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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 730x896, Funny Submission guidelines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5886060 No.5886060 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love it when a publisher becomes so frustrated and bored of the same submissions that they explicitly tell you what they DON'T want you to submit to them hahahahaha.

Anymore like this? I get a strange sense of Shadenfreude from it.

>> No.5886103

the only one that sticks out in my mind is one that asked that no story start in a bar

>> No.5886131

The no double space rule after a period is one that I've been very consciously trying to adjust to.

I've had one short story published and the editor sent me back the story and made me go back and delete a space after every period. It took a very long time

>> No.5886142
File: 46 KB, 446x388, TF2-General73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The magazine does not care to read any more stories written from the point of view of a foetus.

>> No.5886148

>no earnest stories about the absurdity of organized religion
>fedoras are this obnoxious

>> No.5886190

>no story start in a bar
FUCK! I have a short story that starts in a bar on a cool summer evening.

I can't start the short story "Dark and stormy night", but I thought I could get away with it starting in a bar. fuck.

>> No.5886206

>using double spaces after a full stop

For what purpose? No really, I have never seen someone do this.

>> No.5886212

I don't know. It's just the way I was taught to write in school I guess.

>> No.5886238

Hmm. I have a story that involves someone with daddy issues but turns into a story about Ted Kaczynski. I wonder if that's okay.

>> No.5886254


Would two spaces after a period be something like this

Or does each paragraph have to follow the previous one and any empty line is already an excess?

Overall nice recomendations, sad that they had to comment on some of those.

So are pro lifers apparently.

>> No.5886266

>We do not accept poetry

>Please do not send more than [...] six poems at a time


>> No.5886273

These submission guidelines are from two different publications. I just put them together. 9001hrs in paint.

>> No.5886282
File: 150 KB, 468x528, 1402646341881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no earnest stories about the absurdity of organized religion

>> No.5886283


Lol, that's what they have, or at least should have, proofreaders. Though admittedly if it's a persistent problem then it might be best to just teach a young writer the hard way.

Just remember to fuck 'em with the double space (where the hell does that even come from? I've never seen nor heard of this before) once you're a million bestseller.

>> No.5886292

>submitting shit to "taddle creek"

>> No.5886296

who the fuck puts two spaces after a period? is this a british thing? or some weasely thing students at b-tier schools pull to make their writing appear longer?

>> No.5886303

Not the guy, but in my country teens had this thing during early messenger era where they'd add a period before a lot of stuff, mainly question and exclaimation mark, which was just a part of their teenage 'rebelspeak' culture, in other words, just a dumb, dumb fashion that emerged from retarded bloggers and caught on. It seems like a pretty similar case.

>> No.5886306



First hit on Google.

>> No.5886310

>Career counselor Marc Miller wrote in a LinkedIn Post
I read it as 'career counselor Mac Miller' and imagined Mac Miller as a career counselor

Doesn't fit at all

Mac would advise people to shag girls and smoke blunts a lot

>> No.5886313


And wiki goes more in-depth:


>Until the 20th century, publishing houses and printers in many countries used additional space between sentences. There were exceptions to this traditional spacing method—some printers used spacing between sentences that was no wider than word spacing.[4] This was French spacing—a term synonymous with single-space sentence spacing until the late 20th century.[5] With the introduction of the typewriter in the late 19th century, typists used two spaces between sentences to mimic the style used by traditional typesetters.[6] While wide sentence spacing was phased out in the printing industry in the mid-twentieth century, the practice continued on typewriters[7] and later on computers.[8] Perhaps because of this, many modern sources now incorrectly[4] claim that wide spacing was created for the typewriter.[9]

>> No.5886326

Well shit. I'm only 23 but I learned to wide sentence space in the Wisconsin public school system.

How have I gotten this far in life without anybody correcting me

>> No.5886332

find " "
replace " "

>> No.5886341

lol troll it's this

find ". "
replace ". "

>> No.5886349

you both fucked up.
find ''. ''
replace with ''. ''

>> No.5886352

For fuck's sake, what is so hard to understand. It's not find ". " replace ". " it's find " " replace " .".

Jesus Christ.

>> No.5886360

I like where this thread is heading .

>> No.5886382
File: 45 KB, 806x340, picnicscreen18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on /lit/ m8, the shittiest board of 4chan.

>> No.5886395

>the shittiest board of 4chan.
I don't know. There are so many worse boards than /lit/.
Like literally any other board. But yeah, even /lit/ can be shit (most of the time).

>> No.5886408
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 1356064580919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes /lit/ the shittiest is the delusion that everyone here seems to think they are the smartest things to walk the earth.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Everyone here is a mega hard sophist/relativist.
Nobody posts textual examples.

For example, I'm OP, I went to websites compiling funny submission guidelines. I then took screencaps and pasted them together in paint in order to quality post on /lit/.

What happened after? Everyone was a cunt.

That's /lit/ ALL THE TIME. At least other boards have OC, /lit/ hasn't had OC in years.

>> No.5886416

Sadly you're right.

>> No.5886420

/lit/ is /v/ with books and grammar.

>> No.5886426

>go to critique thread
>everybody posts, nobody replies

>> No.5886434

Maybe it's just because /lit/ (most of the time) more aligns with my ideologically, but I think it's still a bit above /v/. It's more like /mu/ with books and grammar.
Yeah a small distinction, but still.

>> No.5886441
File: 140 KB, 420x276, Imagen 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ hasn't had OC in years.
We had a book and a pretty decent phil text. /lit/ has a decent pool of content creators, it's just that it's like 10 people at a time and you can't get always quality.

Also, why is Don Delilo tied to a negative description and Coraline with to genius? Poor dude doesn't deserve that

>> No.5886445

>It took a very long time
Learn to sed and/or regex

>> No.5886459

>/lit/ hasn't had OC in years.
Wait what's The Legacy of Totalitarianism in Tundra, then?

>> No.5886465

every board is /v/ but with /specific interest/

Except the circlejerk 5, those are just well circlejerks.

>> No.5886470

>Nobody posts textual examples.

Back when Nietzsche was what Hellenism is at the moment I had to type this quote so many times I saved it in a notepad:

>It is difficult to be understood, especially when one thinks and lives gangasrotogati among those only who think and live otherwise - namely, kurmagati, or at best ''froglike,'' mandeikagati (I do everything to be ''difficultly understood'' myself!) and one should be heartily grateful for the good will to some refinement of interpretation. As regards ''the good friends,'' however, who are always too easy-going and think that as friends they have a right to ease, one does well at the very first to grant them a play-ground and romping-place for misunderstanding - one can thus laugh still; or get rid of them altogether, these good friends - and laugh then also!

Don't know where this meme came from, but I've posted textual examples, and I have seen others do it as well.

>> No.5886478

I've seen "no vampires" and "no dragons" or variations thereof pretty often. Other times they're more boring and just say no genre fiction.

>> No.5886491
File: 27 KB, 557x418, setsukohara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poets, when will they learn?

>> No.5886495

>lolz randums is OC

It ain't, m8.

>> No.5886499

>they don't publish any of it
>but if you insist on sending, don't send more than 6

This is not hard to understand

>> No.5886502

I never said it was good.
Name a good OC that was made anywhere on 4chan in last few years.

>> No.5886505

Nigga please. /tv/ and /pol/ have been the kings of OC for the past couple of years.

>> No.5886513

Whichever it is ctrl+z undoes your fuck up.

>Anon, doesn't think of ctrl+f, find and replace
>>5886131 grab a pen and perform soduko

>> No.5886514

This must be b8.
Let's see the "memes" that came from /pol/ and /tv/:
>oy vey
>cunny threads
It's all shit.

>> No.5886521
File: 563 KB, 569x802, 139483627938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah i saw the /tv/ christmas card there was literally nothing new or from /tv/ on it.

>> No.5886522

Actually this was a pretty decent thread until you hijacked your own thread with "Waaaaah /lit/ is so shitty"

Also bullshit /lit/ hasn't had OC in years

>> No.5886536
File: 154 KB, 559x556, 1414673994868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Penn Gillette trash man
>Doom Paul
>Highly critical of genre conventions Pepe
>"Movies that say their title in the movie" hahaha
>"Looks like meat's back on the menu in Mordor"
>"/pol/ is always right"
>"it's happening"
>"Bix nood"
>"Muh dick"
>"Dindu nuffin"
>Butthurt fat spanking guy

So much gold.

>> No.5886542

All that gold m8.

Also don't forget the timeless classic that is

/pol/ and /tv/ are the saviours of OC.

>> No.5886544

It quickly became clear that nobody was going to contribute to the thread, so now we are bitching about /lit/ having basically one quality poster (i.e. me).

>> No.5886548

gr4 b10-3 m420 I r(48)^2 5/sqrt3

>> No.5886549

And you had to shitpost about how you're the only one not shitposting?

>> No.5886550

lol oh and don't forget Louis Cuck.King interracial breeding grounds meme.

>> No.5886553

>What makes /lit/ the shittiest is the delusion that everyone here seems to think they are the smartest things to walk the earth.

Fool, that's what makes /lit/ AWESOME. A bunch of insecure wannabe-intellectual brats just like yourself all jockying to one-up each other. This is a trolling paradise. It's Fedoraland without the ponies.

Now go make another thread asking some stupid question from your PHIL 101 exam, complete with a jpeg of a quirky brown-eyed girl biring her lip. It's overdue.

>> No.5886555

At least you've got dubs.
Yet another example of non-/lit/ OC.

Stop appropriating other board culture.

(shit I guess it's full shitposting mode now, for me)

>> No.5886556

It's the only way I guess.

I put effort into this place while everyone sits back, smokes 420, and acts snarky for no reason and any reason they possibly can.

It's common knowledge that a lot of /lit/ posters are on anti-psychotic/anti-schizophrenic medication.

>> No.5886561

>What makes /lit/ the shittiest is the delusion that everyone here seems to think they are the smartest things to walk the earth.
>I will also prove myself right in the very post I am making about this

>> No.5886566
File: 827 KB, 224x255, 1418965552394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5886570

The appropriation never stops!!!

>> No.5886573


>> No.5886577

ohhh shi-

>> No.5886584


>> No.5886585
File: 1.95 MB, 265x308, 1398740886127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5886589

>It's common knowledge that a lot of /lit/ posters are on anti-psychotic/anti-schizophrenic medication.
> /lit/ - Anti-Psychotics and Anti-schizophrenics
If moot loved us he would make that the board description.

>> No.5886606
File: 35 KB, 306x491, article-2537966-1A94BDE800000578-564_306x491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5886614

>tfw forgotten by moot

>> No.5886620

ITT: dubs and shitposting.
And I'm one doing both.

But actually I checked this thread, because the OP was interesting. Unfortunately that same guy ruined it, crying how smarter he is than all /lit/ combined.

>> No.5886626


>> No.5886644
File: 109 KB, 466x350, 83625151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a superior poster, what else do you want me to say? Show me appreciation and I might be incline to do further quality posting.

You guys shit on everyone, especially the few good posters on this board, and then act surprised when this place is really shitty and repetitive.

>> No.5886652

The dubs are to god for the likes of you.

>> No.5886659
File: 712 KB, 1497x2000, 1369789363541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now go make another thread asking some stupid question from your PHIL 101 exam, complete with a jpeg of a quirky brown-eyed girl biring her lip. It's overdue.
Hahaha, /shit/ is so predictable.

>> No.5886739

Bump for my super excellent thread

>> No.5886961

I grew up doing that. It was just how I was raised.

>> No.5887066
File: 154 KB, 1024x1336, 83625159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5887128

>pro lifers
What makes you think these books are pro-life? If you say simply "because they're about a foetus" or "they're in first person, but I don't think a foetus is cogniscent" then your fedora is showing.
>inb4 epic internet argument

>> No.5887185

I really don't want epic arguments.
Reading "no first person stories about phetus" around other clear cliches of certain groups of people it sounded like something many pro lifers would do. It's the kind of act that is only apreciate for people that you believe is part of your group while potentially getting mad the people you believe is against you.
It was clearly a free interpretation. No need for fights.

>> No.5887215

That's not a real reason to think that those books were written by those types of people simply based on their subject matter, though. For all you know, the cliche in question might be a pro-choicer writing it from the point of view of a willful martyr or something. It's only prejudice that would lead someoene to automatically associate the simple idea of an unborn child with a particular political stance.

>> No.5887230

>Everyone here is a mega hard sophist/relativist.

>> No.5887241

damn, eccentric aunts are patrician as fuck

>> No.5887319


1P foetus story sounds very cliché. I'd say they just got sick of it.

>> No.5887333

At least there's nothing about their texts that demands they don't, unlike Christians

>> No.5887335

>sounds very cliché
And because of you prejudice, you chose to associate it with a particular cliche instead of understanding that a slew of potential cliches could exist, including one that isn't in the slightest politically motivated, like a lady who contemplates the life of her unborn child. See a shrink about it.

>> No.5887338


it's an old convention tracing back to the typewriter/typist days. i went to high school in the 90s and i was taught to use two periods (i obviously i no longer do that). i think even by that point the convention was no longer in wide use, yet textbooks still instructed us to do so.

>> No.5887344

>two periods

i mean two spaces.

>> No.5887351

>demands they don't
What is it that you're referring to here that is not being forbidden and why is it somehow relevant to the guidelines any particular code of ethics or structure of spiritual study (Yes, Christianity included, you narrowminded twat) has?

>> No.5887360

And just so we're clear, the word cliche is not necessarily negative, despite your tone.

>> No.5887380

lol biggest losers on earth

>> No.5887390

>look, Mom, I'm an intellectual now I think

>> No.5887392

Hey baneposting was dank for like a year

>> No.5887405

those guidelines sound quite arrogant and random. arrogance is the american style though

>> No.5887407 [DELETED] 


>> No.5887413

lol cunt

>> No.5887416

Sounds like you just haven't cared to ask the quesiton of "why" beyond assuming you're too good for them.
Yeah Rome isn't in the new world, son.

>> No.5887498

I work for a movie producer, reading scripts and he has a policy of immediately binning anything that involves zombies. There hasn't been a single week where at least 500 pages were sent to the recycling bin.

>> No.5887502

All that image is proof of is that you can buy nice paper and a laser printer

>> No.5887517

why what? why they aren't polite to everybody because some people annoy them? not like i care though, i just noted it

>> No.5887523

Usually we don't demand proof out of jokes.

>> No.5887529

Have you developed cultural bias and prejudice based on stereotypes and assumptive conclusiions of interactions which may very well have gone sour due to your own lack of social training? Seek help.

>> No.5887574


lel the shelves names are below not above. the self with all the /lit/ core 'patrician' books is 'hipster nephews', which is probably pretty accurate.

>> No.5889124

ok nro

>> No.5889129 [DELETED] 

follow the white rabbit

>> No.5889491

Have you heard about regular expression?

>> No.5889551

For the record, HTML hides double spaces.

>> No.5890504
File: 134 KB, 440x626, 1409292208435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are half the 'tards in here not familiar with double spacing after full stop?
