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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 394x465, Sylvia_plath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5813306 No.5813306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

listen... we all know that women are worse at writing than men, genetically. but heck!, if the animalistic brain of the Negroe can produce works of literature on the level of Native Son, Dom Casmurro, Hot Nigga, etc., there must be decent women writers too. Personally i think annie dillard is good. i think jane austen is good too but i cant say that in real life because people will think im a fag. Sylvia plath is insanely bad and id rather read her abusive husband's poems about birds or whatever than anything she wrote. What are /lit/'s favorite female authors

>> No.5813314

>Sylvia plath is insanely bad and id rather read her abusive husband's poems about birds or whatever than anything she wrote.
heh, funny cus true.

>> No.5813317

Donna Tartt

>> No.5813342

Woolf. come at me

>> No.5813346

Emily Dickinson and Sappho are very good poets.

Jane Austen is good, wouldn't call her patrician precisely.

Zadie Smith, Mary Shelley, Virginia Wolf, Willa Cather, all excellent.

Don't think I've read any female playwrights

>> No.5813350


>> No.5813355

VirGene Wolfe

>> No.5813363
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Ayn Rand

>> No.5813392

Yasmina Reza, Sarah Ruhl, and Caryl Churchill are all very good playwrights.

>> No.5813398

>Sarah Ruhl, and Caryl Churchill are all very good playwrights.

Haha. Oh, God.

>> No.5813405

Regummend sum blays

>> No.5813418


Ayn Rand is literally the only decent female philosopher and the only one of any popularity that isn't bound by feminism.

>> No.5813421


>> No.5813433
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>> No.5813443
File: 28 KB, 450x416, Simone_Weil_1921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadnt heard of her and im interested in christian mysticism so thank u. Shes very moe
>From seeing her practice on make shift shooting ranges, her comrades saw she was a very poor shot and tried to avoid taking her on missions, though she did sometimes insist. Her only direct participation in combat was to shoot with her rifle at a bomber during an air raid; in a second raid, she tried to man the group's heavy machine gun, but her comrades prevented her, as they thought it would be best for someone less clumsy and short-sighted to use the weapon. After being with the group for a few weeks, she burnt herself over a cooking fire. She was forced to leave the unit

>> No.5813454

Ann Patchett, JK Rowling, Ayn Rand, Stephanie Meyer, 50 shades bitch > any male writer, if you could even name more than 3

>> No.5813457

Helen Keller's grieving father

>> No.5813464

>we all know that women are worse at writing than men, genetically

no we don't "all know." and fuck you. genetically? really?

>if the animalistic brain of the Negroe can produce works of literature on the level of Native Son, Dom Casmurro...

yeah, fuck you twice

>> No.5813468


>> No.5813495

jesus christ.. this guy doesnt like Native Son and Dom Casmurro?

>> No.5813502

Virginia Woolf is in the top 5 greatest writers of the 20th century, i think.

>> No.5813532

It's very interesting, recently (couple of months ago) there was a thread of a lot of universities and their English reading lists, every single one had a Woolf novel on there, and most of them had different ones. All the other authors had their magnum opus on there, the same solid work, but Woolf was one of the few who had multiple works throughout the lists. To The Lighthouse, Mrs Dalloway and The Waves were the most prominent ones.

>> No.5813537

This is a question from the bottom of my heart, and the emphasis will most likely corrupt the answer, but I want you to take it into account nontheless.

Do you actually believe this, and are you comfertable stating this without a screen in front of you?

>> No.5813865

And hates science

>> No.5814200
File: 246 KB, 616x609, George_Eliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like George Eliot.


>> No.5814241

I personally don't find Ayn Rand to be a good philosopher, but i admire her edgy, unapologetic, ultra right wing stance. If only we had more Ayn Rands today to step on all the feminazis' nuts.

>> No.5814246

>muh genetic purity!
if we're going to go along with your fucked-up premise, then the non-whites and non-men are the "purest" because they had no hand in bringing the malevolent blight called Civilization to the face of earth.

>> No.5814267


are you suggesting that women are worse writers than men (a flawed premise to begin with--not to mention wrong and stupid) because of...genetics? what do genetics have to do with writing fiction? seriously, defend yourself.

>> No.5814298

t. 9gagarmy

>> No.5814323

Sasha Grey is my favourite, she always stimulates my patrician feelings

>> No.5814331

Twilight was pretty good

>> No.5814332

you are so ignorant you don't even deserve an answer

try to look for a bit first

>> No.5814337

harry potter is very creative

>> No.5814343

If you're looking for a contemporary author, Toni Morrison is pretty good once you get past all the stuff on race and discrimination.
She often gets type casted as an Activist or African American writer, but there so much more to her work.

>> No.5814351

God of Carnage, 'Art,' and Eurydice

>> No.5814355

>pretty good once you get past all the stuff on race and discrimination
would you look for edible pieces in somebody's feces?

>> No.5814378

Paradise isn't really about racism. At least give it a try before you dismiss her completely.

I really do wish her novels didn't revolve so centrally around racism. She really is a talented writer, but she's thrown in with the left-wing smut. pile

>> No.5814389

Stop taking their shitty bait.

>> No.5814415

>once you get past all the stuff on race and discrimination.
>because if you write about these things you just can't be taken seriously!