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File: 81 KB, 564x630, axe-564x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5816253 No.5816253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which scent of Axe should I use if I want to appear well read/intellectual?

>> No.5816258

I think the answer is obvious

>> No.5816269
File: 529 KB, 1280x996, mature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axe Mature?

>> No.5816271

No. None of them. Axe is for babies.

Old spice body wash.

>> No.5816277

Personally, still prefer the pattern welded sword as a status symbol. Axes are so not Saxon.

>> No.5816287


Teenaged males wear Axe. None of it will make you seem well-read nor intellectual.

>> No.5816301

Not to mention the sheer status of the sword - a killing apparatus and exclusively that - compared to the axe, which traditionally is a weapon that can also be used to cut wood and other peasant activities, thus merely a useful object when compared to the status of carrying a sword around.

>> No.5816303

This is precisely why the ax is superior, you effete noble bastard

>> No.5816307

am i the only one who actually gets excited when they smell axe excite?
or goes to on a trip to alaska when they smell axe alaska?

>> No.5816312

The axe might make you look tough, friend, but it won't make you look alphabetized at all. Thus it won't make you look well read/intellectual.

>> No.5816319

I like the orange one, it reminds me of the summer I spent in my room.

>> No.5816341

Save up for Versache Man. I got a lot of compliments on it and a little goes a long way. Its between $40-$60 and you won't smell like a middle school boy.

>> No.5816343

But you're forgetting that as a peasant, I am unable to read or write

Just lop off heads with my axe

>> No.5816380

>actually thinking OP is serious

>> No.5816385
File: 108 KB, 428x580, catface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then HOW i repeat HOW

did you read my posts

question mark

>> No.5816437

Song of the Broad-Axe by Walt Whitman

You'll also seem like a demented ranting, drunken hobo, much as Whitman does in what can only loosely be termed a poem.

>> No.5816442

Rubbing at thy pits with the pages of library tomes of old shall produce a musk with which to attract the bespectacled beauty subjected to your affections...

>> No.5816449

Dandies don't wear scent, you miserable fop

>> No.5816451

2012 vintage, has to be. /lit// likes old things. People will think, if this guy wears 2 year old deodorant, he must read 100 year old books.

>> No.5816481

That's just the asthma kicking in.

>> No.5816550

This. Use scentless deodorant unless you have extreme BO. Scents are for children and try hards. At very most, just put a small dab of a light cologne when you go to nice formal events.