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5780856 No.5780856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most peaceful and tolerant religion? And why don't you subscribe to it?

>> No.5780857

but i do

>> No.5780875



pick 1

>> No.5780884

because they're faggots

>> No.5780886

nice meme friend :))))))))))))))00

>> No.5780892


tolerance is lame.

>> No.5780921

There's no criteria for 'peaceful' and 'tolerant' concerning ideologies.

>> No.5780931

that jesus looks like mckenna

>> No.5780941

I'm a Christian and I don't see how I could follow a more peaceful and tolerant viewpoint.

>> No.5780954

Probably Buddhism

Because I am a Christian and I dislike too much tolerance

>> No.5780958

Probably by picking a religion that doesn't worship dying and hasn't lead so many wars.
>in before fedora meme
>in before anyone pretending they know what my own beliefs are and act like that's an argument against the point

>> No.5780964


if it wasn't for the Crusaders we'd be retarded muslims now. just saiyan, they defended civilization

>> No.5780967

nice b8 m8

Probably Jainism.

I don't subscribe to any religion because how can I believe something that doesn't seem to be true? I really don't understand what the fuck im supposed to do, I don't decide what I believe.

>> No.5780973


>> No.5780975
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Oriental religions are very peaceful but they promote stagnation and are useless in war times or even in some situations in your practical life where you need to take consistent positions.

Judaism and islam are full of laws, segregation, demonization of certain groups and acts which promotes hostility.

Christianism is the best religion.

>> No.5780977

My particularly brand of Christianity focuses on Christ's life, and while certainly acknowledging the importance of his death does not focus on it.
As for causing wars, that doesn't mean anything as for the content of the religion itself. Christ's teachings were exceedingly peaceful, to the point that even the most avowed pacifists will have trouble accepting it. It took me years before I was able to forgive most transgressions against me or my beliefs, or to accept literally everyone without exception, and I'm still working on it. The point is that I follow a belief system that demands complete abstinence from violence and to love every other person in the same way you love yourself, and I don't see what can be more peaceful or tolerant than that.

>> No.5780984

>he doesn't realize christianity is an oriental religion

haha what a foolio

>> No.5780987

>Christians have had 2000 years and are still this backwards and emotionally revisionist

>> No.5780997
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>Sri Lanka is a brutal Buddhist theocratic state
>Buddhists frequently attack the Rohingya people

>> No.5780999

When I say oriental I'm obviously not including the palestine.
Anyway, christianity shaped the ocident as we know today so it's essential part of ocidental culture.

>> No.5781025

>If you do not hate your family, you are not my disciple... I do not come to bring peace, but the sword.
Christ does not advocate for tolerance, he very explicitly states you have to destroy the order, which means fucking up people's lives. (Note, I'm not saying this is bad, but it's not tolerance.) Of course, Christianity was willing to use that line of thought against others, but when it came to their own selves, being Christian makes any non-seditious act justifiable, especially war.

At least the monotheist Judaism and Islam -do- understand the importance of laws, with the latter being the less bogged down by them since it wants no kings, and that there are limits beyond whims. Of course these are all irrelevant, none of them have been particularly better than the others, they all three have equally great heights and great failures.

>> No.5781027

And that's just modern history. Whites have such a poor comprehension of history.

>> No.5781032

>judging the actual teaching by the actions of the followers

>> No.5781034


>implying they actually employ Buddhism & don't just use it as a front to be cunts

>> No.5781038

>he very explicitly states you have to destroy the order

no he said you should give your master what he wants, if someone forces you to walk miles with them then walk even more, give caeser his due, pay taxes, obey the law. etc

But be aware that not everyone will agree with your beliefs and way of life. So basically he said others will be INTOLERANT towards you. but that's their problem.

>> No.5781041

but the Buddha was Indo-Aryan so doesn't that make it more European than some Semitic slave cult? All resentment ideologies are trash but dividing them into "oriental" and "not-oriental" isn't especially useful considering they are all oriental. Europe never developed these kind of systems internally.

>> No.5781046

>b-b-but muh pure oriental fantasy

>> No.5781048 [DELETED] 


It's government saboteurs riling up the buddhist population against muslim terrorists.

basically wherever muslims go, watch out.

>> No.5781052


>Atheistic, peaceful people.

>> No.5781056

europe didn't need to develop oriental style resentment ideologies because europe wasn't ruled in a despotic oriental style until late rome. at which point oriental ideology was adopted. monotheism and resentment go against the european spirit, once you submit to one of those cults i don't consider you white, you've forfeited your europeaness.

>> No.5781059

That was my first post, so I never implied there would ever be a "fantasy land".

People are prone to greed and corruption, so even in a land where followers of a religion that teaches to not kill anything are the majority, bad shit's gonna happen.

It's like Ashin Wirathu in Myanmar telling his students that it's okay to kill Muslims in the name of nationalism. There isn't one teaching in any Buddhist text that condones this.

>> No.5781072
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>love every person in the same way as you love yourself

unless they're gay, atheist, muslim, black, etc

Idk man, Christianity in a pure sense may not be violent or intolerant, but 99% of it's practitioners over the years have been. There's obviously something going wrong there.

>> No.5781080

>Christianity in a pure sense may not be violent or intolerant, but 99% of it's practitioners over the years have been. There's obviously something going wrong there.

it's because it's basically a resentment ideology which means it has hate baked in

>> No.5781082

Because tolerance is for the weak. Peace can only come through war.

>> No.5781085

Jainism by far.

>> No.5781086


except of coiurse for the burning of rome/babylon, but honestly they deserve it

>> No.5781094


>99% of christians are violent

liberal history/education at work.

>> No.5781105

To be fair you can trace the vast majority of violence, physical or otherwise, in all of the world to Christians. Colonialism did happen and is still going strong, and it was Christians at the helm the whole way through.

>> No.5781110

>in before Christians try to pretend that even the most hilariously inflated "def buh gommies!" numbers are even close to the colonial and capitalist global rampage

>> No.5781113

>implying bringing civilisation to savages is bad
The difference is that communism deliberately killed.

>> No.5781114

Sikhism, several forms of Buddhism, Animism, and Hinduism all rank up there.

>> No.5781119

Jesus this is the most neo-liberal post I've ever seen

>> No.5781121

where christians violent before the rise of islamic violence tho?

>> No.5781123
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>christianity = capitalism = colonialism

god damn our education system is bad.

>> No.5781124
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>> No.5781126

Yeah the situation is more "capitalists colonize and claim it's about Christianity." They didn't colonize because they were Christians, they colonized for capital gain and used Christianity to justify it.

>> No.5781127


>god damn our education system is bad.
And yet, it's not too late to better yourself, anon.

>> No.5781133

r u srs m8

>> No.5781137
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>illiterates on /lit/

>> No.5781140
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>> No.5781142

and suppose they didn't convert all of the Americas to Christianity? Can you imagine what the world would be like if Mexico or Brazil was a fucking Islamic state? Thank god the Christian colonizers! and let's not forget the Christians who colonized and converted the new world were from Spain and Portugal, a region that had been occupied by Islamic invaders for centuries and so knew the seriousness of heading off the Islamic plague.

>> No.5781144
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>it's because it's basically a resentment ideology

Finally someone fucking gets it. It began as a reserve Bacchic religion; somewhat similar to Alcoholics Anonymous where a Roman dude converted to Christianity and then forced his whole house-hold to convert and adhere to this idea of shame and guilt cause he was resentful about not being Emperor or not being smart enough to understand the Greeks.

>> No.5781149

name me a pre-islamic christian attack and some dudes of any significance

>> No.5781153

>he doesn't know about Pope Alexander granting the America's exclusively to Portugal and Spain

>> No.5781154

/x/, please go.

>> No.5781160
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Um, all the attacks against pagan citizens of the Empire by every Roman Emperor from Theodosius onward? Theodosius' decision to close the various Academies in Athens cause philosophers were smart enough to see through Christianity's bullshit and the Christians couldn't have that.

>> No.5781204

yeah but i'm saying that's just internal roman empire policy, the christians didn't go out converting people en masse until they saw the muslims doing it...as usual the worst aspects of mankind can be traced to semites.

>> No.5781206


>muh Athens

Some liberal arts faggots who didn't contribute anything to Byzantine society.

>> No.5781216

>Finally someone fucking gets it.

yea, copying Nietzsche's ideas is just so rare and unique, wow...tell us more. not

>> No.5781220


because I really don't care enough to care about anything

>> No.5781232

1. All the various secularist/deist kinds of personal beliefs. The keep-it-ones-self theist.

2. Because I'm all grown up now.

>> No.5781245

Wow i didnt expect this much edge from you

>> No.5781264
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No, that's just the retards that make up (American) Protestants

>> No.5781304

Wow, it really is like socialism. Especially the white guilt.

>> No.5781314

Hellenisimos. I do subscribe to it.


>> No.5781322

>most peaceful and tolerant religion

whichever has been dead the longest

>> No.5781326
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>> No.5781335

>implying he isnt correct

>> No.5781343


People just seem to forget the Middle Ages every happened, and the Protestant persecutions, the Inquisition, the crazy shit that was thought up in the States, radical Christians that are literally 100% intolerant of most things in the world....

I mean...fucking come on. At least the Umayyad's were rather chill with Islam at first and paid people a little extra to convert, but it wasn't until after Mohammad died and his father wrote down lies and Ali got pissed did Islam really become the shit stain on history that it is today.

For fucks sake, Christianity may be the least tolerant of all. It's the cesspool of intolerance.

>> No.5781349

>>If you do not hate (i.e. reject) your family (the society), you are not my disciple... I do not come to bring peace, but the sword (to cut you from heathens)

>> No.5781359

>and the Protestant persecutions, the Inquisition

False propaganda spread by protestants.

>> No.5781369


>Christianity =/= Christians

there's a difference

>> No.5781370

Peace and tolerance are for fags. Give me my enemy's head on a plate and a cup full of his blood to drink it down with.

>> No.5781371

As your defense for a tolerant Christianity you use intolerance within Christianity?

>inb4 protestants are Christianity

if anything, Catholics aren't Christian, they are Martian, as it Mary-tian, because they worship a lying whore who cheated on her husban with another man and said god fucked her without popping her cherry

>> No.5781375

A religion is made up of its followers

And the Old Testament God is the least tolerant of any god in the history of religion.

>muh jesus doe

Didn't exist.

>> No.5781379
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Zen Buddhist here. Buddhism is no exception from the plethora of religions that have espoused or condoned violence.
>mfw people say shit like "ooh, if I was religious, I'd totally be a Buddhist. It's so chill!"

>> No.5781384

>Jesus didn't exist

Wow, didn't think I'd see someone who thought this on /lit/.

>A religion is made up of its followers

Wrong. A religion is defined by its doctrines and teachings.

>> No.5781387

>A religion is made up of its followers
>Jesus didn't exist

>> No.5781389

No religion.

>> No.5781392

How is it "edge" though?

If there is a "spirit", an essence, that is us and not this weak body that will decay in time, why do we assume this spirit to be immortal?

Assuming it were, why would it be destined to go to a "heaven"? A place, or plane, no one has been able to attest to
Further, why would there be a "creator" there?

>> No.5781395

This, essentially. I'm not an ethnic Greek, but I lean towards Greek religion in my beliefs.

>> No.5781432

greek religion it's orthodox christianity, they are one of its centers

>> No.5781434


OT God is an idiot, sure.

But Jesus is bro-tier, best of the best.
Every serious historian accepts he existed.

>> No.5781435

Christianity is a Hebrew religion, not a Greek one. To call Christianity a Greek religion because there are Greeks who adhere to it is similar to calling Hellinismos an American religion because there are Americans who adhere to it.

>> No.5781438


Buddhism doesn't condone violence. In none of it's teachings will you see it being condoned and promoted.

So your words are baseless and ignorant.

Christianity doesn't condone violence either, in fact it promotes turning the cheek.

>> No.5781445


Orthodox Christianity has a longer and deeper history in Greece than the old pagan religions we know of.
It's more Greek than Greek.

christianity might've had bad "roots", but that doesn't keep it down. hebrews hate it more than they hate truth and charity.

>> No.5781446


>> No.5781461


firstly, the post which i quoted meant 'hellenismos', the greek polytheism, i.e. zeus, hera etc, i noted that the greek religion it's orthodox christianity, not this reconstructed polytheism

secondly that's a bad analogy because christianity was heavily influenced and promoted by greeks and greek philosophy, without them it would have died like that hebrew sect of 'teacher of righteousness' did. well, actually the modern 'hellinismos' would die without americans too

>> No.5781463

The Septuagint is not more Greek than the Iliad

>christianity might've had bad "roots", but that doesn't keep it down. hebrews hate it more than they hate truth and charity.
Adherents of Hellenismos hate Christianity for the same reason Jews do, because it persecuted the shit out of them.

>> No.5781470

*tips fedora*

>> No.5781476

>secondly that's a bad analogy because christianity was heavily influenced and promoted by greeks and greek philosophy

No doubt it was, but ultimately the NT completely misses the boat in the basis of Greek philosophy, which is reasoned argument.

>> No.5781486

Not to mention how Hellenised Galilee was.

>> No.5781490


Christianity as a religion has a had a longer and richer influence on Greece than any other religion in our recorded history.

So yes Christianity is more Greek than Hellenic paganism. And it will continue to be Christian.

>> No.5781501

There wouldn't even BE "Greek" without Greek religion, common religion was the foundation for common Greek identity.

>> No.5781539

>but it wasn't until after Mohammad died and his father wrote down lies and Ali got pissed

I don't think you have the slightest idea of what you're talking about man...

>> No.5781550

Dear Jesus.

I did, Lord. I did as you commanded. While those try-hards were out preaching the gospels, building orphanages, feeding and clothing the homeless, I stayed home and did the really important work. I posted the epic hat meme three hundred times on a forum for Chinese Cartoons. It was hard work, but surely I am the greatest Christian to have ever lived, right? If only Mother Theresa had discovered a Chinese Cartoon forum, she could have posted the hat meme and she wouldn't have needed to waste all that time with lepers in India.


>> No.5781582

*tiparoonis le fedorarino faceamunga, dude*

>> No.5781587

Daily reminder that there's nothing more condescending than "tolerance"

>> No.5781594

This, a policy of tolerance implies there is something negative about another to tolerate. I'd rate Taoism as the most tolerant religion solely because they have a policy of complete non-bias when it comes to things.

>> No.5781610

Buddhism condones sex with young boys

>> No.5781618

inb4 random 4chan pedophiles

>wats wrong with that huh!

>> No.5781644


"The Bahá'í writings emphasize the essential equality of human beings, and the abolition of prejudice. Humanity is seen as essentially one, though highly varied; its diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance"

It's also the most accurate in relation to the out of body phenomenon, near death experiences, and mystical occurrences. I'm not here to argue about the validity of these supernatural experiences, but I do recommend you read a few near death stories and notice the similarities that they share with Bahá'í beliefs - they're uncoincidentally alike.

>> No.5781647

Back to /pol/.

>> No.5781649

And Islam condones sex with young girls.

and Christianity condones sex with just about anything that doesn't get sacrificed to God, actually, in a way, Christianity condones anything as long as you just ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ....so...

go fuck anything you want, just remember to pray at night.

>> No.5781651

pedophobes really need to fuck off to their containment board

>> No.5781652

>incorrectly interpret all the great religions in order to fit their Bahai narrative

>pretend to be liberal and super tolerant
>still anti-gay
>don't allow women into the higher echelons of the UHJ

>pretends it doesn't have any schisms
>already has schisms

>> No.5781667

Luther ≠ Christianity

Faith alone is retarded

>> No.5781680


works and faith is also kind of retarded.
salvation is a matter of grace.

good works are something you should do because you're christian, you enjoy doing what is good and right, etc...not because works in combination with faith will get you "saved"

>> No.5781692

nice reductionist fallacious reasoning

>> No.5781699

Stay classy.

>> No.5781702

Doesn't matter how long or how much influence it has today, Christianity is a jewish religion with jewish characters and jewish ideals. It will never be Greek no matter how much it's practiced.

>> No.5781712

>Greek Orthodox Christianity isn't Greek
>Greek Indo-European Paganism is Greek

>> No.5781767
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>For fucks sake, Christianity may be the least tolerant of all. It's the cesspool of intolerance.


>> No.5781770

It looks like the mixed berry and pomegranate juices I pour at Jamba Juice

>> No.5781776

Yet we get a shitstorm about muh spanish inquisition every time Christianity is mentioned

>> No.5781782

American education at its finest

>> No.5781783


Right, because it's not like the Inquisition was oppressive or anything

>> No.5781787


>muh no true Scotsman

i agree to some degree, but lets be real if an idea is more often than not expressed one way over the other than that is a valid criticism

otherwise you sound like that marxist retard who thinks communism has never really been tried.

>> No.5781791


most ppl get their info about the Inquisition from pop-culture, so the context and scope is totally fucked up and false.

>> No.5781795
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>> No.5781796

Read the post he was replying too

>> No.5781798


That doesn't mean it wasn't oppressive

>> No.5781807

So you think communism is evil then? There's a pretty big jump from "some forms of communism failed" to "communism is intrinsically evil."

Same with Christianity and Buddhism

>> No.5781809



My, that sounds like a reliable and non-biased source

>> No.5781815

>This is what idiots actually believe
At least I know why you're Christian now.

>> No.5781817

Damn, why is this board so illiterate? Christianity was highly influenced by Greek thought, any historian will tell you that. I see nothing but ignorant generalizations and borderline conspiracy shit in these threads.

Honestly, even /pol/ is better to go to at this point. At least their blatant lies are something fairly unique to hear, rather than the same old reddit knee-jerk to giving Christianity even the slightest leeway.

>> No.5781822
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>some forms of communism failed

Try all.

>> No.5781823

if you're going to take that route you should at least direct skepticism to the author rather than the place of publication


>> No.5781824

pretty much

>> No.5781826


you don't know what the crusades were about do you? at least the first ones were good Christians repelling the inherently evil, bloodthirsty, insane muslim hordes invading Europe spreading islam by the sword and pillaging innocent christian cities.

you should read history, instead of just watching tv and hollywood all day

I'm not even Christian but I understand the necessity for the Crusades, except maybe the 4th one.

>> No.5781827

>just internal roman empire policy
>The Roman Empire was one, homogenous entity full of one people who agreed on everything, especially near the end
My God, man. At least think these things through before you comment.

>> No.5781830
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christianity is basically a mixture of jewish and greek thought

>> No.5781832


>One of the most enduring myths of the Inquisition is that it was a tool of oppression imposed on unwilling Europeans by a power-hungry Church. Nothing could be more wrong. In truth, the Inquisition brought order, justice, and compassion to combat rampant secular and popular persecutions of heretics. When the people of a village rounded up a suspected heretic and brought him before the local lord, how was he to be judged? How could an illiterate layman determine if the accused's beliefs were heretical or not? And how were witnesses to be heard and examined?

This is honestly one of the most painfully obviously biased articles I've ever read. It's like BP writing an article who the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico was actually totally not a disaster compared to other oil disasters and was handled completely flawlessly

>> No.5781835


>atheism = communism

It's like I'm actually on /pol/

>> No.5781842

My point is that "no true scotsman" is completely meaningless. People can do awful things while simultaneously claiming to believe any ideology.

If I say I believe in "peace" and I organize an army that goes around killing people, it only tarnishes my name, not the word "peace."

>> No.5781850

>Christianity was highly influenced by Greek thought

Not too long ago you said Christianity had an influence on the Greeks? Then where did greek thought come from if it is distinct from Christianity? Which one is it, make up your mind.

>> No.5781851


Marx said to hang all capitalists, and he wouldn't be happy until the last one was hanged.

>> No.5781857

I'm not the guy you were talking too

>> No.5781858
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>> No.5781862
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>Pope Urban shouts that they should liberate the Christians in the Middle East and help Constantinople
>On the way they slaughter the Jews, because you might aswell take out the rats at home before you go slaughter them elsewhere
>Get to the Holy Land, defeat the Muslims with ease
>Establish Frankish empires in a culture filled with Melkites, Jacobites, Armenians, Maronites, Nestorians and many other groups which they did not agree with and wanted persecuted
>Too many different branches of Christianity present, all of which are heathens
>You know what, fuck it, we'll just tolerate all of them, we won't talk about it, we're only here for monetary gains anyways
>Don't take the Sinai peninsula, only conquer the fertile lands
>Establish martime dominance on the coast to trade with Venice
>Kill everything that opposes you, be it Christian or one of the many various types of Islam
Totally legit, good Christians, fighting for their cause there.

Also, a lot of the crusaders were dragged into it by kinship ties alone, leading to conflicts because some were tied to many, etc. Crusades were used by a lot of people to escape violence at home, funnily enough. I can also take pics of that article if you want.

>> No.5781874
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Don't mind me, just being a good Christian and civlizing.

>> No.5781875


>when Marxists say something that doesn't fit my ideology, they are completely deluded
>when Marxists say something that does, they are 100% accurate and correct

And again you prove you're completely biased and not interested in actual facts. Could you please go back to /pol/?

>> No.5781880


communism and other moronic ideologies belong on /pol/ bro, you should know this by now.

>> No.5781885

Embellished facts seem to be commonplace in this thread, or are you only concerned with your own worldviews being contradicted?

>> No.5781888


Then why are you not on /pol/? You sound exactly like the type of delusional moron that would subscribe to them

>> No.5781891


that is the first post I made in this thread about politics.

>> No.5781894


No, I just can't stand bullshit liars like you

>> No.5781898

I'm not him, I'm the guy who was defending communism

You realise this board is anonymous?

>> No.5781900
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Translated from a Dutch article:
'From that moment on, Muslims who wanted to travel from Maghreb to the Levant, had to travel using Christian ships'

'Religious differences barely had an impact on these close trading relationships' (regarding Christian trade with the far further developed East)

'The Crusades can therefore be seen as a Western expansionist and imperialist act'
(Source: W. Blockmans and P. Hoppenbrouwers, Eeuwen des Onderscheids (Amsterdam 2002), 242-256.

Another one:
'With regard to the first question, the evidence of the charters shows that most crusaders in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, whatever the popes and other planners of the crusades said, thought that they were going on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem or the Holy Sepulchre and that as a result they would plesae God and win remission from punishment and salvation in the next world. Only very gradually did there emerge a sense of specific purpose and obligation which set apart the three great expeditions which figure in the chronoicles and to which later scholars gave the names of the First, Second and Third Crusades'

Source: G. Constable, Medieval charters as a source for the history of the crusades' (London 1988), 73-84.

>> No.5781905

So what were you saying, Darling?

>> No.5781906

>I'm the guy who was defending communism

back to the containment board psycho

>> No.5781909

>this thread
>not Discordianism.

>> No.5781921

>i agree to some degree, but lets be real if an idea is more often than not expressed one way over the other than that is a valid criticism

This man is intelligent.

>otherwise you sound like that marxist retard who thinks communism has never really been tried.

This man is retarded.

>> No.5781925

As though precisely the same thing wasn't true of the crusades.

It would be impossible to be more peaceful than real Christians.

People's perceptions of Christianity are almost 100% based on Hollywood.

People only assume they know what Christianity is; they overestimate themselves and take their distortions for reality.

>> No.5781934


>It would be impossible to be more peaceful than real Christians

It's extremely easy to be more peaceful than a real Christian. Every modern person alive today is more peaceful than any pre-modern Christian could ever have hoped to be

>> No.5781943
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>Every modern person alive today is more peaceful than any pre-modern Christian could ever have hoped to be


>> No.5781955


We as a society don't allow torture anymore, we don't allow private wars fought by knights, where his main strategy consisted of killing the peasants who lived under the enemy, or, if they were lucky, destroying their crops and property, we don't execute people anymore for disagreeing with the ruling authorities and we don't, as Valentin Groebner has documented, cut off each other's noses to settle a private vengeance

>> No.5781963
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>We as a society ...

Thanks, but that has nothing to do with comparing modern and pre-modern individual persons though.

I originally thought your post was dumb and now you confirmed it. Good day

>> No.5782035

why are people taking the bible literally? its philosophy guys

>> No.5782052

The falsafa practitioners try to reduce the Lord our God to a mere logical function which kills the entire purpose of religion. It's not some factor x that you can understand. It is Lord Almighty, our Heavenly Father.

>> No.5782054
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>mfw Christians have to read a translation of a translation of a translation to understand their canon literature
>mfw Christians weren't even supposed to read their canon literature

>> No.5782056

Isn't "Lord Almighty, our Heavenly Father" itself a factor X.

>> No.5782064

>atheists still cannot into history and are backwards and emotionally revisionist

>> No.5782074

It's like you are trying to be autistic.
Gay is not even a category that Christianity cares about, it only points that sodomy is a grave sin. So indeed from the eyes of them saying to a gay person that fucking men in the arses is cool is impossible since they are that way cast out of haven.
Atheist? What exactly are atheists suffereing? They have to see a cross on the wall from time to time?
Black? How are they intolerant of blacks if it explicitly teaches that all men are children of God.
Muslims? Musilims are right now, as we are speaking killing Christians in their countries, it's about 1 million a year according to some statistics. But yes, muslims have it REAL bad in Poland, Germany and the US. So bad that they want to go there.

>> No.5782078

The NT isn't grounded in rational argument, so it's relation with Greek philosophy is only superficial, it appropriates some conclusions and values but hardly the method, which is what really counts.

Obviously it has very little to do with Greek religion.

by the time reasoned argument inherited from the Greeks played a prominent part in Christianity, that is to say with Augustine, it was as a defense of Christianity, not a basis for Christianity. Even as a basis for the existence of god, it never formed a basis for the existence of the Hebrew God.

Not that reason plays a major part in substantiating Hellenismos, but again you're not really arguing that Christianity appropriated anything from Hellenismos or Greek cultural values, you're just arguing it was influenced by Greek philosophy

>> No.5782154

Why a religion should be peaceful and tolerant ?

>> No.5782168

Idiot, the whole point of Christianity is the Resurrection.

>> No.5782171

>it is like no one remembers how Christians converted/murdered the pagan Europe and wiped the Gnostics off the face of history.

Also a personal point

>muh Hypatia

>> No.5782228

It hardly had anything to do with christianity, the pagans in the middle ages were even more barbaric than the ones who recently converted.
They kept invading the lands and got wiped out for that.

>> No.5782233

read chesterton 'the ballad of the white horse', it will teach you how much christians are better than pagans

>> No.5782239

It seems that only you and I have read Chseterton around here.

>> No.5782252

>People defending paganism

>> No.5782253

I was talking about before that era before Christianity dominated Europe

>> No.5782261

When did they murder pagans and gnostics in the era before they dominated europe?

>> No.5782269

>Implying /pol/ isn't made up of Christians

>...the pagans in the middle ages were even more barbaric...
The Christian converts were as barbaric as the so-called "pagans" Still are.

>> No.5782270

>insane muslim hordes invading Europe spreading islam by the sword and pillaging innocent christian cities
This is what retards actually believe.

>> No.5782272

*tips foreskin*

>> No.5782273
File: 363 KB, 976x1210, Gustave_dore_crusades_entry_of_the_crusaders_into_constantinople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the crusaders did nothing wrong

>> No.5782275

do you know the history of spain, greece etc

>> No.5782291
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>*tips foreskin*
i didn't know butterflies had foreskin

>> No.5782300

From the time they created Till they dominated Europe. Duh.

I don't have a definite timeline to give you but generally Around the fall of the roman empire. Hypatia died around 400 AD so that was the decline of Neo Platonism ie Greek thought

>> No.5782304
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>> No.5782309
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>Implying fedora tippers have fedoras

>> No.5782310

They actually did that, you know Spain, Greece, Hungary, Bosnia, Croatia...

>> No.5782315
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But the use of "insane" and "innocent" is not appropriate.

>> No.5782322
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>> No.5782323

But the Greek thought didn't die, it is alive still to this day.

>> No.5782333

Yea in a way, but no one was a neo Platoist, they just borrowed from neo platoism