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/lit/ - Literature

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5797731 No.5797731 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, so I'm writing a paper on you fine folks. I've been on this board since late 2010. I'm writing for a cyberculture studies class. Any suggestions for a thesis?

>> No.5797737

To start with the Greeks is to succumb to the memes; however, this isn't inherently a bad thing.

>> No.5797757

Elitism and anonymity

>> No.5797760

I'm thinking of a thesis of this place being a gathering place of in-college or college-educated white males to basically loosen up with some high brow politically incorrect discussion and humor. but that doesn't seem like an especially compelling research paper.

>> No.5797763

>cyberculture studies
Goddammit. Well, don't write about 4chan, at least.

>> No.5797767

what's wrong with that? douchey term for it?

>> No.5797768

Don't tread on my memes: the literary world and conformity.

>> No.5797772

That's not what this board is for at all.

>> No.5797774

You have purportedly been here since 2010 (which anyone can look btw) yet you can't think of a fucking thesis? Are you retarded?

>> No.5797789

the truly "infinite jest" of literary elitism and the "gravity" of the "rainbow" of inclusive memery.

>> No.5797795

here’s what I’m thinking
demographic - white, educated male
interests - reading, writing, history, philosophy
political views- liberal/libertarian weird, inconsistent stance of feminism/progressivism.
Product of the community - there were two online zines, TAR and The Metric. I was an editor for both of these, and a lot of the audience/contributors came from /lit/, even though they said it was shit every time we released a new issue.
common threads - circlejerks over certain authors, what pen do you use?, favorite book?, why is this guy full of shit?, etc.

>> No.5797804

what do you mean anyone can look?

>> No.5797810

alright, this thread has ensured that you must include memes, dude. that's what you have to do

>> No.5797839

>political views- liberal/libertarian weird, inconsistent stance of feminism/progressivism.
different people have different opinions, how fuckin weird

>> No.5797979

What kind of memes does lit have?

>> No.5797989

Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, Blood Meridian, the Silmarillion etc

>> No.5798000

Zizek, Stirner, Rimbaud's boipussy

>> No.5798032

Memes come and go.
At one point, most of the /lit/ OC was produced by various tripcoders.

>> No.5798053

>le revisionist /lit/ history face

fuck you crypto-tripfag

>> No.5798067

whatever happened to the tripcoders?
remember sungod or something?

>> No.5798073

How am I wrong?
Brownbear, Deep&Edgy, Fabulous, Quentin, and various others provided a lot of OC. Whether it was good or not is irrelevant.

Then there were the various zines, such as The April Reader, the creators of which were tripcoders.

You are right. Sometimes I do use a tripcode. I have used various ones over the years. I think the most of any of them have is around 600 posts. I'd have to look.

>> No.5798078

You mean Sunhawk.

>> No.5798086

YES. oh god, sunhawk.

>> No.5798103
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I saved a lot for a while.
I haven't really saved anything for years.

>> No.5798115

why don't they post anymore? truman capote and sunhawk posted all the time.

>> No.5798140

People move on I guess.
Life goes on, circumstances change.
Could look in the archive when they last posted.
Of course, still the chance around, simply not using names.
Perhaps it simply wasn't worthwhile any longer.

>> No.5798151
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or maybe they were banned enough to not want to be obvious anymore.

>> No.5798155

>Corn corn corn
>le God delusion
>getting told off by old ladies about renting/reading/buying Lolita
>Ayn Rand a shit
>Pure ideology!
>No Bible = pleb.
>reading translations
and so on and so forth

>> No.5798157
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or in some cases, doxed.
Simply not worth the problems.

>> No.5798162

Wait, Deep&Edgy got God Tier? Why?

>> No.5798172
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Obviously they were placed wherever whoever created that wanted them placed rather than any sort of consensus.

>> No.5798176


Also include the best one:

Christ, you're making me nostalgic. Stop.

He was a major asshole but his elitism turned the board for the best (although I do feel kind of bad for the genre fans) and showed intersubjectivity/relativism was the way to go.

>> No.5798190

Very true. this board went to shit after him and his kind left.

>> No.5798197
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>> No.5798203

3rd and Behemoth were the only tolerable people out of all fo those. 3rd probably still posts anon though

>> No.5798219

You're giving me chills, anon. I still regret not contributing to it.

Yeah, it definitely raised the level of discourse. Aside from the part where if D&E felt he was losing he'd resort to deconstructionalist tactics until the other poster was tired of defining everything and circular wordgames. Good times.

>> No.5798227

Currently Paradise is the biggest autist tripper on the board. Speak the phrase '' I SUMMON YE O PARADISE'' and he shall appear.

>> No.5798228
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Looks I have around 150 pics. Mostly 2010-2011. I came to /lit/ after it created. Most of the lit talk and similar was on /r9k/ before that.

>> No.5798235

I had fun with him earlier.

>> No.5798240
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>> No.5798246

Actually, that's exactly what it is.

>> No.5798251

Rare instance of Deep&Edgy being cool

>> No.5798258

Actually the board is for posting memes and for asking what book to read next because you're an indecisive retard who can't figure things out for them self

>> No.5798263

It's also that.

>> No.5798270

/lit/ is where cuckolds co me to be cucked.

>> No.5798300


There's actually a lot.
I didn't realize.
Then again, I don't come often anymore and don't look at many threads.

>> No.5798315

It is now canon that GamerGirl is the first /lit/ tripfag

>> No.5798317

Paradise!!vh7XQhHe/pR Sat Nov 15 03:34:07 2014 982

Almost a 1,000 posts under that trip in two weeks.

>> No.5798325

Like five of these are me, though.

>> No.5798326
File: 990 KB, 284x215, the black parade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's also one of the worst posters I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.5798328

Weird how I never even noticed them

>> No.5798336

For anyone looking at the archive, do note that due to to it people on various sites and other problems, that it isn't complete and has glaring errors, omissions, and tons of missing posts if clicking on names. Among other things.

>> No.5798355

I never had trouble finding anything on it but OK

>> No.5798358

Also, as it says only >30 posts are included.

I only meant the lists.

>> No.5798380

I meant recently.

>> No.5798390

? I'm telling you at least 5 of those recent namefags are me. What relevance does this comment have?

>> No.5798394

Nah, only the oldest with 30+ posts.
Probably older that didn't make the cut.
You would have to manually look through the earliest posts for that.

>> No.5798400

Oh, okay. I wasn't sure since I didn't clarify recently and it's a list of since 2010.

>> No.5798450

I believe you.
You aren't much better.
This makes you eminently qualified to judge.


>> No.5798457
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At least I'm not a lot worse.

>> No.5798474

Enjoy your clown college degree. Hope you didn't go too deep into debt to pay for this dog show certificate.

>> No.5798491

One final thing.
For those with less than 30 posts, can simply put the tripcode at the end of the url:


>> No.5798496

hurr durr if an education has a contemporary humanities course it's worthless lol

>> No.5798528


tybrax was king of /lit/ in the golden age. he actually knew a lot about wittgenstein.

>> No.5798593

you're confusing him with onionring youf ucking idiot

>> No.5799204


>tfw a whos on /k/ thread showed that over half of them came within the last month

is there anyone on this site now who was before fox news anonymous? is this what being an oldfag feels like?

>> No.5799308

I foudn 4chan in 2004 when I was looking up anime websites

>> No.5799311


/lit/ itself is a pretty boring idea but 4chan, anonymity in general is pretty cool.

>> No.5799350


what boards did you use, if i may ask.

>> No.5799589

the anime boards

>> No.5799593

I was here about 6 months before the scientology bologna went down. Principally I miss EFG and caturday. Also /arcanine/ before the feelers and old /x/.

>> No.5799600

porkslope turkeyhandle

>> No.5800985


>> No.5800995

While we are reminiscing about tripfags does anybody remember Bullkowski?

His threads were god-tier. He was a good troll in the sense that he would set himself up to be BTFO in the most hilarious way possible.

>> No.5801024

I've been here since either 2006 or 2007, I forget exactly which. I miss Geass Sundays and not having either captcha or the post counter. Captcha was a necessary evil, since the AnonTalk spamming was getting badly out of hand (although I maintain that if the site owner had been sufficiently threatened, he would have backed down). The post counter is bullshit, however. Flood detection was perfectly fine.