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/lit/ - Literature

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5826910 No.5826910 [Reply] [Original]

How do you approach a girl who is reading?

>> No.5826915

You don't, that would be rude to interrupt her.

>> No.5826928

Why the fuck would you do that? How long does your neckbeard have to be? She's reading. Leave her alone.

while taking mental snapshots with which to vigorously masturbate after you return to your basement

>> No.5826961

"The building's on fire!"

>> No.5826963

Use your limbs.

>> No.5826966

You don't, people don't like to be interrupted when they're reading.

>> No.5826970

>Reading in public for anything other than attention

>> No.5826974

>have book
>be in public
>want to read

>> No.5826976

Why would you be so rude as to interrupt someone who is reading?

>> No.5826980

but what if they're reading something you've read and want to make a pithy remark about it or some small talk because you don't have any friends to discuss books with?

>> No.5826983

Protip: Women will always make time for men they're attracted to.

>> No.5826984

Walk home or make it very clear that you don't want to talk by finding a secluded corner.

>People who read in the aisles of bookstores

>> No.5826986
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A better question would be, how do you approach a girl at all?

>> No.5826988

protip: you're ugly so don't bother.

>> No.5826989

Don't be unattractive.

>> No.5826996

And then what?

>> No.5827002

That's all.

>> No.5827004

They have their own friends to talk about the book with, they don't want to be interrupted by strangers.

>> No.5827014

>interrupting people while they are busy

And you wonder why you idiots are socially inept

>> No.5827015

That wasn't helpful at all.

>> No.5827026

Sadly, that's how it works.

Just get /fit/.

>> No.5827029

you mean autistic?

>> No.5827030

/r9k/ please, I was being serious.

>> No.5827039

I can suggest for ways to cope. Masturbating and crying in the shower feels like a dream

>> No.5827040

Tell her I know she's just pretending to read to pick up boys, and that I'm not interested in her pathetic attempt.

>> No.5827041

i doubt that. people who read are lonely souls. just like me. i hope

>> No.5827047

have you ever approached someone who was reading, /lit/?

>> No.5827052

I was in line to go into a club one night and this really pretty girl came up behind me, and I said something like 'You're beautiful, want to come home with me?' and she said yeah, and we went back to my place. (Well, she asked was it far away first, and I answered 'no'.)

>> No.5827054

I stopped to talk to a girl on the beach who was reading catcher on the rye. Asked her what book she was reading. Confessed that I also tried to read the classics that my Highschool didn't make me read. Then walked on because girls like guys who have no time for them even though the guy obviously has all the time in the world.

>> No.5827062

Shit story.

>> No.5827067

Don't go after girls.
There is more to life than sex and relationships, in fact these things will probably stop you from experiencing truly sublime things.

>> No.5827070

>people who read are lonely souls

64% of women read at least one book a year.

>> No.5827071

But I am attractive, girls talk to me and all, it's just that I'm too retarded to start/continue a conversation with someone I don't know.

>> No.5827075

Best way to approach girls is when there are two or more of them and make it a competition between them to get you. Gotta be real predatory about it, too, though. Like, checking them out like a real suave mofo, ya dig?

>> No.5827076

like? don't say reading.

>> No.5827078


>> No.5827085

I am aware and I am not obsessed with having sex or even a relationship,I am content with being single, even lonely, I just think that it would be nice to experience at least a bit of both.

>> No.5827086

alas, the answer is
>be attractive

If you're not attractive enough to immediately cause a physical response in her you're almost doomed to failure. Don't get butthurt about it, that's just the way it is... It takes time to build mental attraction, time which you won't have standing in library/coffee shop/public transport looking goofy.

If you still have to try could try an interrupt (walk past her and accidentally bump her, drop something or otherwise interrupt her 'accidentally' then apologise and use that to launch into a conversation: "Oh shit, sorry. Did I get my coffee on you? Hey is Ulysses by James Joyce? You liking it? I'm pretentious too, we should have babies.") you won't provoke the immediate negativity of actually interrupting her reading, but even then it'll fail unless you're attractive.

>> No.5827089

too lazy for spivak and apostol

>> No.5827094
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Tell me about Greek drama. Why do they wear the mask?

>> No.5827101

pics or fuck off faggot

>> No.5827106
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Because they are big guys.

>> No.5827107

I rather fuck off, honestly.

>> No.5827117

This is such bullshit, I've seen ugly fucks being with cute girls because they are what /r9k/ would call "alpha males", which I think are assertive/charismatic guys.

>> No.5827119

>read who read pretentious shit and with the same autistic intensity as me are lonely souls

>> No.5827128

It's what's behind the mask that matters.

What's behind the mask?

Answer? Nothing. Nothing is behind the mask. The point is that the mask is actually nothing.

>> No.5827136

56% of women read at least one "literary" book a year.

>> No.5827137

If I take it off will it hurt?

>> No.5827144

So literally 1/4 of the globe?

>> No.5827145

Shame that book is 50 shades of submissive sex or YA romance.

>> No.5827147

Depends on your height and weight, honestly.

>> No.5827152

48% chance of my autism intensifying.

>> No.5827160

True story. You must really write a lot of them to recognize one so quickly.

>> No.5827169

I don't understand.

>> No.5827199




>> No.5827219

One time I saw a guy reading Blood Meridian and I told him it was a great book. He ended up being a huge McCarthy fan and he said it was his first time reading Blood Meridian and he really liked it. We talked for a few minutes about McCarthy and it was nice.

>> No.5827231

>people want to be approached when reading

>> No.5827236

you don't want girls that read. they will destroy your soul.

>> No.5827239

I love when people inquire about what I'm reading

>> No.5827246

I know this isn't totally related to the topic, but I had a question about girls/women who think they're smart because they read "books (YA fiction). When they're watching their Game of Thrones or whatever and they happen to see some scholar seated at a desk in his study, do they imagine all those leather bound tomes that surround them are full of stories of teenage girls falling in love with vampires and werewolves and shit?

>> No.5827251

Basically this, every girl who can read is a fucking depressed whore who will break your heart after you inevitably starts liking her.
happnd 3 times
crack ? not even once

>> No.5827255
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This is what works for me OP:

>"wut? no way, who dies? :3"

and go from there

>> No.5827258

they don't go that into it man

>> No.5827260

For you

>> No.5827261

So it's wrong for me to read in the library between classes? Should I read in my car instead?

>> No.5827265

It's latin

>> No.5827270

Yes, make sure you have tinted windows too.

>> No.5827272
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I don't know why somebody wouldn't want to be approached while reading, especially when somebody has a question/comment to make about whatever you're reading. I mean, aren't we here to discuss reading? I really enjoy hearing other people talk about books and sharing my opinion on books with others so being approached while reading would be great.

Too bad nobody ever approaches me except fat chicks.

>> No.5827286

>tfw justify being alone by spending all my free time taking courses of study that I make up

I-I-I c-can't spend my time trying to make friends and get a girlfriend, I have to spend the next two months s-s-studying S-s-s-pinoza and the f-f-f-french symbolists.

>> No.5827289

see >>5827136

>> No.5827299

Still don't get it, m8. I have some thoughts, though, but they're a bit long-winded.

>> No.5827300

yea and I've seen niggers in grad schools too. Your point?

>> No.5827311

What are you trying to prove or imply with your super witty post?
Ugly "alpha" fucks dating/fucking cute girls isn't even uncommon or rare.

>> No.5827322

you just think they're "ugly" because you're an effeminate homo who has different taste in men than females, those guys are obviously attractive to women

>> No.5827332

I wouldn't approach a woman while she was reading. When I'm reading I'm looking to read, not talk to strangers.
NOTE: Go ahead and do it if you're 8/10+, but since you're asking, you definitely arent

>> No.5827340

What I was trying to say is that while physical appearance is important many people who are "ugly" still manage to pull it off, even if the girls they are interested in didn't show any interest at first, and that first post was clearly saying that you are fucked from the begging if you are not attractive to her.

>you're an effeminate homo who has different taste in men than females
Shit son, are you a wizard?

>> No.5827341

lol. you sound ugly

>> No.5827347

stay beta, nerd

>> No.5827371

stay fugly, m8

>> No.5827378

Why the fuck are you asking something like that? Read anywhere you want. Even at goddamn Starbucks, hipster.

>> No.5827724

i'm pretty sure talking to women you don't know and aren't invited to know is rape, anon

this is why you need feminism

so you stop raping people

>> No.5827904

Make sure she's reading something worthwhile first. You don't want to ask her what she's reading to find out it's ''The modern soul and inner happiness''

But basically:
>Hey/excuse me, what are you reading?
That's what people have asked me as I was reading, and I don't mind it, so.
You could talk around it saying how it's rare to see people reading a book nowadays, etc. But it's all unnecessary.
captcha: reads ewayba

>> No.5827908

Don't bother--women who "read in public" are usually the type to be very opinionated, dominating, feminist, and life ruining in general.

>> No.5827927

It doesn't matter what's behind the mask, what matter is our plan.

>> No.5827929


>Basically this, every girl who can read is a fucking depressed whore

whereas you sound like the very picture of pleasantness.

why are women who read bad again? are you really so egotistical that you'd rather sacrifice meaningful conversation with a smart partner to be with a simpleton just so you can feel intellectually superior to them?

>> No.5827936


>> No.5827944
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Opinionated maybe
dominating, feminist, not necessarily.
I read in public because I have a lot of public transport to get to my college, that's all.
By the way if you're a cute guy asking me what I'm reading, chances are I will really like you immediately. Lots of guys find girls who read intimidating, I'm yet to find someone who's into books like me.

>> No.5827948
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>dominating, feminist, not necessarily.
Don't even try. I know too much about the machine, and I know how the system churns out "types".

I know your type.

>> No.5827952
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u wot m8
I hate modern "feminism". They are just disgusting skanks crying for attention.

>I know your type
Obviously not.

>> No.5827963

>You could talk around it saying how it's rare to see people reading a book nowadays
I'd shit at ur face if u did that

>> No.5827965
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>I'm not a sniveling deceiving female supremacist!

>> No.5827984

its hard

>> No.5827990

>cute guy

>> No.5828001

otherwise it's a rape :p

actually imo it's very annoying when you are asked what you read irregardless of who asks

>> No.5828012

>Lots of guys find girls who read intimidating

Lots of guys find girls intimidating
FTFY. Get used to it, you scare me.

>> No.5828013


I'm always happy to share my interests with those curious. Liven up.

>> No.5828017

>approaching someone who is reading

there's your first problem

>> No.5828039

Ok so lets say a 'cute guy' said hello to you on the bus and asked about your book, your day etc, it would be ok to respond to him yeah? Seem's fair.

If a not very attractive guy asked, you would answer very short and not engage him further because he wasn't 'cute'. Ok.

Now would be a good time to point out that the cute guy talking to you could be nice and smart and caring, or a complete asshole. He might talk to you for a minute or two and then preposition you into giving him your number etc straight away. Same to be said about the not attractive guy, could be either way.

Anyway, if its appropriate for a woman to do this, why am I scum for not engaging with a woman I don't think to be very attractive?

A woman I do not find attractive nor pleasant tried making small talk to me I politely responded and clearly showed I was busy and the conversation was over, a little awkward obviously, but apparently I'm bad for doing so.

>> No.5828042

Yeah, but then you're a bloke, so who cares?

>> No.5828053


>Anyway, if its appropriate for a woman to do this, why am I scum for not engaging with a woman I don't think to be very attractive?

why do you look to the actions of other people in order to justify your own fickle actions?

you probably are scum

>> No.5828068

Why do you imply I feel the need to justify my actions? Do you not see what I'm asking? Is it that difficult?

Why can a woman shut down a man's advance and get no flak for it, but a man cannot do the same without taking some? Simple question.

>> No.5828088

I think you are missing the point. "She" is only interested in "cute" guys talking to her about what she is reading. She would not be interested in an ugly guy coming up and engaging in discussion about the subject matter of the book.
Thus it is evident that she is not interested in the content of the book, it is merely a means to appear somewhat cultured and intelligent.

>> No.5828091
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Its the best situation to approach because as if shes really focusing on that book...

However, big caveat actually, if you don't keep talking and have enthusiasm she will pick up that book and read it in front of you while you stand there, like the evil entitled bitch she is.

>> No.5828097

Check if she is reading YA first. If she is avoid.
If she is reading a classic talk to her like to any other literature fan.

>> No.5828100

It was. That's how we both know we can't do that because we are ugly.

>> No.5828103

Do we by book count YA and Paolo Shiteglo?

>> No.5828107

Not to me.
But I'm a guy and people ask me that very rarely anyway.

>> No.5828113


>angry response from that lame fedora show dexter

lol you're like a parody of an r9k guy

>> No.5828116


pls be in lodon

>> No.5828125

>at least one book a year
steady on, don't want to read too much there ladies. Also if 'at least' has to be said then it probably means a lot of that 64% read only one book a year, so we can assume that it's probably flavour of the month shit like Hunger Games or 50 Shades, of which the majority of those kinds of books are total shit

why do guys read so much more than girls and so much better? Seriously even my guy friends who I wouldn't single out as the reading type have shown they read at least a dozen books a year, it's not difficult

>> No.5828126
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> be at busstop
> see qt grill reading a book I had to read for uni
> 'hey, are you in class x too?' while pointing to the book
> 'no, i'm doing class y but have to read same book. It's pretty shit though hehehe'
> 'yeah tell me about it. I did it last year. I can offer some help if you want'
> 'would be fun. Oh sorry anon, that's my bus. See ya!'

>> No.5828131

>offering some help
maximum beta

>not taking the bus with her to continue conversation
are you even trying?

>> No.5828132

You screwed up anon. Remember the first and only step. Be attractive.

>> No.5828134

If he did that he would have been charged with attempted rape.

>> No.5828137

>>not taking the bus with her to continue conversation
>are you even trying?

I had to take another bus

>> No.5828139

I saw a qt p2t at a B & N in Los Angeles yesterday, reading a copy of Ulysses. I told her how cool it was to meet another fan of James Joyce, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen copies of Atlas Shrugged in her hands without paying.

>> No.5828146


I am incredibly incensed by the undeniably true account of emotional battery that you suffered.

>> No.5828151

Do you seriously think girls don't read because they want to?

>> No.5828165
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Maybe it was a shit test?

>> No.5828182

This one is always funny

>> No.5828183

As an ugly-ass dude I've dated my share of cute chicks, and the only way to do it is to build mental attraction with them. You're not going to do this in thirty seconds at a bookstore, you do this over a few hours/days.

>> No.5828194

Funny this thread is here because just this Saturday...

>I'm at Barnes & Noble
>Standing in the Military History section
>realize there's someone standing in the aisle with me
>Ignore them, wait for them to leave so I can continue searching down the row
>They don't leave, get annoyed, look at them from the corner of my eye
>It's a qt3.14
>I start to get nervous, wonder why the fuck she's in the military history section
>Fantasies start to rush through my head, think maybe she's been checking me out and wants to be near me, think there's no explanation for a cute girl being in the Military History section
>Eventually delude myself into thinking she's here because she wants me to make the first move
>I look at her and try to say "Hi"
>It comes out as a mumble
>She looks over at me, her beautiful brown eyes a little wide in surprise. She says "I'm sorry?"
>I feel myself go flush and I simply turn on the spot and get the fuck out of there
>Can't stop running this encounter through my head and how I fucked up something that wasn't even going to happen in the first place.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.5828199


>implying she wasn't just there to pick up a book for her bf, Chad Thundertank

>> No.5828217

Damn, reminds me of my gf telling me she used to have a fleeting interest in aerospace engineering, but she could never really explore the topic because everytime she went to that section to look for books, some random neckbeard would show up and try to strike up a conversation about which tank is best or some shit.

>> No.5828221

What you say is 'what are you doing in the military section?' or 'you into Hitler?'

Anything but what you did

>> No.5828224

sup babygirl, if youve had enuff of these covers maybe you wanna come check out mine?

>> No.5828234


y-your cover? What would that be?

>> No.5828239

You're a creepy neckbeard. People usually don't want to be bothered while browsing books, whether it be a guy or a girl.

>> No.5828249

This is true. If I end up in close proximity to a girl in a bookstore or library I will try to gtfo because I realise that my presence is likely creeping her out. I wish I was gay.

>> No.5828250
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lol this thread.


>> No.5828263

Its funny 'cause girls don't get close proximity to strangers you unless they want you to talk to them. She's walking away thinking, what's wrong with me

>> No.5828279
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>yesterday in university library and then leave
>narrowly miss bus and then go in to nearby uni cafe which can only be accessed by students
>there are a few qtgirls there
>realise that if I was le alfofa then this is where I'd approach them
>just drink coffee and browse /lit/ on my phone
>get up to go to toilet
>accidently make eye contact with one of them, look away instantly obviously
>if this was a few years ago I'd wonder if she wants me to talk to her, does she think I'm ugly, what is she thinking etc.
>tfw I am a veteran of many prostitutes and /r9k/ and reddit red pill, so I know that she finds all non-chads disgusting creatures and I am ugly and have no chance and all women are whores with lives on easy mode
>keep browsing /lit/

That basically sums up all of my interactions with non-prostitute women in my time at university. It get's better once I graduate, right?

>> No.5828284


>here's no explanation for a cute girl being in the Military History section

"She was shopping for a christmas present for her dad/brother/boyfriend/etc

Wow, was that so hard?

Besides, she was probably thinking the entire time she was browsing, "Wow, these look so fucking dull, people actually read these?"

>> No.5828289

Some of the people in this thread make me want to cry

>> No.5828302

>be in bookstore
>qt in the same aisle
>know I can't possibly pick her up since I'm not in any way attractive
>keep browsing, keep to myself
>when I'm done I turn around and leave
>no sphagetti was spilled
>no one was annoyed
>nothing was damaged except my hopes for the future

>> No.5828317
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Some of you make me cringe so hard. I know that when I go to a bookstore or library to browse for fun, I don't want a neckbeard ogling me and making me feel weird. I'm there to look at books, it's that simple.

>> No.5828319

No. It is because I am standing near a book shelf.

>> No.5828325
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>> No.5828329


top kek, everyone knows that this "street harassment" bullshit is so only true chads approach girls. They don't want to deal with anything except for tip-top chads and jamals, although they're not above an occasional false rape accusation to keep all men on their toes

>> No.5828332

I can relate. I can't bring myself to visit prostitutes though as I know it will just make me feel more depressed.

>> No.5828333


are you joking, "more depressed"? It's fucking essential. Assuming you live in a country where it's legal, go fucking do it

>> No.5828338

Hey, you! Yes you, stupid faggot! /r9k/ isn't experiencing any trouble as of now, you're free to chadpost over there for the rest of your miserable existence!

>> No.5828340

No, my issue is just that I want to look at books, I don't really care about guys approaching me that much when I'm doing that. There's a time and a place for that. I like my book browsing time to be my quiet time.

I never said I felt like I was being harassed, it's just a pet peeve.

>> No.5828341
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>> No.5828345


make sure you don't approach them directly. hang a sign around your neck so they know you are willing to pay for sex. let them approach you. don't harass women for sex.

>> No.5828347


>> No.5828352

>There's a time and a place for that.

No there isn't.

It's all about the other's attractiveness or lack there of

>> No.5828354

i stopped looking at pretty girls long ago. it's too painful. i even disabled images on 4chan because so many people post pretty girls that stare right at you. it's too much.

>> No.5828357
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>tfw browsing books
>creepy smelly guy right behind me breathing on me

>> No.5828367

I find the idea of paying someone who finds you repulsive to have sex with you quite depressing.

>> No.5828373
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>About 11 p.m.
>reading The Duel by Chekov while high
>decide I need some jelly tots
>roommate wants an energy drink
>make my way to the shop
>as I approach the shop a qt exits a car and walks in ahead of me
>corner chavs whistle and compliment her
>walk in, collect what I need, and stand in line
>as I reach the counter and begin to pay hear someone say "Liam?"
>its the qt
>I continue to pay, assuming she's talking to someone else as thats not my name
>she stands right behind me and says it again while smiling
>realize shes saying it to me
>turn around and raise my eyebrow slightly
>finish paying and walk out
>forget to bring items
>walk back in
>stare her dead in the eyes
>laugh, get my stuff, and walk out

Never going to the shop while high again

it hurts to live

>> No.5828400

they have far uglier, older and more repulsive customers than any neckbeard here every day. theyre actually pretty happy when they can have someone who isnt absolutely hideous, fat or old.

>> No.5828401
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>Intro to American History class
>Professor is late, everyone is just sitting around waiting
>I've got "Emma" out, had been forcing my way through the Austen canon and was thankfully almost done
>Girl sitting near me asks me if I like Jane Austen
>I make some stupid smartass comment that only a pretencious freshman in college can make, something to the effect that I don't think she deserves the reputation she has
>Girl gives me a look and says "She's my favorite," then turns away from me
>All the other girls in the class who overheard start giving me looks and whispering shit

I cringe when I think of how bad of a human being I was, in terms of being socially competent.

>> No.5828407

i cringe when i think of how you actually believe anyone gave a shit or still thinks about the things youve said

>> No.5828436

>Sit in bus next to a cute girl
>She's around my age
>She's reading a thick, obscure hardcover no sane person would ever voluntarily touch
>"Uni homework, eh?"
>Poof, we're having a conversation

Approaching girls is fairly easy. Making them laugh is pretty simply too. But turns out that's not yet enough to trigger actually romantic events. In fiction, no further steps are required, so I'm unsure of how to proceed.

>> No.5828437

But here's the real question: how many of you are actually just fedorafags?

>> No.5828441

>doesn't even say anything to me
>just stares at me

Guys, please don't do this. It's not charming. Ever.

>> No.5828445

What was it, De Sade?

>> No.5828448

Protip: men are exactly the same

>> No.5828456

>being brainwashed by retards on /lit/pol/ into thinking modern feminism is bad

>> No.5828458


De Sade would've been a praiseworthy choice, but it was something I'd never even heard about. And because it was unknown to me, I can't remember the author or title. I just remember getting goosebumps looking at the pages from the side.

>> No.5828460

Unless you're edward cullen.

>> No.5828468

why in the fuck would you not just go to the club anyway and leave with her afterwards?

>> No.5828476

>be in bookstore
>see qt browsing manga section
>ayy it's time
>close up on her all jaws like
>stop in the section behind hers
>it's the art & artchitecture section
>pick up a book and pretend to read it
>it's Banksy's book, which at the time had just come out
>"hey this is actually pretty damn cool"
>about halfway through browsing through the book
>"oh shit the girl"
>she's gone
>end up buying the book and going home
Fucking Banksy

>> No.5828494

>approaching people you don't know

Pretty sure you have to be a psychopath to be able to do this.

>> No.5828496

>modern feminism

lol. video game characters with big tits and being talked to are the worse things in the entire world but you better not say a single bad thing about islam you problematic cultural imperialist!

>> No.5828501

A girl in my class approached me on the subway as I was cramming for a quiz and made some small talk about the quiz. She invited me out for coffee after class but I wasn't interested so said I had work maybe some other time. I wish I were straight. Life would be a 100x easier.

>> No.5828507

holden caulfield mode


>> No.5828508

>See cute girl reading nondescript hardcover with dust jacket removed
>Get hopeful
>Approach her
>Say "Hello, sorry for interrupting you but I'm just curious to know what you're reading there. I'm always looking for something new to read."
>She says "Demons and Angels by--"
>say "pffftttt" out loud before she finishes and walk away

Young women are the plebbiest readers.

>> No.5828509


you've been spooked real good by society

>> No.5828519
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>you're obviously so superior

>> No.5828525

>omg hijabs are oppressing wimmin, lets ban them because we know best!! amirite mah crackers?

>> No.5828531

Hijabs are quite liberating for women, look at how it stops verbal street rape:


>> No.5828537

wow, how could you tell

>> No.5828539

Or it could be that you're just butthurt.

>> No.5828552
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>> No.5828555

women get more attention they want and more attention they dont want.
men get less attention they dont want and less attention they want.

women will just have to live with it.

>> No.5828561

I like how black people, even black feminists, have called the original racist. lmao

>> No.5828562

i'm 6 feet 2, used to be super ripped due to climbing 3 hours every day from age 14 - 19. didn't help one bit.

the people crying looks are everything are usually good looking don't realize it.

>> No.5828565

Yep, I know that to a certain degree I can't help it, so I've learned to live with it. It still annoys me, but that's just life I guess.

>tfw people assume I'm a feminist because I don't like creeps
>I don't even associate with feminism

>> No.5828586

Think about it this way. Why would you approach a girl that is litteraly shutting herself from the world at that moment?
You have to be fucking desperate or fantasizing.
Really, don't get a girl in a situation where she doesn't want to be...there are thousands other moments in a day where she'd be more opened to be approached.

>> No.5828603

But that's the problem with a lot of guys. They think something magical is gonna happen because you "approach" her...you see a cute or hot girl somewhere, you don't know her and you go approach her on the random chance that maybe she is interesting, not a lesbian, not a nazi bitch etc...there is no approach to make. You just have to get to know her. The approach part, the romantic part is for later.

>> No.5828630

You know what? i made that mistake lately. I went out with a girl for two months and a half, mostly because i was very quick about getting out with her. I thought she was good looking, had huge tits and a wicked sense of humour and i wanted to know her.
The problem is that she turned out to be an analyzing cunt, the kind who wants to reframe your mind but says she's never judgmental lol. We had good moments, but mostly i think we were not right for each other at that time.
What i mean by telling this, is that...don't be too quick into knowing someone, engaging in a relationship, having sex...

>> No.5828638

I never thought it was possible to be this autistic.

>> No.5828677

>reading Norweigan Wood
>some strange afghan lady interupts me trying to talk about some war for 10 minutes
>just nod while trying to continue my reading

>> No.5828680

Heh-heh, heh-heh/

>> No.5828700

Such a weak joke, so hilarious regardless.

>> No.5828711
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>reading pop history
Hmm, I wonder where this post goes?

>> No.5828725
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>tfw literally have never asked a girl out

>> No.5828730

>gay reader.
Where you live? We must congregate.

>> No.5828827


>> No.5828832

It's most likely to be catcher in the rye, jane eyre, wuthering heights, or some shit jane austen novel.

>> No.5828838

>one book a year
Fucking retards

>> No.5828841

>I wish I were straight. Life would be a 100x easier.
don't ever say that not even as a joke

>> No.5828843


>> No.5828846


>> No.5828859

don't kid yourself


>> No.5828868

>This is how virgins really think.

>> No.5828871

> iktf

i'm too scared to ask or I have a too skewed view on relationships, thinking that I must first be long-term friends with a grill before going out with her

>> No.5828877

I've never met a boy irl who liked books as much as me- ACTUALLY that's only sort of true. There was a boy who lived near me who I met off one of the map things and he was so good looking and into books and he STOPPED talking to me

Fuck you, merryfarmer18

>> No.5828926
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>being in your home so often that you have enough time to get any ample reading done
no, they aren't. you're weird and alone
not someone who was reading, but a guy was holding Nine Stories and i told him it was what got me into reading more seriously. we had a nice little chat about salinger but when i had to leave, we didn't exchange anything

wonder how he's doing
>happnd 3 times
there's only one relevant common element here, and it's not the girls' literacy
>not wanting your partners to be opinionated, dominating feminists
fucking pleb
get the hell out of here with your uncle tom insipid womanhood bullshit

>> No.5828939


Look out everyone, mr tripfag is here with his infallible "opinions" that dont even require explanation

filtered you massive cunt

>> No.5828950

Nobody gives a fuck what a whiney little newfaggot you are. Coming to 4chan and using moots faggot filters is the epitome of being an assmad retard.

>> No.5828970


>inb4 you don't.

But seriously. Don't.

Can someone explain why not though? I'm a guy and anyone im doing anything people come up to me and talk. For example I was camping and painting in the woods a couple people hiking stopped and talked to me. I was at a beach once and stacking rocks, I had like 7 people come up and talk to me. It's nice. Walt Whitman would go around starting conversations with people and ask them about their lives. Why this sudden closed off antisocial behavior?

I mean if a someone is nose deep in their advanced calculus in two variables text book during finals week I get it, but if someone is reading a short history of Mongolian republics in the 19th century as a result of extraterrestrial imperialization then why is it "wrong" to be like "that sounds interesting, what is it about?"

>> No.5828977

This thread is like one big existential crisis about 'hurr do books even git girls?' girls a personification of heaven

>> No.5828987
File: 112 KB, 964x543, jcpuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.5828988

>'Do books create connection between me and grills, like how people take ecstasy to manufacture connection, love culture, share chemistry, yadda yadda etc.?'

>> No.5828992

The cuckoldedfeminist beta rhetoric in this thread is strong.

What does that girl have to offer you? Why is she so important that she has to be shrouded in a veil? Why do you have to suffer through loneliness?

Talk to anyone you like. Women aren't delicate little objects put in pedastels. That would be objectification. No, girls are people too and people are social. Approach anyone you want to approach.

How do married people say they meet? It definitely isn't "I was somewhere and he walked past me, never saying a word."

For fucks sake op you have needs too! Approach her!

>> No.5828994
File: 721 KB, 1200x892, 1409268452880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why people who have little or nothing to offer use trips. I haven't seen one actually decent tripfag in this board. You are all shitposters with nothing better to do. I know, this comment in itself is worse than the things you post, but it is nevertheless something that I felt like I should say. Tripfags do not even make the effort to become a somewhat parodical figure, they just are themselves, shitty as they are.

>> No.5828995

>ayyy bby wut u reading?
Alpha Male

>> No.5828997

Be nice, intelligent, and don't live in your mother's basement.

>> No.5829000

>whiny dumb cunt whining at me because I have furthered my abilities of connecting with people

Basically. I swear, you lot don't think a-fucking-tall about where your posts are coming from before you make them

>> No.5829003

It's not complicated though. You're just over-thinking it. Just go talk to them. If they like you, then they'll like talking to you.

>> No.5829011

why is anon so threatened by tripfags?

>> No.5829012

Not that I can think of. I do get approached while I read from time to time. It's mostly just people walking by me and remarking that my book must be good or asking if it's for work or pleasure. This is a side effect of the fact that when I go outside to smoke I don't stop reading while I walk.

>> No.5829025


>> No.5829029

>tfw you have never held an extended conversation with a non relative female

>> No.5829033


That's how you do it folks

>> No.5829034

>Tfw you have and do it often and she is a 9/11

>> No.5829035

>64% of women read at least one book a year.
Are you implying that 36% don't?

>> No.5829039

>whiny dumb cunt whining at me because I have furthered my abilities of connecting with people

how? you don't connect with people, you alienate them. by and large, everyone on this board hates you. you are actually my least favourite tripfag (and by extension, person) on any board I visit.

>> No.5829057

>you alienate them
That's exactly it. You're like a child that's pissed off because there's a loud fan in the room or something and it can't be heard crying over the fan. Ask yourself: What in the fuck are you crying about someone being more easily made out on 4chan for? You are basically irrational.

>> No.5829062

And my post very obviously triggered that irrationality, too. Read back and get it already, you child.

>> No.5829064


>> No.5829073

Why is it poor form? I notice he doesn't get into that.
>black man insisting we must be all the same

>> No.5829079
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>I wonder why people who have little or nothing to offer use trips.
because we want to be differentiated from all of the other posters with little or nothing to offer

tripping has never had anything to do with quality or accountability

>> No.5829080


Except you dont elicit responses like that at all. Most people see your shit and think "wow, what a retard" and move on. You're not sending people into fits of incoherent rage, this is /lit/. The only reason I'm even bothering is to try and work out why somebody would waste all this time trying to acquire infamy on the 4chan literature board.

And I never said I hated the whole trip system, I was targeting your shitposts. Its just that your shitty trip has made it clear that its you posting all this.

>> No.5829093

oh look, arguments over tripfags. that's new.

>> No.5829143

Just watch it

The Flirtation at Barnes and Noble: http://youtu.be/LZI3owbVPuM

>> No.5829149

Absolute crybaby robot. Go fuck yourself, m8.

>> No.5829151

Watch from 0:48

>> No.5829171
File: 62 KB, 1920x1080, pink-radial-gradient-1920x1080-minimalistic-background-84-792503859 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bookcase organized by color
how do people even find books with covers as bright as those

>> No.5829172

>She Is Nerdy
Godamn it those videos are great but they are fake as all godamn. Their interactions are so stiff I'm honestly surprised the girl puts out even though I know I'm watching porn.

Not to mention I remember watching one where the guy says the book one was reading was a part of a set of 3 whose spines formed the Russian flag, they go to his house and the third book is fucking orange, forming the Dutch flag at best. This really tickled my autism.

>> No.5829203


You're basically saying "you are right", just in different words.

>> No.5829212

That's great. I am interested in this.

>> No.5829221

not in public. you dumbfuck.

learn some simple analysis like looking for key words

>> No.5829225

No, you're just a delusional retard. But, hey, anon - ever notice that I get literally zero anons posting to contradict what I've written but just to cry their feelings about me at me? Get over the trip already, retard. You're all bad rationalisation and it's embarrassing.

>> No.5829228

Here, I can't for the life of me find it streamed

>> No.5829236

These girls who get various ideas into their heads.. they all look crazy

>> No.5829247

Not that anon, but there is indeed something irksome about having to notice that one specific person is authoring all these retarded posts, and nothing else

There are 4chan extensions with filters, so really we've only ourselves to blame here.

>> No.5829250

I don't make retarded posts, anon. Prove that I do.

>> No.5829257


Because you rarely post anything of substance, and when you do, its in such an obnoxious manner that nobody wants to speak with you and they simply despair that you havent ended your sordid, small life yet. I saw you come into a thread the other day and say "I have something really relevant to this, but I'm not gonna post it, stay ignorant plebs". Where's the rationalisation behind that, apart from being a sad, attention-seeking cunt?

And stop pretending you're a paradigm of rationality when you say things like this

>I get literally zero anons posting to contradict what I've written

which are LITERALLY just wrong

Your posts just consist of poorly constructed attempts to push peoples buttons, insults and badly drawn conclusions. I'm done here but you will stay, you will stay waiting for someone to acknowledge you like you desperately need them to

>> No.5829259

>Be nice, intelligent

That's a interesting way to say "I know jack shit about women".

>> No.5829262

Retarded sperg. I'm not even going to read it. I post huge amounts of substance.

>> No.5829267

I push people's buttons in really nifty ways, though :3

>> No.5829289
File: 54 KB, 253x253, Folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>re-reading A Critique of Pure Reason on the bus
>make-up covered girl comes up to me
>"oh my god, I love Kant!"
>pronounces it K-aunt
>can't help myself from snickering condescendingly
>"did you seriously just say that," I tell her
>"I just wanted you to look at me the same way I see you Anon" she says
>I snicker again, "What do you love me?"
>"Yes, of course"
>"How juvenile"
>"Please anon, It has made me better loving you... it has made me wiser, and easier, and brighter. I used to want a great many things before, and to be angry that I did not have them. Theoretically, I was satisfied. I flattered myself that I had limited my wants. But I was subject to irritation; I used to have morbid sterile hateful fits of hunger, of desire. Now I really am satisfied, because I can’t think of anything better. It’s just as when one has been trying to spell out a book in the twilight, and suddenly the lamp comes in. I had been putting out my eyes over the book of life, and finding nothing to reward me for my pains; but now that I can read it properly I see that it’s a delightful story."
>"yeah nice story bitch"
>stand up and get off two stops early

God, I hate omgsonerdy women

>> No.5829304

>re-reading A Critique of Pure Reason on the bus

>> No.5829327
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You told her anon. Don't let those succubi steal your mana.

>> No.5829330

the only way to get rid of trips is to ignore

every single reply fuels them


>> No.5829335

>dolan picture
>calling jokes/bait autism