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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 191 KB, 392x492, sartre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5851981 No.5851981 [Reply] [Original]

How did Sartre get so many women?

>> No.5851984

He let them touch Beauvoir's ass

>> No.5851985

he put his radical freedom to use

>> No.5851986

By talking to and becoming acquainted with them

>> No.5851990

Becoming very famous

>> No.5851993

>tfw still waiting for his eye to move centre

>> No.5851996
File: 58 KB, 480x597, 1418241808376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally not giving a fuck. If you don't get anxiety or have any expectations for the the future you can strike out a million times and not care.

Existentialism was just a self-help program for getting pussy, basically.

>> No.5852045

Preying on his underage students.
He actually co-signed a famous petition to allow sex with minors below 15.

>> No.5852052
File: 33 KB, 298x320, Do you even into forms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civilization was invented to give people an excuse to fornicate with youth

>> No.5852075

>underage students
Please, proceed. How underaged were they?

>> No.5852107

most of them were your mum

>> No.5852111

Lol, but forms are retarded bullshit anon.

>> No.5852218

Someone explain to me how Beauvoir is held up as a model for emanicipated women and the "mother" of second wave feminism when she raped her underage female students?

Oh, right because "it's different."

>> No.5852263


She made the discover sapphic eroticism, you unclutured swine. Men are pigs and opressors. This really triggered me, I am offended.

Fucking cis-scum

>> No.5852338

She raped a bunch of her students and then later said "lol yea if only I din do nuffin."

Then she writes letters to Sartre thanking him for bringing her some new girl to fuck and shares all the explicit details.

But of course, it's marriage which oppresses women. We all need to have abusive three-ways because it's more liberating and authentic.

>> No.5852344

/r/ing image of Satre about how to get laid or whatever.

Looks like a shitty porn ad.

>> No.5852356

>If you don't get anxiety or have any expectations for the the future you can strike out a million times and not care.

I think this is simply false, and bullshit platitudes. I don't really give a fuck about anything, and I barely get laid once a year if that.

>> No.5852368


>> No.5852550
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>> No.5852616

Cool guy. Philosophy can get you bitches if you aren't an autist like most of /lit/ is.

>> No.5852627
File: 6 KB, 194x259, lezimages42S1EN3S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We must recall the old children's rhyme: "L is for Lesbian, full of hate; snarling as they masturbate."

>> No.5852654

You aren't trying. You give too little fucks. Negative fucks.

>> No.5852674

women are attracted to fame, you know there are women who will date serial killers that are locked up in prison.
Even hitler had a girlfriend.

>> No.5852699

>having sex with teenagers is rape
plz, anon, she might have been a feminist but she wasn't a dumbfuck SJW

>> No.5852727

>You aren't trying

This is accurate. But I can't do anything by halves. If I do something I do it 100%, and this comes off as desperate in the female department, but as achievement in the intellectual department. There is no winning.

>> No.5852734

>you're taking shits

>> No.5852742
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He was an edgy communist. Even started bashing Solzhenitsyn after Sol-man ran away from the USSR and started telling people about the Gulags; Sartre and Le Monde hated his guts

>> No.5852759
File: 71 KB, 600x597, 1385405938527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even hitler had a girlfriend.

>> No.5852920

It's more true than you think, m8. I was a complete kissless virgin until like age 22-23, total basement neckbeard, /r9k/-browsing misogynist, had acne and no idea how to dress or comport myself, had no job, no money, no car, average looks, 5'8", a flabby skinnyfat body, and one friend, a drug addict I met in a Dragonball Z chatroom when I was 12.

I spent like a year hitting on every single girl I met, messaging every single girl on every single dating site, and learning how to talk to them, learning how to not give a fuck about striking out, etc. I have fucked 20+ women, not counting an additional 5~ escorts, and done lesser sex acts (mostly fuckloads of oral) with about 30-40 more, in the span of two years. At this point I can also establish relationships really easily. Every single one of these girls was way out of my league. No fatties. About 75% were at least 5 years younger than me, with a shitload of barely legal (age 16 here) chicks while I was 23-25. Still an /r9k/-browsing misogynist and I technically still live in a basement. A bare minimum of physical maintenance and upgrade was enough to drastically increase my performance, but 99% of the work is just being funny or clever, learning to deal with women, learning to get inside their mentality and predict the least boring thing to say or how to exploit their personality type, etc. I got the hottest girls when I had acne and looked like a total fucking autist.

No one will believe this post but maybe it'll help someone. Seriously stop giving a fuck. Like ANY fucks. Life is too short to care. See women as a statistical blob, not as individuals. Maybe you're unlucky enough to be brown instead of white, or even shorter than me, or maybe I'm lucky enough to be innately funny/clever and it does most of the heavy lifting, but if you can achieve even a fraction of my success, you can fuck teenagers up the ass in their Gender Studies professor's office too.

Sartre was my inspiration.

>> No.5853048

Bruh you might have acne but still be a good looking fella. If all of the grills you dated are shorter than you then manlets are fucked. No way they're going to snag someone anyone lower when the grills have a fuckton of choices. Also, the majority of girls are dumb which makes talking pointless and feel like a choir. Those that have a bit of intelligence in them are going to want much intelligent men naturally. Some robots aren't just interested in dating/hangout shit too post acquiring number.

What credentials do you have? Hobbies? You can not impress sloots by being a neet fuck. I'd wager majority of neet robots have nothing to respond to the questions in the vein of "What do you do?" etc.

You need to go more into detail if you want people to believe you. How many sloots have you talked to online versus the sloots you've actually dated? Ratio.

Not giving a fuck is something that I already do to an extent. I see some girls mirin' me but I can't just imagine them fucking with my lifestyle. I'm mostly indoors, I do nothing all day. All I do is sit in front of my computer. You think not giving a fuck that gets me grills? Come on man.

>> No.5853077

I forgot, not everyone keeps up with Pop culture too so what the fuck are you even going to talk with them? You will have a hard time relating since you spent most of our time in this fucking spider shithole. Some anons are too specialized.

Obstacles from being a funny motherfucker / sick cunt:
>jaded, cynical anon raised on 4chan
>faking an interest in girls and in conversations with girls when they are mostly inane shit
>small talks
>see above
>not having an answer to some of their questions
>having no social life; friendless - wouldn't be this weird as fuck?

>> No.5853107

>tfw 20
>tfw gf is 16 with hymen but her mom is open minded and cool with us dating
>tfw mom has dinner with me to get to know me
>tfw mom is patrician as fug
>tfw she's 39 but looks 25
>tfw she says "you're a lot hotter than (daughter's name) previous boyfriends"
>tfw not sure if she's hitting on me
>tfw I am become Sartre

>> No.5853152

Professors use their authority and fame to bang naive students. It happens all the time, from Sartre to Hugo Schwyzer to Idelber Avelar.

When it is a feminist leftist and communist professor it's even easier, because they can use the "let's do it it's sexually liberating and we are all feminists here" seduction tactic which never seens to fail.

>> No.5853187

You say "even Hitler had a girlfriend" as if he had not been a hero of his people.

>> No.5853205

Male feminists are the biggest pigs of them all.

>> No.5853213

They're not pigs, they're fucking rodents.

>> No.5854894

/tv/ pls

>> No.5854901

Living the dream, anon.
>this is probably a lie

>> No.5854908

Not even, but it's not actually a dream either since having sex with my gf's mother would probably fuck up our relationship, and knowing she's into me (unless I'm just an autist and misreading it) makes a little uncomfortable, since I don't know whether or not I should tell my gf.

>> No.5854973

So are the youth.

>> No.5857174

He doesn't read 4chan

>> No.5857215

If that includes you then yes.

>> No.5857225
File: 43 KB, 392x492, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face fixed

>> No.5857281

top kek

>> No.5857435


Related shit: http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2014/12/what-its-like-to-be-a-58-year-old-virgin.html

>When people ask me why I’m a virgin, I tell them I suffer from terminal ugliness. I have an eye that doesn’t line up with the other one. I’d probably look better if I wore a pirate patch.

>> No.5857493
File: 13 KB, 645x773, Francais.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your hair doesn't part on both sides

>> No.5857542

Derail, but why did Sarte and Camus hate each other? I'm pretty new to philosophy, but from what I've read of both of them, they're very similar.

>> No.5857629

they have been friends and camus wrote an essay and sartre didnt like it and they werent friends anymore

>> No.5857650

They did? Sartre might have been jealous because Camus actually knew how to write fiction.
Do you know which essay?

>> No.5857664

L'homme révolté.

Anyway Sartre was even more of a hack than BHL.

>> No.5857687

I don't think it's possible to be more of a hack than BHL.
At least Sartre hasn't done anything as disgraceful as Le Jour et la Nuit.

>> No.5857693

I've been slowly going through Being and Nothingness in the past few weeks and there is indeed some hacking going on but also some worthwhile stuff. "Bad faith" is a genuinely interesting and useful concept to me, and his whole "Existence precedes essence" argument seems like a good starting point to tackle the problems with the current obsession with identity/essence.

Whos BHL and why do I need to hate him?

>> No.5857727

Because his philosophy was good, of course

>> No.5857741
File: 589 KB, 1280x856, bhl fait des coloriages dans sa chambre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernard-Henri Lévy

>> No.5857752

Watered down Heidegger at best.

... Nah, but isn't he a bit overrated?
tho Heidegger got dat pussy from his students as well. Perhaps I should become a philosopher.

>> No.5857768

Believe the caption of photo essentially says "BHL coloring in his room". HA!

>> No.5857790

where do you live? just asking for the consent law

>> No.5857799


I hate this goddamn motherfucking faggy-ass pseudo-philopher mundane bitch-ass nigga so goddamn fucking much

>> No.5857819

nigga he ran away. fucking faux brah-i-made-it shitposter.

>> No.5858082


is simple. sarte was smarte

>> No.5858125

no i didn't u fag. I just didn't want to turn a random /lit/ thread into a faggy wall of text AMA because I made one 'THEY SAID I COULD DO ANYTHING' post.

It's 16 in a bunch of states and I think Canada? I think it used to be as low as 14 in some states.

I do want to help this guy tho

>No way they're going to snag someone anyone lower when the grills have a fuckton of choices.

Rebounds are magical. Charisma > everything. Charisma can be trained, height can't.

>the majority of girls are dumb which makes talking pointless and feel like a choir.
>what the fuck are you even going to talk with them?
>You will have a hard time relating

Some girls are for fucking and some girls are for dating. Getting better at the former will help you secure the latter when you do find them. Honestly, I've never met a girl who was half as interesting as any of my male friends. Girls are girls. They're sweet and nice and pretty, not 'interesting'.

>What credentials do you have? Hobbies?

Literally nothing at first but here are some tips
a) lie
b) learn a cool language or two, learn guitar, do something that makes you look vaguely capable and interesting, something that separates you from the herd of identical faceless beta males who all want pussy and have nothing to trade for it
c) seriously lie, claim you are better/more interesting than you are, claim you have a car, claim you have a cool job, OKCupid bitches want prestigious high value cock in them, like borrow a friend's car and say it's yours i'm not kidding
e) if you're in the humanities and especially if you're a grad student, get good at it/something in it, and use your clout to pretend you're a level 900 intellectual. seriously humanities chicks are so fucking bad, i have banged an MA student in english who read less english lit than me and i fucking hate english lit. if you have read 5 short vonnegut books and you know how to be like 'ahh yes mm vonnegut indeed' when she mentions him as her favourite author because she literally read one book in high school, you just made some panties wet son

stop being a defeatist m8

>> No.5858190

I'm an 18 yo virgin and I have some of the insecurities this guy seems to have, guess I'm not that bad.

>> No.5858227

>had a horrible violent childhood that left him unable to communicate with people
>feminists telling him about how privileged he is in the comments

>> No.5858230

Pff, Scooby-doo can doo doo, but Jimmy Carter is smarter.

>> No.5858886

>Some girls are for fucking and some girls are for dating. Getting better at the former will help you secure the latter when you do find them

So I have no choice but to become a manwhore, play the game and get those 'notches'.

What's the process in human courtship? What do you do after you get her number? Is it all small talk to get her to hang out? What do you do in a date and where? After that what happens? How do you end it? It seems particularly difficult since it's hard for me to feign interest in someone I'm not truly into.

>> No.5858893

Because he had charisma, and back then being an intellectual was seen as a good thing. Today, we're just seen as annoying.

>> No.5858899

His piercing stare and blow-job lips, I reckon.

>> No.5859176
File: 156 KB, 900x600, mbt6_Madison_Chandler_and_Brandi_Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ménage à trois, faggot. This is probably your only chance. You need to have sex with your gf and her mother both at the same time.

But first you have to see, if her mother really is into you. Look for an excuse to get physical contact, e.g. help her doing minor chores, and find out how she reacts. Do this subtly, tho, or else she finds out and she retreats.

If she is interested you need to consider how to set up threesome. This depends on their relationship and their moral behavior. For example can you talk about sex if both of them are present. Do/would they join talking? From talking you move along. Have you ever kissed/touched her daughter in front of her? Can you clap her mother's ass while she is present? You understand my direction? You have to start at minimum and have to lead them step-by-step to your desired maximum. They both have to want you and need to overcome their morals considering minor incest.

I'd recommend to report in after minor achievements you established in your mom-daughter-relationship. Use pic to id yourself.

>> No.5859187

>Use pic to id yourself.
Use critique threads or stupid question threads in the future. I'd prefer critique as they are mostly searchable on this board via search function.


>> No.5859191

Does this kind of stuff happen in rl?

>> No.5859230

If you don't try it, there won't be any chance that it happens. Therefore, go for it.

>> No.5859231

This is how Zizek manages to get women. Ugly autistic married a South American model because of "muh ideology". This is also why continental philosophy only appeals to morons and women.

>> No.5859233

philosophy departments with a continental focus
>populated by laid back, experienced students who come from a variety of disciplines and european states, who are generally well cultured and up-to-date with modern fashion and trends
>use of recreational drugs and alcohol tolerated and even encouraged between doctoral students and faculty, both as a means of social relaxation and facilitating research
>female colleagues generally more sexually free and promiscuous due to adhering to radical notions of femininity
>looser restrictions and less emphasis on red tape due to the radical anti-authoritarian nature of much critical theory
>great inter-department bro relations with other arts and social sciences due to significant discourse overlap
>more potential for fame and media publicity in culture due to the strong grounding of critical theory in modern events

philosophy departments with an analytic focus
>filled with cultureless degenerates, ruthless no-fun careerists, ignorant wannabe STEMfags, and legitimately autistic people (sup Kripke)
>female colleagues generally ugly, sexually inhibited, and attempt to mimick the mannerisms of the men in their department for a greater claim to authority
>generally sober and baseline, engaging in drug use typically only results in spouting some pseudo-mystical bullshit about the universe and its inherent godel,escher bach beautiful mind mathematical structure and various other embarrassing forms of bullshit
>terrible relations with other departments due to the insistence on narrow-minded empirical methodology and naturalistic definitions

>> No.5859246 [DELETED] 

Being a famous and world-renowned philosopher... how would he not?

Fame is the single most sexually appealing quality. It trumps everything else.

>> No.5859254

He was not a philosopher as Wittgenstein was, he was a little cuck who could not grasp even the most basic aspects of science. Continentals are not philosophers they are degenerate sophists who use subjectivity to bypass their objective faults. They are sex fiends not lovers of truth.

>> No.5859256 [DELETED] 


Who are you talking to, you irrelevance harping quack?

>> No.5859319

I don't think you're the real deep&edgy, you seem like a more hollow version. Try to be more aggressive.

>> No.5859334

>not realizing you're just an animal that wants to fuck in the first place
otherwise, your point is completely irrelevant

>> No.5859415

Same reason Sartre and Merleau-Ponty hated each other.

The latter realized the former was a hack.

And of course, emancipated woman and feminist activist Simone de Beauvoir comes running to Sartre's defence every time.

>> No.5859422

Great posts as usual, my friend.

>> No.5859426 [DELETED] 


>narrow-minded empirical methodology and naturalistic definitions

uh wat? Empirical? Do you know what logic is?

>> No.5859929

I went through your archives and they changed my life, thx D&E

>> No.5859933

because women want immortality.

>> No.5860010

because women are a meme

>> No.5860031
File: 303 KB, 1850x663, Women are a maymay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /mu/dkip.

>> No.5860035

Camus never fully embraced existentialism in spite of a few half-hearted attempts. In the end he was still an absurdist/nihilist. Sartre's political commitment was completely alien to Camus. That brought them gradually apart.

>> No.5860036

>Try to be more aggressive.
it's been like 3 or 4 years, calling people stupid niggers at this stage would be unseemly.

>> No.5860041

its like poetry

>> No.5860044

Because of her book The Second Sex and not her personal life...

>> No.5860062

Somebody please fuck this guy.

>> No.5860191

But the second sex isn't feminist, or at least wasn't when she wrote it. It took her about twenty years of saying "I'm not a feminist" before she realised France was not going to give her back a teaching job or leave her near the children before she decided to hop on board with the American feminists who had loved her since before the second sex when she was writing her novel about how she was jelly of loli fucking Sartre and wanted to kill the kid. Beauvoir was at least smart enough to see her works as not feminist, if the feminists weren't and her eventual coming into the fold was much more to do with the fact people regarded her as a childrapist outside of America, which is hard to sell philosophical books on or give lectures through, even if you discount that nobody wants to read Heidegger first.

>> No.5860196

I've fucked over 950 women with this one weird technique


>> No.5860210

what is the weird technique

>> No.5860213

alright, alright, AMalmostA hehe

>> No.5860247
File: 48 KB, 420x600, on-Kortajarena-for-Peek-Cloppenburg-MaleModelSceneNet-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go up to her and say "hi"

>> No.5860276
File: 879 KB, 800x800, opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>5852550 , sorry pic related

>> No.5860292

why did Bettina von Arnim tell everyone she fucked Goethe?

>> No.5860307
File: 7 KB, 192x262, Kundera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To feed on his immortality

>> No.5860509

I have a chance to meet a 18-year old girl
My step-mom is having a party and is bringing some friends and one of them has a daughter
I was thinking of going but it's going to be hard to isolate her into my room at noon...
What do?

>> No.5860529

>isolate her into my room at noon
with a tongue like that you will surely get the pussy.

>> No.5860535

everyone wants to have sex

>> No.5860583

They were both marxist/communist (i forget which specific strain they claimed allegiance to) but when the horrors of the Soviet Union got out Camus renounced his allegiance on the grounds that it was inhuman. Sartre disagreed and remained an avowed Marxist/Communist. Camus thought he was a monster for being so accepting of human rights violations and the violence necessary for revolution.

>> No.5860620

>The second sex isn't feminist
Then explain why it's idea of "one is not born but rather becomes a woman" is at the cornerstone of every modern feminist I've spoken to? It always comes back to that and it always infuriates me.

>> No.5861059


> "i fucking hate english lit"

>> No.5861085

whats the difference between existentialism and absurdist?

>> No.5861095
File: 60 KB, 406x516, adolf-hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying the Fuhrer wasn't alpha as fuck

>> No.5861112

He was actually rather quiet and shy in private

>> No.5861114

Alpha as fuck

>> No.5861123


brooding and mysterious you mean

bitches love that shit

>> No.5861125

How boring the texts are (Nausea is a thousand times more boring than The Stranger or The Myth of Sysiphus)

>> No.5861145

Once he was the Fuhrer he pulled but before that, in his artist hobo years he was literally a spaghetti.

Like there's this one story of how he fell in love with a girl called Stefanie Rabatsch who lived in his neighbourhood when he was a teenager and for four years he held feelings for her despite having never spoken to her, ever. Then when he applied to art school he sent her a letter saying that once he graduated art school they would finally get married, and she had no idea who she was.

>> No.5861146
File: 629 KB, 1274x713, are_you_fugging_kidding_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on this board aren't too bad until you mention women and then they start getting whiny about not getting laid.

>> No.5861149

whoops, wrong image

>> No.5861155

wow you're shit at that game, m8

>> No.5861183

We still in 4chan, bro.

>> No.5861199

I get laid on a regular basis.

There's absolutely no secret to it. You just go out there and it happens. And i still go on month-long reading/painting/writing-for-films binges. And this is from a 6/10 looks 17yo guy.

>> No.5861206

>go out there
helpful m8

>> No.5861209

There we go. Although you kinda sound Sartrean with all that you-can-do-anything shit.

>> No.5861216

Well this isn't exactly a how to get laid thread is it?

>> No.5861233

yea it's a how did sartre get laid thread. big diff

>> No.5861234

Is that board /r9k/ or /adv/?

>> No.5861251

/adv/ is probably plagued with sex-related shit and feels. It must fit there.

>> No.5861269

Well, since i owe literature, philosophy and art in general many things, including this, i'll tell you how it was for me.

>> No.5861288

While normal men can only make eyes at one woman at a time, Sartre can make eyes at two.

>> No.5861303

>Bruh you might have acne but still be a good looking fella.

Not the guy youre responding too but I can speak from personal experience, you feel anything but attractive. It's an awful plague dude and cruel that it appears when kids are at their most hormonal and self conscious.

>that feel when you notice people's eyes casually look at your blemishes mid conversation

>> No.5861329


>his eye doesn't roll around

0/10 apply yourself

>> No.5861421


I started reading the greeks a year ago. I study western philosophy, art and literature, also linguistics, psychology and sociology in my high school. Main exponents, and pretty superficially, but i got to like it. When at home i work on poetry, scripts for film, photography, music and painting.

I'll make it short: i stumbled with Beyond Good And Evil by Nietzsche one day, i liked that affirming things and not negating them idea, then i read Lolita and Les Fleurs du Mal, and realized intense feeling existed, then connected it to that "live dangerously" idea, then watched Fight Club and so on and so on.

I got caugh in sort of an existentialism on cocaine, and that fueled me to live, feel and overall experience as many things as i can. I learned sign language, french, i got into exercise, i organized my days, i got more confident...

There we go. I got more confident, i got socially aware, and learned to redirect mi actions so i will end up having the things i want.

Dude, all the knowledge you have, use it to produce more, and explore more. I have never understood how anyone with a basic philosophical interest doesn't go outside and makes the world his. Everything you read, digest it and project it into your world, shift your perspective, take control, and you're done.

Literally get into the habits of the person you want to be. Even if it's a character from somewhere. That's all there is to it.

Be perceptive. There's too much out there to learn about.

>> No.5861435

>and so on and so on

Is that you Slavoj?

>> No.5861448


wasnt that obvious?

>> No.5861462

what do if lazy

>> No.5861465



Way of speaking. It was very intense. I would wake up every morning to do anything. It did strike me really hard.

>> No.5861492


I was the laziest person.

Watch Fight Club, read basic Nietzschean and Sartrean ideas, avoid being bored, avoid avoiding, watch the second season of Skins (although shitty, does feature a pretty energetic and intense character called Cook), wake up early, go outside and meet people, drop prejudices, go hiking, think more, draw more, write more, make a change somewhere.

Just find something that gets you inspired. Anything. That'll be enough. Will to do it will come with enough inspiration.

>> No.5861515


I am, though, slowly getting lazy again.

I set up a routine the kantian style for next week to get to be productive again. I injected myself with worry, exitement about the future, and just basic want-to-know-it-all fuel.

Pretty idealistic, pretty childish, yes, but gets shit done.

>> No.5861516

What do you do with your life now? I'm generally lazy because nothing, not even the prospect of hot women seems that appealing

>> No.5861599

Hot women are not too intresting. The experience of sex is intresting brifely, then it's just a hobby.

I want to become a photographer and write social critique here and there, so i'm gonna study Communication and do filmmaking/photography courses. I read publicity and study humanities-related things in the mean time, including the artistic scene of my city, and from next year on i'll be working with some very small clothing stores in my city as well as with some musicians to get my work to circle around.

I'm about making stuff and sending them to mags, papers, trying to get people to see them in general.

I hope in the future i can photograph fashion, or work with greenpeace or any magazine. I also hope i can keep writing, reading, and getting to know people.

I'm open to anything, really. As long as i can express myself. I just became active, and it started because i got inspired by this Cook character i told you about. I slowly began to not give a shit about what people said, i used to take everything to the extremes. I'm more regulated now, but those things happened.

>> No.5861849


>> No.5863155

but im ugly, balding and short. nothing will ever matter.