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/lit/ - Literature

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5792054 No.5792054[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just got an interview for my application to read English Literature at Oxford

I have one week - what ought I to be doing or reading to prepare?

>> No.5792066

not literature. reported

>> No.5792067

The Communist Manifesto.

>> No.5792068

The Greeks

>> No.5792080


Read that already actually


And also read a lot of the Greeks (and the Romans too)

>> No.5792220

>tfw you will never be an Oggsford man

>> No.5792225

>brits have to apply to read
Not Free/10

>> No.5792255

Me too. What college you applied for?
I'm re-reading all the texts I wrote about in my statement/the piece of work I sent in, and they expect you to be reading new stuff between your application and the interview so make sure you can gush about new stuff you've read. Good luck (unless you're applying to the same college as me, in which case I hope you're dreadful)

>> No.5792270

>tfw not going to a prestigious university

Oh well, at least it's free here.

>> No.5792299


Oh cool, it's good there's someone else here in the same situation! Haha, well I'll go first and say Christ Church, you?

I've basically been doing the same so far I suppose, the part I'm nervous about would be actually talking intelligently about them in the interview itself without succumbing to the pressure and clamming up (as one of my friends did last year). I suppose I'm nervous of nerves in that sense! What are your other choices?

>> No.5792315

oh my god dude... if you get into oxford i will be so jealous! what a beautiful school. and the idea of wearing the awesome clothes they wear there, living in the ancient dormitories. think of all the beautiful souls who passed through those corridors... you are truly blessed if you go to oxford!

anyway... i have no idea how to prepare. surely you should have been preparing the last ten or so years! not much you can do now..

>> No.5792316
File: 69 KB, 576x576, christchurch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god good luck, that's competitive as fuck
here, have a picture of me trying to look like as much of a wanker as possible in the christchurch gardens

yeah, I'm fairly confident in talking to people about english but im scared of clamming up. I need to balance being passionate and seeming a little bit humble, i dont want to come off like a twat but i also want to make it obvious that i really care about learning more

Im also applying to Durham, Edinburgh, Sheffield and Liverpool. you?

>> No.5792337

A book about picking up girls at uni

>> No.5792339


St Anrews (second choice), Durham, UCL and Bristol (got into UCL and Bristol last year, and have an offer from Bristol again already)

I agree, there is a fine line between inspired and pretentious, and that line becomes a lot harder to walk under that kind of pressure I believe. I'm actually looking forward to it though, and I wouldn't be too depressed if I didn't get in as long as I've had the chance to prove myself to them. Were you going for Christ Church too?

>> No.5792350

Gayniggers from Outer Space by Rainer Maria Rilke

>> No.5792354

OP what college?

>> No.5792357

yeah that was my thought process, i would have been really bothered if i hadnt got an interview, at least this way i can feel like my ELAT/all my preparation was for something, and that ive done everything i could to prove myself. im also looking forward to it in a masochistic sort of way
nope, im going for St Peters because im a filthy leftist

>> No.5792363

omg i've got one for english at christ church too anon
will see u on sunday ;)

>> No.5792365

what literature did you talk about in your statement?

>> No.5792372


Bring your A game friend ;)


Yeah, it's also something to even say "I had an interview at Oxford". Just as long as you avoid the whole 'Oxbridge reject syndrome' people keep talking about

>> No.5792378

ayy i'll play you at table tennis
warning: i have chinese friends

>> No.5792385

what AS subjects/grades?

>> No.5792391

Official thread theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9EF3p2up7I

>> No.5792402

>Brideshead Revisited
interestingly waugh set it not only at oxford, but at christ church

>> No.5792410


Christ Church/Hertford

Hertford is so beautiful too

>> No.5792420

very oggsford pose
much rothko

>> No.5792424


Gap yah applicant, A*AA in English (full marks across the entirety of A2), Politics and History

Have to abandon thread now but best of luck to you all (except >>5792363 ;) )

>> No.5792441

you going off to watch casualty?
that's what my mum's doing

>> No.5792462

I remember standing in almost that exact same spot last year.

I miss the U.K.

>> No.5792488

>tfw can't remember anything about the books on my personal statement
they will bring them up in the interview and i will blank

>> No.5792508

tfw put 13 books on my personal statement

>> No.5792511

what did you mention? i talked about king lear, lolita, t s eliot and john donne

>> No.5792515

You... didn't keep a copy?

>> No.5792532

i must have done similar, and referenced various other theorists, philosophers and literary figures
i didn't realise it was supposed to be solely english lel, so: bulgakov, borges, eco, camus&sartre, nabokov, george eliot, the brontes, seamus heaney and ezra pound woolf and joyce

also plato, aristophanes, sophocles, aristotle and kant i think
yes i have a copy, but i mentioned things like wuthering heights and can barely remember what happened in the book

>> No.5792548

jesus cunting christ how did you rant about all that? did you just namedrop? bulgakov and heaney are wonderful though good job

>> No.5792565

i expanded on each and worked it like an essay, so comparing and contrasting each rather than writing about them in isolation. for example i would say something about middlemarch being a staple of the victorian canon and then contrasted it with the lesser known and popular after death brontes and so on
it must have been at least ok if i got an interview but i think i would try to show off less if i rewrote it

>> No.5792582

yeah i figured, if youve got an interview you must have namedropped in a slightly analytical sense so hats off