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/lit/ - Literature

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5902278 No.5902278 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else think that this board should have a weekly general questions thread?

>> No.5902286


>> No.5902288

The thread would, in other words, be for questions that don't deserve their own thread. And if the thread gets stickied at the top then that would probably guarantee higher traffic in the thread so more people would get their questions answered. And yes, this is a self-bump

>> No.5902291
File: 198 KB, 1000x1736, 1415443473344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that portrait and is there anymore like this and the one I'm posting ?

>> No.5902293

shit idea

>> No.5902310

I don't recall the proper name but that is Dante Alighieri and Virgil walking through Cocytus. The image is a version of a woodcut from Gustave Doré.

>> No.5902311
File: 106 KB, 568x599, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it from an art thread that was posted on here. This pic is from the same thread.

>> No.5902316

I think it was called "The Ninth Circle" or something.

>> No.5902319

Care to explain why it's a shit idea rather than just dismissing it?

>> No.5902321

Sorry, also meant to mention that if you google Francisco Goya you'll find more like the one you posted, which is titled Saturn devouring his son.

>> No.5902322
File: 460 KB, 560x781, tsukimiya_ringo by kusayusaai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pic you posted is saturn devoring his sons by Goya. If you check his dark paintings you'll get a pretty similar vibe.

>> No.5902323
File: 237 KB, 2108x1125, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another painting if anyone is interested.

>> No.5902330

Sorry, also meant to mention that if you google Francisco Goya you'll find more like the one you posted, which is titled Saturn devouring his son.

Cocytus makes up the ninth circle of hell so that would be correct. The image depicts Dante and Virgil on their way to see the devil. The people in the ice are guilty of traitorous and complex fraudulent acts. The deeper in the ice, the worse their sins. Judas, Cain, Brutus, and Cassius are some of the more well known sinners in this area.

>> No.5902331

virgil watches those pleb sinners like a real patrician

>> No.5902339

they watch how count ugolyno gnaws archbishop ruggieri

>> No.5902343

Lol, I really like Virgil in the game and the animated version.

>> No.5902481

A friend brought this for me

How is the Rolfe Humphries translation?

>> No.5902488
File: 19 KB, 250x256, 23462364217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does lit have any opinion on Evangelion?
My only knowledge about it is that it's controversial and was plagued with production problems. I only ask you guys because I trust your opinion on more """intellectual""" works.

>> No.5902493

I didn't think it was that great. I think it's "deep" for an anime but I haven't watched much so I can't say for sure.

I'd say watch it just to see what all the hype was about.

>> No.5902499

It's the best Animated Manchurian Fresco Sequence I've ever seen. Pretty good, 9/10 would watch again. It's quality isn't very consistent, though. It starts good, then goes somewhat downhill and becomes a more generic Giant Japanese Robot show, but then the ending comes and it's amazing. Give it a try, see if you like it.

>> No.5902501

what do real anime fans think of miyazaki? it's the only anime I've seen

>> No.5902513

/a/ hates him. he's moved beyond the anime culture and has a clear contempt for otakus. Aesthetically his films are gorgeous but he doesn't really know how to resolve a story. I still love him though.

>> No.5902515

Its great if you have studied gnosticism and christianity

>> No.5902525
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>> No.5902534

gnostics are fools

>> No.5902536

>reading a book
>encounter lines that are song lyrics
>"but I don't know how it should be rhymed, tone, etc."
>what do?

>> No.5902537


Kitty has it right. >>5902339
This was, in my opinion, the most important scene in the latter half of the Inferno. I don't know much about painting, but I know a great deal about the Divine Comedy. That's Count Ugolino chomping on Archbishop Ruggieri's brains.

It's the first (and last) time in the poem that Dante asks a soul for an explanation of his sins, but instead of explaining why he is in hell, Ugolino tells Dante the story of his execution at the hands of the archbishop. Basically, the story runs thus:

Ugolino was a Ghibelline, corrupted to become a Ghelf until the Ghib's gained power again and he switched sides. For his traitorous ways and his corruption, Archbishop Ruggieri condemns he and his sons to death. This is background information that isn't actually in the Inferno, just stuff Dante expected everyone reading to know. Ugolino beings his story post-condemnation. He and his sons are condemned to die by starvation, locked in a tower. To put it short, Ug's children offer themselves to be eaten by Ug, and they weep at him. He responds without emotion, and it's left up in the air whether or not he ate them, until finally "fasting had more power than grief," and the story ends.

This is probably my favorite story in literature. I can upload some papers that I wrote about it as an undergrad if anyone is interested, or if anyone has questions/comments I'd love to discuss it.

>> No.5902586

just apply any lyric to the tune of 'tiptoe through the tulips' by tiny tim

>> No.5902829
File: 354 KB, 1280x672, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else would we have?

>> No.5904811

Manicheanism is the ingenious inversion of Christian metaphysics. It is absolutely perfectly Satanic: Man is trapped by the evil controlling demiurge (God) behind a veil of darkness. Life's mission is to see enlightenment and break the chains and restrains of the false system.

This is the dominant metaphysic of the modern age in which people believe they are being moral and spiritual beings by rejecting all restraint and looking inward for their own truth while they curse God and "false religion".

Satan appears as a beautify angel of light. False light.

>> No.5904815


Songs give Pynchon's novels a bit of character.

>> No.5904817

Pleb question but what are modernist writers actually trying to do?

Like it seems to me that they push language to its limits and think that any idea can be lucid and understandable no matter how complicated it is (i.e finnigans wake).

Is that correct?

>> No.5905019

My question is, what exactly is, the basics of, Hegel's philosophy? All I know is master/slave dialectic and general Napoleon-wanking but it seems like certain schools of philosophy are derived from Hegel's work, so I'm wondering.

I remember reading about this in the Confessions, though I'm sure Gnostics have some response.

>> No.5905036

Very interesting stuff; for me the series invokes many Deleuzian 'history of cinema' terms in its motifs and symbols. Most fans try to disregard the Christian imagery citing directorial intent; it's far less interesting if you do this.

>> No.5905062

What are some reasons to live? What advantage does being alive have over being dead?

>> No.5905069

What the fuck is post modernism

>> No.5905082

It is the point at which someone should have stopped posting but did not stop posting.

>> No.5905091

>I can upload some papers that I wrote about it as an undergrad if anyone is interested
Please, please do.

>> No.5905109

But what exactly did they post?

>> No.5905450

It's centered around depression, nihilism, suicide, PTSD, and things like that. It's got a very strong style and means a lot to a lot of people. To me, ultimately, it was pretty boring most of the time.

I watched it four years ago, though. Maybe I will re-watch it someday.

>> No.5905458

