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5781878 No.5781878 [Reply] [Original]

Just got these books in the mail
Camus: The Stranger
Camus: The Myth of Sisuphys
Kafka: The Trial
Kafka: Metamorphisis
Céline: Journey to the end of the night
What would be the best order to read them?
I've already read The Plague aswell as some Satre, but other than that, nothing really like these

>> No.5781883


Man oh man you're in for some really bleak shit. I don't know if there's any order that will make reading them more meaningful or anything though. I haven't read the Celine but of the others The Trial is my favourite and is something of a masterpiece

>> No.5781896

I've read alot of large epic and beautiful novels lately, which mostly glorifies life and i've been longing for something different

>> No.5781908

read hesse

>> No.5781911


Don't follow this guy's advice. Hesse is strictly for 19 year olds who are first getting into books. If that is where you are then go ahead of course but why bother?

>> No.5781914

Care to explain why?
>first getting into books at 19

>> No.5781923


Unfortunately it's a sad truth mate.

Hesse falls into a category with Vonnegut and Salinger as authors that explored some things adequately but are generally geared towards meager looks at existential angst that usually appeal to people who are that age and haven't had much reading experience. There's not much point in reading them except as a starting off point really

>> No.5781929

lol so entry level. just read them you idiot so you can move on to the interesting stuff

>> No.5781935

>Mans inherent frustration at impermanence was the only thematic element I managed to find in Hesse, and I'll completely disregarded his magnificent prose too.

Sounds like a typical 19yo trying his first critique.

>> No.5781937

Are you okay?

>> No.5781941



Dunno bro. You a Pahalniuk fan too?

>> No.5781947


pls no bully

>> No.5781952

>Dunno bro. You a Pahalniuk fan too?
Chuck Palahniuk is a fantastic author. A really, really great writer. Most of the hate directed at him is from people who can only focus on surface plot, and reside in the "anti-consumerism and loathing of contemporary western society is so cliche, 'try-hard and edgy' " category. As a storyteller he is great, as a man who can sculpt immaculate paragraphs he is even better, and as someone who has perfect command over the English language he is magnificent.

A few of the many reasons we like him as a writer:

⇒Use of grammatical devices: metaphor play, syntax structure, paying attention to meter, multiple underlying themes, pronoun variation, free indirect style for different characters, burying the first person perspective, creative use of split infinitives...

⇒Plot structure: effective deviation from linear, subtle foreshadowing, metaphorical physical devices...

⇒And his perfect structure: He trims all the redundant fat from his prose to focus on his stylized narrative which uses, among other things, almost poetic repetition of words and phrases. He mixes right, left and middle branching sentences with ingeniously placed emphatic words to mimic the plot; he's not a clumsy author at all, and has a perfect command over his scenes.

Palahniuk even prints off each page and sits with a pen, finely tuning hard and soft syllables to improve parsing. It's undeniable that he really knows what he is doing as an author, and it shows. He is a very good writer.

>> No.5782326

lmao OP what a coincidence
last few days I read Sisyphus -> The Stranger -> Metamorphosis -> The Trial (finished it 2 hours ago)
Very good books, and while we're on the subject, any recommendation on what to follow these up with? Didn't like The Stranger that much, loved Kafka's

>> No.5782342

How do I enjoy The Stranger? So boring

>> No.5782351

One must imagine reading The Stranger happy

>> No.5782354

It's actually called The Outsider in the latest Penguin translation. I can imagine that would make some people on this board, mad.

>> No.5782379

There is no point in reading Celine in English, Camus is really boring (but you should know that->la peste), just read Kafka

>> No.5783132

>last chapter of the trial
So good.

>> No.5783437

why did that img become a meme?

>> No.5783469

filipinos are actually pretty awful

>> No.5783473

The niggers of Asians, really.

>> No.5783476

Dunno. There is one kick ass Filipino in the world and they are nut hugging upon his greatness.

>> No.5783478

filipinos are fucking awful at math, always have 3 kids by the time their 21 and are slavish followers of the pope, often don't have their "documentation" in order...so more like mexicans of asia, but yeah, same idea.

>> No.5783480

you mean the filipino who refused to do any olympic style drug testing for perfomance enhancing drugs? lmao yeah "kick ass"

>> No.5783525

You still really buy this horseshit? The superfight never happened because of Floyd "Pick and Choose" Mayweather, not Pacquiao. Anyway, the fights lost its original drawl because Pacquiao isn't a pussy.

>> No.5784262

Not magnificent, but he's really good. He reminds me of Werther's great prose.

>> No.5784869

Just dropping in to say it's ridiculous to dislike Vonnegut and especially Salinger just because they wrote stuff that was a bit more accessible and easier to read.

It's like disliking the Beatles for not being avant-noise (insert other popular band if you dislike the Beatles).

>> No.5784912

why would you group vonnegut and salinger with hesse? because /lit/ taught you to make sweeping generalizations about authors you've never read?

>> No.5784915

Filipinos fucking rule

great drinking buddies, great food, not completely fucking crazy

what else do you want from a race

(daly city represent)

>> No.5784916

Popular music sucks, bro

>> No.5784920

agreed. i've read all or most of the important 'high lit' out there and vonnegut is still hands down my favorite author

>> No.5784941
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>> No.5784950

Kafka is easier
Metamorphosis -> The Trial