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File: 75 KB, 720x405, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5839818 No.5839818 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf Rate Thread

>> No.5839866

isn't that a bookshop? otherwise why are there multiple copies of some of the books?

>> No.5839898 [DELETED] 



>> No.5839928

I just really like books

>> No.5839970
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Please be gentle

>> No.5839986

Pretty shit collection if you ask me, but I have to hope you've read a lot of stuff you just never bought.

How was Pale King?

>> No.5839991


>> No.5840388

Other shelves?

>> No.5840427


>> No.5840452

eddie vedder/10

>> No.5840460


>> No.5841497


>> No.5841625

/lit/ - Materialism

>> No.5841628

I don't own a bookshelf, all my books are in pile in and around a trunk. One day I'll be able to participate. One day. ;__;

>> No.5841668

Lol I see those bookmarks in IJ. One is like 100 pages in and the other is in the footnotes

>> No.5841678
File: 3.39 MB, 4211x3522, IMG_0174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll join.

>I read books at a turtle pace edition

De Ideale Staat is The Republic by Plato

De Vreemdeling is The Stranger by Camus

Reis Naar het Einde van de Nacht is Journey to the End of The Night by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

>> No.5841682
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>> No.5841691
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The only book I need

>> No.5841694
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20141210_005219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am /lit/


>> No.5841696

>displaying paperbacks
Absolutely disgusting.

If it's not a hardcover it's not a fucking book, with the SINGULAR exception of paperbacks that have a uniform cover design and size (e.g. the Penguin Classics) displayed together.

>> No.5841697

my self is a lot like yours with more physics and less engineering

>> No.5841700
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This is like half my collection

>> No.5841727

that poor nasa book
stop cramming it in there. get some taller bookshelves or lay it flat

>> No.5842106


>> No.5842502


You have hit the IJ plateau and you will obviously never finish.

>> No.5842504

>owning the flawed GR

>> No.5842516

dumb attention whores/10

for all of you

>> No.5842528

What qualifies someone as dumb, to you?

>> No.5842531

There is one advantage in the flawed one though, and it's advantage lies in knowing how people haven't read it.

Seriously, the book pretty much wastes itself away, like it was possessed by enthropy itself

>> No.5842585

posting in this thread desperate for validation and attention

>> No.5842948
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>> No.5842965
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Its for sharing asking about books, this way i can see what other books someone read than if i have a simillar book ask about other books.
dont be a jerk

how does it feel being a commie?

>> No.5842968

One day you will meet Gene Wolfe and, in a Freudian slip, you will ask to suck his cock.

>> No.5842969

how the fuck is your infinite jest so intact?

>> No.5842972
File: 82 KB, 290x228, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy me a shelf

>> No.5842994

By not reading it.

>> No.5842995

Man, I love how you're dismissing the guy as a commie (not that being a communist is a dismissal in itself) when he clearly has Plato, Thoreau and Mises there while the only book REMOTELY political you have is fucking Olavo de Carvalho

I remember you, you once mentioned you're center-right, and yet you come off not knowing Mises. Olavetes are a fucking joke.

>> No.5842999

If I had the money I'd hire a swordsmith to recreate Terminus Est. For now though, I'm just going to settle by writing a letter to him, which he will hopefully recieve before he kicks the bucket.

>> No.5843000

>two Karl Marx books

>> No.5843001

>movie cover Gatsby

disgusting, there are better editions for 15 reais

>> No.5843008

I know who mises is, i just can't see all the authors in the pic because shitty res
Also I told you alredy the Olavo book was a fucking gift.

>> No.5843015

I bought this one for 12 in a sale at Nobel, i know its bad but huh, i wanted to read it in english (Had alredy done it in portuguese)

>> No.5843019

Not the guy but honestly most stuff about politics i read is online.

>> No.5843027
File: 40 KB, 367x398, 1436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...yeah, it was a gift alright, and yet you consider calling someone a "commie" a insult, and really, the Republic, Walden and Theory o Money are books well known enough that anyone with a passing interest in politics should know about.

Maximum kek

It's not about what you read, it's about how a guy wants to judge someone without having even a minimum knowledge on anything that isn't fed him by his mccarthist overlord

>> No.5843040

>using kek
>implying plato wrote anything that could be put on the left/right dichotomy

>> No.5843050

You obviously could.

You shouldn't, really, but it's really hard to read Evola, for example, without considering his oligarchy a platonian one, and /lit/'s reactionaires include the Republic on their lists always.

>> No.5843114
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>> No.5843119

I have that edition of notes from the underground, it's oddly a nice edition, despite dover thrift edition's bad reputation

>> No.5843130



>> No.5843137

that's the most retarded way of finding "similar" books. fitting that you'd post in this thread with your pleb collection.
dumb attentionwhore/10 for you too

>> No.5843146

Jesus christ is it that hard to rotate a fucking image?

>> No.5843171
File: 62 KB, 306x306, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I took it on an iphone and wasn't aware of its actual rotation until I posted it.

I apologize for any inconvenience I've cause you.

>> No.5843204

I broke my fucking neck twisting my head to read your picture, you horrible cunt. I can't feel my legs.

>> No.5843207


>> No.5843479

The fuck I just read? Improve your grammar dirty commie

>> No.5843551

Itt: meme books

>> No.5843595

10/10 you have more Gene Wolfe books than me.

>> No.5843648
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To be fair a lot of that is genre fiction and fantasy from my earlier days.

>> No.5843658

Are those lord of the rings first editions?

>> No.5843673

how did you like Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.5843675

>Red Dead Redemption

Cultured as fuck, this guy gets mad pussy

>> No.5843691
File: 115 KB, 640x480, IMG_2097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I currently have with me at school. I know my camera sucks

Stephen King- Night Shift
Pale Fire- Vladimir Nabokov
Dune- Frank Herbert
Local Anaesthetic- Gunter Grass
A Death in the Family- James Agee
And Then There Were None- Agatha Christie
The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath
Faulkner Reader (The Sound & The Fury + stories)- William Faulkner
Short Stories of F Scott Fitzgerald
Collected Poems of Allen Ginsberg
The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde
Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
Points of View: An Anthology of Short Stories
Leaves of Grass- Walt Whitman
On The Road- Jack Kerouac
The Metamorphosis- Franz Kafka
Dubliners- James Joyce
Heaven and Hell + Doors of Perception- Aldous Huxley
Collected Stories of Eudora Welty
Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Basic Writings of Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.5843703

>shelf too small for more books
>room too small for more shelves

>> No.5843710

Left shelf, on the bottom.

Is that the LOTR Hague set?

>> No.5843713

Stack them from floor to ceiling like Hitchens.

>> No.5843715
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>> No.5843721

iktfb. I'll post if you do.

>> No.5843722
File: 1.89 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20141210_220730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had all that Wolfe, I'm working my way there though. The four ones on the right is BotNS in swedish.

>> No.5843726
File: 20 KB, 360x373, BabyAwestruck-360x373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait. is that a complete set of sven hassel i can see on the bookcase on the left?

>> No.5843735

Yes it is

Knee deep in clunge brah

No I think the ones you are seeing are some old Raymond E Feist novels.

>> No.5843742
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>Sleek, modern, box of "Cunt" on the shelf
Classic /lit/...

>> No.5843752


I don't know how to figure on her. On the one hand yeah its nice she survived being shot for pretty much no reason but I can't help but think her "inspirational humanitarianism" is something conjured up by a marketing team.

>> No.5843755
File: 604 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20141210_150904 (Copy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some are shelved atleast

>> No.5843759

Haha I don't know if that is some inside joke, but that is CLINT as in Clint Eastwood collection

>> No.5843761

Is Discipline & Punish a good starting point for MF?

>> No.5843770

>Yes it is

respect is due, sir
also nice beano books. can't beat a bit of bash street kids. if i might make a suggestion, try "alice in sunderland" by bryan talbot, if you haven't done so already. he is respectful of the work of leo baxendale.

>> No.5843777

>I can't help but think her "inspirational humanitarianism" is something conjured up by a marketing team.
That was my first impression, but I kept on reading and it turned out to be a good book. It is a shame that the marketing team has completely spoiled it. Her persona as a whole is not interesting to me. Though the interview on daily show was nice.

>> No.5843780

>alice in sunderland

To be honest I don't really like graphic novels. My father gave me those beanos when I was little from when he was little so they are 60s and 70s stuff but I enjoyed them and still do but I don't really go for the adult comic book thing.

But thank you for the recommendation, I might give him a try none the less if you think its worth it.

>> No.5843784

Sure ,just take it slow.

>> No.5843790
File: 1.28 MB, 2894x1677, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shelf is more /g/ than /lit/, but here it is.

The books on the top, far right is a LOTR set. Leather bound, gold-leaf trimmed, with really great illustrations.

>> No.5843791

I am considering reading "culture of narcissism" is it good?

>> No.5843805
File: 2.62 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get an actual shelf :/

>> No.5843811

I feel like those Camus should be in a different order.

>> No.5843815

>that Poe


>> No.5843819

Yeah, I should definitely organize my books better. What did you have in mind?

>> No.5843820

Oh shit that nickel and dimed book is that the one where she tries to live on minimum wage?

I can't stand that one she has already decided its impossible before she even begins.

She is so holier than thou even to those she thinks she is helping

>> No.5843825

It was Poe's complete works for $20. Couldn't pass that up.

It was required reading for school.

>> No.5843827

I just mean they look like they are part of a set that makes a picture on the spines.

>> No.5843832

god this really depressed me
I just imagine a lonely anon in a shitty empty apartment who cant even afford a bookshelf
y-you're gonna make it, b-bro ;__;

>> No.5843848

It's definitely worth a read, some of its criticisms are spot on.

>> No.5843851

You're right. I am always telling myself that I want to pickup carpentry when I get older in life, but I think I am going to start now. Building a small bookshelf would be a great project to keep my busy over winter break.

>> No.5843874

by the look of some of those books, the bookcase would be worth several times as much as the books you put on it

>> No.5843905

Don't be a dick. So what, he wants to build a shelf let him, don't act like that it doesn't achieve anything.

>> No.5843929

Quite a few thin-skinned faggots in here. Don't get all uppity just because people are busting your balls.

>> No.5843956
File: 735 KB, 4608x3072, 00133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my bookshelf, fucking

>> No.5843973

where are the books.
where is the shelf.
where is life.

>> No.5844027

all gone, never existed m8

>> No.5844144
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>> No.5844157


>> No.5844183
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Retardedly put together on paint but idgaf. Probably can't see jack shit either.

>> No.5844196


>> No.5844218
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They're a reissue of the 1978 folio society edition, a gift from my parents

>> No.5844229

that is a beautiful thing

>> No.5844241
File: 130 KB, 960x606, tumblr_mnnqrsPv0o1qzupj0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....and how many of those have you read?

Jesus, I thought I had Tsundoku bad...

>> No.5844245
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You can never have too much Gene Wolfe
(Bought new sun in paperback so I can study it on the go)

>> No.5844247


194 of them. And that's exact.

>> No.5844265


Oh and the excess comes from the fact that every time I have some money, I buy books. This quote by Erasmus is pretty accurate: When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.

And I tend to buy books in huge batches, like 15 at a time. Now I'm at uni, so I don't read all that much (and don't buy as much either) but when I did do this stuff I read on average 7 or 8 books per month and bought around 15.

>> No.5844286

>all these tryhard books with immaculate spines

>> No.5844310
File: 3.80 MB, 2944x728, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad's bookshelf

>> No.5844321
File: 2.12 MB, 1134x1090, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compared to my books

>> No.5844457

C'mon /sci/, you can do better than this

>> No.5844466

/sci/ wouldn't have a clue about any of those books, with the exception of maybe the fluids book.

>> No.5844468

Fak u gooby

>> No.5844472

I hate dolan, he's a bastard. he doesn't go through rigorous derivations with much of shit, so I have to rely on the professor's notes to make up for it.

>> No.5844512

ITT: People often mistake the acquisition of books with the acquisition of their contents._Schopey.

>> No.5844513

Why does everyone assume he hasn't read everything? Is it really so impossible there's someone slightly well read on this board?

>> No.5844546


>> No.5844562
File: 704 KB, 2592x1944, DSC_0109[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I have at my dorm. Shitty phone pic so you guys can't actually tell my shit taste.

>> No.5844577


>Shitty phone pic so you guys can't actually tell my shit taste.

Nothing can save your e-rep from that Palahniuk book. Nothing.

>> No.5844596

Hey it was 3€ on sale, don't judge. I actually haven't even read it yet.

>> No.5844635
File: 160 KB, 1024x1280, AK000572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your worst

>> No.5844692

i dunno, you already did pretty terribly, you chucklefuck

>> No.5844719

My eyes won't stop squinting!

>> No.5844953


I enjoyed it, I think that makes be a pleb.

>> No.5844961


>> No.5844970
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>> No.5844974

How is the tipping point

>> No.5844985

Truly living the literary lifestyle. Loving the gravity defying shenanigans.

>> No.5845038

If I squint hard enough, I can almost see a book.

>> No.5845062

My dad gave me his copy of Bravo Two Zero after we got talking about Band of Brothers, same cover. People bitch about McNab but that was a damn good male bonding book.

>> No.5845285

Because many books are intact

>> No.5845310

This is what EVERY /lit/izens bookshelf looked like before visiting /lit/ roughly.

I promise you that.

>> No.5845314

>implying everyone in /lit/ ever heard of DFW before
No, but dismissing his 2 books thats pretty much it

>> No.5845316


Lol this is true.

The false binary of patrician/pleb really puts fire under the boots as far as book buying goes

>> No.5845325

You're still in fucking high school

>movie cover of GG

For fucks sake


>> No.5845337

>those shit tier LOTR


>> No.5845338

it was 12 reais, thats like 5 U$D, i've read it before but it wasnt mine and i wanted to read it in english.
I dont really care for covers if the version isnt abridged

>> No.5845349
File: 2.42 MB, 3264x3648, IMG_20141210_221048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad about only having read like three of these

I've also got a bunch of random presidential biographies I got at a library sale

>> No.5845350


top kek

>> No.5845356
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>> No.5845362
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>> No.5845366
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>> No.5845367

>all I recognize is a Seinfeld box set

pretty, pretty, pretty good

>> No.5845369

How are you so fucking retarded that you can't rotate a fucking picture you stupid cunt

>> No.5845371

ily2 bae

>> No.5845374


>I only read what /lit/ and /co/ talks about exclusively

>> No.5845379

is that your manuscript faggot?

I bet you are 5'7 and beat your girlfriends

>john green
>blink 182
>adventure time



>> No.5845383

I don't write but thanks you lol. They're short stories I had to print out for class.

>> No.5845385

If this isn't a fedora, I don't know what is.

>> No.5845389

>he didn't listen to blink 182 in highschool

wow, you sound like you had better taste than me.

>> No.5845396

I honestly don't see why you guys are hating on him. Besides the comics he has some pretty good stuff there. If you meet someone in real life who can discuss 2666 with you, will you dismiss them altogether if you find out they read comics?

>> No.5845398
File: 3.63 MB, 2672x984, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanted to read in english
>it's clearly in portuguese

>> No.5845400

Who prints those awesome editions on the first shelf?

>> No.5845406

What is with those massive Hemmingways people seem to have around here? Are there ten words a page? I don't even

>> No.5845407

This is the embodiment of /lit/

that's what's wrong with him

no independent thought whatsoever.

>> No.5845412
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>> No.5845420

I feel you. I would be lying if I said /lit/ didn't mold my taste in books.
But I think I retain some individuality, I don't see Updike, Asimov, or Dickens, or Faulkner threads every day. Or ever. actually. Either way I'm grateful to /lit/, for ushering me into good books.

>> No.5845421

How do you figure? He has some stuff that goes directly against the /lit/ grain like John Green, Vonnegut and Dawkins, and if he was just reading what /lit/ told him to where's all the Pynchon, Joyce and Delillo?

>> No.5845426

90% of /lit/ goes to tumblr to talk about that shit because it doesn't fly here.

for fucks sake.


>> No.5845428
File: 36 KB, 838x598, fuckingserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that collection
>good books

>> No.5845450

So he's "/lit/ incarnate" for reading, what, Infinite Jest and 2666, and anything outside of this supposed /lit/ canon is attributed to tumblr.

Which you say 9/10 users of /lit/ browses.

What are even you trying to say?

>> No.5845464


Oh yes, not a single good book there, he's so uncultured and beneath you

>Anna Karenina, 1984, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom The Bell Tolls, The Trial, Amerika, Don Quixote, The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, Infinite Jest, Tenth of December, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, The Sound and The Fury, Dubliners, The Crying of Lot 49, Heart of Darkness

>> No.5845505
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>> No.5845512
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>> No.5845513

Its bilingual.
There's the text in portuguese and in english in the same book, shitty, i know.
>using kek
>calling someone underage while u do it

>> No.5845520
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>> No.5845526
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Rotated the unshelved books just for you guys, fuckers had better r8 me

>> No.5845529

Whats that black book laying down with the portrait?

>> No.5845531

8/8 m8, gr8 r8

>> No.5845534

you cool, i remember you.
How's the brazilian version of IV? Is the TBK vintage version better than the FSG one?

>> No.5845538

Nice, how's A supposedly fun thing... I'm in love with his Consider the Lobster compilation, is it any good?

>> No.5845547



some great stuff and okay variety

>> No.5845549

It's the book that came with the Deathconsciousness LP, an essay on the Antiochean cult (very interesting) and some poems and lyrics and such.

yeah I enjoyed it, admittedly it's the only thing I've ever read by him, though

>> No.5845577


Are you thinking of the Everyman books?

>> No.5845597
File: 1.79 MB, 4539x3896, collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5845605

>all those got posters
>4/5 books
And you still fucked up. Where's the best one? The 3rd book?

>> No.5845608

>those posters
>tons of ya

>> No.5845621

>genre fiction and fantasy from my earlier days
I know this feel, I have an entire row on my old bookshelf at my parents house of star wars novels from the 90's.

>> No.5845622

Do any of you guys read for like... fun?

>I pity you all

>> No.5845636
File: 3.26 MB, 2956x1692, 20141211_135605-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a book mantle, Does that count?

>> No.5845640

>only has stephen king and dexter
Whasts wrong with lit these days

>> No.5845659

Time to make the switch to goodreads, friendo.

>> No.5845711


oh god



>> No.5845728


I'm just going to throw a wild guess out and say that you probably aren't old enough to be posting here.

>> No.5845746

/lit/s community is mainly mid 20s. Almost every other board on 4chan does things for fun go ask them.

>> No.5845897

Does anyone else get a sort of mild transcendental feeling of bliss from looking through other people's bookshelves?

These threads do the job, but in person, damn, nothing quite like it

>> No.5845912

how is that Baffler book? is it just a collection of stuff you can already find online?

>> No.5845938

I nearly always feel bad.

>> No.5846006

I don't know what your post means, but I think he was implying that the quality of the books he has are shit. Meaning he has shit taste?

>> No.5846031

actually that was me and i wasn't really implying that his taste was shit, more that his actual books were shit. all those ruined paperbacks just aren't worth keeping. i don't understand why people ruin books like that. ok some people say "ah but it shows the book has been read etc" but somehow i manage to read my books without them looking like they have been put through a washing machine

>> No.5846049

How was pale king?

>> No.5846130

>de Chirico
my nigga

>> No.5846136


Actually, they aren't. Most of my Penguin books are totally #rekt, and the books I have read all have a really messed up spine, because I often tend to read holding the book with one hand, folding one part of the book back, which totally ruins the spine. Obviously this is not the case with hardcover books.

With that being said, I have not read all the books I own (some 350 or 400 books). The precise number is 194, and I know that because two years ago I made a Goodreads account to track my reading and for other purposes. But in any case, I don't understand why it's so shameful to own books you haven't yet read, so long as you actually read. I absolutely love the feeling I get when I finish a book and then try to decide what to read next when I have so many options.

>> No.5846186
File: 2.61 MB, 3000x4000, Only1bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I could get more books out of boxes. There's 20 volume sets and all just begging to be put on shelves that won't bend after a month.

>> No.5846210
File: 24 KB, 450x450, unnamed (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only stephan king and Jeff Lindsay

Open your eyes you fucking mongoloid, there's more than two authors. And Stephan is the king of horror faggot, so shut your mouth you filthy heretic

>> No.5846215


>> No.5846220

>Tom Paine
>Frankfurt School

Strong balanced reading you fucking commie. What's the matter, scared Burke, Hayek, Schitt et al would shatter the shallow political identity you've built your social life around?

>> No.5846226

>arraging books by publishing label

[autism intensifies]

>> No.5846351


Interesting concept, lots of examples of his theories in action contained in the book. Breddy good if you enjoy marketing / corporatism.

>> No.5846364

>Carl Sagan
>Gore RR Shartin'

>> No.5846381
File: 129 KB, 624x420, mfw i'm 80 years old, i'm jewish, i'm wearing a fedora and i am cooler than you will ever be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stop this fucking fedora shit already

>> No.5846401


>book of disquiet


>> No.5846408
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poetry/short stories

>> No.5846419
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couple novels

>> No.5846452

Did you read the Map by T. S. Learner? Sitting on my shelf for a year now. Don't know if it is worth the read.

>> No.5846533
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New to /lit/ - been here about a month and a half now.

>> No.5846543

are you a grill

>> No.5846558

rofl I have that same simpsons drawing handbook

>> No.5846599

Where do you live Britanon? Love this new trend of seeing qt3.14 twinks wearing tight black jeans.

>> No.5846631
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It's a good book. I wish I didn't have to put it at the back like that - but it's so deep (dimensions, not content) it can't fit normally.

I used to have a lot of drawing books but sadly it's slowly faded away as a hobby so this is the only one I have left. Hopefully I'll pick it up as a hobby again sometime.


I guess the books towards the end kind of give away my location a bit. I'm from the West Mids - and thank you I suppose.

Also - here's the book at the end in case anyone was wondering what it was. It's a gift from my Nanna (I believe it may have been her sister's originally as it has her name written in it).

>> No.5846641
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>> No.5846645
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>> No.5846658


That's beautiful. Where did you get them from?

>> No.5846671


Thanks. Estate sales, thrift shops, used bookstores, bargain bins... a few were gifts and or lifted from my grandfather's attic. The bookshelf was his. It's nothing special, but I like the glass and the lock keeps the handful of valuable books away from my kids.

>> No.5846696

Not >>5843755, but Foucault actually sympathised with Hayek and freemarket policies before his death.

>> No.5846785

That Chekhov book you have, I have the same sort of edition, but Flaubert, and mine is in much better condition

>> No.5846996

Really? Of those authors I actually do have a soft spot for Foucault but I had never heard this. Any more info?

>> No.5847449


>> No.5847464

You were replying to me I guess, but misquoted.

These recent translations of Pynchon are great, only one that I felt was itchy was V.

Haven't read any other versions of TBK but that one, but it's a great translation as far as I can tell

>> No.5847506

The tl;dr is the Focault thought neoliberalism might be able to construct a less ideologically intrusive state. There was a shift in his theory from the description of power structures to the proscription.

>> No.5847801

>>5845597 super fag

>> No.5848305

I have, and it...gets weird. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't one of the rare books I can't finish due to quality, but it just got sorta odd. I don't think I'll ever read it again.

>> No.5848462
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yes pleb. yes, i would like recommendations!

i also read a lot of digital

>> No.5848482

There's only like 7 literary books there...you need to just browse the wiki for recommendations. Feel free to jump ahead of the lit starter kit, as well.

>> No.5848492

I would he embarrassed to invite people to my home if my bookshelf resembled this

>> No.5848515
File: 3.82 MB, 1936x3204, lickmycock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what I study in university!?!
Also, I'd like a critique or a suggestion based on my bookshelf.

>> No.5848529

I'm guessing you study Chuck Palahniuk, because the rest of those could reasonably be owned by someone who just likes to read.

>> No.5848536

The Book of Disquiet by Pessoa

>> No.5848546

Maybe I study his cock but I do read those other books that are on my shelf :P. But thanks for the comment.

>> No.5848557

>Guess what I study in university!?

Courses on how to buy books and then never read them, so empty posturing that signifiies nothing. Gotta be philosophy.

>> No.5848561

Damn that Davis collection is a lot fatter than I expected. Read Can't and Won't? Oh and what is that black hardcover?

>> No.5848566

First rule of /lit/: Lydia Davis freaking owns

>> No.5848569

BING BING BING! Correct! Bang on... I'm gonna graduate in May 2015. Fun fun...

>> No.5848593

I've only read Ten Stories from Flaubert, but yeah it was pretty startling. Any recommendations on where I should start with her?

>> No.5848596

have you started applying for jobs at mcdonalds yet?

>> No.5848609

McDonald's doesn't hire people with degrees, because they know they'll quit as soon as something better comes along.

Thus, a philosophy degree won't even get you a job at McDonald's.

>> No.5848613

To be honest I think the Collected Stories is widespread enough that it's probably the best way to go. But if you want to start with a single volume, definitely Samuel Johnson Is Indignant.

>> No.5848614
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Reminds me that I have a whole box of literature hidden away somewhere

>> No.5848627

I'll have to look elsewhere! Sorry potential McDonald's customers, you won't be able to hear me lecture behind the counter about Hegel's spirit, Kant's categorical imperative, Nietzsche will to power or Wittgenstein's duckrabbit.

>> No.5848628

Why do you stack your box like that?

Why are those two books glued to the tops of other book?

>> No.5848634

>you won't be able to hear me lecture behind the counter about Hegel's spirit, Kant's categorical imperative, Nietzsche will to power or Wittgenstein's duckrabbit.

As if you understand these properly enough to even give a lecture.

>> No.5848635


A decent collection of books. Hopefully they don't belong to a divisive /pol/ wretch.

>> No.5848648

>or Wittgenstein's duckrabbit

yeah, they had to remove that from the menu after complaints

>> No.5848657

holy fuck
obsessed much

>> No.5848671


Its just the way I took the picture


Only a little

>> No.5848686

And you could?? I've only spent 4 years trying to figure out all these crazy philosophers and their ridiculous texts...

>> No.5848689

;) Nice joke, so witty.

>> No.5848715

>his only political reading is Olavo de Huervalho
>he's read about 15 books in his lifetime
>he's always ready to scream commies
yeah mate, ur underage

>> No.5848717

I don't have any strong opinions about where to start, but I was looking at her other work and it's so varied and occasionally eccentric (Cows?) that I was tempted away from the collections. But I'll go with your suggestion, thanks!

>> No.5848756

>implying this nigga is able to read Grande Sertão or Pinecone in english.

I'm even skeptic if someone who's reading Huelavo can actually get into IJ, and that's a fairly easy book (compared to Pynchon and IJ, at least)

>> No.5848784
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1/10 (some math, physics, programming books)

>> No.5848792
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>> No.5848798

what is it about "learning python the hard way" that makes it particularly hard?

>> No.5848804
File: 1.86 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_2213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/10, top shelf has most of my French books.

Sorry for blurry/dark pictures.


That's actually my girlfriend's, I think it's kind of a plebby book.

>> No.5848808
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>> No.5848816
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Yes that is the Pléaide edition of À la recherché, sitting next to the English translation boxed set.

>> No.5848821
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These are just the books that happen to be on the shelves in my apartment at the moment, as opposed to sitting on the floor or in my office.

>> No.5848823
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>Noam Chomsky

>> No.5848828
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7/10. Here are my Loeb Classical Library volumes. Homer, Demosthenes, Plutarch, Thucydides, Sophocles, Cicero, Pliny the Younger, Livy, Tacitus, Suetonius, etc.

>> No.5848830

that is a gerrard autobiography? is it good? are you a liverpool fan?

>> No.5848840
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I bought the Adorno at Shakespeare and Company in Paris, so it has that stamp on it that they give you there.

>> No.5848845
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>> No.5848853


They'll never get over it anon. If you're tired of the shitposting then it's time to leave for greener pastures. I mean it; it's not like there's much worth coming here for anyway.

>> No.5848855

Can you post the print of some of those massive tomes?

I'm always curious how small/large the text is on that kind of genre fiction. Are people reading tons and tons of vapid trash? Or is it just a little bit made to look like a lot

Cause if it's the former, I do have to commend people on that kind of commitment and patience, I can barley make it through a 500 pager without my interest beginning to wander

>> No.5848862
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10/10 (the last one)

>> No.5848866

What edition of IJ is that?

>> No.5848872


Butthurt Juden or hobbyist historian?

>> No.5848891


I bought it in 2005, so it's not the 10th anniversary edition which came out a year later, and doesn't have the Dave Eggers prologue.

>> No.5848900

>Barnes and Noble Classics editions


>> No.5848920

>linking to the wrong post


>> No.5848927

>look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me

>> No.5848939

Those are just older Scribners hardcovers. My copy of For Whom the Bell Tolls looks like that and it was printed in '68, but I think other books from as far back as the 50s looked like that too.

I don't know about massive. I mean, FWTBT is his longest novel and that edition is about 500 pages, only about 20 more pages than a current paperback edition. The margins might be a little wider. I dunno the fuck you seein, mayne.

>> No.5849020

My paperback is only 332, and it isn't abnormally small text or anything.

>> No.5849024

Shit, never mind. Looking at A Farewell to Arms. I feel like a retard.

>> No.5849114
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>> No.5849361

fix your fucking books you monster THEYRE KIND OF LEANING CUNTDICK

>> No.5849399

How was Bleeding edge, friend?

>> No.5849423 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 435x502, september-9-11-attacks-anniversary-ground-zero-world-trade-center-pentagon-flight-93-second-airplane-wtc_39997_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him - and I don't know if you wanted his opinion specifically based off other books he's read or something of the sort - but I enjoyed personally, though was also a little frustrated by it. Pynchon feels like a parody of Pynchon at this point, without any of the great prose of his early years. It's a very concrete narrative with very ambiguous points. In looser books like Gravity's Rainbow, you simply don't expect everything to be tied up, but in all it's simplicity with Bleeding Edge - and Inherent Vice for that matter - you feel somehow cheated when nothing really makes sense. That aside, it's still worth a read for any fan of Pynchon, it's probably my least favorite work of his, but I still got a lot of fun out of it. The setting works well and Maxine is a fun sassy detective character. (Prefer Doc though)

Oh, also, prepare for a minor case of old-man-trying-to-talk-about-the-internet-or-kids-these-days

You know I think I'll reread it soon.

>> No.5849427
File: 44 KB, 435x502, september-9-11-attacks-anniversary-ground-zero-world-trade-center-pentagon-flight-93-second-airplane-wtc_39997_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him - and I don't know if you wanted his opinion specifically based off other books he's read or something of the sort - but I enjoyed it personally, though was also a little frustrated by it. Pynchon feels like a parody of Pynchon at this point, without any of the great prose of his early years. It's a very concrete narrative with very ambiguous points. In looser books like Gravity's Rainbow, you simply don't expect everything to be tied up, but in all it's simplicity with Bleeding Edge - and Inherent Vice for that matter - you feel somehow cheated when nothing really makes sense. That aside, it's still worth a read for any fan of Pynchon, it's probably my least favorite work of his, but I still got a lot of fun out of it. The setting works well and Maxine is a fun sassy detective character. (Prefer Doc though)

Oh, also, prepare for a minor case of old-man-trying-to-talk-about-the-internet-and-kids-these-days

You know I think I'll reread it soon.

>> No.5849562

Glad I'm not the only collection/publisher whore. I have almost 40 penguin classics.

>> No.5849664

Would you tell us what you do for a living?

>> No.5849706
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I'm sorry

>> No.5849843


Math Ph.D. student. But I've gradually stopped caring about math and started caring more about languages and literature. My current plan is to become a statistical analyst and do some writing on the side.

>> No.5849858
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_7519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm recent to /lit/
how am i doing?

>> No.5849892

>Stephen King
>Carl Sagan
>Ayn Rand

Pretty fuckin badly actually

>> No.5849910

why don't you like Ayn Rand?

>> No.5850001

Those Norton's are good. You actually read through them? I have the American and English. I'd like to get the world too but I can't really justify it now that I wouldn't be buying it for a class.

>> No.5850021

you weren't kidding about being new

hating on her is basically a maymay here

anyway start with the greeks.

>> No.5850048

i realize the meme.
i like both her and max stirner.
disappointing that they're memes.

>> No.5851236
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>> No.5851920

Almost as disappointing as liking them.

>> No.5852427
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>> No.5852446

What's the book underneath Kerouac? Looks really familiar

>> No.5852468

not that poster but it's another Kerouac book. It looks like it might be On The Road.

Unless you meant All The Pretty Horses but that one's pretty clear.

>> No.5852471
File: 799 KB, 2302x1534, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started.
Pls r8, but no h8.

>> No.5852528

>Consider posting for 3 days

>> No.5853012

that is very presentable

>> No.5853248

>dover thrift edition's bad reputation

Their reputation being what? I've always wondered why their publications are so cheap and the only answer I found regarded them not including commentary or sidenotes.

>> No.5853269
File: 1.48 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20141212_202051_347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That uni feel when don't even have a bookshelf or all your books

>> No.5853274

Because fuck reading

>> No.5853297

>crooked arrangement...
My autism

>> No.5853303

yeah, I wish I had actual bookends instead of having to use the wall and an alarm clock

>> No.5853330


Ford's The Quantum World is a great fucking bk, m8!

>> No.5853340
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>> No.5853359
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>> No.5853362
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>> No.5853365

Based €25 IKEA shelves

>> No.5853379
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Close, these are $25 wal-mart ones. Most of these are about done for; hopefully getting new ones next move.

>> No.5853383
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>> No.5853408
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>> No.5853411

Some of those shelves are bent dangerously, better get new ones sooner than later. I can warmly recommend those IKEA ones as replacement, Finnby I think they're called.

>> No.5853414

is that a cat's tail in the lower left?

>> No.5853494
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Yep, they were hanging around when I took the pictures.

here's her in the kitchen; thread is past bump limit anyway.

>> No.5854718
File: 117 KB, 1280x960, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this no hardcover bullshit? Why would you ever display books without it being nice like that? Whats the point? Jesus

plebs everwhere

>> No.5855479

Most people prefer hardcovers but in most instances would prefer a cheaper paperback if it is decently constructed. Big deal.

>> No.5855561

For books under 500 pages, I prefer paperback. Past that is when I think hardcovers become more convenient and worth the higher price.