with housework or laundry or something? In exchange for borrowing books and returning them in pristine condition?

In all seriousness, I'm wondering what you do as a living. I'm speculating how long before I can afford to possess something like that.

This thread makes me envious.

>> No.5913765


Sure! Although probably 85-95% of these books can be borrowed for free from your local public library.

I work as a policy analyst for a large organization, and am 31. Books gradually accumulate if you enjoy reading them, and aren't really too expensive (unless you want to have Easton Press stuff or live in France), so it shouldn't be that long before you can build up your collection.

For a long time I would use a $10 or $20 bill as a bookmark, and then use it to buy a new book when I finished the book I was reading. Nowadays most of my purchase are made through amazon, though, so that system doesn't quite work the same way it used to.

>> No.5913774

looks like any generic suburban home...not very remarkable...

>> No.5913829

Yeah I thought about that, the thing about public libraries. I guess I still haven't passed the ludicrous mentality that the possession of your own collection of tomes somehow reflects the depth of one's knowledge and character. As a matter of fact I don't have a permanent residence yet so yeah that seems a long road ahead for me.

Having grown up in a major city it is really rare to have such a spacious and relaxing environment to read in. To put things in perspectives OP's study is probably about 1/2 the size of my apartment.

>> No.5913854
File: 31 KB, 450x300, autism 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOTR inside its box not in the proper order triggers my autism

>> No.5913896


At least in that book, Jodo is very colloquial, you should have no problem getting across the points, which are very simple btw

>> No.5914006

What is your favourite biography? I have the same biography on Hamilton and thought it was excellent.

>> No.5914016


Of these, probably Life of Johnson (to the extent one categorizes it as biography), though I did very much enjoy Morris' volumes on Theodore Roosevelt even though they're not very literary.

>> No.5914019


Sorry lol

>> No.5914561

I just bought a kobo aura h20. I'm going to burn all of my books.

>> No.5914654

Better than kindle?

>> No.5914790



>> No.5914853
File: 439 KB, 918x1632, plebshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully pls

>> No.5914859

>The odyssey of homer
leave this board forever. we have enough peasants.

>> No.5914867

This looks exactly like my bookshelf from about 10 years ago, Teach-Yourself-Czech and all.

Are you a gay male, by chance?

>> No.5914873


Misplaced rage this guy has some good stuff there.

>> No.5914877

>Kim Stanley Robinson
>genre fiction

>> No.5914901


Balanced out by Collected H.D. alone.
This anon doesn't seem too pleb. Just new.

You are trying too hard to angst right now.

>> No.5914906

Are you actually trying to learn Czech when you can't learn Greek? Czech is hard for Czech speakers, it's probably why half of them speak German.

>> No.5914910

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my English class at Harvard, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret reads on James Joyce, and I have read over 300 confirmed books. I am trained in speed reading and I’m the top reader in the entire US library forces. You are nothing to me but just another illiterate. I will wipe you the fuck out with speed the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of authors across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can read anywhere, anytime, and I can read in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare eyes. Not only am I extensively trained in Shakespearean prose, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Library of Congress and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.5915128

I know Czech.

>> No.5915289

how did you know....

I'm getting through the book eventually. I have a thing for languages.

no bully pls.

>> No.5915320

>how did you know....

I'm actually you, only in the future. Believe it or not, you'll end up selling all those books.

Ask me anything else you want to know about the next decade.

>> No.5915462

do i finish my math degree with a 4.0? dp i marry my qt3.14 bf?

>> No.5915466

No, not with a 4.0.

>dp i marry my qt3.14 bf?
Yes, actually. :)

>> No.5915470
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They are mostly in danish, but you Can properly guess the books by the author, size, and name.

>> No.5915479
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>> No.5915481

What's the title in English of that Orwell book?

>> No.5915513
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Inb4: i'm a fedora pleb

>> No.5916326

Sprog: Dansk
Disease: nordic autism

>> No.5916460
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Late for the party, as usual

>> No.5916588
File: 190 KB, 470x543, 2014-12-28 01.16.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5916668

you do not deserve that chekhov

>> No.5916769
File: 1.25 MB, 1750x1707, booooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only person saving books for future children?

>> No.5917038

Oversættelser er fucking klamme og du burde skamme dig.

>> No.5917042

>he owns the error-filled Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.5917043

I'm not going to have children.

>> No.5917061


hey I used to read a lot of Ken Follet books when I was a teenager but stopped a few years ago. Have you read Fall of Giants or any of the books in the "Century Trilogy" I kinda want to give them a shot but don't know if they're any good or not. I was sort of hoping they would be a modern "Pillars of the Earth"


Wow such colour

>> No.5917067

Love the milk-crate bookshelf man.

>> No.5917069

That's pretty cute but I don't think anyone will want to reproduce with me.

>> No.5917083

+1 for nordic
-1 for fedora books
you are a solid neutral my friend

>> No.5917157

yeah, me too.

oh well, there are always sperm donors...

>> No.5917486


exactly why

>> No.5917501

I have only read those two Ken books. I Would like to read the Giant books too.

>> No.5917545
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Wordsworthbro reporting in.

>> No.5917578
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>> No.5918128
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>Graça Infinita

>> No.5918138
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>all that Wordsworth

>> No.5918140


Getting wordsworth editions of foreign texts.


>> No.5918185
File: 3.34 MB, 2448x3264, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished making this bookshelf. I think it turned out nicely.

>> No.5918200
File: 3.27 MB, 2448x3264, bookshelf side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also has space on the sides to store paperbacks and CDs.

>> No.5918211

but why

>> No.5918230

Is that fucking blood?

>> No.5918233

I sort of like the 3D concept, I might eventually try something like that. Thanks for the idea.

>> No.5918240

12.5/10, metamodern as fuck

>> No.5918250

It's really growing on me. If you're interested, here's the writeup I did on making it. There are plans included too:


>> No.5918254

>tfw it could have been zoeira infinita, thus, consolidating DFW's status as the ultimate meme author

>> No.5918262

>all those inches to translate
Thanks for the guide, I might freestyle the sizes though.

>> No.5918291

I know, I know. You're not the first to complain about the English measurements. The editor's prefer them though, so what are you gonna do?

>> No.5918320

>>all those inches to translate
Just spoke with one of the editors, because this issue has come up before. He said that it really isn't hard to make two diagrams, one with each set of measurements, so he will probably start releasing them with both.

>> No.5918523

They use good translators. /lit/ would have you believe otherwise, but it's fine. Garnett for Dosto, Maudes for Tolstoy. I am planning to reread them in different translations, though. But I'm far from rereading my books at the moment.
Because I don't care about covers, and they have been absolutely fine so far. I bought plenty of them for 2 euros each. Given that I've read over 50 books this year, it would bankrupt me to have to spend a tenner per book.

>> No.5918857

we have kindles now, grandpa

>> No.5918910

¿Y ya no lo es?

>> No.5919969
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>> No.5920019

You are all amateurs.

>> No.5920524
File: 88 KB, 1160x599, nook library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost forgot muh ebook collection

>> No.5920701
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>> No.5920799
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Just started my collection :3

>> No.5920814

Are you twelve?

>> No.5920841

>see someone with hp books in paperback
>know they're a literal child or a late coming bitch
hardcover, bought in the first 12 hours of release, all the way

>> No.5920851


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 etc.

>> No.5920857
File: 45 KB, 530x795, mylivingroombookcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5920870


Are you one of those people who also thinks it might be cool to organize your books by the color of their spines?

>> No.5920872

penguin black spine books make me sick
the bn classics used to, but i think their ugly blahness is kinda of charming now

>> No.5920884

i don't understand
the order you have your fiction in

also, who makes the light purple book in the middle of your third shelf from the top? v pretty

>> No.5920892

your dad is cooler than you

>> No.5920911
File: 224 KB, 1080x720, Bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookshelf 1/2. Mostly my philosophy/nostalgia shelf.

>> No.5920912

>They use good translators
They use translators in the public domain, whether they be good or bad. Either way, you could have read it for free, and legally, online.

>> No.5920916

bedroom bookcase :)

>> No.5920918
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forgot pic

>> No.5920922

Jeebis. How do you find things quickly? Is there a secret rainbow coding you've developed?

>> No.5920928

my bookcases are ones i bought from borders when they were liquidating everything

>> No.5920931
File: 74 KB, 640x433, obtrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hundreds of copies of this nonsense shit on google image search. Nice try though, anon.

>> No.5920945
File: 64 KB, 475x583, bookshelf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its easy for that shelf, harder for my other living room shelves

>> No.5920954
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I did find this truly appalling thing though, maybe as bad as rainbow shelves.

>> No.5921179
File: 3.87 MB, 447x334, sad_bilbo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 20 and grill

>> No.5921188

>20 yr old chick
>on 4chan
>fucking /lit/
lel nah

>> No.5921210

Whatever grandma go read your old books with your rose colored glasses while you jack off to the thought of someone transcribing the book you're holding.

>> No.5921211

No, I've got a lot saved for mine.

I actually have a large list of several hundred books I'm planning to get for a children's literature sub-collection. Only have ~60 of them so far, mainly the NYRB Children's collection and a few from Folio Society (the children's ones).

I'm also a woman though. I think most of the men here aren't betting on having children.

>> No.5921215

If anyone's curious, my list:


>> No.5921217

girls can have children at 20 y.o.
it was actually a verge of the old age back then

>> No.5921218

Whoops, that's the old version.

New version:


>> No.5921220

post nudes you whore

>> No.5921224

no chick on 4chan will have kids

>> No.5921230

Why do you even think so?

I've been on 4chan overall since 2006, /lit/ since the first day. I've also been married for six years, and we're trying for kids at the moment.

Not everyone is a stereotype.

>> No.5921236

i'm just shitposting m8

>> No.5921237

btw, not the 20 year old, I'm 25

>> No.5921254


I can see myself having children in like ten years. they won't be ready for my books for another 15 years. It will probably make more sense for the kids to buy their own books rather than deal with the expense of storing books for a quarter century.

I probably will save a few books but right now I'm trying to limit how many physical copies I own.

>> No.5921263

>is unimpressed by all these bookcases/collections
>is also a grill
glad everyone is on their /lit/ starter pack

>> No.5921269

there's a lot of good stuff here, but you need to get some things that aren't on "top whatever" lists too. reading nothing but thought-provoking stuff tires most people out pretty quickly, regardless of age group, and there are a lot of things worth reading that will never make it onto a list like that, and, if your nefarious plan is to succeed, you need to diversify into different genres, writing styles, and levels of "quality".

also, where's your lloyd alexander?

>> No.5921273
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I want those B&N collection books

I already have some, but I need them all

>> No.5921275

>implying i give a fuck what you think of my books
good thing i read for my own enjoyment and not yours

>> No.5921281

>implying I'm not just being a hater for my own fun and amusement

>> No.5921289


Books in home determine academic success

>> No.5921290

>finding fun and joy in things
lel normalfag

>> No.5921298


>> No.5921303

It's fun as a kid/tween/teen to go through your parent's books.

>> No.5921309

that's true, but i have this unrealistic, romanticised idea of my kids reading the same copies of books i did when i was their age.

>> No.5921311

Wow how do you even become so pointless and fucking retarded?

>> No.5921318

>pointless and fucking retarded
>what is 4chan

>> No.5921323

>completely wrecked copy of order of phoenix

that poor book
you are a bad person

>> No.5921325

i'll give my kids all my good stem books and whatever good books i get from my dad. other than that they gotta find stuff for themselves

>> No.5921346
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shit nigga I'll still have a lot of books but probably not the same ones as now. I few weeks ago I sold about 100 books that I had already read. I plan to do the same thing in the future to free up space. I want to concentrate my money on a few first editions that are easy to transport and store. I'm pretty much guaranteed to have dozens of books lying around at any given moment.


I've read a few of my parents' books they didn't really save novels though - lots of reference books and stuff.

>> No.5921347
File: 2.77 MB, 1628x1808, one more book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot this one

>> No.5921553


>> No.5921686

There are a very large range of genres and writing styles in that list, as well as age group.

I own a lot of other books from Scholastic from when I was a kid, that I didn't necessarily put on the list - Seven Day Magic, The Moorchild, all the Nancy Drews, Ear, The Eye and The Arm, Horrible Histories, etc.

I mean, from Herge to Gorey, Jansson to the d'Aulaires, Dahl to Snicket, I don't see how you'd say it's not diverse.

I personally don't get tired of "thought provoking" things, but my interpretation of thought provoking is rather wide, I think. E.B. White is in there just as much as Little Bear.

Yep, I own several of their shirts.

>> No.5921691

Can you post some of the covers?

>> No.5921715
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>> No.5921781

Wow, no need for me to take a picture of my shelf. I have recently finished Gibbon, will be reading Thucydides followed by Xenophon's (both on your shelf) in 2015. Plutarch and Suetonius are good.
Have also read WW2 and English history by Churchill.

Got any other Churchill?

>> No.5922108
File: 2.63 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20141229_001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They use translators in the public domain, whether they be good or bad
Turns out the public domain ones for Russian are pretty good, then. Tolstoy himself approved the Maudes', can't really dispute with that.

>you could have read it for free, and legally, online.
True, but I usually spend around 80 minutes a day on a train, plus I have time between classes which sometimes goes up to 4 hours. That, and I don't have a laptop/i-pad/whatever portable internet. I also just like regular books more.
Here you go.

>> No.5923284

were you naked when you took that picture? ewww

great book though. one of my favourites

>> No.5923614

i had shorts on

>> No.5923636
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>> No.5923650


The second shelf is arranged alphabetically by author

The fiction on the third shelf is arranged the same way, but these are the books ive already read

I'm not sure what purple book you're referring to? I'm kind of colorblind

>> No.5924152


It's a Barnes & Noble classic edition, I think

>> No.5924246

god wicked fucking sucks

>> No.5924491

This looks like the shelf of a pretty well learned person.
Good job