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5895533 No.5895533 [Reply] [Original]

My gf is from a wealthy family who traces their blood back to nobility in Europe and I'm going to spending Christmas to New Years with them.

plz gib books that will teach manners because she said they have a high respect for how you present yourself and act.

>> No.5895534

Just act like a stuck-up faggot with no personality and you'll be golden.

>> No.5895536


>> No.5895538

well, yeah, but I mean etiquette. They pay close attention to that shit.

>> No.5895543


wear a who farted t shirt, speak like a wigger, and fart in her dads face

show them you are the alpha male and that their fancy ways dont scare you

>> No.5895545

low class pleb detected

I feel dirty just responding to you

>> No.5895546


Who gives a fuck dude just nut in her and you're set for life

>> No.5895550

>their fancy ways dont scare you

>> No.5895586

She's probably have an abortion. She doesn't want any kids until after she's married.

>> No.5895590

European etiquette begins and ends with Knigge.
But it's impossible to learn all of it. Look for dummy-versions.

>> No.5895608

You're asking about manners on 4chan, I think it's a safe bet that relationship won't hold, so why bother?
Fuck someone of your own social standing and don't pollute the elite's genepool with your idiocy.
Stick to your own kind, basically. Better for the both of us.

>> No.5895615


Is there such a thing as "dated" etiquette? I don't want to look austistic and being doing something out of the 1700's.

>> No.5895631

>I think it's a safe bet that relationship won't hold, so why bother?
It's doing extremely well because she's into intellectual stuff, so are her parents, very well versed in philosophy, literature and arts and all that. And they can also speak dead languages I can't, but that's not a deal breaker.

Her parents have yet to meet me and I know the impression will have a substantial impact in how our relationship progresses, because she ain't going to marry anyone down the road if her parents aren't enthusiastic about it. So this is pretty fucking important.

>> No.5895637


class by paul fussel

>> No.5895641

don't put your elbows on the dinner table. chew with your mouth closed. firm handshake.

>> No.5895643

maybe in the lesser parts of europe. where i come from, debrett's is the book of choice.

>> No.5895655

>And they can also speak dead languages I can't

I dare you to name something more pretentious than learning a dead language

>> No.5895664

I don't know, they learned growing up, so did she, can you be pretentious that young?

>> No.5895685
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>even contemplating marriage

>> No.5895734

Look, you're not going to make any lasting favorable expression on them, or her for that matter.
You're a toy, I'm sorry, but that's all you are, a distraction.
No one coming from any sort of wealthy background will let his daughter marry some poor middle-class sod.

>> No.5895778


i've seen this happen to people i know, both during college and after. rich girls, especially, will play the field a bit and date below their class until their around 25 or so, and then will eventually enter a long term relationship with and then marry that lawyer chad or banker brody who likewise comes "good stock." they're practically spoken for.

in the meantime it could be fun, though.

>> No.5895781

Yes, sure.
But that's precisely what I am talking about.
OP seems to genuinely care about this girl, so he'll be heartbroken when the inevitable happens.
Better to just end it on your own terms, I think.
She'll just find a new toy, in either case.

>> No.5895785

I dunno, she said she loves me and she's going to try to arrange for me to get a career working for her father. I have every reason to think it will endure, do you hang around with rich people a lot, or something?

>> No.5895799

As a German I can safely say, that no one gives a fuck about Knigge, not even so-called aristocrats. You could take Knigge as a pointer on how to behave, though. You'll easily spot what makes sense and what doesn't, anymore. Just get an overview.

>> No.5895810

>I dunno, she said she loves me
She might even really believe that right now - or she might simply lie. That's something people do, I'm afraid.
I want to be clear I'm not trying to be an asshole here, I'm trying to warn you because I've seen this kind of situation a lot, and it never ends well for the sod on the receiving end.

>do you hang around with rich people a lot, or something?
My father's among the wealthiest people of the country, so yes, I do.
Hence the warning.

>> No.5895829

you know, marrying for love is sort of a new idea that came about in the mid 1800s.

Before then, everyone, including poor people, got married for economic reasons with other families.

>> No.5895878

Sounds like shes pretty worthless if she isnt telling you the do's and dont's herself. Id have a strong urge to defy her parents in some way, just because archaic shit like parental marriage approval makes them sound like twats already. European Upper class people are the weirdest of the weird, I remember one used to post here and he was as mentally warped as anyone on /r9k/

>> No.5895892



>> No.5895896

>Sounds like shes pretty worthless if she isnt telling you the do's and dont's herself.
She is, but I learn better through books than trying to memorize what someone tells me.

> Id have a strong urge to defy her parents in some way, just because archaic shit like parental marriage approval makes them sound like twats already
Maybe, but I'm not going to dick around with my relationship over a minor quibble of principle.

>> No.5895907

>not wanting Maisie in the Missionary
Is that what the tv looks like when they took Arya's face off on the left of the photo??

>> No.5895921

nah these chicks end up with nobility just like them. if they're reeaaaally crazy they'll end up marrying some young wealthy jewish banker or lawyer. the family won't be 100% happy but at least he will have come from the right schools.

>> No.5895923

No balls
Civilized women are often attracted to men who embrace their barbaric nature, have Conan novels taught you nothing? You will fail regardless of what you try

>> No.5895930


why does everyone have to do drugs? serious question

>> No.5895932

What is best than death, to crush your enemies, see them fleeing before you and hear the lamentation of their women.

>> No.5895966



The situation is very read-dependant BUT it's possible she's going through a rebellious phase and actually wants you to fuck up a bit (albeit in a way that allows her to cast her family as unreasonable stuck-up assholes etc).

So, maybe don't study too hard if you suspect that's what the deal is.

>> No.5895969

>why does everyone have to do drugs? serious question

Dude, they're super good fun as long as neither you nor the people you do them with are assholes.

>> No.5895975

She's not a very rebellious girl. If she's being passive-aggressive rebellious, i really, really don't want to cater to a phase, because I'll stop appealing to her after she's out of it. I'd rather actually do well with the parents and land the job, even if my gf wanted me to upset her parents more.

>> No.5895990

>land the job

Dude, be reasonable. Manage your expectations.

>> No.5896008

Well, rich people do drugs because they get quality-A drugs and that's fucking fun.
I suppose poor people do drugs so they can stand being poor, and eventually die because Crystal Meth kills them, or maybe their black neighbors does?
I'm not sure. Never thought much about it really.

>> No.5896024
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Whatever happens, OP, write a novel about it.

>> No.5896026


Im middle class and this shit always interested me. I've been drinking since I was 16 and smoked pot in highschool and college, so Im not straight edge or anything.

I just never understood this mindset of wanting to try all these different drugs. What are these people looking for?

>> No.5896027

They give pleasant effects, except ayahuasca. Fuck ayahuasca.

>> No.5896029

New experiences, new kinds or more intense pleasure, sometimes pure curiosity.
For example, I do coke because it's the only thing that helps with my migraines, because it's great for sex, because it makes me feel even more like Pat Bateman and because it goes well with my lifestyle.

>> No.5896037

>because it's great for sex
And then you burn out.

>> No.5896038

How the fuck do you afford coke? I can't afford to keep a steady supply of this shit. It's so expensive in my area and I refuse to do crack.

>> No.5896049

>For example, I do coke because it's the only thing that helps with my migraines, because it's great for sex, because it makes me feel even more like Pat Bateman and because it goes well with my lifestyle.

This doesnt sound really appealing to me. But then again, Im pretty socially retarded and dont get most of the shit people like. I realize how faggy and special snowflake that sounds, but thats just my opinion

>> No.5896052

Not really. Anything under one g a day is easily manageable if you have good coke. (that is, >70%)

>How the fuck do you afford coke?
I'm filthy rich.
But yeah, good coke is expensive. Wouldn't ever lay my hands on crack either, though.

>> No.5896059

It's not reasonable to expect the job right away, but if I get to know the parents really well, then why not?

>> No.5896062
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>How the fuck do you afford coke?
Is not that expensive bro

>> No.5896070

>if I get to know the parents really well

Well, it's your disappointment, pal. My advice: regard it as the longest of long-shot punts.

>> No.5896089



Have you tried LSD?

>> No.5896099

It's for her family's charity firm, though.

>> No.5896103

Yes, actually, but it hasn't brought much relief, and I dislike the sense of loss of control hallucinogens give me.
But thank you anyhow.

>> No.5896121
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Follow your bliss, dude. God speed.

>> No.5896204
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>denying burnout

>> No.5896212
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>Never receiving home training because you were born a dirty yankee
>People actually live like this

>> No.5896225


>tfw even poor rednecks in the south have better manners than northerners

I've known even the most racist people to hold the door open for black women and refer to them as ma'am

>> No.5896466

Let me guess, the kicker is they don't know you're black?

>> No.5896484 [DELETED] 

Similarly, I've never understood the mindset of people who aren't straight edge but refuse to touch "other drugs" out of some retarded sense of pride or fear. You don't have to punch a card and show people "I sniffed a line of coke once" "I rolled at a party once". You gain absolutely nothing by abstaining "for your principles". You're just missing out on a fun, unique experience. Any time you try to rationalize your retarded logic to someone, know that they are thinking about what a faggot you are.

>> No.5896515

Other drugs are objectively more addictive and harmful, so there's that.

>> No.5896523 [DELETED] 

So don't do them the next day. Again, I hope you don't discuss this with real people because everyone thinks you're a tool and a pussy.

>> No.5896535


You might be hanging around the wrong people.

Or maybe you are one of those assholes that thinks everyone is just as big a dick as he is

>> No.5896562 [DELETED] 

Yeah man I don't really care about your delusions but if you've ever told your friends you don't want their drugs because your afraid it'll damage your body and turn you into an addict they think you're a faggot. You can not like it, that's fine. But they still do.

>> No.5896585

>good for sex
u wot m8, i've managed to get boners on coke exactly twice

OP, here's a good idea: Just play the salt-of-the-earth, middle class boy with a passion for intelectual pursuit and a desire to grow - create a narrative, maybe a awful teacher in some class you wanted to study because you actually LIKE it, and yet he was fucking awful and uninterested.

And pray they see themselves as progressives (these people never are, though, so beware, don't be too radical)

>> No.5896596

This whole scenario sounds totally ridiculous on so many levels.......

>> No.5896653

>be in similar situation
>met her father once, for five minutes, during which time he ascertained I was poor, had a crap job and was way less attractive than his only daughter
>Christmas comes around
>make awkward conversation, goes 'okay'
>some childhood friend of hers who comes around
>he's in a suit that looks like it cost more than my car
>parents all over him, they spend the entire night pushing him on her
>mother corners me in the kitchen and asks me why I'm trying to ruin her daughters life
>leave as early as possible
>relationship ends three months later because she can't handle her parents scorn

They weren't royalty, just rich as fuck thanks to old money. Worst situation one can find themselves in.

>> No.5896711

Are you American? If so you can make for the "enterprising American" image and just be very energetic and straight forward.
My sister is a gook and has an Italian fiance she plans to marry. She's visited his family (which are also fairly high class, though not nobility) and gotten tacit approval (this is what I've heard), so it seems to be possible, though of course it's a bit different because the genders are swapped in your case. I'm curious to hear how this goes, definitely update us on it.

>> No.5896750

Speak only when necessary. Ask polite questions. Be humerous but not in a vulgar way.

Stand straight, eat food properly and never clean your nose or do anything of the dirty sort in front them.

Wear nice clothes and if you are wearing a shirt, tuck it in. Be presentable at all times.

Again, never say something in the spur of the moment, be calm, collected and seem calculated.

Show your love for her and care.

Speak properly, no grammatical errors and no slang.

Trust me, you'll do fine.

>> No.5896753

>Are you American? If so you can make for the "enterprising American" image and just be very energetic and straight forward.
Yes, I am,

>My sister is a gook and has an Italian fiance she plans to marry. She's visited his family (which are also fairly high class, though not nobility) and gotten tacit approval (this is what I've heard), so it seems to be possible, though of course it's a bit different because the genders are swapped in your case. I'm curious to hear how this goes, definitely update us on it.
I think it is possible, although they're very tied to their heritage, they have distant relations over in Europe that's still involved with that sort of thing. Of curse, they aren't going to find any nobility over here, so I don't think it's an issue.

>> No.5896758

What clothes should I wear? My gf is dressing causally and she told me to just dress nicely casual, but I would like to impress them without looking like a fedora.

>> No.5896795

Greg or dark colored Blazer, collared shirt without tie, leather belt, beige/brown slacks, Oxfords or nice boots if you have them that are the same color as your belt.

>> No.5896815
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>Are you American? If so you can make for the "enterprising American" image and just be very energetic and straight forward.

>> No.5896923

Full pleb. That or kike wanting to stand against proper tradition and culture.

>> No.5897180

Don't let all these basement dwellers and narcicist loners get you down, OP.

But people who take pride in something as trivial as nobility are pretty fucking stupid, though. So no idea what they'll expect. Just be polite and normal. If they can't appreciate a regular decent person, they're wankers.

>> No.5897187

Even if they're wankers, I'd rather be on their good side for obvious reasons.

>> No.5897198

This is a /lit/ thread, why has no-one suggested Il Galateo yet?

Full of great advice like keep your trousers on in public.

>> No.5897202

>keep your trousers on in public.
We don't want to start with the advanced class.

>> No.5897329

>u wot m8, i've managed to get boners on coke exactly twice
Depends on how much you take. Obviously if you've been doing lines every half an hour since you some up, sex at midnight won't work all that well.
But a couple of lines before you get to fucking? That's great.

>> No.5897339

Sounds like such a terrible life, having to be some kind of puppet just to appeal to someone's delusions so you can have sex with their daughter.

But whatever floats your boat, mate.

>> No.5897343

I love her.

>> No.5897348

>Improving himself
>Promoting tradition
>Social mobility a possibility
>Be with the girl he loves
That does sound rough.

>> No.5897380

Good luck with it, then.
>Improving himself
Yeah, learning how deluded, supercilious aristocrats want you to act is improving himself so much
>Promoting tradition
/pol/ pls go, tradition is a hoax, especially aristocratic tradition
>Social mobility a possibility
He can join the muppet club? wooptydoo
>Be with the girl he loves
This is the only good reason to sit through the bullshit.

>> No.5897401


Your sister is a fucking race traitor gook.

Can't handle those types.

>> No.5897403

>join the muppet club
How far from wealth has one to be removed to not realise the myriad of obvious advantages such wealth has for those who possess it, and their loved ones?
I always find it amazing how some poor people have actually managed to delude themselves into thinking being wealthy must be bad, or that it comes with some sort of pay-off, and that therefore staying a mediocre middle class sod is preferable.

>> No.5897422
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Go for it, OP.

>> No.5897424

Do not, no matter how tempted, lick your knife.

>> No.5897432

>I always find it amazing how some poor people have actually managed to delude themselves into thinking being wealthy must be bad, or that it comes with some sort of pay-off, and that therefore staying a mediocre middle class sod is preferable.
I think Nietzsche said something about this, and really that's what slave morality is all about.

Master morality means having values that you must strive to live up to. Slave morality means choosing values that pat you on the back and make you feel good.

>> No.5897438

That helps you understanding nouveau riche Americans, not old-money European aristocrats.

Yes, but it's an odd occurrence really. As if a whole social class is in century-long self-denial.

>> No.5897442

I went from a six digit income to homelessness and back and I can tell you now, more than ever, that money is evil and every world religion teaches this because it's true

>> No.5897445

Why didn't you just stay homeless, then?
I'm not saying money magically resolves all problems people might have, but I'll be damned if it doesn't help a whole lot more than no money.
Doesn't mean it'll make you happy, some people seem to be chronically dissatisfied with life. Personally, I've grown up rich and most of my life has been incredibly enjoyable, and yes, money was a big part of that.

>> No.5897487

wow this thread is wierd as shit, i thought we'd be teaching OP manners and not arguing about money and coke

>> No.5897489

Can you elaborate on this story anon?

>> No.5897492

What the hell are you talking about? I'm not talking about being wealthy, I'm talking about being ''aristocratic''

Your whole post makes absolutely no sense. My criticism is about the fact that OP has to behave a certain way, according to specific rules, to make sure the high and mighty don't frown upon his proletarian mannerisms, to an extent where he's asking us for books on proper etiquette, just so the parents can get over the fact that he's poor, and let him date their daughter.

Wealth has nothing to do with my post, so keep your period intact, please.

>> No.5897497

>money is evil
If you wish to paste the concept of evil onto a noun beginning with M it should be Man not Money.

>> No.5897507

Like it or not, wealthy people behave a certain way.
I doubt OP's girlfriend's family is role-playing Downton Abbey, they merely expect her new toy to be polite and well-mannered until she's bored with him, that's hardly selling your soul to "join the muppet club".
That's not even restricted to aristocrats or wealthy people, everywhere you go people expect you to behave a certain way, or look a certain way.

>> No.5897515

I owned a restaurant, business partner fucked me over when I tried to sell, lost all my money.

Couchsurfed for basically a year. Then I decided I needed a drastic lifestyle change. So I went to China with my last savings and just sort of fucked around there. I did lots of hiking and general wandering. For a portion of time I was even a street performer. My Mandarin greatly improved though. Now I work in Hong Kong.

But I can't forget the greed that brought me here, nor the solace I found in simple living. I basically just save all my money now in the off chance I ever reproduce and need to send children to college.

I don't think money is inherently evil. And rich people aren't either. But greed is another beast entirely.

>> No.5897519

>I don't think money is inherently evil. And rich people aren't either. But greed is another beast entirely.
Well, I can agree with that entirely - though it seems as if your business partner's greed fucked you over, not your own.
Sorry if I came across as dickish in >>5897445

>> No.5897520

Wealthy people behave as they damn well please

>> No.5897526

Depends on how they acquired their wealth.
Old money generally behaves very differently from nouveau-riche entrepreneurs.

>> No.5897528

>Like it or not, wealthy people behave a certain way.
I know, it's detestable. But then poor and middle class people also behave a certain way, and so does everyone else who figures himself to be part of an imagined community, and all of that is ridiculous to me as well, so it's all the same, I suppose.
>everywhere you go people expect you to behave a certain way, or look a certain way.
I know, but the fact that OP is asking for book recs on it signals that this isn't the ordinary meet the parents and don't fuck up situation. Unless he is used to eating with his feet or something, which I doubt, since he's got a girlfriend that, by the sounds of it, could choose between a lot of men.

>> No.5897538

>I know, it's detestable.
I don't know about that, I think it can be nice to play along sometimes, doesn't mean you have to behave "as is expected of you" all the time.
But of course that's just my opinion, I see you take a more individualistic approach to life.

>Unless he is used to eating with his feet or something
Well, we really don't know enough about his situation to say, I suppose. Her parents could be looking back on 500 years of good breeding, or maybe just got lucky with a grandfather who bought some real estate in London and Vienna after the war.
No way to tell just how important proper behavior is to them, but as I said before I doubt the relationship will be a long one, so I wouldn't worry all that much about it, if I were him.

>> No.5897540

OP, European aristocrats are very family orientated, and a lot closer than we are. You will be embraced into the family bosom by default, and expected to refer to her folks as 'Father' and 'Mother, dearest'. If there are siblings around, you can call them by their Christian names if you feel comfortable.

You will be placed near the bottom of the family hierarchy, unfortunately, and will be expected to seat yourself on the carpet at the foot of Fathers chair until specifically invited to sit in a chair. The women folk will amuse themselves with whatever they do, and the males will retire to the conservatory or parlor for cognac and cigars. Don't worry though, as a guest you will be provided with a smoking jacket the first time and expected to bring your own upon subsequent visits.

This is standard, but I'll need to know which European country to tell you anything substantial. For example, if they are from the former Yugoslavia or Greece, you kiss males on both cheeks, but if they are French you only kiss the women folk. If they are English, you may be expected to join the males in a fox hunt (purely for sport, you wont eat the fox), but if they are Estonian you will be expected to present the Father with a wild boar or large pig for the banquet.

>> No.5897548

>this nigga

Well now you know OP. Get to boar-hunting or else you'll never be allowed to sit in chairs.

>> No.5897552

>tradition is a hoax, especially aristocratic tradition
Confirmed kike. No one would be enough of a tall-poppy sufferer to disparage such strong family values and successes.
>Yeah, learning how deluded, supercilious aristocrats want you to act is improving himself so much
Sure. It means he can do better in life. Something you seem to have issue with.
>He can join the muppet club? wooptydoo
Your scathing remarks are something the club, and all upper class people will never recover from.

>> No.5897588

It would be fun to act like it, everyone has when they were kids anyways, and they probably still do when they buy something fancy or have a fancy dinner. I wouldn't mind the act, as long as I know that deep down below, it's ironic. But if it's sincere, I think it's despicable, because it makes you realise these people genuinely think they're better than others because of nothing more than ''some guy told some other guy he was more important than others, and that was about 700 years ago, so.. I'm kind of a big deal, have you seen our family weapon yet?''

A kike is a Jew, right? How do Jews disparage strong family values and tradition in general?

Anyways, things your family has done mean absolutely nothing, if you're proud of it, you're pathetic. You didn't have any contribution to it, it's like being a nationalist.

>Your scathing remarks are something the club, and all upper class people will never recover from.

A person with a messiah complex isn't too bothered by you telling him he's crazy either. The level of effect something has on people is not an indication of its value or content.

>> No.5897593

Me neither. You should try them all (except for meth and smack) at least once and then take the ones that you really like more frequently. There are some that I do often and some I would never touch again. It's different for every person though.

>> No.5897608

>''some guy told some other guy he was more important than others, and that was about 700 years ago, so.. I'm kind of a big deal, have you seen our family weapon yet?''
I agree with your general premise here but this is really just unnecessary hyperbole, obviously there's more to family tradition than that (though it's just as obvious to me that people who take all their confidence and self-worth from their ancestry are generally insufferable)
Plus, I still think most of their "pride" comes from the wealth that's tacked onto their heritage, impoverished aristocrats are rarely ever as prideful, happy or "fancy" as those who stayed rich.

On another note, don't bother responding to /pol/ bait, it's a waste of time.

>> No.5897624

>How do Jews disparage strong family values and tradition in general?
That's something for a whole other thread. Basically control of media and influence. In doing so, encouraging division of families, and thus greater commercialism.

>things your family has done mean absolutely nothing
Spoken like someone whose family has done nothing.
>You didn't have any contribution to it
No, but it's a mark to live up to. You are still a part and product of it. That's another curse of modernism: The destruction of legacy. Caring less for the past, means caring less for the future, leaving only frivolity in the present.

>The level of effect something has on people is not an indication of its value or content.
No, but an unproductive peasant disparaging his betters means very little.

>> No.5897751


Why haven't we got rid of these leeches yet?

>> No.5897755

>people whose taxes pay for my autismbux are leeches

>> No.5897761


>people who get their immense wealth from land ownership and other passive income streams are not leeches

>> No.5897765

So if I provide housing to someone and get compensated financially for it, I am a leech, and not the poor fucker who lives on land I own, in a house I own?
Are you confused, Anon?

>> No.5897780

>Being this Low class

>> No.5897785

Money should go to people who work and the government not some rich niggers 54th yacht

>> No.5897786


The land is already there, you aren't providing anything.

>> No.5897794

Yes, the guy working a job to pay you because you were born with a house to spare isn't as much of a leech as you in the scenario.

>> No.5897798


The roman elite learned Greek, and until recently it was common the learn old languages when you specialized in literature. Laziness and daily findable translations changed that.

>> No.5897801

Your problem is with property ownership and job creation?
Hope you life perfectly ascetic, pinko.

>> No.5897803

What could be more pretentious than learning the needless habits of old elites?

>> No.5897805

Have you ever managed multiple tenement buildings? Because that's work, too.
And the government? Disregarding the fact that I pay ten times as much in taxes as most people make a year, what makes you think the government is good at managing money?
Hyperbole doesn't help your case, either.

Yes, and someone owned the land, and I bought it from him. Then I built a house on it, or bought the house from someone who built it.
I invested money, and I expect a return on that investment, so people pay me money because they like living in apartments.
How is that wrong?

So you are saying parents have no right to provide for their children any further than the barest necessities?

>> No.5897807

The money does go to the workers. They get what they value themselves at, and what their intelligence/work ethic allows.
>and the government

To have a full grasp of a language, one should understand the roots. What does it matter if it's something the elites/skilled routinely practice. Just shows that they are wise and free enough to do so.

>> No.5897810

>not being cultured enough to hold a conversation with the most pretentious European "nobility".

Fucking shameful, /lit/.

>> No.5897818

Parents chose to have little leeches, I don't see the problem there. The discussion is about who was leeching the most here, and the one not actually working to get his money sounds like a winner.

>> No.5897823

From whom is a house-owner leeching, though? He provides services other people choose to spend money for.

>> No.5897829

>Parents chose to have little leeches
And they're not allowed to provide for them except bread and water?

>> No.5897833


Shelter isn't a choice, it's a necessity.

>> No.5897836

But WHICH shelter is a choice.

>> No.5897837

You are free to live in a government- or charity-paid shelter, of course.

>> No.5897838


Living isn't necessary, you nihilistic virgin

>> No.5897856


You're american they won't expect anything from you, just be yourself.

>> No.5897865

Ask your girlfriend to go over it for you what do you need a book to give you contrived lessons of formality for when your bae can do it all for you in 15 minutes.

>> No.5897880

Also, to answer the OP
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

>> No.5897973

True, true, and true.

>> No.5897992

the fantasy of the nobility woman that fuck ups a middle class man, manipulating him to recognize his power as a higher being

you really baited it

>> No.5897998

Don't be a dick, respect everybody, and treat them according to their manners.

That's it.

>> No.5898001


well said. that's diplomacy.

>> No.5898099
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From the series called "The Hero Yoshihiko and The Demon King's Castle".

>> No.5898207


do rich people actually come on this site? I don't really believe that because they always talk about how poor people must be depressed with their shitty lives and yet they are posting on this site (a place where you only come if the external world is not meeting all of your needs satisfactorily)

>> No.5898221

>the free ride of a pauper in exchange of something he already knew
what's the problem there?

Just saw it for the first time, I think demo linked it or something, great stuff. Second season felt a bit repetitive and aimless.

I believe there is a big above average userbase, but there are also a ton of really broke slobs. I doubt really rich people or really poor people would post here, maybe check /b/ to feel special or something.

>> No.5898242

I come here for shits and giggles, couple of times a week.
Just because I've been coming here forever, really, it's not like I spend all day shitposting.

>> No.5898244

mate, anything you learn over the next few days will just come across as artificial.

it's best just to lock yourself in your room for the next few days and attain a detachment from all things through meditation so that when you meet them you won't be nervous.
either that, or get lots of exercise and read the Iliad.

>> No.5898268

As a European, this thread is hilarious. OP trying to marry into the DuBois family or something.

>> No.5898338
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Alright OP, if you have money, go to your nearest tailor and ask for 2 of the nicest suits he has, yes blow out around 4,000-7,000 dollars, if you dont, apply for the credit and blow it out on the suit, also don't forget the shoes.

Then go find a Lacrose store near you, buy a lot of polos and shorts, if it's fucking freezing, man up, also a sweater vest and 2 sweaters.

Dress as nice as possible and always speak with yes sir no sir yes ma'am no ma'am no thank you!

Don't be retarded, never EVER shorten your words, DONT EVER SAY THANKS OR YEA,
Okay and mhm in a conversation is the best you can have, DONT EVER TELL A JOKE! You sound like the type of person that has shitty jokes.




Also, if you really want to tell a joke, look up etiquette jokes online, and maybe some stock jokes. Also bring some smart books,


Get this and buy a Spanish to English Dictionary!

Also, if they start to rant on you being poor or something, tell them you love their daughter and you plan on doing everything perfect just for her, if it gets even more awkward just say this.
"what do you recommend on doing? When you love a person you would do anything in your hands to be with them, and that is what I am trying to do."

Also, greet her mom with a hand shake and a kiss on each cheek. BUT NEVER TO GUY THATS LIKE SAYING YOU THINK HE'S YOUR BITCH!

Also, how long have you guys been together?

Don't think about proposing on x-mas or new years. If you're gonna propose, do it either on the 27th or 28th its inbetween xmas and new years.

And remember act confident, but not stuck up, they're going to be testing you, so just act middleclass/high class. make sure you dont try to show off the suit, just wear it as if you spent nothing on it, and if food falls on your close or it gets ruined, don't make a scene, even though it was expensive as fuck, dont make a scene, act as if it was nothing.


My sisters husband is poor and he did all this, first man my parents approve and they gave him a job, parents have spanish royal blood, and all of us have a bunch of companies and my parents never allowed my sister to date, when they found out her husband was poor but now isnt cause my dad gave him his shitty company that was going to shit and he brought it up, they didnt care, cause he proved worthy or whatever shit.

Also treat the mother and your gf like queens, as if theyre treasures, but dont over do it. open doors, ALWAYS OFFER HELP, and when you step you leave, tell them you a bit nervious to meet them, but you're glad you did because you had an astounding time, USE THAT FUCKING WORD, USE BIG WORDS TOO!

>> No.5898345
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>> No.5898362

Actually, this is rather good advice.

>> No.5898364

I have a friend who's rich off his mom's money and posts on /b/ of all places.

>> No.5898391

dis nigga knows his shit

>> No.5898408


>dropping 4-7 gs to impress some chick

Lrn2 thrift store hipster qts

>> No.5898419

Virgin Mary: Mother of God! This is great stuff mane.

>> No.5898426

sounds good but an expensive suit may be overkill.

>> No.5898464
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Heres a picture i just put together of some ways to dress, also make sure the shirts are soft and buy this cologne


one spray on one wrist rub with other wrist,
another spray on neck rub with wrists,
if you're gonna eat shrimp, peel with the fork and knife, never use your hands at all

>> No.5898465


So you do drugs because you think it makes you "badass" ?

>> No.5898468

Just watch Downton Abbey

>> No.5898472

Not having money to impress girls parents, nigga, are you poor? But new clothes, we can tell when they're used or they're from a thrift shop, also, we buy new clothes for every party or so, unless her father or mother have really expensive clothes given as a gift from people who are richer than them, than they'll use those on special occasions like xmas or a richer guys birthday,

>> No.5898480


What a waste of time and money. If you're good looking you can pull off thrift store clothing. It's way cheaper. All the overcompensation is only necessary if you're lacking in personality or looks

>not being poor

Get out, pig

>> No.5898490

Made it in a rush and didn't change the font,

But ignore the font, anything else you need, just tag me and ill get a notification,
Hope you take all of my advise, and i hope you have money for the stuff i recommend,

Also bring some of your own best clothes incase they have a casual thing, or best casual clothes, and make conversation about good movies, and recommend exotic horror movies, exotic as in japanese korean spanish mexican,
or any really good movies, if you get into the movie convo, most of us love pulp fiction and what not, the director is out favorite, also dont ever mention wolf of wallstreet, but use that movie as a reference on how to dress, also, dont be shy.

sorry if i have bad english :/

>> No.5898499



and to the anon thats jealous i have more money than him, theres no need to get mad, maybe if you invest in realestate and rent properties you could make decent money and buy new clothers ;)

>> No.5898500

underrated post

>> No.5898525 [DELETED] 

Yes you retard, the fact that they are not a big deal at all and are just an experience you are missing makes them "badass". You're actually super cool for abstaining and totally not just passing up a unique experience, the government was totally right dude! This little sarcastic comment of yours? It's totally slain me dude. The years of casual partying and memories and friends and music, I regret all of it now, because some autistic virgin was compelled to post a more verbose "le xD" in an attempt to... Well I really don't pretend to know what compells you fucking retards to expend your energy typing the generic bullshit that you seem to dedicate your life to. You did it anon. You're finally cool!

>> No.5898549


Yeah I can tell from how needlessly angry you are getting at me for not doing them that you seem to base your whole identity around drugs.

If your greatest experiences of your life are you getting high, you arent doing much, but thats just my opinion. You seem like a very boring, bitter person with nothing interesting to say.

>> No.5898598

Really hope youre not OP, then I might've wasted advise on you

>> No.5898622


Well no one should take advice from you. You seem like a very bitter and petty person.

You are getting really angry and really defensive just because someone asked you why you do drugs.

>> No.5898626

Try Debretts my good man; that is focused on English traditional manners but that's reserved enough for most of Europe to pass off as acceptable.

>> No.5898711

>I really don't pretend to know what compells you fucking retards to expend your energy typin

The other guy's a moron, but this should have made your ironometer go beep. Morons exist, let them alone.

>> No.5898716


Im not that druggy but i do drugs.
I'm the best advise giver ever, I recommend if you have a history of addiction in your family, dont do any drugs, if you don;t, try the good expensive coke and mary j

>> No.5898783

literally every European can trace their blood back to nobility

>> No.5898816

American Psycho.

>> No.5898835


Im not saying the guy is petty because he does drugs, Im saying hes petty because of his needlessly angry response to a simple question.

>> No.5899121

You willingly impair your cognitive functions.

The very pinnacle of stupidity.

>> No.5899155

Sweater(plain) instead of blazer can work

>> No.5899587

I'm OP, that wasn't me.

>> No.5901512

Cool, alright OP. I hope you take my advise seriously! I dot want to have wasted it and you not going through with if. If you can afford the suit stuff, then ask a rich friend to lend you one of his.

>> No.5901797

Any noble family that moved to America did so because they sucked at being noble. Just chillax man, be sure to drink beforehand so that you'll be a real social butterfly.

>> No.5901799


this means a crewneck sweater over an oxford shirt, with either chinos or corduroy pants. dress the part.

>> No.5901806


i expected despondency and homelessness and a real life lesson, not a fucking backpacking vacation. i agree with you that money is evil, but i don't think you know a thing about actual poverty still.

>> No.5901810

Or they enjoyed the business opportunities.

>> No.5901821


social behavior points upward though. the patterns start at the top--it's all part of the same ecosystem.

the upper class sets the rules. they have the titles and the money and fashioned the society based on their image. now, the upper middle class behaves according to how they think the upper class behaves. the middle class gets their customs of behavior from how they believe the upper middle class behaves. the working class gets their behavior from how they perceive the middle class to behave. the working poor, etc, the poor, etc.

the only ones who are completely unhinged from any social or behavioral mores are the completely destitute and the completely ultra idle rich. extremes meet. for a good example of this watch Grey Gardens.

someone upthread mentioned Class, by Paul Fussell. that book does a good job explaining how this works.

>> No.5901828

And lose all their priviliges (assuming they moved before 1900). If you were a well off aristocrat there was no reason to move to America, which is why "real" American culture is based on the sensibilities of English lower middleclass puritans.

>> No.5901838
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the pinky mother fucker, the pinky.

>> No.5901848


yeah no, except for that part of america that bases its culture on the elite class of british pilgrims that came over on the mayflower. e.g. the boston brahim.

you know that they weren't poor dirt farmers right? more like highly literate lawyers and their families.

>> No.5901850

>this is what merica believes

you are descendant of village idiots, deal with it.
Bloody idiot.

>> No.5901863

The idiots, yes. But the upper class (minor and extended nobles from the UK and continent) came over early and bought all the good plantations in the Caribbean.

>> No.5901865


do some reading sometime. they were decidedly not idiots. they were in fact very educated. you mouth breathers still hold a grudge because they rejected the anglican church. face it: they brought over your stinking class values to this continent. we're made in your snooty, shitty image.

>> No.5901873

>you mouth breathers still hold a grudge because they rejected the anglican church
Hahahahah oh gee.

>> No.5901897

...Draco Malfoy?

>> No.5901901

coke is the middle class white kid's drug.
also, celeb burnouts.

>> No.5901921

Just come in with a bald eagle and a Brown Bess then tell them that there are no aristocrats in 'Murica

>> No.5901956

Introduce yourself as a pediatrician and give a lengthy monologue on the health benefits of kegel exercises.

Your position of authority will fool them into believing you while your odd subject matter will intrigue them and break their composure. This is how you create a space that allows for meaningful interaction between strangers.

>> No.5902074


So you don't speak German. You must be shit tier frenchie or italien scum or even worse britain muslim.

Pleb, detected. In situation where plebs try to become patrician and are around patricians they need such guidance. Talking about your shitty aristocrats the once you see and hear about are shit tier the others you don't notice have manners.

>> No.5902092

They weren't dirt poor farmers, nor were they elite (as in being landed gentry or rich bourgeoise) - but very much lower middle class religious people with petty bourgeoise sensibilities.

>> No.5902214

>being this insusceptible to addiction

Pleb detected.

>> No.5902223


>> No.5902389

OP I seriously hope you're in an equivalent of Alpha Delta Phi, Beta Theta Pi or Delta Kappa Epsilon

>> No.5902610

>being in a frat
Literally why? I get it if you're in an engineering or some other academic frat where you rely on bros to help you study for your difficult as fuck classes. But regular frats just suck money from rich kids to spend on booze.

>> No.5902635

The drinking age here is 19. I purchase my own alcohol.
>Not being in a fraternity approaching its 200th Anniversary
God tier networking

>> No.5902656

>being proud of daddy's money

>> No.5902673

>Implying I demonstrated pride for pledging a fraternity
>Implying I'm not lower middle class

I'm sorry you didn't get any bids

>> No.5902779
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You know, the problem isn't rooted in the class or the economic situation of the individual. The problem originates when an individual lacks social and moral education, and is not taught in the discipline of empathy and manners towards all.

I've met quite a lot of spoiled trust fund brats that are literally the cancer of society and I've also met rich people who humble before others and are quite good people.

Same thing applies to any other social economical class, the key here is whether that person was raised to not be a cunt. That being said, if your gf's family is uppity about "muh legacy" just play their petty little game and make them feel special. Do not try to use your ties to get any economical or social advantage as it will most likely attract a lot of criticism and will make you feel like you've accomplished nothing by yourself.

>> No.5902790

Sounds like you lacked the intellectual wherewithal to make lit and philosophy friends -- and friends in general -- so you joined a frat to supplant that absence of human relationships that existed during most of your life.

>> No.5902811

What the hell is a frat anyway

>I've met quite a lot of spoiled trust fund brats that are literally the cancer of society and I've also met rich people who humble before others and are quite good people.
This, education is what matters first and foremost. Better be rich in spirit than in wealth.

>> No.5902830

My fraternity is a literary fraternity, but that's beside the point. Fraternities don't offer bids if the brother's don't like you. I've had friends my whole life. You cannot "pay them" to be your friend.

>> No.5902876
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Give her as gift "Buddenbrooks" by Mann. It's the book that you're searching for.

Thank me as part of the /lit/ conscience later

>> No.5902978

If you aren't raised with "petite bourgeois sensibilities" as another anon put it, you'll have a hard time dealing with these folk.

I was raised in a proper middle class Catholic family and due to my father's work, had on many occasions been on duty to serve under these folk. Keeping up appearances is really exhausting.

>> No.5903078

OP read De civilitate morum puerilium by Erasmus and Über die Umgang mit Menschen. Although I'm not sure the latter has even been translated to English.

>> No.5903085

Über die Umgang mit Menschen is by Knigge, by the way, but I see he has been mentioned already.

>> No.5903113

Über *den* Umgang mit Menschen

>> No.5903116

>Being this pleb.

>> No.5903122

michael clayton 2

fund it

>> No.5903143

germans are savage barbarians
who the fuck would read a book on manners by them?

>> No.5903196

basically any 14/88 "German" American

>> No.5903328

You are entirely unnecessary and a drain on others, so yes by definition you are a leach.

>> No.5903349

>class as a thing anyone would care about
Europeans are ridiculous
Challenge her father to a duel and lets see how fucking "noble" the human worms are

>> No.5903380
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Fuck dudes, this is the first time I ever come to /lit/ and this thread is golden, I'm staying :^D

>> No.5903452

>a noble
>dueling a peasant
lol that shit wouldn't happen in any age