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5812303 No.5812303 [Reply] [Original]

Itt: most unintentionally hilarious propaganda put to paper

>> No.5812322


>> No.5812342

Pol would agree with that book m8

>> No.5813505

Ignorance is funny? Since when?

>> No.5813651


Since the Left took over all academia, government, corporations (minus the Kochs), churches, and media; and their default tone is "snark". They'll never realize they're always punching down.

>> No.5813791

why don't you like this book, op?

>> No.5813832 [DELETED] 
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Shut up pussy-ass cracker n' suka my dick >:)

>> No.5814026

Serious question, are transsexuals a medical condition or a transgender identity? Other then the Reimer case is there anything that proves it's born in?

Are there even any medical teams trying to understand the causes?

>> No.5815252
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Medical condition. And yeah, there's more than a few big studies that point to it being neurological. Transgenders generally have more in common with female brain chemistry than male. Of course, brain scans and massive amounts of data showing that transition is the only safe and effective way to treat gender dysphoria will never be a match for "dam libruhl conspiracy"
Since always. At least since nobles hired fools to entertain them. And the idiocy in that book is amazing. She writes as if transsexuals are secret agents of the patriarchy, come to oppress women from the inside

>> No.5815265

>female brain chemistry
"Female" and "male" are bullshit terms to begin with.

>> No.5815268

but this means that women have an essential nature.

de beavouir and literally all feminism after her btfo

>> No.5815274

>female brain chemistry creates a longing for a female body
>female brain chemistry is a cause, not effect, of transgender dysphoria
>this brain brain chemistry is, besides transgendered individuals, completely unique to females
Have these been proven?

>> No.5815280

>Not the underdogs
I think if you pulled your head out of your ass for a few seconds, you'd see the huge racial/poverty gap in Western countries.

>> No.5815284

Of course it is. Denying the gender binary is bullshit. But there is a lot of arbitrary paff we shouldn't enforce on people just because they're of a certain gender, so it's not all bad. It's mostly a physical thing anyways.

>> No.5815286

You will be inundated in people saying it's ironclad 8000% proved that it's neurological and objective and god created trannies at the beginning of the universe and there have always been trannies and if you say otherwise you are literally disagreeing with Charles Darwin and trying to resurrect Ptolemaic geocentrism.

But honestly, wait a few generations and see what the science looks like once the institutions responsible for its analysis stop being biased by social and political trendiness. It's more than a little suspicious that the SLAM DUNK studies coincide so conspicuously with the Tumblr tranny acceptance wave that is cresting everywhere. You could fill a major landfill with all the academic papers which slam-dunk 'proved' things which were then part of the status quo and which now seem completely retarded. The APA and similar institutions are fucking notorious for politicizing and even moralizing in their decisions and rulings. Even if certain scientific studies turn out to be correct (and there's enough doubt to go around here), their interpretation is the more suspect thing.

Regardless, and to show my own bias, trannies are fucking disgusting autogynephiles and walking manifestations of the culture of narcissism. Turning themselves into fetish objects for public display because they literally have nothing else to do with their NEET lives.

The two real 'leftists' left in the world are underdogs. The millions of twitter slacktivist Sarah Reed Lawrence tranny chasing faggot teenagers in finance capitalist / imperialist Outer Party countries in the West are an institution. Trannynomics has basically replaced Marxism at all universities.

>> No.5815290

>once the institutions responsible for its analysis stop being biased by social and political trendiness.
This. It's always such an amazing coincidence how politically fashionable opinions are so quickly proven by science. The pet theories of the masses have been beaten to the ground for centuries, but this one's been scientifically certified, and the studies themselves require no interpretation to boot.

>> No.5815294

Sure, in a way. First of all the brain composition is so fundamental it can only happen in the womb. Generally if there's a hormone imbalance in the womb when the early brain is being developed.
it's more than just a longing, it's a misery from having a hormonal system that your brain isn't build to handle. You'll find this in a lot of different conditions and it's similar to trans suffering. Some transgender people never socially transition and just take hormones in private

>> No.5815296

Do you seriously believe that?

>> No.5815301
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>it's a misery from having a hormonal system that your brain isn't build to handle.

>> No.5815303

The proof of trans is way earlier than it becoming fashionable.
And tumblr tries vehemently to deny that it's a medical condition anyways

>> No.5815304

Any recommended literature on this?

I'm still skeptical, though. There's a lot of room for doubt and I think this needs to be addressed without politically charged emotionalism before we start chopping off benis

>> No.5815306

So men and women ARE "wired" differently? How come science only mentions this in relation to transsexuals?

>> No.5815312
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y... you mean spooks

>> No.5815313

I don't know what politically charged emotionalism you're referring to. I'm transsexual and I absolutely hate it, it's not some personal vendetta against antitrans people. And while cutting your penis off might seem terrible, that doesn't mean it is for a trans person.
I had a big list of studies on my pc, but the only reason I'm even posting here is to entertain myself while replacing a broken hard drive

>> No.5815317

Wat. There's been done a million studies on this, and it only takes a brain scan and a blood test to confirm it. Where you getting your science?

>> No.5815320

>I'm transsexual and I absolutely hate it,

It sure gives you a gay little persecution complex thing to make your life seem more interesting and make you feel like you're a special snowflake.

Trannies love to hate being trannies because it means they don't have to man up and get a job.

>> No.5815322
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>> No.5815374

I do have a job. It seems you love making presumptions because then you don't have to man up and actually think your prejudice through.

>> No.5815387

Left-right politics is relative to the makeup of the government of a particular nation at that particular time. This is what makes it possible to call any politician in the US a leftist, despite none of them wanting to tackle the poverty gap. It has always been this way. Left-right politics is constantly changing. The idea that leftists or rightists (do people use that term?) can be underdogs is just incorrect.

In regard to LGBT issues, I'd agree with the other guy. In my country (Ireland) it is essentially a political death sentence to challenge the LGBT community. And before anyone comes at me with "Isn't it illegal to have an abortion in Ireland?", yes, it is also the end of your political career if you vote against the pro-choice movement. I'm not saying that I'm anti-abortion and I really don't give a shit about gender, sexual orientation and all the good shit but in Ireland and the UK you are completely wrong to say that the LGBT community are the underdogs (again, they're not "leftists" because they largely control the discussion of gay rights and trans rights).

>> No.5815416

>The two real 'leftists' left in the world are underdogs. The millions of twitter slacktivist Sarah Reed Lawrence tranny chasing faggot teenagers in finance capitalist / imperialist Outer Party countries in the West are an institution. Trannynomics has basically replaced Marxism at all universities.

Excellent. Although, again, your definition of "left" is incorrect. Assuming we're talking about the left in the United States, it could very well be correct to label them leftists. Literally any viewpoint could be considered leftist, it just depends on the time and place.

Also "trannynomics" is also bullshit as these things haven't effected economics courses. You are right that they don't teach Marxism, though.

>> No.5815419

'trannynomics' made me lol irl

>> No.5815440

>left took over corporations

Yeah, that's why there's still a private sector and all of the corporations aren't nationalized right now. But sure, leftist; keep telling yourself that.

>> No.5815444

>it means they don't have to man up and get a job.
Transitioning is an expensive process. Jobs bring in money. I'm not sure why you think transsexuals wouldn't want to get jobs.

>> No.5815451

like half of trannies are hikkis

go to 420chan or /lgbt/ and look at all the fine upstanding citizens who spend eight hours a day arguing and crying and conspiring how to get their sexual fetish pills covered by insurance

>> No.5815453

most likely from misrepresentations of feminism on a shinto drawing site

>> No.5815455

That's why anyone who knows anything about political science doesn't use the left-right spectrum; it doesn't work. It hasn't worked since the nineteenth century (if that).

That being said, there are no "leftists" in the U.S.. Both major parties are conservative; there are no social democrats. There aren't even any liberals (well, there's the libertarian party, but no one gives a shit about them).

>> No.5815458

The political bias argument is completely bunk. The strongest political adversaries of trans are fringe feminists. Janice g Raymond has hurt trans right and academia more than any right wing religious nut.
and try saying trans is a brain disorder in a leftist space, people will flip their shit.
the data on transsexuals is utterly against every major political agenda, and many trans themselves in their idiocy even reject it. And the data is older than all this gendertrending.
questioning data is good, but do get some insight first, don't reject basic endocrinology and neurology just because you don't like it.
Pst scrbt: the "male and female is a spcial construct" is a lit meme right? You can't actually believe that

>> No.5815459

/lgbt/ does not provide information about the time spent online by its individual users, nor does any chan I know of. Are you just eyeballing it, or do you have some source to back that up?

>> No.5815462

Thoughts on Paul McHugh?

>> No.5815463

That would probably have something t9 do with 420 and 4chan being breeding grounds for hikkis in the first place. Go to /v/ and everyone is a hikki too.
Nothing to bring out your anti-social tendencies like being treated like a freak, either.

>> No.5815466

Left and Right have only worked in the context they were coined. The French Revolution.

>> No.5815468

Just in my city:
>a 2011 report from Trans PULSE — a community-based research project in Ontario — found that only 37 per cent of transgender participants were employed full-time, while 15 per cent were employed part-time. Twenty-five per cent were students, three per cent were retired and 20 per cent were unemployed.

It's not exactly a big secret that most of these retards are living out indulgent teenage internet fantasies, so most of them are going to be sheltered enough to allow for that. Either they're at a progressive university (hey that's redundant) and thus on student loans or dadmoney, or they're on dadmoney at home. Unemployment is rampant.

If I wanted to spend all day online indulging in furry-esque communities of sexual perverts who play fetish dress up in public, but I REALLY had to get a job or I'd starve and die, I'd probably be forced to give up my tranny Chrischan fantasy life pretty quick. Most people who are capable of being trannies are necessarily sheltered upper middle class white snowflakes.

>> No.5815471

>/lgbt/ does not have tripfags
are you actually implying this? Because I would make it my homeboard for that exact reason

>> No.5815474

I can't honestly say I'm familiar with him. It seems to me from reading a small article that he simply rejects the current data for no reason, comparing gid to dysmorphia is a red flag, theyre not psychologically or neurologically similar.
That said, I dunno, I'm really not familiar with him.

>> No.5815476

Tripcode users are not a representative sample of the entire community, nor of all transsexuals. Of course there are tripfags on /lgbt/, it's not some kind of anon utopia.

>> No.5815477

Lgbt actually has the most tripfags of any board I've frequented, it's awful.

>> No.5815481

>fagboard is filled with tripfags
can't say i'm surprised

>> No.5815487

It's basically like a hangout with a ton of generals, so it makes sense that there are tripfags. Still a shame

>> No.5815493

so it's like /vg/ but worse

>> No.5815498

Depends on where you stand on dicks and dykes

>> No.5815505

I like Dick van Dyke.

>> No.5815574

i bet you typed all that really hard

>> No.5815585

>There are many barriers to applying for jobs with regard to transcripts and references
>Discrimination is common, as employers may not consider trans individuals to be competent
>20% unemployment rate among those surveyed
>58% of those surveyed could not get academic transcripts with their current name and gender
>28% could not get letters of reference with current name and gender
>27% were not provided references because they were trans

This report doesn't make it sound like transsexual Ontarians don't want to work. It sounds like the higher unemployment rate is a result of difficulties in getting a job while trans.

You don't have to be upper middle class to survive while unemployed. Or does Canada not have unemployment benefits?

>> No.5815586

if you aren't even going to put effort into your snark to make it funny, go back to revleft or tumblr

>> No.5815593
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>Having right-wing views
Why isn't this a 3-day ban from c/lit/?

>> No.5815594

Who is having right wing views?

>> No.5815602

>Banning for political views
>Any board on 4chan
If you can't handle disagreement, you're on the wrong site.

>> No.5815610

>what's wrong with supporting institutional homophobia, racism and misogyny?
fucking scum

>> No.5815611

No one asked that question or anything like it.

>> No.5815616

i'm high man. fuck i really shit the bed on thatone

>> No.5815618

>banning things you disagree with
>being scared of words
>trying to mandate thought based on your feelings

Is this why leftists transition so often? They're girly girls?

>> No.5815627

You realize the op book is extremely right wing and the point of the thread is to make fun of crazy propaganda? Very left wing thread

>> No.5815717


>> No.5815724
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>Not wanting the taxes from your paltry minimum wage paychecks you need for school to go towards giving Ladasha a free college scholarship to get a Liberal Arts degree in telling you why your race is a blight of misery upon the world; just for her to become your boss later on and watch as she turns the office into a hotbed of racial baiting and still keep her job so the company can fill it's diversity quota, while your personal life goes to pieces because your kid was murdered by Ladasha's kids and the black community gets outraged when the police arrest them in an aggressive manner.
I really want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.5815755

The backlash is starting. The left went too far. So many people hate them.

>> No.5815766

>At her best, Paglia injects some much-needed dissent into educational policy discussions, which have for too long been mere echo chambers of the worst aspects of liberal thought: specious notions of “safe spaces” that place frighteningly totalitarian limitations on freedom of expression, a cult of self-esteem that prioritizes emotional well-being over intellectual advancement, and a watered down, pre-packaged form of “diversity” that emphasizes racial, sexual or gender diversity over the truest and most important form of diversity: differences of thought and opinion. Thus:

>'What’s happening on campus is – I started feeling it twenty years ago, actually, the way the campus in America was drifting away from intellectual life, the way the campus was becoming a summer camp, the way the universities were beginning to focus their strategies on getting parents to pay money to send their children there, so we’re going to give the kids “a nice experience.” So now, you see, the Student Services departments are taking over. This is leading to the speech codes and so on: “Oh, my God, we can’t have a child coming here, with someone paying for them to come here, and then for them to hear a nasty thing about them! We must squelch that.” The universities must be centered around the idea of intellectual discourse, intellectual enquiry. We cannot have any speech codes. This is absurd.'

>> No.5815773

It's spelled La-a, racist.

>> No.5815831


Nothing is wrong with these. Patriarchy is a natural condition in a setting with natural power dynamics.

>> No.5815835

>The left went too far

they didn't really. the "right" blew it out of proportion, sure

>> No.5815841

>The left went too far

>they didn't really

>So many people hate them.

>> No.5815843


>> No.5815856


>> No.5815864
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>greentext will never be a sufficient form of communication

>> No.5815865

It's more the case that social progressivism is a luxury of prosperous times, and now that the world economy is more or less fucked we're forced to abandon our lofty egalitarian notions and focus on our self-interests. It's a recurring cycle.

>> No.5815873

>It's a recurring cycle.
Agreed. The right will go to far. Too much Jesus. Then we'll start electing dems again. Then they'll start wit their tranny loving white male hating nonsense and piss everybody who bothers to vote off.

>> No.5816026

Is it just that we're currently up to our necks in prissy progressive horseshit, and the grass is always greener, or is right wing tyranny legitimately preferable to left wing tyranny?

I mean, fuck, at least right wing epochs got empires and dressed nicely and shit. We just sit around and cry about our faggot feelings and whine for more free stuff.

Maybe the right wing aspect is masculine and the left wing is feminine.

>> No.5816075

If you did the same you'd see that the leftist population is 70% rich self-hating whites and 30% poor minorities who help keep the former in power

>> No.5816108


I am a crossdresser going through HRT and no, it isn't a medical condition, despite what psychologists trannies say. There are no theories about what it is. All we can call it right now is a personality trait.

>> No.5816121

But that's wrong, and just because you don't fall under gid doesn't mean it isn't a well documented disorder

>> No.5816563
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>> No.5816605

>Serious question, are transsexuals a medical condition or a transgender identity?

It is the manifestation of the "beautiful ones" in from the mouse experiment done in the 70s, only in human society.

Society has made it functionally impossible to be a masculine male, and thus, some men choose to change their sex to female(disregarding the fact that it isn't possible to do biologically for a moment), to become beautiful.

Beauty in this sense being characterized as having feminine/female characteristics.

It is the death-throes of a society, when men cannot be men, and want to be women, and women want to be masculine, and be like men.

>> No.5816878

Literally retarded

>> No.5816913

Looks like the average drummer to me.

>> No.5816950

even hte most moderate feminist believe it, along with anyone who says "durr I like 2nd wave, way better than 3rd wave"

>> No.5816965

Naw, like, most feminists believe gender is a social construct, but they still recognise that there are neurological differences between the sexes

>> No.5816969

i bet they believe as many as 6 mutually exclusive things before breakfast

>> No.5816977


>> No.5816984

>all these /pol/ threads

>> No.5818616

Im thinking about writing a tranny novel, which is more popular m to f or f to m?

>> No.5818622

also that is hawt.

ftm is disgusting.

>> No.5818627

M->F, so you should do the opposite and make it about priapism

>> No.5818645

Are you sure thats right, wouldn't feminists hate them for originally being men?

>> No.5818670

That's what TERFs are. Trans exclusionary radical feminists, which along with political lesbian and German Riesling were the main parts of the eighties feminists would like to forget. I think they still want everyone to think of the porn viewing children's demographic, but have since added Internet in dripping font.

>> No.5818678

But amoungst the majority of people who would advocate and be interested in a book about transexualism there wouldn't be a problem?

>> No.5818696

Nah, there's more mtfs, and more people who want to fuck them. TERFs also hate everything so I'm not sure you could write anything terribly nice in your book if you wrote it to appeal to them.

>> No.5818701

>Transsexualism is thus the ultimate, and we might even say the logical, conclusion of male possession
of women in a patriarchal society. Literally, men here possess women.

What the fuck, man.

what the fuck.

>> No.5818723

What are some traumatic experiences my tranny could have that people would like to hear about, outside of obvious stuff like family and friends rejecting them and street harassment

>> No.5818735

Being buried alive in a box filled with rats is usually good trauma if you're stuck.

>> No.5818743

Im going for something more realistic than that, think tumblr posts

>> No.5818754

tumblr posts have never been real or realistic to me, but I could probably send you a few Norwegian rats if you are doing some Ken Kesey method thing.

>> No.5819033

the author is afraid trannies would compete with her for men :p

>> No.5819034

>I think if you pulled your head out of your ass for a few seconds,
if you could manage to break your delusions for a few moments you would notice how liberal colleges and the academic world is
>there are people in this world who are this delusional

>> No.5819048

>"Female" and "male" are bullshit terms to begin with.
yes we should all refer to each other with the proper otherkin pronouns

>> No.5819135

>the "male and female is a spcial construct" is a lit meme right?
Plebs somehow found a way to separate gender from sex by defining gender as the set of learned behaviors that are commonly associated with the sexes. With identity being as important to leftist cunts as it is to reactionary cunts, they then somehow established the belief that, instead of abolishing the need to define and "prove" one's sex and sexuality through a specific set of behaviors, you need to create yet more behavioral categories that people have to identify as to cater to every possible spook that humans can have.

>> No.5819155

the author is a piece of shit

>> No.5819160

Further, with the average idiot being unable to distinguish the reality of having a penis from the sociocultural expectations placed upon oneself for having a penis, trannies have a foundation to justify their brain spooks as merely another identity-category. Muh actual penis becomes the symbol of the arbitrary set of behavior expected from me because of having it. Cutting it off becomes an expected way to deviate from the binary categorization and assume one of the various other gender identities that my friendly spooked loons or myself invented for me. This is why the left commonly accepts trans as a way of expression, rather the mental sickness that it is. Maybe someone should tell them that hating your own body is something that needs to be treated psychiatrically and not by cutting your dick off.

>> No.5819326


>> No.5819371

I actually picked up a book on the psychology of gender, and the first few chapters were about the physical differences of male and female brains.

Eventually, I read the introduction or something and it said that the title used to be "the psychology of women" but they changed it to be more neutral because it was used in womens' studies classes

>> No.5820350

However, they added, their traditional morality, which had been gradually eroding, was now being totally subverted by an imported degeneracy. The result was that anything capable of being corrupted or of causing corruption was on view in the city, and young people were becoming decadent through fads from overseas-visiting the gymnasia, loafing around, and indulging in degrading love affairs. And the emperor and Senate were responsible: not only did they countenance such vices, but they put pressure on Roman nobleman to demean themselves on stage on the pretext of delivering speeches and poetry. What now remained but to strip off, take up boxing-gloves, and train in that sort of fighting rather than military drills and weaponry?
>tct 14.20

The Persian king wanted to kill all the males to keep them from revolting and what the defeated king proposed was to inculturate softness in order to make the people docile and servile; effeminacy was seen as the mark of a slave. These men are to be softened.

But let the Lydians be pardoned; and lay on them this command, that they may not revolt or be dangerous to you; then, I say, and forbid them to possess weapons of war, and command them to wear tunics under their cloaks and buskins on their feet, and to teach their sons lyre-playing and song and dance and huckstering (the word "retail" in one translation). Then, O King, you will soon see them turned to women instead of men; and thus you need not fear lest they revolt
>hdt 1.155

>> No.5820379

Tao Lin could have told it to count calories.

>> No.5822137

Why don't you read something useful, like a biology textbook you tard

>> No.5822166

Typical snark from a butthurt eternal victim