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/lit/ - Literature

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5793163 No.5793163 [Reply] [Original]

What have you read this year, /lit/?

>> No.5793169

i dunno a bunch a bullshit

>> No.5793184

the western canon

>> No.5793245

it's not bullshit if you liked it, anon

>> No.5793871

yes it is pleb

>> No.5793878


>> No.5793897

many, many 4chan threads

>> No.5793901

Learnt about started and reading through Dostoevsky after lurking /lit

I know I'm a pleb, but thank you anyway for introducing me gents

>> No.5793911

a bunch of stuff

favorite so far was 100 Years of Solitude.

Currently reading Meme Meridian

>> No.5793969

Buncha books.

>> No.5794044

...I haven't read a single book this year, but this is the only board I come to.

Most of the time I am on reddit /r/books just agreeing with whoever has the top comment.

>> No.5794058

Why do you even exist? There are clearly people like you who just come here to be cancerous by compulsion. What the fuck is actually wrong with you retards.

>> No.5794120

White Noise
Harry Potter 1-7
Absalom Absalom
As I lay Dying*
Sound and The Fury*
Brave New World
Edith Hamilton's Mythology
Pride and Prejudice
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Book of the New Sun*
The Double
Pale Fire
Ada or Ador
Don Quioxte
All The Pretty Horses
In Cold Blood
Wind Up Bird Chronicle
Tender is the Night
The Plague
A hand full of short stories and plays


>> No.5794145
File: 36 KB, 838x598, fuckingserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is mad at someone being on a jap cartoon board
>asks whats wrong with ME

>> No.5794154

So...you joined /lit/ this year?

>> No.5794188


I started reading seriously 2 years ago

>> No.5794197
File: 588 KB, 1229x1957, 2014 nov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liked: Flaubert, Nietzsche, Liddell, Schwartz, Bellow, Roth, Ariosto, Ovid, Hume, Bloom's commentary, Woolf, Austen, Forster, Saunders, Trilling, Boorstin, Brooks, Berkeley

>> No.5794201


Wow this is your entire shitty life huh?

>> No.5794209

Lol! Phew man phew. Whoa! Gotta start somewhere though, hats off to you

>> No.5794236

Bunch of Saunders
The Tunnel
Martin Dressler
Inherent Vice
Sons and Lovers
Master And Margherita
If on a winters night a traveler
Invisible cities
His dark materials
Dr Faustus (Mann)
Faust pt 1
Cats cradle
Penny arcade
The trial
Leaves of Grass

Overall, I'm pleased

>> No.5794244
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>still shit posting in anger about jap cartoon board's occupants

>> No.5794252

>Yes ;_;

>> No.5794303

4chan threads, that's all I read and ever will read.

>> No.5794357

Props to you. I have a list of books I want to read... eventually. I think I'll get to them. Eventually.

>> No.5795138


Critique of Pure Reason
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
Critique of Practical Reason
Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason
Critique of the Power of Judgment
A History of Philosophy, Volume 6 (Copleston)
Herder: Philosophical Writings
Schleiermacher: Hermeneutics and Criticism
Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone
Solo Faces

Currently reading Paddle Your Own Canoe

>> No.5795404

no life

>> No.5795433


Wolfgang Smith- Cosmos and Transcendence: Breaking Through the Barrier of Scientistic Belief.
Ernst Junger: The Glass Bees
Leibniz- The Monadology
Nietzsche- On The Genealogy of Morals
Nishida Kitaro- Nothingness and the Religious Worldview
Schelling: Clara
Louis Althusser: For Marx
Descartes: Discourse on Method and Meditations of First Philosophy
Phaedrus: Plato
Lenin- The State and Revolution
Hillaire Belloc- Monarchy; A study of Louis XIV
Carl Schmitt: Political Romanticism
Dante- De Monarchia
Paul Gottfried: The Strange Death of Marxism: The European Left in the New Millennium.
+ a bunch of stuff for University and some repeats on Schmitt, Evola, de Maistre and Plato works that I have mostly read before. Allot of segments of Early Modern stuff like Robert Boyle, Berkeley, Malebranche and I'm still working through Kant's first Critique.

>> No.5795462

Gulliver's Travels, Swift
The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck
On the Road, Kerouac (wanted to re-visit but I acknowledge not his best work)
The Road to Wigan Pier, Orwell
Down and Out in Paris and London, also Orwell
The Dance of Death, August Strindberg
Flappers and Philosophers, Fitzgerald
The Painted Word, Tom Wolfe
Dictionnaire Philosophique, Voltaire
Candide, Voltaire (once a year or so)
essays, Voltaire
essays, Rousseau
Chronicles: Volume One, Bob Dylan
anthology of essays about and reviews of Bob Dylan's work, edited by Sean Egan
Harry Potter 4-7; LOTR trilogy and the Hobbit

>> No.5795518

The Law - F. Bastiat
Mastermind M. Konnikova
Napoleon's Buttons - P. Couteur
Decisions, Uncertainty and the Brain - P. Glimcher
The Communist Manifesto
How to Read Lacan - S. Zizek
Law: A Very Short Introduction - R. Wachs
Don't go to Law School - P. Campos.
The Unfolding Language - G. Deutscher
Lacan: In Spite Of
What Every BODY is Saying
Machine Shop Trade Secrets
The Stranger - A. Camus
Storm of Steel - E. Junger
The Secret Life of Pronouns - J. Pennebaker
On Dreams - S. Freud
Lacan - S. Homer
Notes from the Underground - ..
The Greek Mythologies - Edith Hamilton

>> No.5795541

Edith Hamilton is lovely, we used that as a textbook in my twelfth-grade humanities class a few years ago. Re-read the Norse chapter after getting stoned and reading some wikipedia pages about navigation just this week.

>> No.5795558

Zeroville - Steve Erickson
Inherent Vice - Pynchon
Shoeless Joe - W.P. Kineslla
ASoIaF 4 and 5 - GRRM
The Metamorphosis - Kafka
NW - Zadie Smith
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
Mason and Dixon - Pynchon
Libra - Don DeLillo
Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
The Sirens of Titan - Vonnegut

not including the comic books that i read this year

>> No.5795568

A Man for all Seasons
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Don Quixote
White Noise
How to Make Love to a Negro
Titus Andronicus
Story of O
Rape: a love story
Angels in America
The Satyricon

Right Now: Bulfinch's mythology, The Bell Jar

>> No.5795573

Salem's Lot
The Cabinet of Curiosities
Into Thin Air
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
Second Foundation
Player of Games
The Name of the Wind
The Martian
Ready Player One
Flowers for Algernon
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
A Scanner Darkly
Masters of Doom
Diary of Anne Frank
The Endurance: Shackleton biography
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl Who Played with Fire
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest
The Fault in Our Stars

Probably a few more that I've forgotten.

Favourites: The Martian, Ready Player One, Unbroken, Masters of Doom, Anne Frank, Flowers for Algernon, The Endurance.

Worst: Penpal, The Fault in Our Stars, Player of Games.

Currently looking for a new book to read, any suggestions??

>> No.5795592
File: 443 KB, 762x2940, 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, Claudius
Under The Volcano
Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften
Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre

>> No.5795596
File: 86 KB, 500x500, greekmyths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I couldn't agree more. It's also a much better read than the common alternatives. I have The Greek Myths by Robert Graves sitting on my desk now and it's such a stale read in comparison to Edith Hamilton, which is almost ironic considering it's the Penguin comic book classics deluxe edition.

>> No.5795615
File: 273 KB, 669x1024, candide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, I've actually got the version of Candide from that series, come to think of it.

but it all came together for me when we used Mythology as a textbook in school, I hadn't put together why it was specifically important that we were taught about things like Ancient Greece and Egypt in a cursory manner as early as elementary school. Might give it to some younger cousin this festive season

>> No.5795663

Young Skins*
A Goat's Song*
Jesus' Son*
The Lime Works*
The Book of Disquiet
The Pugilist At Rest
Station Eleven
The Rings of Saturn
Love in the time if Cholera
A Death in the family - my struggle
Nightmare Alley
A Girl is a half formed thing
The Goldfinch
Anna Karenina
The Poor Mouth
Signifying Rappers
Wittgensteins Nephew
Seven Terrors
Leaving The Sea
The Testament of Mary

* = loved

>> No.5795669

thoughts on Antwerp? may pick it up

>> No.5795677

I have to say I really didn't like it. Then again I didn't like 2666 either. I love Bolano's short stories - guess that's what I'll stick to!

>> No.5795680

appreciate it m8. congrats on finishing Ulysses

>> No.5795738


That cover is hilarious.

>> No.5797132

I assure you, I do have a life. It's how I was able to read those books, read your post and type this reply.

>> No.5799106

are you ditching law for a job at a a machine shop?

>> No.5799477

American Psycho
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Maltese Falcon
The Stranger
No Longer Human

Only really had time to read starting in the fall. I have Kokoro and Post Office on my night stand and hope to finish those both off before the end of the year.