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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 243 KB, 1000x1433, buddha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5862734 No.5862734 [Reply] [Original]

>be a prince
>be so rich that you don't see poverty until your late teens
>decide to pretend to be poor by sittin in front of a tree for a few months
>never mind that you know nothing of the indignities of poverty
>never mind that the second it gets too hard for you, you can go back to your dad's house
>decide the problem with poor people is that they complain too much and want all the shit that's been handed to you

Is it any wonder that Buddhism is popular with spoiled rich white morons with no sense of how the world works?

>> No.5862739
File: 20 KB, 1012x304, buddha cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5862754

that's pretty good

>> No.5862843


>> No.5862873
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>> No.5863046 [DELETED] 

>be a prince

Most scholars think he was more of a run of the mill aristocrat

>be so rich that you don't see poverty until your late teens

This is obviously fictional/legendary.

>decide to pretend to be poor by sittin in front of a tree for a few months

Actually the legend is that he became a wandering ascetic and deprived himself of food for so long that he lost consciousness and nearly died.

>never mind that you know nothing of the indignities of poverty

When did being born poor become the criterion for knowing truth about the universal reality shared by all?

>never mind that the second it gets too hard for you, you can go back to your dad's house

So anybody who makes a sacrifice and sticks with it is to be ridiculed simply because they had the option to give up?

>decide the problem with poor people is that they complain too much and want all the shit that's been handed to you

Not even close. Poor lay-people can join monasteries and become monks, and rich and poor lay persons are all invited to participate in cultivation of right acts in the same manner.

>> No.5863058

Yes we fucking know, just let the memes be.

>> No.5863066

Why do they have to be white, you racist cunt?

>> No.5863072 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 900x900, feelguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you telling me i just typed all this shit for nothing?

are you implying i just got trolled hard?

>> No.5863077
File: 12 KB, 150x150, garfeel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm so sorry...

>> No.5863078


Is this your first day on the internet?

>> No.5863087
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>> No.5863110 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 251x312, jesusfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you're really making me want to cry. I'm pretty sure I've clocked over a year's worth of time on the internet since I was 15.

I want to die. Why am I wasting my life on this machine? Why do we do this guys? Save me.

>> No.5863119

Thoreau=modern day Buddha confirmed

>> No.5863123

This thread got weird...

>> No.5863150

fuck you you whiny little nerd

I'm glad I trolled your pussy bitchass, fuck your gay religion and fuck your chinese memes

>> No.5863158 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 414x584, lit_feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



it's definitely modeled after Japanese image boards, and the culture is Japan-influenced (anime etc.)

are you new here?

>> No.5863163

>He doesn't get the meme
Lurk more newfaggot

>> No.5863170

>Not knowing grolious Nippon outsources all its animu to Burma

>> No.5863174 [DELETED] 


getting trolled by the guy who got trolled
top kek too easy

>> No.5863187

HA! You activated my COUNTERBAIT.


>> No.5863189

>Pretending that you knew Cambodian cartoons were really Filipino films animated in a Singaporean sweatshop all along

For shame.

>> No.5863199 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 960x557, 1z23j1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck man now i'm all depressed and shit again

>> No.5863205
File: 1.30 MB, 320x200, This Fucking Guy - Agamemnon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So anybody who makes a sacrifice and sticks with it is to be ridiculed simply because they had the option to give up?

Yes, because it's a facade when they can just return to their earlier luxury.

Also there's a big difference between fasting and starving; the biggest being that one is voluntary while the other is not.

There is a reason Buddhist societies are often incredibly heirarchical. We're dudes at the Top End are allowed to kill people at the lower end for literally looking at them funny

>> No.5863210

>tfw Wojak works in a girly office job.

>> No.5863218 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 200x146, 1412749989050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm not getting trolled again tonight, sorry anon. my heart can't take it.

>> No.5863231
File: 138 KB, 691x518, How Fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does it feel not having a Y chromosome?

>> No.5863233


He's right you Buddhist shit.

Like it or not the strongest and most benevolent morality on this entire planet stems from Christianity. With muslims second and everyone else (including fedoras) far beyond.

Only reason modern fedoras may seem moderately moral (only moderately) is because they're still heavily influenced by Christianity.

>> No.5863237 [DELETED] 


i do not know, but i think many of the feels are universal.

>> No.5863238
File: 291 KB, 556x353, smassher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eastern shit

Are you some upper class liberals or something?

>> No.5863240

>never mind that the second it gets too hard for you, you can go back to your dad's house

His father begged him to come back, and he refused. Mara offered him the world - literally - and he rejected it so that he could die from eating bad pork.


I've been here for eight years. Most of that time has been spent lurking 4chan, so I've spent more than a year here.

>> No.5863242


>Base your entire ethics on Hellenistic ramblings
>It's Christian you guise, honest

>> No.5863246

God you gotta be awful at this

>> No.5863253 [DELETED] 
File: 665 KB, 1365x2048, 1418555627070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the internet really isn't the place to talk about religion. i'm bored with /lit/. i have to move on. my life on this board is over.

i'm tired of it guys. i can't even remember to be a tripfag.

MODS! Do what you must!
Take me away!

>> No.5863254

Sounds like OP is deliberately representing even the simpler versions of Buddha's life. Thread hidden.

>> No.5863257

God bless you, BigPenis. I'll miss you man.

>> No.5863260 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 681x1024, eeremina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodbye guys i'll see you in a week.

>> No.5863262 [DELETED] 
File: 1.35 MB, 4000x2666, 1414556544760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, my penis is average length with a slightly above average girth.

>> No.5863263

jesus christ stop pretending anyone cares
just fucking kill yourselves

>> No.5863266

Thank god.

Hey Paradise, I really appreciate your posts man but can you just not tripods anymore? There's no point.

>> No.5863271


mah nigga

>> No.5863272 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 800x600, 1287079362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for spamming sorry for spamming it must be done lorem ipsum etc. etc. spam not bosorry for spamming sorry for spamming it must be done lorem ipsum etc. etc. spam not bought but brought lot caught in bot brought shot tot tit tat sorry for spamming sorry for spamming it must be done but lorem ipsum etc. etc. spam not bought but yeah brought lot caught in bot brought shot tot tit tat sorry for spamming sorry for spamming ** sorry for spamming yak tit yak sorry for spamming sorry for spamming sorry for spamming

sorry for spamming but whatever

sorry for spamming i have to

sorry for spamming it's not what it
> sorry for spamming
> sorry for spammingught but brought lot caught in bot brought shot tot tit tat sorry for spamming sorry for spamming it must be done but lorem ipsum etc. etc. spam not bought but yeah brought lot caught in bot brought shot tot tit tat sorry for spamming sorry for spamming ** sorry for spamming yak tit yak sorry for spamming sorry for spamming sorry for spamming

sorry for spamming but whatever

sorry for spamming i have to

sorry for spamming it's not what it
> sorry for spamming
> sorry for spamming

>> No.5863273 [DELETED] 

My penis is genuinely very large, but anons shouldn't get hissy over that. My penis is a force for good.

>> No.5863275

6"length 6"girth master race

>> No.5863276

post the heron
i got banned for it last week

>> No.5863277 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1414556109792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol you big goof you. i'm not even depressed. >>5863266

>> No.5863281

how can find fuck please

>> No.5863282 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 304x315, Top_lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wait i know exaclty what i'm going to do!

...top kek

>> No.5863283

Damn, she's hot.

>> No.5863290


>There is a reason Buddhist societies are often incredibly heirarchical

Buddhism doesn't wipe out local beliefs; it integrates them into itself.

So in countries that were already hierarchical, Buddhism melds with this hierarchy. In countries that have less ridged hierarchies, Buddhism doesn't strengthen them.

>We're dudes at the Top End are allowed to kill people at the lower end for literally looking at them funny

If you cause suffering, you go to hell in Buddhism. Period. The reason is that violent and nasty people are attached to being violent and nasty, and so reincarnate into contexts where they can more readily indulge their attachments.


>He's right you Buddhist shit

It would seem we have more evidence with this one sentence for nastiness among non-Buddhists than among it's adherents and defenders.

>Like it or not the strongest and most benevolent morality on this entire planet stems from Christianity

>He sincerely believed that Satan was responsible for the malformed children known as changelings, and that such satanic child exchanges occurred frequently. {footnote 9} In Luther's theological view, a changeling was a child of the devil without a human soul, "only a piece of flesh." This view made it easy to justify almost any abuse of an unfortunate child thought to be a changeling, including the ultimate mistreatment: infanticide. Luther himself had no reservations about putting such children to death

This is the founder of Protestantism.

>> No.5863292

I'm gonna go write a book eventually, BigPenis :P

Christmas with all the beer seems a good time to start.

>> No.5863297

I am trying so hard not to masturbate right now.

>> No.5863300 [DELETED] 


good luck m8


>> No.5863321 [DELETED] 

░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKILENTON

Can your trip get banned?

>> No.5863378


People of literally every religion have done fucked up shit.

A single cherry picked piece doesn't really mean anything.

Christians did fucked up shit in medieval times and then they conquered the world and built the greatest society of all time (modern western WHITE society).

>> No.5863391

Hey remember what happened to China when Christianity was introduced to it? Oh yea, a rebellion happened due to a crazy guy who thought he was Jesus that wiped out millions.

>> No.5863402

Please explain how whites created the best things. I very much agree with you, but I'm curious as to what your main reasons are.

>> No.5863414


Well I'm not sure of the exact details. But I know white Christians are the winners of history and that's why they both rule the world today and govern every single nice country on this planet.

>> No.5863435

What say you of /pol/'s conviction that jews are trying to destroy whites and dismantle what they've created in order to basically rule a worldwide slum, inevitably making the world a very horrendous place?

>> No.5863504
File: 26 KB, 223x226, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5863516

The great aspects of white society come from the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, both inspired by pre-Christian ideals. I think everything great about Western society is in spite of Christianity, not because of it.

>> No.5863659

Protestant work ethic and White Anglo Saxon Protestants are pretty much responsible for industrialization and everything that sprung from that.

>> No.5863663


>These people were inspired by people before them, and that negates all of their accomplishments.

>> No.5863742
File: 221 KB, 1111x839, Christians Are Retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah cause France was just as, if not more, industrialised in England.

And France is obviously made up of Anglo-Saxon Protestants, not Catholic Gauls and Franks.

>> No.5863765
File: 145 KB, 790x1200, 1343157286600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be spoiled rich kid
>be so rich that you don't see poverty even when your parents are killed for it
>decide to pretend to be poor by travelling the world and learning kung fu
>never mind that you know nothing of the social aspects of crime
>never mind that the second it gets too hard for you, you can go back to your deceased dad's house
>decide the problem with crime is that the police doesn't beat the shit out of poor people enough

>> No.5863773
File: 71 KB, 850x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off frog, go import more Muslims

>> No.5863780

I love you /lit/.

>> No.5863783

This is true. Batman is retarded and was never tempted to take up crime cuz he has literally billions. Crime is easy when you suppress your morality, and the government doesn't get half of what you make.

>> No.5863786
File: 55 KB, 370x300, He Mad - Star Wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I'm not even French.

>> No.5863798


>> No.5863866

I can see how one can get to that conclusion and >>5862739 's as well, but that's sort of the point.

It is said that Siddharta's father heard a profecy that his son would either be a great king or a great spiritual leader. In order for him to be a great king, he locked Siddharta in his palace. Eventually, all those great things lost their appeal and he went outside and in the end became a great spiritual leader, perhaps precisely because his father locked him up.

Buddhism is not just made around a theory of suffering, but a theory of pleasure as well. Sukkha and Dukkha, what is sweet and what is sour in life and how they keep overlapping each other indefinitely. It is not that Buddha thought poor people "complained too much", just that he knew first hand that the absolute wealth, the absolute sweetness would lose its meaning without what's bitter. If a poor man got his greatest wishes realized, he would live very well but would soon not feel anything about it and new desires would arise.

We are all born from point 0 and we see something ahead of us to desire, either wealth, happiness, whatever. Siddharta was born with everything fullfilled in life and that itself was not enough, so he saw the world struggling to get to that something that could not possibly bring them true happiness.

It's only natural to the rich kids to get attracted to buddhism (even though this is not the whole truth). The world tells us (poor, rich, whatever), that happiness is a lean body, an iPhone, a big house. The rich kids are the ones in the easiest position to realize what's obvious: that's not happiness. I won't get to all the misconceptions that they have on buddhism though, it would extend too much.

Also keep in mind that there was no social climbing at the time of Buddha. You were born in a role of society and even if there was poverty and misery, social problems and so on, it was a much different relationship. A person that was born to work with fabrics did not expect or even wished to become king, rather, he expect health and prosperity to his business, not in the capitalist sense of constant expansion. These roles were masks that allowed society to work. It is only today that we have this myth that "you can be whatever you want", you choose your career, but you also have doubts about it. Completely different systems. A religious monk could be someone who gave up his initial mask to live just for religion's sake. And sometimes that happened. But a prince? A prince to give up his powerful role to seek that? That was something unusual, like a god coming down to earth to live among us. People would hear his message.

>> No.5863870

so are you gonna just shitpost or do you actually want to talk about buddhism?

>> No.5863874

>Sukkha and Dukkha, what is sweet and what is sour in life
sounds like someone rapping about oral sex

>> No.5863900

One must imagine Buddha sitting under the tree because he has tried it all and lived it all. He had all of the best in the material sense, but then he wanted more. His life in the palace was very much like The Truman Show.

After realizing how huge the world was, he sought many religious practices and tendencies of the time, he met with intellectuals, and supposedly wise men. He acquired a lot of knowledge and pretty much everything in Buddhism has some sort of equivalent Vedic concept. India was huge. The ideas were all around, the debates were endless and they were using complex images to explain themselves to each other. Each one had an idea of how to live, a thought on metaphysics, a practice considered sacred.

In that scenario, there are many strings pulling you to all sorts of directions. It is only to be expected that you wouldn't get anywhere. But an initial stage of enlightenment to Buddha was to realize that. To sit in meditation far away from those other practices, to sit and do nothing for a while, because all the things to be done seemed to be useless. It is only then at this stillness that he was able to discover what he discovered and go through the challenges he encountered until full bliss was reached.

To say Buddha travelled through many different worlds while keeping still means (not only) that he went through all the ideas, desires, thoughts, possibilities that the world proposed. As said, his realizations were not much different from the Vedic ones, but the point is that he went towards them by himself and that, with enough correct attention, anyone would get to the same conclusions. Not doing like Buddha, but doing like yourself would do (and that is, like Buddha!). He created a new range of teachings that were very simple and very direct and accessible. Not nearly as esoteric as the teachers who lived before him.

>> No.5863906

Sukkha is literally the origin of the word "sugar"

>> No.5863909

But he didn't just go back home when the going got rough, he stuck with it. How does his background matter at alm other than as to explain how he understands both want (poverty) and a lack of want (wealth)? You're saying his words mean nothing because he could just go home at any time but he did not, he had the willpower to stick with the whole "fasting and meditation" thing through to the bitter end.

I guess I just don't see how what station he was born to has any real signifigance other than to show that he knows wealth and power do not bring happiness, only as much sufferinf as poverty.

>> No.5864396

yeah so what? that does not invalidate his teachings or his findings. i mean, yes, what you say might be true but that only elucidates the particular path that led him into all he found. other people might have followed another path but the end goal does not change just because of that. your house is still the same whether you enter through the door or the window.

>not knowing that jesus was a buddhist monk

>> No.5864803
File: 330 KB, 1595x529, 1397760481256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>People of literally every religion have done fucked up shit

So than why are some people in this thread jumping on Buddhism, a religion that advocates total non-aggression, and reveres beings who are known for their infinite compassion?

>A single cherry picked piece doesn't really mean anything

There's also the fact that Christian Europeans killed millions all over the planet with disease. Christian Spanish worked native American people to death, and chopped off the hands of dissidents. Entire cities were leveled by Christians, and the gold that adorned them was shipped back to Europe.

>Christians did fucked up shit in medieval times and then they conquered the world and built the greatest society of all time (modern western WHITE society)

On the backs of the European poor, and fueled by the blood of brown people. To this day, white people in white nations live in horrific poverty. I grew up without shoes at times. I drank well water that gave me diarrhea. I never went to elementary school.


>But I know white Christians are the winners of history and that's why they both rule the world today and govern every single nice country on this planet

Christianity is dying in the west. Until the enlightenment, which was defined by the rejection of Christian ideals, the adoption of first deism and then atheism, the west was a cesspit of disease and war. The deadliest war in history - WWII - was fought by Christian, European nations.

>> No.5864814

Sugar muh dick.

>> No.5864823

>Sukkha is literally the origin of the word "sugar"

"late 13c., sugre, from Old French sucre "sugar" (12c.), from Medieval Latin succarum, from Arabic sukkar, from Persian shakar, from Sanskrit sharkara "ground or candied sugar," originally "grit, gravel" (cognate with Greek kroke "pebble"). The Arabic word also was borrowed in Italian (zucchero), Spanish (azucar, with the Arabic article), and German (Old High German zucura, German Zucker), and its forms are represented in most European languages (such as Serbian cukar, Polish cukier, Russian sakhar)."

That would be interesting if true, though.

>> No.5865880

How the fuck did I know someone was going to say this

>> No.5865991

He is a big piece of shit, I agree, but his ideologue is still useful. Who he is popular with has no bearing on his usage.

>> No.5866260

>To this day, white people in white nations live in horrific poverty. I grew up without shoes at times. I drank well water that gave me diarrhea. I never went to elementary school.
He said Western white.

>> No.5866843

>smoking the finest hindu kush

>> No.5866859

i think it's more because the west has no legitimate religious tradition since they broke christianity with their materialist reductionism

>> No.5866905

>broke christianity

American buddhists and calvinists are basically the same people. They both believe the poor are responsible for their suffering, and both believe their happiness is ordained by their inherent virtue.

>> No.5867587


I'm American.

>> No.5867629

>I drank well water that gave me diarrhea.
but i'm sure you could boil it?

>> No.5867925

>I grew up without shoes at times. I drank well water that gave me diarrhea. I never went to elementary school.
what? real shit?

>> No.5867929

I mean how could someone not go in elementary school if you aren't 3rd world african?

>> No.5868889

'cuz you a sugar.

>> No.5870302
File: 2.53 MB, 1124x758, budha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buddhism is actually built on the premise that the extremes of hedonic indulgence and self-torture asceticism are both dead ends. the op is clearly offended that the buddha grew up in the higher class of his culture and had it easier than someone else. apparently, the op thinks, had buddha grown up differently, his whole outlook would be different. unfortunately, such arguments fall flat when we examine the actual depths of the buddha's realization. we are not dealing with some kind of charlatan here or ferris bueller. the buddha was a stern, disciplined zen master. whole assemblies of monks would stop their monkey chattering as he approached. he was someone whose presence commanded the respect, the depth of his realization like an aura.

>> No.5870312
File: 68 KB, 250x400, Black_Like_Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5870428
File: 19 KB, 490x360, india-rockstar-yogi-2K5CI1S-x-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be gotama, pre-bodhi
>be chillin in my palace pad, high on four nutmegs, two glasses of bhang, two chillums of himalayan kush from the local delhi dispensary
>opisafag IMs me on aim
>wtf i thought i uninstalled this years ago
>how did that fag op even find my screen name
>that's so creepy, man i hate 4chan now
>wtf, he is wall of text all caps yelling at me
>damn why is this bro so mad?
>probably a magnesium deficiency from so much fapping and poor diet
>he should look into that, it might stabilize him more
>then he can think about what's really important
>like how we must drop the world's bait and transcend birth and death
>escape this vicious cycle of samsaara
>attain mokkha and become wise old sages like we have heard about
>whether rich or poor, impermanence annihilates all traces
>sickness, decay, death lurk near all waiting
>let us seize the day with our energy now and take up this arduous task before we are too old and weak

>> No.5870468
File: 112 KB, 500x333, Buddha Ascetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Buddha, at least what the Buddhists say, knew exactly what it was like to be in poverty. Before he became enlightened he was living on one grain of rice a day. (pic related.) Even though he could have returned to the life he lead before, the point is that he didn't.

I don't know why you think his enlightenment really just comes down to him thinking poor people just complain too much. I think you're fucking stupid.

>> No.5870490

he's just baiting someone else to post. it's complicated but apparently someone is really into me. it's unhealthy unless they are obsessed with the dhamma and wish for more enlightening comments. ;-)

>> No.5870552

i'm going to give you guys a pop quiz. please do not cheat by consulting a search engine, however i will allow you to use your own books. the questions may range in difficulty.

1. three characteristics or lakkhanas are repeatedly spoken of in reference to the five aggregates and six sense bases, name these three

2. a fourth appears in the chinese version in some suttas, indicating the developments of the sarvastivada school, which is it? what relation does this have to mahayana buddhism?

3. why does the buddha call paticcasamuppada or dependent arising the wrong way? what is the right way?

4. in the salayatana-vagga of the samyutta-nikaya, there is a sutta which does not mention the buddha at all, wherein a monk dies in a cave and gives a death discourse on the insubstantial nature of the aggregates, what does he die from?

>> No.5870572

"Bhikkhus, form is impermanent, both of the past
and the future, not to speak of the present. Seeing thus, bhikkhus,
the instructed noble disciple is indifferent towards form of the
past; he does not seek delight in form of the .future; and he is
practising for revulsion towards form of the present, for its fading
away and cessation.
"Feeling is impermanent . . . Perception is impermanent . . .
Volitional formations are impermanent . . . Consciousness is
impermanent, both of the past and the future, not to speak of the
present. Seeing thus, bhikkhus, the instructed noble disciple is
indifferent towards consciousness of the past; he does not seek
delight in consciousness of the future; and he is practising for
revulsion towards consciousness of the present, for its fading
away and cessation."

buddhism is complete detachment.

>> No.5870599

"Bhikkhus, abandon desire and lust for form. Thus
that form will be abandoned, cut off at the root, made like a palm
stump, obliterated so that it is no more subject to future arising.
"Abandon desire and lust for feeling . . . for perception . . . for
volitional formations . . . for consciousness. Thus that consciousness
will be abandoned, cut off at the root, made like a palm
stump, obliterated so that it is no more subject to future arising."

boddah cuts right to the root and then chops it up into little pieces and burns it and scatters the ashes in a strong wind

>> No.5870603

"Bhikkhus, before my enlightenment, while I was
still a bodhisatta, not yet fully enlightened, it occurred to me:
'What is the gratification, what is the danger, what is the escape
in the case of form? What is the gratification, what is the danger,
what is the escape in the case of feeling . . . perception . . . volitional
formations . . . consciousness?'43 [28]
"Then, bhikkhus, it occurred to me: 'The pleasure and joy that
arise in dependence on form: this is the gratification in form. That
brm is impermanent, suffering, and subject to change: this is the
danger in form. The removal and abandonment of desire and lust
for form: this is the escape from form.
"'The pleasure and joy that arise in dependence on feeling . . .in dependence on perception . . . in dependence on volitional formations
. . . in dependence on consciousness: this is the gratification
in consciousness. That consciousness is impermanent, suffering,
and subject to change: this is the danger in consciousness.
The removal and abandonment of desire and lust for consciousness:
this is the escape from consciousness.'

>> No.5870613

just be completely detached

"Bhikkhus, whatever is not yours, abandon it. When
you have abandoned it, that will lead to your welfare and happiness.
And what is it, bhikkhus, that is riot yours? Form is not
yours: abandon it. When you have abandoned it, that will lead to
your welfare and happiness. Feeling is not yours . . . Perception is
not yours . . . Volitional formations are not yours . . .
Consciousness is not yours: abandon it. When you have abandoned
it, that will lead to your welfare and happiness.
"Suppose, bhikkhus, people were to carry off the grass, sticks,
branches, and foliage in this Jeta's Grove, or to bum them, or to
do with them as they wish. Would you think: 'People are carrying
us off, or burning us, or doing with us as they wish'?"
"No, venerable sir. For what reason? Because, venerable sir,
that is neither our self nor what belongs to our self."
"So too, bhikkhus, form is not yours . . . consciousness is not
yours: abandon it. When you have abandoned it, that will lead to
your welfare and happiness."

>> No.5870641


Asking us to criticise buddhism by confirming your green text is quite retarded OP.

Especially seeing that not only are you so much
of an autist that you completely misinterpreted whatever you have read, but you even mis quoted it, regardless of this being green text on /lit/ which makes it about as valid as your penis.

>> No.5870665

one could argue the little details of things forever, but how does buddhist wisdom stand up in trying times, like sickness? i think it has more to offer than all other religions. it teaches non-attachment to the five aggregates, in other words the totality of the being, seeing that they are all by nature impermanent, suffering, and not-self. thus, although there is physical suffering, there is no mental suffering, no ignorance rooted in identity with and attachment to the body. other religious wisdom traditions lean too heavily on god or other externals for salvation, too much fantasy involved. buddhism at the death level is entirely concerned with how to die totally detached, without the slightest remnant of craving which could possibly refuel the rebirth process. it was no small matter to them. buddhism has worked out a complete way of detachment from life.

>> No.5871668
File: 11 KB, 238x212, 1325357256818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>converts to christianinty
>follows the old testament.

>> No.5871719
File: 10 KB, 180x211, 180px-DogenP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well Marxism/Maoism/NepalMaoists has successfully rid the world of a lot of the caste/inequality/be happy to be poor/ level of garbage buddhism. Even though it ruled the countryside giving consent to inequality and taking bribes from the rulers, and keeping women down for like 2000 years. It was very much like the Catholic church. Nice that part is finally diminishing now.

altho some decent guys came along later like Bodhidharma and then dogen zenji, and they beat derrida by like centuries.

>> No.5871725

Satan tells you the truth, and god tells you a lie, which one do you believe?

>> No.5871735

buddhism is so obviously:

poor people, this prince was even happier being poor and not wanting anything at all, now sit on the floor until you understand that, and when you work, just work, and when you serve, just serve, you can be so happy that way"

>> No.5871744

God. I don't be wantin' any troubles, massa.

>> No.5871993

Your image is almost a direct quote of Martin Sheen in West Wing. Go fuck off

>> No.5872240


Just because the Buddha said he found a way to be happy without being wealthy doesn't make Buddhism a conspiracy to oppress poor people.

>> No.5872267

Uhh.. Prince Gotama became an ascetic wanderer, completely starving and depriving himself of everything but gifts of food people would supply him with.

>> No.5872271

poor people can go fuck themselves for all i care
they are the most supeficial, stupid and malevolent part of our society
we are talking about people that don't have a stable income, but decide to have 5+ children, people who would buy a plasma tv before they have a good roof over their heads, people that have never wanted anything more than what they were told they wanted
fuck the poor

>> No.5872275


>> No.5872281

nice counterargument

>> No.5872282



>> No.5872294

man, i feel so bad about dissing those poor little poor people, i'll go live right next to them as a sign of good will
hopefully i won't get shot or stabbed only for happening to be born better off than them

>> No.5872301


You really think that's how all impoverished people act?

>> No.5872308

Either a decent troll or the prime result of a gated community WASP

>> No.5872342

yeah pretty good for a resposted screenshot of a 4chan post.

Haha "WHITE" is the important, distinctive part? I guess you're just a worthless fool.

Christianity is a person who needs to be honored for its accomplishments?

>>"he went through all the ideas, desires, thoughts, possibilities that the world proposed"
Buddha confirmed as the original and best post-modernist.

It might be true? Arabic influenced languages throughout the world, trade spreads language easily...

that sounds like a personality cult

noncontroversial opinions like "lazy stupid people are lazy and stupid and I hate them for not being more irrational" deserve to be ignored, you're not being remarkable.

>> No.5873173

>that sounds like a personality cult

it is. but that doesn't mean its wisdom is invalid. it just means that in the yogic machismo culture of ancient india, the buddha was the head lion roaring with the dhamma, sending frightened beings scurrying into their holes.

>> No.5873177

i think there is some truth to this. most poor people would not spend their leisure time wisely anyway, if they had any. they'd watch tv, and get in trouble. most humans need the work life forced on them, they would not know how to live without a strict routine imposed on them from outside. when you have everything, you can see how little it means. when you have nothing, everything seems appealing.

that's why seinfeld is zen as fuck these days - he's so rich, he's disillusioned as fuck.

>> No.5873220

1. You talking about the three marks of existence? Impermanence, Suffering, No-self.

2. Probably something daoist... Impossibility of talking about it? I don't know. Emergence of Chan buddhist, then zen buddhism in Japan, all mahayana schools, much more laconic ones.

3. Because dependent arising revolves around karma, good karma, bad karma, your doing it. It is a relative truth and not a whole truth, so that in the end you ought to get rid of samsara altogether, no dependent arising, no karma.

4. I don't know.

Genuinely didn't look for any source or whatever. I would like if you expanded further on them and explained to me where I am mistaken (possibly all of them).

>> No.5873364

no, but people from the middle or high classes rarely, if ever, do crimes like that
jails aren't filled with engineers, lawyers or salarymen

i'm not even white honey, the world exists outside of the US y'know?

>noncontroversial, unremarkable
>when the whole thread has been about how bddha was bad for being born rich and letting go of his wealth because muh poor
>have yet to present any counterarguments

>> No.5874638

>dem white boys turning buddhist

>> No.5874721

1. correct
2. emptiness, sunyata
3. simpler answer, because a sutta in the nidana-vagga says dependent arising is the micchapatipada or wrong way and dependent cessation is the sammapatipada or right way. in other words, to generate craving is the wrong way, to cease craving is the right way. ;-)
4. a snake bite. the monk is named upasena. it's an interesting sutta, no mention of the buddha, just two monks in a cave, one dying, putting his wisdom of detachment to the test

surprised anyone answered.

>> No.5874734
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buddhism in practice is in such shambles, it's really an embarrassing disgrace. that's why i just stick to the ancient texts. it's like no one cares about the nikayas anymore, monks just learn their basic abc chants and repeat like parrots. it's really sad considering the profound depths of the buddha's actual teaching. i guess people are afraid to go too far and accidentally nirvana. you mean no more lives? ever? gulp

>> No.5874765

France was not industrialised on the same scale as Britain or the Netherlands.

>> No.5874777

Thank you.

>> No.5874786

Buddhism has been relegated to the realm of coffee table books and new age-y feel-good ideology. It'll take generations for that to change, if it ever does change.

>> No.5875337

Thank you Protestant work ethic! Without you we wouldn't have Capitalism, Communism, pollution, or mindless consumerism!

>> No.5875340

Correlation vs causation
Blaming modern issues on past religious thinking is kinda sad

>> No.5875352

I'm replying to a post that makes the claim that industrialization and everything that sprang from that comes from the Protestant work Ethic.

>> No.5875374

The Protestant Work Ethic is just the daughter of the Jewish Shekel Ethic and the protestants were judaizers.

>> No.5877547

Gautama did say that if women were allowed into Buddhism it would get ruined.

>> No.5877634

Duh. Women allowed into anything irreversibly massacres said thing.

>> No.5877775

Sounds funny, citation please.

>> No.5877867

>He said that allowing women into the sangha would cause his teachings to survive only half as long –- 500 years instead of a 1,000.


>> No.5877949


thanks, interesting.

>> No.5878174

Thanks. I looked it up myself as well, currently reading https://bhikkhucintita.wordpress.com/home/topics-in-the-dharma/uposatha-1272012/
A point I feel both sites fail to address is that it merely mentions an increased pace in its marsh towards death. It's not that it'd last forever without women, it's just cut in half, and I can find so many good reasons for him to say so. Is it that the teachings will be reinterpreted, lost little by little as they're taught from person to person? If so, creating potentially twice as many followers would speed up the process, wouldn't it? Is it that the gender roles can't be thrown off completely until Arahathood is attained, and meanwhile you have two, instead of one, gender roles to be stymied while threatening the purity of the teachings, leading to twice the threat? Is it that two groups, raised according to different gender roles, would interpret or retell the Buddha's words differently over time, perhaps leading to twice as many disagreements concerning their meaning, or produce misunderstandings from two gender perspectives rather than one? Either way, I see no reason to interpret it as women ruining Buddhism. The rate of inevitable decline merely accelerates. If one is less literal about the meaning of 1000 years down to 500, then there are of course many more possible reasons.

>> No.5878203

>or produce misunderstandings from two gender perspectives rather than one
Well, disregard that, already addressed that one. I wish the reply window could be made larger to make it easier to look at your post as a whole. Or Santa writing me a Post-It note saying "reread your post carefully" and putting it on the wall next to my computer, so I wouldn't have to do it myself.

>> No.5878261

It's just because he was sexist.

Rules for nuns are also much more stern for example and even the most senior female monk can't criticise a male one.

Most contemporary interpretations are just damage control because a lot of people don't want to realise that Gautama was not in fact a contemporary politically correct moderate leftist.

>> No.5878988

underrated OP

>> No.5879242

I lack a suitable photo but go back to bosnia

>> No.5880991

Except he directly states on more than one occasion that women have the exact same potential for attaining Arahathood, and that gender doesn't matter. Read the whole article, it's not as long as it appears, more than a third of it are comments.

>> No.5881008

Yeah, I think he means to say that strong morality stems from Christianity when you actually FOLLOW its principles; not take its ideas and go crazy.

Seriously, use your fucking heads.

>> No.5881113

not only that but there is a 'bhikkhuni samyutta' in the SN that shows the realized wisdom of several nuns, if they are not merely attributions of male wisdom onto female characters. in the suttas, at least, women are not disrespected.

protip: most of the rules in the vinaya are not from the buddha. they are very obviously the nit pickings of bored elitist monks trying to keep their community functioning smoothly.

buddha was all about the doctrine and discipline, i think the minor rules are extremely insignificant and superfluous.

>> No.5881149

There is a saying: "If you come across a Buddha, cut him down".

>> No.5881170

a lot of people seem to get the impression that because buddhism split into some 18 sects after the buddha's parinirvana, that they all had widely different doctrines and that their own canons were completely different to the pali theravada.

the strange fact is that they all shared the same texts and the fundamental doctrines remained the same, the differences were almost entirely petty and pathetic. even the chinese agamas are hardly different from the pali nikayas, they are mostly faithful translations.

the first schism was supposedly over a set of ten rule violations, absolutely pathetic stuff like rules against using a mat with fringes, storing salt, etc. nothing doctrinal, the schisms weren't about such weighty topics as whether there is a self or not, they were about salt!

it is quite strange...

personally i think the theravadin orthodox position, that it is the oldest school and preserved the original teaching, is probably correct to a significant degree. the "complete anatta" teaching in theravada is strong enough to have caused the arising of a buddhism distinct from other traditions in the first place, whereas the theories that the buddha left room for a belief in Self, while nice, reduce it to just another system of indian idealism.

it seems more logical to expect later monks to interpolate Self-views back into the void left by the buddha rather than later monks removing all traces of a Self doctrine. the buddha's realization was so profound in its depersonalization of reality that not many people really understood it, but it is very easy to understand a simple soul/body dualism.

>> No.5881173

don't misunderstand it, young grasshopper. it is a zen saying with the meaning of, if you have a vision of the (completely deceased and nirvanized) buddha, it is not really him, it is a hallucination, do not get caught up in it, go beyond it.

don't interpret it as an iconoclastic call to dismiss the radical insight of the buddha in the nikayas.

>> No.5881184
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"If you meet the buddha, kill him, then you become the buddha until the next challenger of the buddha slays you"

you're totally misinterpreting the original quote