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5894614 No.5894614 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with your parents being plebs?

I love them to death and I am extremely proud of what they have done and are doing, but they're far from being intellectuals and I find that I have less and less to talk with them about. I'm starting my Ph.D. soon and right now they're talking about somebody they know who is clairvoyant (which inspired this thread). They're regular, simple blue collar workers.

They're too easily influenced by the media, pretty racist and not very critical.

I love them and hate feeling like a snob, but more often than not, simply being silent in conversations seems to be the best option.

Can any of you relate?

ps. They do read books at least, which is probably a big reason as to why I read... but naturally it's just bestseller crime stuff

>> No.5894619

Elliot Roger is that you?

>> No.5894629


>> No.5894634

>How do you deal with your parents being plebs?
I grew up and moved out. That's pretty much it.

>> No.5894684

Everyone is going to have that feeling towards their parents.

My father has a PhD in Biology, and he read even Nietzsche (but not the greeks). You know, fedora tier.

My mother is an artist with 3 degrees and she hasn't worked so much in her life. She read a lot of theater and romance. Nobel literate reader tier.

And I have the same feeling as you, OP. Maybe your parents are as pleb as mine. Maybe we're just revolting against our parents.

>> No.5894697

1) accept that your parents have done greater goods and contributed more than you have
2) accept that every flaw your parents have, you have as well, yet they don't have all of your flaws
3) accept that they know more than you do

now you are prepared to be smarter than your parents

>> No.5894716

>2) accept that every flaw your parents have, you have as well, yet they don't have all of your flaws
>3) accept that they know more than you do

you do not make sense, anon

OP: you can't educate oldsters, if they were smart enough they'd be smart enough - let it be

>> No.5894717

Youre an ass.

>> No.5894729

You're fucking retarded
OPs parents may very well fit your descriptors, but to assume everyone's parents have contributed anything to the world by virtue of spawning some random shithead then you are an idiot. There are plenty of vile parents. Not dying in a first world country for some time is not an achievement.

>> No.5894745

both my parents are teachers of English and German. They are a lot more patrician than I am, for instance, instead of 'thingy', my father will point out the LED indicating wifi on my laptop and call it 'Koenig Ottokars Glück und Ende', which he have to try and get glowing. Yes, my father casually references obscure German plays in everyday speech. He also sometimes plays the flute by blowing air through his nostril.

>> No.5894779

...can I have your father

>> No.5894793

>not knowing about the dialectic
>not hoping that your kids will think you are a pleb compared to them
Get off your high-horse idiot. Most people/families only got litterate like 5 generations ago.

>> No.5894795

after work im going to the mall to buy a Jeffrey Archer novel for my mum

>> No.5894803

>by virtue of

friend, you're reading things that were never written

>> No.5894810

I haven't spoken to my father in twelve years and when I knew him he sold weed for a living.
My mom is a pleb and her favorite author is Dean Koontz.

>> No.5894821

My parents and grandparents are well educated so its not an issue. My sister is pretty dumb though and you can easily tell after spending 5 minutes with her. She pretty much just dropped out of school, forced her boyfriend into marrying her because she 'forgot' to take the pill, then got fat. I rarely see my grandparents or parents though and my sister is the only family I still have around, so yeah, it can be frustrating when there is nothing we can talk about. When i try to have a serious conversation with her, she quickly changes the topic and starts bitching about her husbands family and how she hates living with them, instead of being grateful that she and her kids can live there for free and get provided with everything they need.

>> No.5895084

Here's what you do OP.
Next time they say something dumb, hold up your hand to stop them talking, say the year, say what they did wrong, then say "I seriously hope you guys don't do this"

>> No.5895097

>When I was younger my mother encouraged reading immensely
>took us to the library three times a week
>didnt allow us to watch tv during weekdays and nights and we had to go to bed at 8
>BUT could stay up as late as we wanted reading.

Now she is 60 and im 30, and whenever i recommend her a book she says "anon i hate to think when I read"

>> No.5895101

Anon I'm sure they would love to hear whatever you want to tell them about.

What's your major? I'm back with my dad for the holidays and even though he doesn't really read books I ended up expounding to him about Death of the Author, and soon he was tying it into popular songs that were ruined for him by the musicians giving the official meanings of the songs in interviews.

The good thing about parents is that they are automatically interested in anything that interests you. Just try talking to them about a book you just read. Tie it into something they can relate to.

This is also an acceptable course of action

>> No.5895111
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>tfw this was the last book your dad read
>it was 10 years ago

>> No.5895112

>How do you deal with your parents being plebs?

You move out.

It's time, kiddos.

>> No.5895115


don't worry about it. just make sure that when you have kids you teach them a love of knowledge.

>> No.5895117

What a pleb. Fucking Red Sox.

>> No.5895118

I don't understand this stupid fucking perception (on /lit/) that Nietzsche is "fedora tier." "God is dead" is a far more meaningful and nuanced statement than a simplistic and inflammatory declaration that God doesn't exist, you fucking idiots. An actual pleb would and does interpret it that way.

>> No.5895122


your parents seem pretty legit. you sound like a horrible turd.

>> No.5895147

My father is a brilliant lawyer. Not that well versed in philosophy, but he does have a bachelors in theology on top of law school. He wasn't as talented as I am now but he has an amazing intuition. He grew up as a farmer whose mother wasn't even literate and worked while studying. He is a hardcore Catholic with simple and insightful answers to everything.
Overall he is the man I want to be one day (I'm also studying law).
My mother is a simple, kind woman who lives for her children. She is a literature teacher. I have never in my life had a serious discussion about literature with her. Sometimes I have a feeling she hasn't even studied it. A great woman.
I love them and if I could have picked my parents I don't think I would have chosen other people.

>> No.5895161
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My father and his side of the family are all well educated and bred an interest for knowledge in me which is great and I'm really thankful to them for that. I hold a lot of respect for my father. He's managed to hold onto his rationality and humility despite getting fucked over hugely in his life. He's got some small mental issues that surface now and then.
>tfw I have a father who I can discuss literature and philosophy for hours with and be all patrician with

My mother, on the other hand, is a bit of a racist, uneducated bigot who jumps to conclusions along with the rest of her freaky fucking dutch aspergers-infested family of degenerate immigrants. That said, I do love my mother dearly. She just gets ahead of herself a lot.

parents are seperated

>> No.5895172

Honest people use no rhetoric;
Rhetoric is not honesty.
Enlightened people are not cultured;
Culture is not enlightenment.
Content people are not rich;
Riches are not contentment.

So the sage does not serve himself;
The more he does for others, the more he is satisfied;
The more he gives, the more he receives.
Nature flourishes at the expense of no one;
So the sage benefits all men and contends with none.

>> No.5895179


>> No.5895186

ITT: People who live at home

>> No.5895188

Pretty solid bait.

>> No.5895190


Or maybe people who are visiting their parents for Christmas? Idiot

>> No.5895197

it's cool to make fun of the people who gave you what you needed to achieve the piddling success that you have

>> No.5895200


Yeah or that, fool.

>> No.5895202


yo it's the holidays. everybody is stuck with their parents for a week.

>> No.5895209

w2c simple and insightful answers to everything?

>> No.5895211

Pleb is an awful descriptor for somebody to use on their parents unless they're abusive or something. Neither of my parents anything that is high and lofty, but they have both accomplished more within their lifetimes than I expect I ever will within mine.

Expecting your parents to be able to engage with you on Ph.D level conversations is honestly idiotic. It's like if I tried to start a conversation with some guy on the street about Heidegger; it would be an incredibly rude and inconsiderate thing to do. Try engaging people on things that they're knowledgeable about maybe they'll converse with you.

>> No.5895213


It was an oversight

>> No.5895220


>Expecting your parents to be able to engage with you on Ph.D level conversations is honestly idiotic. It's like if I tried to start a conversation with some guy on the street about Heidegger; it would be an incredibly rude and inconsiderate thing to do. Try engaging people on things that they're knowledgeable about maybe they'll converse with you.

Agreed but the more time you spend with somebody the more you get a bit miffed that they don't give a rat's ass about things you care about (and vice-versa, maybe).

>> No.5895226

I don't get what you are asking anon. Rephrase it please.

>> No.5895230

this is fucking stupid
yea, where do you live, m8? In someone else's home?

>> No.5895233


I try my best, and I do my damn best never to be condesending. It gets difficult, though, when all they talk about is work, people they hate at work, people who do stupid shit at work, how much they hate sandniggers (I live in Scandinavia) and food.

It's a sad fact that our relationship is a lot better when we see each other rarely. They have a very hard time relating to my life. Our relationship is still good, but I do feel myself going silent and contributing nothing.

>> No.5895239

>hold up your hand to stop them talking

>not hold up your baseball bat

>> No.5895243


>yea, where do you live, m8? In someone else's home?

At home. That's why I said it.

>> No.5895250

Being mildly racist is a good thing as long as you're fully conscious of it.

As you said your parents are blue collar workers. Maybe your dad knows little of philosophy but consider what he had to do to make a living. Is he an auto mechanic? An electrician? I'm sure he had acquired extensive knows hows in his field. Try to bridge the gap between you by discussing matters related to this field. You might even get useful skills out of it.

>> No.5895269

My mom can't read in English and got a fourth grade education in Mexico.

My dad is a truck driver.

Who cares?

>> No.5895316

Bourgeois elitist intellectuals displaying typical classism.
Mao would have you sent to the fields to work at least once in your life with your own hands.

>> No.5895319

>Being mildly racist is a good thing as long as you're fully conscious of it.


>> No.5895320

>My dad is a truck driver
but he can read in english?

>> No.5895323

Mao was a big meanie tho

>> No.5895348

I can challenge that

Both of my parents have only primary education, none of them went to highschool.
None of them know english nor can understand any language that is not spanish.

Oh, and my mother loves Dan Brown.

>> No.5895359

At least you'd get away with your life about half the time. With Pol Pot classist bourgeois intellectuals were sent straight to hang.

>> No.5895383

there had been times in which the greatest glory of a person was to make fire.

so, unless you are as cool as the guys who had made it in the times nobody hadn't been able to, you are just better than your parents in the means of overall improvment.

and i don't think our parents with no 21st century bullshits were lower in anything.

>> No.5895393

I read some Bruno Schulz to my mom and she said it sounded beautiful and laughed hard a few times.

My Dad said, "What was that guy smoking drugs or something?" I told him that Schulz had childhood nightmares of cutting off his penis into a ditch somewhere out in the forest.

This is an anecdote.

>> No.5895423

it's sad that you're about to start your Ph.D. and still harboring childish views like this. i guess people can maintain elitist attitudes their whole lives and never grow up though.