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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 65 KB, 705x345, pleb pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5899710 No.5899710 [Reply] [Original]

>sign up expecting some decent stuff
>see professional reviews hyping stuff up
>"Move over Twilight!"
>"The next supernatural thriller!"
>"Fanfiction about..."

Have you had any luck with this obviously vagina-infested website? Also, why do women drag down literature just by existing?

>> No.5899844


>> No.5899908

>Also, why do women drag down literature just by existing?
And men don't even read

>> No.5899959

Not OP, but are you guys seriously defending wattpad?

>> No.5899983

they are whiteknighting for no profit
like white knight training

>> No.5899985

Eh, tumblr's out in full force tonight. Someone probably linked us somewhere on their site again. It'll pass but until then just ignore them and everyone responding to them

>> No.5900097

>If you're not a bitter virgin you're from tumblr

>> No.5900098

It's not women it self, but the fact they make up most of the consensus of people who read often, that influences the best-selling list; and cause websites like GoodReads and Wattpad to market to those types.

It's kind of like vidya and guys. Most of the top selling games, game forums, and game discussions in media is about generic shooters, like Call of Duty. Or with male Freshmen at a lot of Colleges who enroll in Computer Science because they like video games, even though Computer Science is basically applied math and functions.

tl;dr, plebs ruin everything, no matter what the biggest demographic of the particular hobby / interest looks like

>> No.5900105

Yea. Where do you think you are?

>> No.5900109

>women suck and are dumb xD

First, go back to /r9k/. Then read some great literature written by females. There's lots of it.

>> No.5900117

>implying Virginia Woolf isn't the only female writer worth talking about

>> No.5900124
File: 13 KB, 165x165, 1371353567767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to put up a finished story of mine on Wattpad but I'm having so much anxiety about it. What will my friends think when they see I posted it there instead of to a reputable market?

>> No.5900126

> There's lots of it.

Indeed there is. But it is not read by females. They read rowling, meyer, clarke etc. If they would read great literature written by females it would show in the bestseller lists.

>> No.5900150

they're just plebs masquerading as females, their irrelevancy is complete

>> No.5900175

What percentage of female readers get past the YA/Fantasy stage?

>> No.5900287


>> No.5900321

>If you in any way criticize women you're a virgin despite them being harshly and correctly judged for their emotional shit since the dawn of man

I don't know what you idiots believe you are accomplishing. "hurr durr sexist virgin WEENIES! I am so offended by 4chan right now! I need you to know this!" "lol tumblr? What's that?"

None of us are going anywhere. Everyone ban evades. If you don't like 4chan stop forcing yourself to come here, you retard

>> No.5900335

>being this mad about your virginity

>> No.5900375

Chauvinsim aside, is it even possible to get a genuinely good story big on that website? Even the most well-rated stories are fucking awful.

>> No.5900400

>Literally the only point I have is to reassert a meaningless delusion

Lmao. How are you even this retarded. Does it ever occur to you that "all you've got" is fallacies and mob tactics or are you too stupid to have any sense of agency?

>> No.5900419


>> No.5900431

>B-b-but this is supposed to work! VIRGIN. VIRGIN
>W-why isn't my spell working ;_;

Jesus christ, are women fucking dumb.

>> No.5900451

>why don't girls like nice guys like me ;_;