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586164 No.586164 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books where someone loses their virginity.

Pic related.

>> No.586176

>implying no such thing as virginity

good show,old chap

>> No.586187

Song of Fire and Ice: There's a fat retarded girl at court who is 30 and still a virgin and absolutely nobody wants to marry her and then there's a siege in the city and all the small folk is hungry and in unrest and she falls from her horse and she gets raped fifty times over.

It was rad.

>> No.586190
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>> No.586188

The Bell Jar, dummy

>> No.586191

That whole series is a showcase for Martin's sexual deviancy.

>> No.586197

Madame Bovary is the daughter of a farmer peasant who marries a small-time country doctor and then has a kid with him. Bad things happen soon after.

Hot enough for you?

>> No.586199

Wouldn't it count when you find out in the epilogue that Harry Potter fucked Ginny?

Brofist to him for fucking his best friend's younger sister.

>> No.586201

wat no no no

>> No.586211
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I always liked that series.

>> No.586212

Bumping because I'm interested in this, too; particularly, when said virginity becomes a major hang-up for the character like it was for Esther.

>After I found out about the corruption of Buddy Willard, my virginity hung around my neck like a millstone.

Not completely right, but you get the idea.

>> No.586222

Ursula K LeGuin's Tehanu, from the Earthsea cycle.

This time, Ged has sex for the first time. At like 50.

Too bad Tenar and Ged never take advantage of their romance when they're young and idealistic but instead wait until they are old and more depressed because LeGuin turned into a huge feminazi.

>> No.586224

"La philosophie dans le boudoir" de Sade

>> No.586358

More deflowerings, please.

>> No.586364

Is her first sexual experience described or just implied in the book because she's pregnant?

>> No.586367

In Demon's Fire

Beth looses her virginity

>> No.586388

Implied, for it only mention at the end of part 1 that she's pregnant.

Afterward the metaphor of a carriage ride through a city is used in place of sex.

"The carriage driver looked back into the compartment, which was obscured from sight.
'Where should I be off to, sir?'
'Keep going, keep going, dammit!'"

Hot, rite?

>> No.586395
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Damn hot, like this bitch here.

>> No.586404


A lot of the Wheel of Time books.

Most of which do not actually involve the hymen, if that is what you are hoping.

>> No.586410

You mean it's in the butt? Brb, used book store.

>> No.586413


I'm not looking for medical descriptions or fap material. I just find it odd that so much literature has sex in it, but rarely do you find something describing someone's first time. I'm interested in how writers describe a persons anticipations and worries before, their excitement or fear, and how they feel while it's happening, and what they feel after.

>> No.586419

It's been a while since I read it, but Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man has a scene where he loses his virginity, I think. No arse farts, though.

>> No.586423


There is one distinct scene where the main character (Rand) is taking the virginity of one of his wives. Due to some insane prophecy he has three wives and all of them used magic to link themselves mentally and emotionally (imagine them on their periods...), anyway. So while he is porking his virgin wife, the other two feel it and get drunk with a third chick.

>> No.586439

Oh yeah, that's right; Stephen loses his virginity to a prostitute, doesn't he?

>> No.586551

Yes, that's what I remember. There was also a scene where he was masturbating somewhere, right? Not really virginity-related, but interesting Joyce material in light of the letters anyway.

>> No.586571
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>> No.586584
File: 99 KB, 422x589, the-catcher-in-the-rye1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.586589

but nobody loses their virginity in that book.
except Phoebe and Holden together in the extended version

>> No.586590

Didn't he try to lost his virginity but just ended up talking to his prostitute instead?

>> No.586596

Please say you posted this in the wrong thread. The movie scared me shitless as a child and I never sat in a dark room the way again. If I found out that in the book he raped children I might die.

>> No.586597

Lol except he pusses out

>> No.586598

He sticks his dick through the middle of the record while he does it.

>> No.586599

Yeah, cuz he's such a huge intellectual. God I love Holden.

>> No.586605

After they beat him the first time, all the kids had sex with the girl.

>> No.586607

Yeah the scenes from the book were too graphic to make into a movie lets just say he did some anal scarring along with his emotional scarring.

>> No.586608


This anon speaks the truth


The same could almost be argued for Robert Jordan. But he's too awesome to be a sexual deviant

I remember this. IIRC, that one chick in the story basically banged all the guys when they were kids. I remember it creeping me out when I read it.

>> No.586614

>creeping me out
As in he had to fap right away

>> No.586644

Fuckkk...I hate that I started this thread. My clown fears return.

>> No.586657

What would be worse? Raped by clown IT or spider IT?

>> No.586663

>What would be better? Raped by clown IT or spider IT?

>> No.586660

Clown IT, definitely...

>> No.586659
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Did someone call?

>> No.586667
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>> No.586679
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>> No.586685
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>> No.586689
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>> No.586694

Heinlein's I Will Fear No Evil sort of has the loss of virginity in it. sort of, as in the old dude gets his brained switched into a hot young bitch's body and then gets boned by his old as fuck best mate and becomes a fag

>> No.586700

I'm not sure if this is better or worse than the whole clown thing happenning in this thread.

>> No.586702
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This is a classic.

>> No.586713

Yeah, Holden is fucking awesome. The way I saw it was that Holden was, once again, not conforming to social norms.

>> No.586714
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>> No.586716

>did not read Catcher

>> No.586731

I realted to him.

>> No.586733

Have fun conforming you plebeian.