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/lit/ - Literature

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5824131 No.5824131 [Reply] [Original]

What's up, /lit/

As a 20yo who grew up in a single mother household, i often find myself questioning who am i? What should i do with my life? But i discovered that in order to find out the answers to these trivial questions, i have to find out something every male in his life usually find out sooner or later. How to become a man. I have role models in my life, males who tend to share their ideals of what a man should do and what ideology a man should have. But no one to clearly articulate how to become one...

So, what I was wondering is if there are any credible novels out there that you guys have read that could help me figure how do i become a gentleman of society?

>> No.5824141
File: 68 KB, 292x315, oblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It shows the normie way and the NEET way through two characters who have been friends since youth.

>> No.5824144

"Throughout the novel he rarely leaves his room or bed and just manages to move from his bed to a chair in the first 50 pages" lol..

>> No.5824146

Men are the same confused scared children as ever, they just learn to hide it better. Adulthood is the emperor's new clothes as a cultural institution.

>> No.5824150
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Das it mane.

>> No.5824154
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this is all you really need to understand your place in this world and how it relates to other people

>> No.5824159
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Listen to this mans youtube lectures, he has more wisdom than any of us will ever be able to comprehend. I wish I discovered this at your age


>> No.5824176
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>> No.5824178
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>Tfw I grew up with a single mother, sister, in my aunts house
>TFW I have never felt like a man

>> No.5824200

>how do i become a man
first you must define what a man is
inb4 250ng/dl

>> No.5824211

Read Elliot Roger's manifesto, it's dope

>> No.5824212

shit guys, is /lit/ the new r9k?
it applies to me aswell, fuck, worst feels ever

>> No.5824234

It's alright, embrace your inner child. Join us on journey to adulthood as men

>> No.5824237

the journey never ends.

>> No.5824279

What is a man? I think your pursuit to answer this question will result in frustration. You'll be a dog chasing your tail.

You exist, you have a cock. End of story. You're a man.

The question is, what do you enjoy?

>> No.5824314



>> No.5824320


>> No.5824343

A man has a moustache and chest hair and works eleven hours a day in a sweatshop in India. A man doesn't worry about finding himself.2

>> No.5824345

>What is a man?

A miserable little pile of secrets.

>> No.5824356
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If a man is living in the first world, why does he have to "find himself"?

>> No.5824362

confederacy of dunces.

>> No.5824376

it's sad that single mother's always fail to raise decent boys and they inevitably go off looking for a "male" role model and end up being degenerate manchildren.

>> No.5824389

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. It could be about you, OP. Lost Illusions by Balzac is a also a great coming of age novel. There are many others.

>> No.5824407

>becoming a man

What a fucking spook. This is usually uttered by retarded Americans who think that dying for Israel or working for 11 hours a day for JewCorp makes them sooper mature le alfofas.

Also you can really tell that women are society's sacred objects when you realise that there are.no behavioural standards for them to live up to.

Stop this bullshit.

>> No.5824408

You'd think that with all this money we could afford a sound identity and purpose.

>> No.5824462

not him, but don't judge a book by its cover or its wikipedia page.
doesn't show how to become a man, but for a depressed person this book can be a good wake up call.
it describes of the excuses of the avoiding personality

>> No.5824466

Bur the Stolz parts are about becoming a man in the conventional sense of the word.

>> No.5824467

yes, and getting a steady job (often out of luck or priviledge) is usually when you can fully start to act as an adult and give lessons.

>> No.5824476

I don't remember, all I remember is I'd rate it 8/10, very good book.
tons of artists have failed trying to write about depression and listlessness.
I remember the opposition between the 2 friends.

>> No.5824505

tough question.
I don't have the same background, so I won't recommend my favorite books (like Bokowski's Ham on Rye, which is more about dealing with a crazy father. But it came to mind, if you want to be a tough guy)

>> No.5824512

top pleb

>> No.5824549

who do you admire?
Tom Cruise, or Obama?

>> No.5824575
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>tfw halfway to 23 and don't really consider myself 'a man' yet

>> No.5824576

You're 11 and a half?

>> No.5824647

>how do i become a gentleman of society?
So you thought you'd ask a community on a Chinese cartoon imageboard, whose users comprise of virgins, paedophiles, and NEETS?

>> No.5824648

Neither, I look up to men like Joe Ragan and ghandi

>> No.5824777

Seemed like a nice place to start

>> No.5825099

>Chinese cartoon imageboard
come on...
the anonymous culture here is known for "do it faggot", and insults like "whiteknight", "SJW"...
I know some boards where asking about manliness would be ridiculous (protected communities with ***warning triggers***, **no bully**, policies of banning for not being cute enough), but not here.

>> No.5825150


Tell me about the Bob Marley posters you have in your room pls :^)

>> No.5825162

god you're a retard

>> No.5825170

at least you know my name.

>> No.5825176

get up stand up!

>> No.5825185
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>I look up to men like Joe Ragan

>> No.5825198

lmaoo, if you're asking how to be a man on lit you've already failed

>> No.5825241

>reading books = not being a man
kill yourself

>> No.5825261

>reading books


>> No.5825678

I know he's not someone most would look up to, but I find his podcasts to be very inspirational

>> No.5825688

I'm asking if anyone has read any novels on the subject

>> No.5825690

The one with Russel Peters where they had to cut Deadmau5 off the whiskey because he was being a dick was fucking hilarious. Also the one with Giogio Tsoukalos where him and Rogan pretty much admit to playing the dumb or crazy guy to make money off their target audience.

>> No.5825799


>> No.5825811

Being a man is pretty much being strong enough to defend yourself and others you care about, and complete and total financial independence. Till you have those two things, you shall not be a man my son.


>> No.5825841

>thinking masculinity is a spook
chickenshit beta detected.