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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.24 MB, 1687x3025, The_Town,_1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5835496 No.5835496 [Reply] [Original]

Which writer was the best painter?

>> No.5835505


>> No.5835754

It is definitely Blake.

>> No.5835757


>> No.5836319

writer you fucking idiot

>> No.5836347
File: 68 KB, 440x578, sketch of dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5836365
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>> No.5836380
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>> No.5836388


>> No.5836402

Victor Hugo

>> No.5836422


>> No.5836437

How could he be a good painter if he didn't even get accepted to art school?

>> No.5836466

That isn't relevant.

>> No.5836479
File: 82 KB, 620x801, william_blake_-_the_great_red_dragon_and_the_woman_clothed_in_sun[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is there even any discussion???

>> No.5836492

Does anyone have that pic of him and his art compared to the shitty people who graduated?

>> No.5836503

Which painter was the best writer?

>> No.5836527

Do be quiet, Hitler was a politician, not a writer or painter. The fact he had enough free time to do both badly doesn't qualify him as either.

>> No.5836563

blake was an atrocious painter.

>> No.5836584

JIDF always trying to silence the opposition. Always trying to silence the truth.

>> No.5836588

wyndham lewis

>> No.5836592

See this is why I'm upset about /pol/'s inevitable deletion. These dumbasses are going to come to our board with their meme politics and meme opinions and spout stupid shit like this.

I don't even like Jews. Go fuck yourself

>> No.5837188


>> No.5837197


This is obvious or should be.

>> No.5837331



>> No.5837353

If Marxist circle Jerk threads are accepted on /lit/, so should everything else

>> No.5837364

they were already on our board. now they just don't have a space to develop their insane discourse any further

>> No.5837374

>I don't even like Jews.
Most Jews don't like Jews, that doesn't excuse your actions.

>> No.5837375

There are no Marxist circle jerk threads on /lit/.

Also, we talk about authors, not retarded /pol/tards

>> No.5837472
File: 70 KB, 755x801, pepe the bard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reply to post that simply says, "Hitler"
>no picture, no other text
>thread immediately derailed


>> No.5837620

He was too good for art school, they didn't want to waste his time.

>> No.5837628
File: 1.25 MB, 1139x1095, 1399681795358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish the containment board was back up so these losers could go home.

>> No.5837630

They would have been here anyway. Try to ignore them, if /pol/ is gone its memes will slowly wither away.

Also, sage, and sorry OP for continuing to destroy your thread that had great potential.

>> No.5837748

The answer is Blake. There might be some good Chinese ones too since the literati tried to get gud at all the arts.

Mervyn Peake was good at sketching, though obviously no Blake.

>> No.5837754
File: 524 KB, 1330x2213, the-day-dream-1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dante Gabriel Rossetti is worth a mention but the answer is Blake

>> No.5837755

Salvador Dali

>> No.5837758
File: 59 KB, 765x343, 1408278200444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if /pol/ is gone its memes will slowly wither away.
Not a chance.

>> No.5837798
File: 38 KB, 585x400, DHLawrenceT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D. H. Lawrence

only kidding

>> No.5837803
File: 32 KB, 600x585, erotic-drawings-5-ee-cummings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously e.e. cummings

>> No.5837804
File: 14 KB, 438x256, kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kafka represented depression and alienation pretty well in his drawings.

>> No.5837808

>that picture down on the left
Looks like that one scene from Evangelion.

>> No.5837810
File: 535 KB, 500x391, 1409895438956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are JIDF who actually believe this

>> No.5837813
File: 347 KB, 878x1349, TI5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mervyn Peake was such a great illustrator

>> No.5837819

>this is what /pol/acks actually believe
Everyone frown upon marxists

>> No.5837829

Ignore them and they will go away.

>> No.5837905
File: 415 KB, 984x964, Alasdair Gray Faust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Alasdair Gray's drawings.

>> No.5837973
File: 502 KB, 2580x1116, sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, don't mind me, just want to expose sheeple logic.

As you do.

>> No.5837981

We're still all very happy about what happened to your board. So very, very happy.

>> No.5837984

Remember to not feed the trolls and they will go away.

>he will reply to this with even more shitposting
Don't reply to that either.

>> No.5837998

But both of those are true

>> No.5838014

>Oh no! He is destroying our fragile epistemological positions! Hurry, let's deflect and shift into denial! It's the only way!

lol ok.

>> No.5838028

dang yo, hitler painted that?

its not amazing but its pretty damn good. The light has a weird sort of cold quality to it.

>> No.5838050

But that pic was about aesthetics, not epistemology.

>> No.5838073

>its not amazing but its pretty damn good
I just realized that the building isn't wearing cameo, that's supposed to be shadows

>> No.5838078

wait, it's not shadows either

>> No.5838095

Also, note the direction the shadows fall from a) the house, and b) the chimneys. The fuck is going on there?

>> No.5838100

and the stairs of the right wing are not parallel to the roof. The left wing's roof has an unnatural angle compared to the right wing's roof, making it seem like the right wing is floating. And it's called the Third Reich because it has more than two suns.

>> No.5838108

i love pol people, they always give me a good laughter while successfully trolling most of the board. you are doing well. fight the jewry.

>> No.5838110

We could nitpick further, for example, how the perspective of the well seems to be pretty off, but what if we just stop talking about /pol/ alltogether?

>> No.5838112

You know, I don't agree with /pol/ in almost any case but I also don't think you can just dismiss their opinions and politics as "memes", as unfounded and backwards as they might be.

Just because you don't agree with something or with the way it's thought about doesn't make it untrue or fake.

>> No.5838118

Well, they are still fucking retarded. Last time I went there before the purge I was told my black buddy is literally trying to kill me (no hyperbole in this statement whatsoever), and the one before I was told that video games are a tool of the jews to control me.

They may not be "meme politics" (fucking /mu/ and their habit of attaching the word "meme" to everything) but they do spout their awful memes quite often in response to something.

>> No.5838122 [DELETED] 

Yeah! Let's gas the Jews right now like we didn't do in 1945!

>> No.5838125

Anyone else having a problem with posting? Like, being locked out from posting after you've made one and the dumb new Captcha not coming back up?

>> No.5838132

Not me, but I read from a few people that they have this problem.

Maybe you are a terrible human being?

>> No.5838769
File: 158 KB, 613x765, composizione-paesaggio-dada-n-3-o-n-2-1921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not one Julius Evola

You disappoint me /lit/.

>> No.5838816
File: 118 KB, 800x531, 800px-Carl_Larsson_Model_writing_postcards_1906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carl Larsson

>> No.5839764

certainly not Aleister Crowley

>> No.5839775

I just fell in love with picture. It's really bland and not technically great, but its beautiful. Absolutely stunning.

>> No.5839778

My man

>> No.5839849

surprisingly good/10