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5806755 No.5806755 [Reply] [Original]

What's the spookiest philosophy?
Who's the spookiest philosopher?

>> No.5806804

His first works were some satanic stuff, he didn't even mention social or economic issues.

''Yet I have power within my youthful arms
To clench and crush you with tempestuous force,
While for us both the abyss yawns in darkness.
You will sink down and I shall follow laughing,
Whispering in your ears, “Descend,
come with me, friend.”

>> No.5806930

Stoicism. They attempt to live according to a completely arbitrary concept of nature and act like that is a thing of virtue. They're wholly unaware that they're merely doing what they like without any good ulterior justification.

Hacks and involuntary egoists, the lot of them.

>> No.5806952

Mad hedonist detected.

>> No.5806957

probably hegel or plato

>> No.5806961


>> No.5807006

This. Marxism is unfalsifiable dogma.

>> No.5807028


>> No.5807203
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Spookenchauer, see what I did there?

>> No.5807307


>> No.5807313

>not being a Stoic Hedonist
Step up nigguh

>> No.5807623

CS Lewis

>> No.5807627


probably socrates or plato

>> No.5807644

>What's the spookiest philosophy?

>Who's the spookiest philosopher?

>> No.5807869

did u mean spoocrates?

>> No.5808331
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spooky philosophy/philosopher... come on thats a pretty fucking dull and shit question. What the fuck, like, spooky/philosophy. Either you want to try to be pure edge De Sade fucking WAOOOAAAH. Or you're just an idiot or both. De Sade though...


what is with Stoicism these days - seems trendy.

Like when true detective came out, loads of guys on reddit started calling themselves fucking realists. Has Stoicism been mentioned in some fucking Americano TV show?

>> No.5808344



>> No.5808355

Hegel is the one most obsessed with spooks, if that's what you're asking

>> No.5808363

All of them, because all of them are dead.

>all of them are skellies!

>> No.5808527

you, like a sponge, have absorbed the propaganda of the anti-communist ocean around you. Try actually understanding what Marx meant. He saw oppression and he wanted it to end. What is so spooky about that? Look to the the owners of the world. Aren't they the spooky ones? The ones who start wars and cut up lands, buy slaves and steal resources and control every piece of mass media and monitor everything we do? How do you justify bourgeoisie oppression? Marx was right.

>> No.5808554

But a completely equal society is a society of Last Men with no potential for human excellence.

>> No.5808565

Why are you on /lit/ so much fag

>> No.5808579

the human excellence is the society itself getting over its divided ego

>> No.5808584

No, it's artistic, scientific and even military accomplishment on a grand scale. Scipio Africanus being an example of the latter.

>> No.5808589

communism doesn't try to create a completely equal society. It is the workers owning the means of production. 1 person has no right to owning more than he/she will ever be able to use. It's silly for 1 person to own a mountain or an ocean, lake, or massive acres and acres of land while others (who do need it), starve and die. The Moon, for example, is public property. No one "owns" the moon. It belongs to everyone. The Sun is also public property. The means of production though, are now under the ownership of a small percentage of people. These elite do the least amount of work and receive the greatest amount of money. The poor and middle class do the greatest of work, and yet are underpaid and do not have control over the means of production. It's topsy-turvy: a contradiction of capitalism that needs to be addressed with revolutionary socialism.

>> No.5808593

>butthurt Nietzschian detected

>> No.5808596

>These elite do the least amount of work and receive the greatest amount of money
Because they work smart, not hard.

My butt is unpained, but thank you for your concern.

>> No.5808599

>What's the spookiest philosophy?
>Who's the spookiest philosopher?

>> No.5808603

Cuckolddd liberal detected

>> No.5808607

They don't work smart, most of them are born into wealth or just get lucky, and that luck comes at the expense of the people and resources they exploit. Stop swallowing bourgeois propaganda.

>> No.5808609

they work "smart" because they can get away with it, because they have the background and resources already within their grasp before jizzing themselves all over the mountaintops

because they were like Tyrion Lannister and born into a wealthy family

they don't deserve it, though

>> No.5808613

they are immature and spoiled little men, I agree

they need an eternally massive spanking by those who build the paddles

>> No.5808614

>What's the spookiest philosophy?
Enlightenment Rationalism and its descendents
>Who's the spookiest philosopher
I wanna say Rand, but I'd be laughed off this board if I called her a philosopher. BF Skinner, then.

>> No.5808619

>Implying Communism has anything to do with equality beyond equality of opportunity and political equality


I'm going to forgo being nice and say that you're probably an impertinent mongoloid if you can't even be bothered to read the wikipedia
article on Communism.

>> No.5808635

to "work smart" you need access to some of the best education there is. To get into some of the best universities, you need to either be a born-genius or you have to already be rather wealthy. What tends to happen is that a caste system is created. The wealthy and powerful become even more wealthy and powerful (because of their wealth and power) and the poor and powerless become even more poor and powerless. This is what is known as the "concentration of capital." Under capitalism, there is this tendency for capital to be hoarded away into fewer and fewer hands (until you're left with an oligarchy).

>> No.5808642

>implying Communism looks for equal opportunity elsewhere than in outcome

>> No.5808643

just a heads up: I don't think Stirner ever tells you to "be strong" or anything (not that he really tells you to do anything). His only concern is with the Unique, the miraculous "whatever".

>> No.5808653

don't equate far left Marxists with cowardly, stupid revisionist liberals.

>> No.5808670

It doesn't. Did you even fucking read that link?

>> No.5808681

Can someone explain me the meme behind Stirner? I am new to /lit/.

>> No.5808693

He was obsessed with spooks

>> No.5808699

Europe has free university-level education open to all (some countries actually paying people who won't even attend to sign up if they're poor). It's wasted on most of the population: they're given a fair chance but they just happen to be too fucking dumb. What's your next move?

>> No.5808702

how to get stirner hair?

>> No.5808709

Why would he want that? He already has enough don't you think

>> No.5808745

"Education" never meant that much, and means even less once it gets democratized, since post-graduation programs and actual good jobs depend on money or contacts.

>> No.5808751

Europe is by far one of the best first-world places to live, first of all.
Even though some people are better suited to manual labor, they should get the full payment for that labor. The only way to ensure this is to have them own their workplaces. Yet, it is not as if the most oppressed and exploited people are the European lower class, or even the American lower class. It is the 3rd world peasantry that gets exploited the most under capitalism.

>> No.5808762


>> No.5808768

>What's the spookiest philosophy?
Evola shit
>Who's the spookiest philosopher?
Kant all the way.

>> No.5808784
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>not Julius Evola

>> No.5808804

Deepak Chopra has the spookiest adherents

>> No.5808872

Solipsism is literally and objectively the spookiest philosophy.

I mean all the assertions are true. You can't prove anything other than the self exists. You all could be robots programmed to respond to this post. Or we could all be in some dystopian future in this simulated life as punishment

>> No.5808875
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>yfw I'm telling you it's true and you need to wake up

>> No.5808878


This is my only irrational fear.

>> No.5808917

You can't prove the self exists either, silly.

>> No.5808936

Even if nothing is real, why does it matter? If this is all simulated and we're here until death, then would it ever matter?

>> No.5808946

couldn't you say that about any philosophical query ever

>> No.5808951

Artistic and scientific accomplishments can both exist in a society that had gotten over its divided ego. I'm going to pretend you didn't even say military because that's str8 retarded

>> No.5808952

No, others actually have consequences. Solipsism doesn't.

>> No.5808958

Hm. I'm not well read on the subject, really just a dilettante's perspective on it. But, if you're trying to say the self doesn't exist, how can something that doesn't exist be telling the truth about something that doesn't exist?

"Ghosts don't exist" said the ghost

>> No.5808961

solipsism has consequences if you decide to start murdering spooks or robots or mirages or whatever solipsists think
in fact i'd say it has more consequences than like any continental shit or existentialism/nihilism/absurdism

>> No.5808981

>solipsism has consequences if you decide to start murdering spooks or robots or mirages or whatever solipsists think
It only has consequences if you would hang onto ethical stances because of someone's perceived "realness" otherwise, but that sounds pretty silly.

>why didn't you kill the baby, anon?
>well, he's WAY too real

>> No.5809058

Why not be a hedonist? Like we have shit else to do...

>> No.5809068

No, because many other philosophies don't suggest that nothing is actually real.

>> No.5809111

>because they were like Tyrion Lannister and born into a wealthy family
Thank you for further perpetuating the stereotype that 99% of Marxists are retarded college students.

>> No.5809146

I don't understand how anyone could not be an individualist or at least a libertarian.

>> No.5809276

>ad hominem

>> No.5809330


>> No.5809337

Stirnerism and Stirner.

>> No.5809368

Who are you to say what another deserves?

>> No.5810285
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There. I give the attention you've been looking for

>> No.5810708
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Justification is a spook you silly cunt.

>> No.5810748

>what is with Stoicism these days - seems trendy.
CBT and self-help has a lot in common with stoicism and now that everybody and their dog wants to be "the best version of themselves" they stumble upon stoicism.

>tfw you love stoicism because Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.5811806

>loving the most incompetent shitty hobbyist Stoic