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/lit/ - Literature

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5823428 No.5823428 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you read?

>> No.5823438

i don't know

>> No.5823442

it fun

>> No.5823445

To know we're not alone?

>> No.5823467

I don't want to face the real world. My reading is purely escapist.

>> No.5823471

Makes me feel good
Especially 2deep nonsense

>> No.5823486

It makes being alive less boring and gives me interesting things to think about. I am sure it is the same impulse that causes people to watch movies and TV.

>> No.5823492

It's fun
it's intellectually stimulating
it's fun
I think it's a better use of my time than playing video games/watching tv
it makes me feel superior to others
it's fun

>> No.5823503

>It's fun


>> No.5823513

Other passive forms of entertainment become incredibly childish and dull when you get in the habit of reading daily.

>> No.5823517

i fuck you're mom daily

>> No.5823529


>riled over the truth

mankid pls

>> No.5823551
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This. Maybe I'm just becoming more and more pretentious but it's weird seeing the things most other people are being entertained by and just being like "meh."
>my best friend and I went to see interstellar
>mfw he said it was the best movie he's ever seen

>> No.5824382

To understand the world more.

>> No.5824397

I read for grills

>> No.5824453

I find it to be stimulating, enjoyable, and educational. I think it pushes me to be a better person, as it drives me to study other fields in the humanities to better understand the context in which the works I most enjoy were created, in the hopes of understanding the meaning of the work itself.

I very much enjoy it.

>> No.5824469

Yeah, I think I share this sentiment. Can you explain a bit more? This is interesting

>> No.5824657

interstellar is widely regarded as a sappy mediocre piece of shit with great visual effects so don't think you're pretentious for not liking it

>> No.5825367

You're not pretentious for not liking it; it was a boring and overly long film. It's just Nolan becoming more and more like Faulkner: horrendously pretentious and conceited.

>> No.5825369

because the books aren't going to read themselves

>> No.5825596

All of Nolan's movies are boring and poorly written though

>> No.5825628

I like to learn things, and I am very interested in people and the contents of their minds. Although I won't deny that I also read fiction to be a part of the literary crowd, not that I know any person in that crowd, but I'd like to be well versed in literature.

>> No.5825642

This about sums it up, though personally I'm also into film/tv.

>> No.5825669

Its extremely funny to see a retarded superhero movie director get more and more self-important when his critical+commercial success is entirely due to the extremely low bar set by other big-budget hollywood movies

>> No.5825681

I got bored of music and film.

>> No.5825687


While I get what you're saying, I enjoyed Interstellar for two things, which more or less redeemed the rest of its shortcomings:

-The visuals
-The way the concept of time dilation was used, let's say at least in the first half of the movie.
The scene where Mconaughy's (fuck that I'm not looking up how to spell that shit) character
gets the messages from his son had me bawling like a little girl.
The thing is, and I think Roger Ebert said something similar to this, movies are generally more about emotional impact and visuals/cinematography
than motifs, themes, etc. If you want that you go read a book. Interstellar has both the visuals and the emotional impact,
but the story does go batshit retarded deus ex machina mode at the end.

Also +1 on this, books are so much more richer in ideas and beauty than any other medium.

Also, reading books makes you feel good about yourself, there's no denying it, you do feel like you are
seperating yourself from the masses of tv philistines.

>> No.5826471

Thing is, I thought it was an alright movie, definitely melodramatic (that dialogue about love saving us all or whatever was absolutely awful) but the visuals and soundtrack were pretty great at times, like >>5825687 said.
I think what I was getting at was that I think reading has kind of enhanced my ability to actually focus on and be critical of other forms of entertainment that I otherwise might not have been able to seen any flaws with.

>> No.5826474

The same reason I fucked my best friends girlfriend.

Because I can.
And they want me to.

>> No.5826490

>they want me to

Who wants you to read?

>> No.5826528

Because i don't like movies, shows, comic books and, especially, video games.

>> No.5826566

>i go to see interstellar with my brother
>we both love book of the new sun
>we are having a feeling of it taking the bigger picture from it
>the end is basically a quote from Urth
>don't remember when we laughed so much, best theft comedy i saw this year

>> No.5826680

The books, obviously

>> No.5826733

It takes the pain away

>> No.5826749

>muh chemical disorder

>> No.5826758

Because I have this insane idea that reading helps make me a better writer

If I read "good" maybe I'll write "good"

>> No.5826760


It takes the pain away by dwelling in huge amounts of metaphysical and emotional dread. Strange how that works, but it does. Probably because after a long session of reading you come out of it actually feeling like a human being and not a mindless slave.

>> No.5826768



Teen detected.

>> No.5826775

>im depressed
Teen detected

>> No.5826781
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>> No.5826785


I know many a 70 to 80 year olds who are depressed

>> No.5826799


Not to mention every author that teen is probably into right now.

>> No.5826805

shirt on the left is dope

>> No.5826836
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>> No.5826849



>> No.5826855

>muh qts

>> No.5826875

kill yourself


if anyone cared, they would have tried to talk to you.

so do it

>> No.5826903


this is why teens suck at banter. they get too emotional too quickly and shit themselves.

>> No.5826943

It's fun
It makes me feel superior
Everyone thinks I'm smart because I read
I want to write something myself, and the best way to do it is to get/borrow/steal ideas from books

>> No.5827566

Because I gave up on vidya. Reading and drugs all day, nigguh

>> No.5829412


Well . . . hmmm...I dunno...I guess I read for a lot of reasons and the main one is so I don't end up being a fuckin' waffle waitress.”