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5842334 No.5842334 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>write a poem for crush
>it's not even that shitty
>have an idea
>idea: send it her, anonimously

So on a scale 1 to 10 where 1 is almostnotpathetic and 10 is being a tripfag on a anonymous mongolose puppetshow forum how pathetic is this idea?

>> No.5842342

To answer that, I recommend you to get a trip that doesn't give away immediatly you are a faggot

Get one with no memes in it, something like JoshWhoreFucker or something like that

>> No.5842347


>> No.5842352

Shit, I forgot. Should I do it, or not?

>> No.5842359

Don't do it. It's totally beta.
>Don't do it as in don't do it anonymously. Just own up to your faggotry loudly and proudly.
If she's that 3% that actually likes poetry, good for you. If she doesn't appreciate it, good for you too.

>> No.5842361

The worst part is, she is my next door neighbour

>> No.5842367

you better post the poem now.

>> No.5842369

it's gonna be an awkward "good morning, neighbor", if she doesn't like it.

>> No.5842370

Good idea, /lit/ can help you polish it.
>By adding tons of trolling crap.
Also, tell us about her and her interests? Will she be impressed by an dedication to Cthulhu?

>> No.5842371

pastebin it with an expiration time

>> No.5842376


send it with a tripcode, obviously

>> No.5842381

Why make a poem, and make it anonymous?
What if she thinks someone else made it and get the girl?
Be a man and give it to her, give something else with it like some bon-bon, or invite her somewhere for dinner and give it there.

>> No.5842382

I'm not from the anglo-saxonsphere. Can translate it, but will be shit.

She has a really short hair, a Joy Division tattoo and a general tomboyish vibe. Loves Buffy and Adventure Time. And russian literature. Also she saw the Srpski film, so she's not faint hearted.

>> No.5842383

In what language is the poem?

>> No.5842405


>> No.5842408

You barbarian, translate it to Latin and give it to her. If she doesn't know Latin then she's not worth the time.

>> No.5842411

that's an 11

sending poetry to women is 9/10 times suicidal. The 1 time out of 10 is when it's written by a poet who knows what they're doing, and not some teenager who has barely even read any poetry, let alone has any knowledge of writing it.

>> No.5842419


há tempo nada sinto senão saudade
com versos bobos tristes metalinguísticos
e o que sinto, no fundo, de verdade
são eu te amos que de tão tristes, sarcásticos

E rima da qual já me orgulhei, e tanto
de cantar como pássaro, alegre vida
hoje já, não alegre, certamente, as canto
pois cá a encontro como a mim: dissolvida

eu que fui contigo, moderno
ignorando métricas e rimas, orgulhoso
me vejo hoje, preso a ti e a mim mesmo

num párnaso assimétrico
numa taverna festejante
num pós moderno sólido

sinto saudade.

>feeling like shit after checking the "I'm not a robot" box

>> No.5842420

Not a teenager. I know a thing or two about poems. And read a lot of 'em

>> No.5842432


do you read Alberto Caeiro?

>> No.5842434

it's an ok idea OP but it would be better if you knocked on her door and recited it to her face-to-face

>> No.5842435


I'm more fond of Álvaro de Campos. I do read Caeiro though.

is it shit? I can't have an unbiased opinion because I'm sad today.

>> No.5842443


>>eu que fui contigo, moderno
>>ignorando métricas e rimas, orgulhoso
>fucks up metric

>>me vejo hoje, preso a ti e a mim mesmo
>gets it back on

this is work of a genius anon

>> No.5842444

I can't read Portuguese.
I put it through google translate. I don't like academic language such as "metalinguistic", however from the little I can tell it seems quite good as modern poetry and better than most stuff posted here.
google translate gets rid of the rhyme

I really can't tell because I can't read Portuguese

why do you prefer Alvaro de Campos?

>> No.5842446


it is mostly on his themes. The man-machine dichotomy is something he does pretty fucking well, and I find it really amusing.

He flirts with classic standards when sees fit to, and it results in pretty good poems

I try to mimic that, mostly where >>5842443

anon pointed out

Also thanks anon, I feel happy that you liked it

>> No.5842449

I say, "you Germans", "you French", "you English". How do I say "you Portuguese"? Is "you Portuguese" correct?

Anyway, can any of "you Portuguese" tell me how much of this English translation of Alberto Caeiro takes away from the original Portuguese?

(click link to "alberto-caeiro.blogspot", should be first link; for some reason 4chan won't let me link you to blogspot.

This is about the only poet that has really impressed me so I would consider learning Portuguese to read the original if a lot is lost in translation.

>> No.5842455

e.g. how different is

Da minha aldeia vejo quanto da terra se pode ver no Universo...
Por isso a minha aldeia é tão grande como outra terra qualquer
Porque eu sou do tamanho do que vejo
E não do tamanho da minha altura...

Nas cidades a vida é mais pequena
Que aqui na minha casa no cimo deste outeiro.
Na cidade as grandes casas fecham a vista à chave,
Escondem o horizonte, empurram o nosso olhar para longe
de todo o céu,
Tornam-nos pequenos porque nos tiram o que os nossos olhos
nos podem dar,
E tornam-nos pobres porque a nossa única riqueza é ver.


From my village I see as much in the Universe as you can see from earth...
So my village is as big as any other land
Because I’m the size of what I see,
Not the size of my height...

In the cities life is smaller
Than here in my house on top of this hill.
In the city the big houses shut your sight with a key,
Hide the horizon, push your eyes far away from all the sky,
Make us smaller because they take away what our eyes can give us,
And make us poor because our only wealth is seeing.

>> No.5842456

>Is "you Portuguese" correct?

I guess so, yeah

what is the poem? Your link doesn't show up here

>> No.5842463


>> No.5842467


you don't lose much, because he doesn't bother to rhyme. You lose some from the pacing, though, english pacing is a bit different than the original.

I feel this mostly here

>Na cidade as grandes casas fecham a vista à chave,
>Escondem o horizonte, empurram o nosso olhar para longe
de todo o céu,
>Tornam-nos pequenos porque nos tiram o que os nossos olhos
nos podem dar

>> No.5842477

It’s not enough to open the window
To see the fields and the river.
It’s also not enough to not be blind
To see the trees and the flowers.
It’s also necessary to not have any philosophy at all.
With philosophy there are no trees, there are only ideas.
There’s only each of us, like a wine-cellar.
There’s only a shut window and the world outside it;
And a dream of what you could see if you opened the window,
Which is never what you see when you open the window.


I like this one, and it feels accurate to the originaal

>> No.5842491

I like Alberto Caeiro because his poems aren't poetic or literary. His poems remind me of Oriental poems in that in Oriental poems you find very simple expressions, whereas in Western poetry there is almost universally this "literary" quality that is clawing after some phantom of beauty.

here's a Caeiro poem (English translation):

"Virgil’s shepherds played the pipes and other things
And they sang about love literarily.
(So they say—I’ve never read Virgil.
Why should I read him?)

Virgil’s shepherds, poor guys, are Virgil,
And Nature is beautiful and ancient."

Actually from Virgil to Dante to Shakespeare to Keats to T. S. Eliot there is not that much difference because they are all singing "literarily". There is always this artificial mask between the poet and his poem so long as they write "literarily", borrowing literary forms/tropes. There seem to be two classes of Alberto Caeiro poems: the first is where he expresses what he feels in the simplicity of a child, and the second is where he criticizes artists and philosophers who dress up their feelings in vain thoughts.

His poetry reminds me of this poem from St. Francis of Assisi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canticle_of_the_Sun#Text_and_translation

>> No.5843240



>> No.5843263

I did this and the girl thought she was being stalked

>> No.5843266


your mistake was when you decided to send it her, anonimously

A woman likes confidence. The reason the whole "he wrote a poem for me, yuck" mentality exists is because the majority of beta cucks writing poetry for girls firstly write cringeworthy poetry, and secondly they're creepy themselves.

Girls like songs and poems written about them. It all depends on the delivery. How did you send it to her anonymously? on tumblr?

>> No.5843275


Translate it to english, we can get the general idea/theme.

Because when reading it, we'll already know that it will sound better in your native tongue.

>> No.5843325

Did not send her, yet

>> No.5843372

Well, I translated it. I now know, that I will never be a translator. And also, sounds more cringy. Fuck my vocab. But here it is:

I saw you once, or twice
then you were gone
i could say you sublimated
like a fairy

But something stayed, a memory
your blue hair, your piercing gaze
and your tattoo
the CP1919 raidowave

When i saw you again, you've changed
(i mean, your hair and stuff
because I don't know you well)
you're hair became shorter, changed color
but the tattoo of the pulsar stayed

Like if you were Ramona Flowers
frequently changed the color of your hair
and you came into with the same speed
just R. came to Scott's

My thoughts have been cuffed to you
just as the bee to the flower
but I only know your name
and your favourtie band

>> No.5843385


dude, I don't wanna be harsh or anything like that, but... don't send it

anonymously! because this is fucking rad, put your name and shit it right away!

>> No.5843399

There is nothing beta about this. Don't listen to the idiots here.
Deliver the poem in a hand written fashion, and say either , (1) it is from one of your friends who is too embarrassed to reveal himself, or (2) Give to her, say its from you; and ask her not to open it until later.

>> No.5843427
File: 81 KB, 500x685, twiggy28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't the Middle Ages anymore. Before you send her a poem, you have to make her fall in love with you using modern techniques. Popular culture has infected the minds of everyone. Use it to your advantage. Slowly draw her away from the masses. Mould her into the person you need her to be.

>> No.5843439

Currently having an epistolary relationship with my crush. She is even in my class, but we exchange letters.

My advice: just give it to her and say that it's yours. The point is to don't stop sending her poems or letters. You have a lot of chances of making her fall in love with you.

>> No.5843444

Now, you are just fucking with me

Well, my plan was: handwritten, put it in an envelope. Write her name into it with very stylized letters. Drop it into her mailbox

>> No.5843453


Just a note 4chan. This is how you game someone.

This is how you get tits. Not TITSORGTFO or being rude and mean or saying "Do it faggot."

Ah, the powers of psychology.

ALAS! >>5843372

>> No.5843454

goddamit op, learn how to flirt like a normal person.

save the extravagant gestures for after you start dating a girl. otherwise this comes off as dorky and obsessive.

>> No.5843466


>Don't open it until later

>Stylized letters

Take her out to coffee, or on a date of some sort, then when you get on the topic of poetry tell her you've "written a poem for her, well...not FOR her, but about her...more like it was inspired by her"

Say it in that way. She'll think it cute. Then read it confidently, looking her in the eyes, smiling and giggling slightly to show you're both confident and humble.

Your floor better be clean too! it would be disrespectful to not have a nice clean place for her panties to drop onto!

>> No.5843469

>Currently having an epistolary relationship with my crush. She is even in my class, but we exchange letters.
Shit, I'm having an epistolary relationship too. We chat on facebook all the time.

>> No.5843489
File: 49 KB, 350x284, 1411403803006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is from one of your friends who is too embarrassed to reveal himself
>later reveals himself
>it's him
>he has no friends

>> No.5843504

Jesus Christ, I want to laugh, and I want to vomit.

>> No.5843660

The real question is if he should put his name before it or after

>> No.5843961


Read it to her out loud.

The beauty of poetry comes from the rhythm of speech and the sounds the words make.