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5866549 No.5866549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there any strong female characters in The Hobbit?

>> No.5866553


>> No.5866559
File: 8 KB, 226x223, smeagol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5866570

Tolkien was prescient. He foresaw that one day millions of NEET shutins who had never touched a woman in their lives would love his work. He didn't want to scare them.

>> No.5866573

i read a sci fi version of hobbit where all the dwarves and smeagol were women
it's hilarious

also wtf 4chan forced me to type a black blotched captcha and then to copy&paste some code into some window manually... ><

>> No.5866902
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Because women lack testosterone and are inherently weaker than men.

Also this is a dank captcha, moot.

>> No.5866936


women and men are strong in their own ways.

Women are motherly, kind, caregivers who share stories and teach children about traditions.

Men are hunters who build and explore, etc.

A woman is not strong by becoming like a rugged man, quite the opposite!!!!!!! she becomes strong by embracing the feminine.

>> No.5866951

This man speaks the truth.

>> No.5866953

just read the damn book and be happy

>> No.5866973

Appeal To Nature logical fallacy

>> No.5866981

Women are strong because their ability to drive men away from their true intentions causes us to respect them for some reason.

>> No.5866984

Fallacy fallacy.

>> No.5867000
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embrace your nature, don't fight it.

>> No.5867041

Embrace your autism

>> No.5867068

The Hobbit is about an adventure, and women don't go adventuring. The practice is one of sex-violence, they are going away as a makeshift war-band/gang of thieves. Premodern societies don't send their women to do this, and even modern societies that do it do it in mostly tokenist fashion. In the more psychologically modern world of the Shire, people don't go adventuring (read "viking" -- going off to other lands with a mind to intimidate or force others into making you wealthy) at all, man or woman. But it's the influence of Bilbo's mother that sends him adventuring -- his "Took side", the side that is rumored (falsely, but still) to have elvish blood. That's where women by and large exist in premodern societies: in the home, raising their kids. There's no impetus for them to do anything else because premodern societies always need to keep producing people, they are messy and dangerous and people die a lot and need to be replaced. Women are where your next generation is coming from, you don't want to imperil them unless it's absolutely unavoidable. And the world into which Bilbo steps, outside the Shire, is surely premodern.

In short, there aren't any strong female characters in The Hobbit because it's a book about a quintessentially male activity, "going adventuring". To repeat myself, that means "leaving one's own people to go rob and maybe kill other people by violence". Vast majority of people who are willing to do this are men. If you need female characters in a book to enjoy a book, chances are you are a small babby. Did you complain that there's no women in The Battle of Maldon?

Also the majority of the characters in The Hobbit are Dwarves and the Dwarves seclude their womenfolk, because they are weird and semitic like that.

>> No.5867071


a fish belongs in the water with his fish kind, not in the air trying to fly with birds.

>> No.5867082

>dwarves exist
>strong women don't

and to think the beings in this realm underwent the same development as our world? lmfao tolkein is a hack

>> No.5867121


"strong women", which you understand to mean women actively engaged in war, rapine etc., were indeed less of a feature of medieval Germanic corpus than dwarves, and there is every reason to suppose that this was factual aspect of their society. And the Germanic corpus is the primary influence on Tolkien's work. It's not a matter of debate as to whether the people in Middle-earth "underwent the same development as our world", they are actively engaged in not being modern societies, and modern societies are the only ones which have got women's lib, itself a product of the industrial era and the need to mobilize women together with men into a workforce.

>> No.5867139

shut up no one even cares nerd

>> No.5867176

>sending your women to war
>sending your women on perilous violent quests

What kind of retarded society would do this? lol...
Tolkien wasn't a degenerate.

>> No.5867191


Because it's written like an ancient history account, and there were no women of merit in ancient history.

>> No.5867203

>Who is Tomyris, whom commanded the Massagetai against Cyrus across the river Araxes

>> No.5867204
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holy fuck #rekt

>> No.5867218

It's written like a fantasy, actually. And there are plenty of women of merit in mythology.

And Artemisia, Xerxes most favored admiral

>> No.5867220

>Indian cartoons

>> No.5867224

If that is the case, then why did he write Eowyn in LotR as a direct response to what he saw as a wasted opportunity in Macbeth? Namely, that he felt that a woman should have been the one to defeat the titular character.

You're dumb.

>> No.5867233

It's probably a symptom of The Hobbit not being a very good book. The lack of strong female characters (not necessarily warriors) in the book is one of its more minor problems.

>> No.5867269
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>ask question
>get answered
>get mad

>> No.5867498
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that's only relevant when a conclusion is drawn from more than one premise, at least one of which is not fallacious

as that entire argument predicates on an appeal to nature, the fallacy fallacy is irrelevant.

>> No.5867809

>The Hobbit is about an adventure, and women don't go adventuring.

...you were saying?

>> No.5868107


>> No.5868140

He's upset because his shitpost turned into a real thread instead of people calling him a faggot. He has nothing at all going on in his life except attempting to derail slow boards.

>> No.5868182

here's a list of male explorers :^ )