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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.94 MB, 2485x3229, Hemingway_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5829521 No.5829521 [Reply] [Original]

I started with A Farewell to Arms, fell in love with Hemingway, then read The Sun Also Rises, then Old Man and The Sea, then I went on to read On The Road, then Of Mice and Men, lastly Grapes of Wrath. Whats next on my to-read list?

>> No.5829524

>On the Road
A receipt for a new trashcan, you're going to need it.

>> No.5829525

A Pleb's Guide to Suicide

>> No.5829529

the greeks

>> No.5829531

>reply to me guys reply to me!!

>not realising you're the pleb

>> No.5829535

To the Lighthouse

>> No.5829539
File: 97 KB, 246x245, 1361143402764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing the Beats were the most tryhard teens in history

>> No.5829543


guess what

you're the idiot

>> No.5829546

>not #1 artist in history

are you actually retarded?

>> No.5829547
File: 68 KB, 355x266, 1360635209470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads entry-level special snowflake fanfiction
>proceeds to call people idiots

>> No.5829548
File: 17 KB, 200x272, cofield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5829549

buzzword is the biggest buzzword

>> No.5829550

#1 artist in the history of pedophiles, maybe.

>> No.5829552

>think every anonymous post is the op
>cant read unique posters

>ad hominem

top kek

>> No.5829561
File: 897 KB, 280x206, 1359774564929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lying about not being OP
>le newfag maymays
>using the phrase 'ad hominem' incorrectly
Back to /b/ with you, start with the Greeks if you want to return.

>> No.5829567

And what book do you suggest I start with?

>> No.5829572

This. I find Faulker to be the very best of the early 20th century American writers that usually get lumped together.

The Sound and the Fury is the best book written by the lot, and that's coming from a Yank in Massachusetts.

>> No.5829577

Some classics, you pleb. Humanity didn't begin fifty years ago. Broaden.

>> No.5829594

Check out Butcher's Crossing.

>> No.5829605

Do Dostoevsky if you aren't a faggot
Start with
Notes from the Underground -> Crime and Punishment -> Demons -> Brothers Karamazov (his best work, but you can understand a lot of patterns in it, and enjoy it more, from reading the work I just suggested first)

>> No.5829607

the sticky. now fuck off

>> No.5829608

I would suggest starting with Sanctuary. It's an easy and entertaining read which includes similar themes you will find in his other books. On top of that, you will be introduced to characters and settings that weave their way through most of his works.

If you decide to read more Faulkner, I would suggest Light in August and As I Lay Dying. The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom! are brilliant, but I would save them for last.

>> No.5829624

>tells guy to go back to /b/
>posts /b/ gifs and thinks every anon post is the op

r u retarded

>> No.5829663

I was made to read Light in August in high school and I loved it, so that might indicate that it's a good intro for most readers. Other anons' suggestions are pretty good too. I'd suggest picking up The Portable Faulkner. It's got some short stories and excerpts of his longer works that function well as stand-alone pieces.

Also, I've only read two Kerouac books, one of which you listed, and the other one The Dharma Bums. I really enjoyed On the Road, but Dharma Bums blew me away. Close to a spiritual reading experience. Also, I'm not a Beat fanboy.

>> No.5829697

If we're assuming that OP began reading with A Farewell to Arms and has only progressed thus far, I wouldn't imagine he's ready for Faulkner.