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/lit/ - Literature

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5777533 No.5777533 [Reply] [Original]

litfags from wealthy upperclass families, where do you live and what is your daily schedule? How much do you spend in a regular day? What kind of friends do you have? Why are you on 4chan?

Doing research for a novel featuring an apathetic and disaffected "trust fund baby" entering young adulthood. His middle-upperclass family, faced with an economic recession, puts an abrupt end to the monthly $4000 checks that have allowed him to live a free and easy lifestyle among his upper class peers. Deciding that his money-cushion has held him back, main-character tries to radically change his lifestyle and finds himself enmeshed in a new age cult.

>> No.5777546

God that sounds repulsive. Unless it ends in the most gruesome and horrible way possible and is a satire of that motif.

>> No.5777555

jew york city

...daily schedule?

depends on day, around 2k a weekend

...friends? i guess i have a few, mostly from social events/opera/fashion scene

im a foreigner living in a hostile city with little to no support network, not that many friends, battered self-esteem, and too much free time in my hands. you do the math

im also a pseud

>> No.5777559

Don't you have a podcast to do, Bret?

>> No.5777571


>doing nanowrimo

>> No.5777580

Done to death, please do something else or make it interesting in some way. I don't say this just for me, surely you have other ideas besides this that you could try. Its just not a great idea.

>> No.5777581

what the fuck kind of "middle-upper class" family could ever afford 4000 dollar monthly checks to their kid?

my family is solidly upper class and i have no trust fund (not that i'm not super privileged)

>> No.5777604

>depends on day, around 2k a weekend

>> No.5777605


by motif do you mean "rich guy learns money isn't everything" or "coming of age story"?

>> No.5777609
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> tfw doing nanowrimo to force writing consistently
> tfw wrote 20,000 words in the last three days
> tfw haven't slept the last three days

>> No.5777611
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>> No.5777615

Genuinely hope you die for spending your apparent wealth out of your own country and generally sucking <3

>> No.5777620

Love it.

>> No.5777627 [DELETED] 


sounds like you aren't as solidly upper class as you thought.

>> No.5777646
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"I'm reading a book and I find I'm thinking about pussy, but I find when I get the pussy, I'm thinking about the book"

> tfw rich people are pleb

>> No.5777648


I'm quite wealthy btw, live in NYC. Plenty of rich friends.

Here are a few of the characters

F - 22 - Daughter of a Nuclear Physicist that got accepted to MIT but turned it down. She got her degree in communications, plays concert violin, was on a robotics team in high school, and one a beauty pageant in HS. She's was dating a investment banker until he left for HBS. Now she's dating a Japanese underwear model.

M - 21 - Son of a prominent french economist, slightly sociopathic, chain smoker. Double major in Econ and History. He skipped most classes before he dropped out. He's studying to be an apprentice painter now.

M - 22 - Black, son of Soap opera stars, theatre major with absolutely awful ideas for plays. Used to announce to the room that he was "off to make art" before going to class every day. Is currently working on "an adaptation of Henry VI for HBO" he says without any actual connection to the network.

M - 23 - Vietnamese, son of prominent chain stores in Vietnam. I once went with him and his group of business school friends to go watch shopping with a "$2000" limit. Claimed to be buying a helicopter pad in Saigon to turn it into a night club.

F - 21 - Dancer from a prestigious arts high shcool. Full SJW with all accompanying "quirkiness" expected from a 20 something white girl. Loves Doctor Who

M - 21 - Jewish, pre-law with 1.8 million dollar trust fund, dating dancer but miserable. Does mock trial and is very into the showmanship aspect of it. sometimes comes on /b/.

Anyway. We're pretty disgusting. If the republicans out in west virginia or whatever knew what was going on with us I'm sure their revolution would come a lot sooner.

>> No.5777675
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>tfw you hate everyone in this thread

>> No.5777703

I live in a western Slav country.
Daily schedule:
Get up
Lisen to music
Lisen to music
Lisen to music
(Today is a day of nothing, a day when I just waste time and post here alongside of playing Dawn Of War)
After studying I meet up with friends, read, or just stay at home playing video games.
I spend around 300 bucks every month on well anything that I need.
We have shekels, but we don't spend that much.

>> No.5777717

sounds like the plot to metropolitan. You should watch it if you haven't already

>> No.5777728

Of course I've watched it. It's on criterion.

In all seriousness though, I have some non rich friends. My one friend is a Stalinist poor academic type. basically the main character from metropolitan

>> No.5777870

I've met upper-class families who at times were out of funds.

Still had a pretty good set of acquaintances and contacts, and real estate goods they wouldn't sale

>> No.5777890

Eh, if it wasn't for trust-fund babbies wasting their families' money the world would be even more unequal than it is, I'd assume.

>> No.5777958

I mean. How upperclass do you want? My father makes half a million a year and is paying for my university education, but I get a bulk sum of money to budget for all my needs, plus a monthly allowance for personal things. But no where close to $4k a month wtf.

>> No.5777981

>doing nanowrimo
>not nanogenmo

>> No.5777993

I'm not really "upperclass" but I'm well-off and have been living off inheritance for the last six years and could probably continue to live off it indefinitely. I live in Islington, London. My daily schedule is not very full; apart from a couple evenings a week when I go out drinking I just hang around the house browsing the internet, maybe go out for a couple coffees. On a night out I usually spend £100-£200, but that's probably not uncommon in London. However, I do travel often which disrupts that somewhat tedious routine. My closest friends are just normal middle-class lads for the most part, but I also know a lot of trendy moneyed people and my girlfriends tend to be from high earning families.

>> No.5778026

I had a pretty wealthy girlfriend once. It was shit. She wanted me to be her sugardaddy (I am years older than her). "Anon, buy me this, buy me that, pls."
Well, pretty sure, I'm poorest motherfucker you can find on /lit/

>> No.5778067

Was she wealthy and pretty or just very wealthy?

>> No.5778079

This anon is poorer, debt psh, can't even go but a loose cigarette. Working poor.

>> No.5778084

I wish economic standing had anything to do with talent.

>> No.5778087

To people who don't have a regular schedule / who don't really do anything but don't need to because they have money: do you feel shitty about it? Does it affect your friendships because of shame on your side or because of their perception of you?

Why does she want you to buy her stuff when she's the wealthy one? She should've been your sugarmommy, not the other way around.

>> No.5778106

>tfw books and staying inside being hobbies mean I rarely notice I'm not living off daddy's money any more
Any NEET lifestyle will fit the mould, you just increase the budget. I'm assuming this is an American who wants the characters to be able to talk about money, but old moneyed America has the same sheepishness about talking net worth as old money Europe. It's impossible to tell who's poor in those ranks unless you're very close friends and they confess, or sometimes when they've been temporarily cut off and want to brag about how much they pissed off the family.

The $4000 a month set budget makes sense if it's new money and they budget by income, and mark class by income. But when I was wealthy, I'd easily spend $4000 in a day and think nothing of it, or not spend any money at all for months and think nothing of it. Being connected to wealth, if I needed $4000 by the end of the month, I can't really imagine a situation where I would be unable to get it as real though.

Now I do budget, but with occasionally seeing family it is not the same as your protagonist's situation because I have more windfalls than the average person. (My family are convinced I must feel terribly poor and refuse to leave until I take money from them, or agree to a holiday, etc) And by budget, I don't mean try to make ends meet. I have little worry about being unable to make rent or pay a bill like most people in their twenties seem to have, because my expenditure is pretty low in comparison to my income, once you remove high class clothes and entertaining.

Being a temporary Marxist is big in the wealthy young since Marx. Money feels pretty naturally fake to the upper classes, and the obvious tendency of the bourgeois to pick up socialism before the working classes is probably why Marx focused in on them. Trust fund kiddies made out a lot of Mai 68 and other people's revolutions through history, quite frankly probably because of boredom. See: pissing off daddy.

>> No.5778156

>wanting to oppress the less talented people of the world

>> No.5778161

She was probably a sexist.

>> No.5778168

I've got more talent than most rich douches and pseudofags I've seen in my local arts scene.

>> No.5778185

Pretty wealthy as in very wealth. I wouldn't call pretty, she was more like a qt3,14.

not even working, living on loans

I don't know either. Maybe because of her distant father I was somekind of a fatherfigure for her

>> No.5778187

Did you do ageplay with her?

>> No.5778226

>implying BEE's characters ever develop in any way, or learn anything
That's basically his whole thing, Anon. Nothing ever changes.

To answer your question, I live in Vienna.
I'm 20, study philosophy, though not very enthusiastically, and work with my father a couple of times a week. Managing real estate, meeting with rich old fucks, that sorta thing.
Spend most of my days having lunch or dinner or coffee with various friends or acquaintances, reading, drinking, watching TV, doing coke on the weekends.

Depending whether or not I go out at weekends, I probably spend around 2800-3500 EUR a month, give or take. Not including food and rent and any of that shit.

Well, most of my friends are comparably wealthy (though probably not quite as wealthy), but I've made friends at a couple of my classes, too, the vegetarian average student type who somehow can live on 300 bucks a month, God knows how.
I like them just the same, of course, but I admit that there's sometimes a kind of societal gap between the things I'd like to do, and the things they like doing. Of course I don't mind paying for them if it means we can go where I want to go, but it tends to make it awkward sometimes.

>> No.5778242

>the vegetarian average student type who somehow can live on 300 bucks a month
>tfw this is me

>> No.5778249

To clarify, I didn't mean that in any derogatory way, just that my life style and theirs don't have anything in common except our shared studies, which can make relating to them somewhat difficult.

>> No.5778269

I live on 300 bucks a month in total.
But a meal with meat costs me 1 dollar because an average pay here is around 600-800 bucks.
Tho my family has around 3-4k, I think, they don't tell me that stuff.

>> No.5778278

Is that USD or EUR?
Can I ask where you live?

>> No.5778287

I didn't take any offense to what you said, don't worry.

>> No.5778293

Woops OP >>5778226 here,
forgot to answer your spoilered question.
I'm on 4chan because I've been on 4chan forever basically. Started as a shitposting faggot on /b/ when I was a teenager and then slowly migrated to /lit/ and /k/.

>> No.5778295

Nope ;_;

>> No.5778296

>do you feel shitty about it?
I've recently become bored of it so I'm toying with the idea of getting some menial job like bar tending just to get me out of the house.

>Does it affect your friendships because of shame on your side or because of their perception of you?
I sometimes detect some jealousy/resentment from my working friends, but not strong enough to seriously alter our relationship. Maybe that will change as we get closer to 30.

>> No.5778310

I had a wealthy girlfriend once and she asked me to hold a kitchen knife to her throat while I fucked her from behind on the bonnet of her dad's vintage car. She was bipolar and bulimic and alcoholic and self-harming. Great shag, though.

>> No.5778316

>To people who don't have a regular schedule / who don't really do anything but don't need to because they have money: do you feel shitty about it? Does it affect your friendships because of shame on your side or because of their perception of you?
I don't really feel shitty about it most of the time. I mean, sometimes I do and just feel like shit randomly although I have no real problems as such, and that somehow makes it worse.
But usually it passes after a couple of days, and some coke.
It affects my friendships in some ways, but I don't think it does so horribly. I get along well with most people, and I don't have to drink Laurent Perrier Rosé every night.
Of course sometimes people are jealous and sometimes I feel out of place in the bars they usually go to, but it's never a real problem for either of us.

>> No.5778361
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>where do you live?
In a large country-house in the countryside of Denmark.

>daily schedule
If it's a school day, I take the train to Copenhagen where I am taking my Bachelor's in Business Administration and Economics. If it's not a school day, I spend an hour taking care of the horses after breakfast. Then I take a walk with my dogs. Then I read for a bit in my favorite chair. Then I'll spend the rest of the day on my computer. Or watching films. I'll usually spend a few hours cooking dinner, which I greatly enjoy. Go to bed at 22:00.

>How much do you spend on a regular day?
Maybe 100-200kr. Mostly for lunch. I don't spend that much per day as I do large amounts in clumps. For example, I'll go 20 days without spending any money other than lunch, and then I might purchase an expensive jacket or a piece of nice furniture. I don't spend money just because. I'll buy something if I want if after a period of consideration and research. I spend around 4000-8000kr a month

>what kind of friends do you have?
I actually don't have any wealthy friends. All of my friends (all 4 of them) are middle or lower class. They are good people and I really like them. I hope they feel the same way about me.

>why are you on 4chan?
I enjoy it. Good discussion most of the time if you can sift through the shit. Better than any other online forum anyway.

I guess I don't really fit your description. I'm pretty normal except for being wealthier than most. At least that is how I view myself.

>> No.5778415

She was just into self-harming, too. What is it with it? The thing that they don't have to fight for survival? I mean, I don't have to fight with lions, but there are some months, where in the last 2-3 days, I have no food.
But fuck, thanks for the new sexual fantasy.

>> No.5778543


my parents make three quarters of a million a year and are literally landowners


>> No.5778550

You need to attach a currency, you fuckwit.

>> No.5778551


>> No.5778564

They could easily afford that for a single kid.

>> No.5780006

> litfags from wealthy upperclass families, where do you live
Dallas, Texas. Suburbia in north Dallas called Highland Park, about 97% white pop.
> and what is your daily schedule?
Go to school most of the day, practice tennis afterward, do homework until I fall asleep in front of my computer. On weekends I normally go shopping at HP Village or Northpark Mall, or somewhere else within the city. Sometimes I go to the club, but I don't like it because it's filled with old bitches.
> How much do you spend in a regular day?
Not very much, I'm a teenager, so my parents review all of my credit card statements. Technically I don't have an allowance or budget or anything, but my parents trust me to be responsible with money.
> What kind of friends do you have?
All kinds I guess. My school (HP High School) is mostly whites (about 90+% actually) so the demographics pretty much force me to have mostly white friends. Some are a little less wealthy, but nobody is in poverty. A few friends are ultra-rich (fathers on the Forbes list).
> Why are you on 4chan?
Why not? The internet is universal and money has barely any factor into your appearance online. I use Youtube, and Reddit, and Twitter, just like any other person.

Can provide paycheck or DCC membership proof if you fags don't trust me.

>> No.5780015

I'll hang out with you

>> No.5780269
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H-hal, is that you?

>> No.5780276
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>google nanogenmo


>> No.5780329
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Do you find it hard to relate to certain narratives and motifs in fiction and art? I.E. struggling artist, "started from the bottom", bukowski, competition with siblings, etc.

>> No.5780408

Hal isn't white. He's brown.

>> No.5780455
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Pemulis is spot on tho

>> No.5780489

her pupils are fucking huge

>> No.5780665

The resentment comes from the fact that you haven't earned a thing in life. It's not that you have money. I have a very wealthy friend who's father owns some franchised pizza places. His house is 3 million dollars, they have luxury cars, the whole 9 yards. I'm a poorfag Eastern European immigrant but this guy is my best friend. He works 60 hours a week to keep the business going, and this makes him be down to earth.

>> No.5781330

Where in NY?

>> No.5781422

>Where do I live?
Seoul, South Korea. Have house in Switzerland and California too. All belongs to my parents, but I think I can call them where I lived
>What is your daily schedule?
um. get up, eat some cereals, shitpost on chansites, learn French with qt teacher, play instruments with personal teacher, eat again, drink booze. read books occasionally. However I'll start uni next year so I can fuck all those goldniggers with my car. yes nouveau riche not even once
>How much do you spend in a regular day?
Not a lot bc I don't have too. I am fairly young so that I can't really make helpful comment on it. I don't know how to waste money as I don't have a friend
>What kind of friends do you have?
I don't. But I have alumni from my high school and stuffs. Most of them were way more affluent than my setties. I do have experience over so called high culture but not really enjoyed them bc assburgers.

>> No.5781468

Hope we meet sometime, I'll let you treat me, but expect a beating for not being enthusiatic with your studium.

>> No.5781472

pic looks disgusting and delicious and healthy at the same time

>> No.5781480

Wealthy master-planned gated community in SE Texas
>Daily Schedule
I wake up very early, 5 AM. I smoke and roll Marijuana. I eat breakfast, eggs usually. I spend alot of time with other people in their 20s who are in my same situation, post-college people spending a year with their parents before moving out.
I really only spend my money on gas and Pot. I buy clothes every once in awhile. I'm sick of most things anyway. I go out to eat with my girlfriend on rare occasions. I go through 6 grams of bud a day, which is around $120.
Typically people like me. They're all really sick of things, but want things to go fast at the same time. It's kind of sick how none of us want to settle down with families or anything, but we sort of recognize the rare opportunity we have and take advantage of it.

>> No.5781551
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>fuck all those goldniggers with my car

>> No.5781580

new fetish

>> No.5781694
File: 1.37 MB, 2448x2448, Whipping 4-10-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where do you live

In my own house, given to me by my mother, in Auckland, New Zealand

>what is your daily schedule?
Wake up, go up the road to buy myself a coffee and my girlfriend an energy drink (she lives with me). Spend the rest of the day reading and trolling online while my girlfriend plays video games.

In the weekends we generally go out to BDSM parties, and we often have guest over in the evenings.

>How much do you spend in a regular day?

Not much. I'll buy two cups of coffee, an energy drink or two for my girlfriend, lunch and dinner for us. More in the weekends cause I'll be buying drinks at the BDSM events.

>What kind of friends do you have?
Mostly friends I made at the end of High School and people from the BDSM community.

>Why are you on 4chan?
Cause it's an anonymous message board where there are entertaining discussions.

>pic sort of related.

>> No.5781703

$20's a g?? Medicinal or is it just expensive in Texas?

>> No.5781732


Not to sound like a /pol/ warrior here but you really do sound like a worthless degenerate.

>> No.5781759

worthless degenerate scum

>> No.5781933



>> No.5781958
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>> No.5781961


yeah man new york is like, REALLY fucking hostile to the upper class.

sniveling piece of shit.

>> No.5781979


why are you emphasizing the racial makeup of your school and neighborhood so much? are you trying to draw class parallels?

>> No.5781985

There are actually people this sheltered and naive on 4chan. I also find it incredibly ironic that the higher the income, the more they seem to care about their "minority friends".

>> No.5781991
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I'm generous, which is more than I can say for most people.

>> No.5781999

Back story: my parents are fairly rich, we own a very large/expensive house, some nice cars and me and my two brothers all went to english private schools (£18,000 /year). however, my parents made sure we understood the value of money and not to cling to materialistic endeavors so i might not be the best example of what you're looking for (anyway, the more responses the better, right?)

>where do you live?
at the moment i'm studying abroad in Singapore so I have a 1 bed room flat here with a kitchen and bathroom. when at university in london i stay with my parents in our house (9 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, swimming pool, gym, snooker room, tennis court and 1 acre of playing grounds)

>what is your daily schedule?
wake up at 7am->gym->uni classes->back home->study for a bit->read->bed

>How much do you spend in a regular day?
£10- £5 on lunch & £5 on travel

>What kind of friends do you have?
some rich guys from school but not the stuck up fucks. uni friends are mostly working class guys (this brings the concern that they only like me for my money)

>Why are you on 4chan?
i don't really like people. i'm very introverted (also, i don't seem to get on with singaporeans)

I'm not a good example of a trust fund kid but i have some good stories from school if you want them.

>> No.5782011


not interested at all in your sexual habits, but if your economic life is anything like the others in this thread, your very existence is a gross global injustice.

>> No.5782023

Im a poor as fuck starving artist writing lyrical compositions in my head at the factory. I read as much as I can and I get by with my wage. Live comfortably but always on edge, basically I can't dole out more than 100$ on entertainment a month.

I am currently starting a business using my underutilized comp-sci degree, which I got nearly free from scholarships and income grants.

>> No.5782044
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>I'm generous

Buy some more indulgences, why don't you.

>> No.5782066

Ressentiment, ressentiment everywhere.

>> No.5782159

yes people do resent grotesque stores of wealth. what of it?

>> No.5782268

Can I get a definition for 'wealthy upperclass'?

22, I've worked about two years in my life but through saving/investing (mostly through my father) I've got 90K AUD stored up.

>> No.5782278

if you have to ask it's not you

>> No.5782287

what if I'm blindingly oblivious of my privilege

>> No.5782293

if your household earns >200K then you're in the top 4%

>> No.5782301

>tfw no fit young blonde patrician girlfriend to play tennis with.

>> No.5782307

>is rich
>hangs out on 4chan
i never understood this people...why dont go to a restaurant or some shit or go yachting. god damn...im wasting my time, cause i dont have any cash for anything but you??

>> No.5782319

There's no place like 4chan

>> No.5782364


Oh, nigger. I am in Seoul too.

I am getting drunk this weekend at Hongdae. Join if you want, you whore.

>> No.5782375

W-why would you beat me, Anon?
Don't you think people should be free to do with their time and money as they see fit?

I guess.

>> No.5782469

underrated post

>> No.5782477

These things seem desirable only because you don't have them. Yachting is boring as shit.
Also we have long stretches of waiting time like everyone else and 4chan beats Twitter.

But bottom line: money doesn't buy you anything that is that good. Only buys you freedom from having to work.

>> No.5782480

>underrated post
what's up with this shit? It's all over the place suddenly and it doesn't even make sense. It's not like the post you are quoting has been rated by anyone. Until a month ago, people just wrote
Which is way less retarded.
>inb4 someone complains that I am 'arguing semantics' or 'being an autist'. Those are the two things /lit/ is actually for, yfr.

>> No.5782554

I suppose it's from reddit, where you rate posts?
I dunno mate.

>> No.5782678

>where do you live

in a major american city in a townhouse that belonged to my grandparents. in the summers I live in an apartment they owned in Dubrovnik.

>what is your daily schedule?
I work as a university librarian. it's low key and i enjoy it. i read before, during, and after work.

>How much do you spend in a regular day?

Maybe $30-50 on food on an average weekday. I eat a lot of sushi. Double/triple that if I happen to go out on a weeknight or weekend. I'm rarely interested in eating at nicer places so it's mostly bar tabs for high-end rye and mezcal. I usually pay for my gf (see below)

My only other real expenses are buying books and liquor. I keep a huge bar just as a boredom hobby and have a good relationship with a few bartenders who get me special things.

I guess I also dump a decent amount on clothes periodically, but it's more in a default mindset - 'I need a jacket, I will go to barbour because that's where my mother used to take me'

>What kind of friends do you have?
A few younger professors and some coworkers. I have friends from prep school and college but they're overambitious and posturing so I don't see them too often if I can help it. I never invite my coworkers to my house because I don't want the awkwardness of explaining things. I am dating a coworker who kind of understands my situation but thinks it's more holdover family possessions than significant personal assets.

>Why are you on 4chan?
usually filling time at work.

>> No.5782692

>Only buys you freedom from having to work.

and the freedom to do pretty much whatever you want

>> No.5782695


Only like 8% of people killed in the French Revolution were aristocrats. The majority were peasants.

>> No.5782700

i live in dallas, in "lakewood" which is another suburb, not as wealthy as HP. but there's a lot of old money around here... i went to a wealthy prep school for hs... money is stupid. i plan on living on the streets.

>> No.5782707

it's from /sp/

>> No.5782729
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>where do you live

In an apartment in the centre of Paris

>daily schedule?

Wake up, eat, go to the gym, read in the cafe next door, go to the cinema, go to a museum... whatever. If I get bored I can take the train and go cycling in the countryside.

In the evenings I watch films or football, or go out drinking. I have a part-time job in a bar 3 nights a week (mostly for the social side).

I'm going to do my Masters' in anthropology next year

>Daily spend?

On average about 50-60 euros a day. I walk or cycle everywhere, so my only expenses are food, drink and leisure

>what kind of friends?

Mostly students or student-y kinds of people. I still spend a lot more time alone than someone with a real job or a shared flat, but I prefer it that way.

>why on 4chan?

Its' an amusing distraction. I only ever look at /lit/ and occasionally /tv/ and /int/

>> No.5782802


I'll bite, OP.

My family is very wealthy, grew up pretty damn upperclass.

Studio flat in the upper west side, manhattan

>daily schedule
Go to ivy league. Get up, skip breakfast, class, study, study, study, study. Sit in my apartment and write. Pass out after midnight. Rinse, repeat.

>Spend on a regular day
bout $80-$100 a day? Maybe?

I don't speak to my classmates. I know no one in the city, no friends, spend all my time either in my class, walking the city alone, or writing in my apartment. Honestly. There are two professors whose company I thoroughly enjoy though.

>Why browse 4chan
You know why.

>> No.5782909

Which is overrated. I pretty much do stuff that normal ppl do.

So here's my life:

-I live in a luxury condo in Williamsburg.
-I usually wake up around 1 or 2. I order food from seamless. I like DAR, Brooklyn Ball Factory or Pizza from Motorino, or I go to have lunch at Rye. I play video games or read till 5. Then I go to my Muay Thai gym where I train till 7:30 - 8:30.
In the evening I meet some friends for dinner and on Wednesday to Sunday I go to some party or other and I'll keep drinking till 4. I'll get a cab and then I'll watch movies till 7 in the morning.
- I hand out with 3 kinds of people: art and fashion kids with whom I share no connection at all except a deep interest in doing coke. Grad students in philosophy and lit from Columbia and nyu: I met them through conferences and book readings and some times we write and study together, they have no idea where I get my money. The fighting scene: I often go to fights or I hang around various gyms, boxing, mma and Muay Thai. They too have no idea of what I do.
-I don't spend much, I'd say all in all my expenses are in the $70k a year.
-I'm on 4chan because like everyone else I still have to waste my time.also except the intellectuals most of my friends are boring to talk to.

>> No.5782918

>in the summers I live in an apartment they owned in Dubrovnik.

lucky motherfucker

what would be a price for that aparment if you suddenly decided to sell??

>> No.5782990

>gold niggers

>> No.5782991
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>mfw forgot image

>> No.5783072

Here are a few tips for how this would actually work: if your character had an actual regular trust fund then it would be the trustee deciding whether to give him the monthly check, which may or may not be someone in his family. A recession wouldn't effect the trust fund, probably, unless it eroded the principle in some way. The trustee could cut off the character because of the character's actions, but it legally the extent to which the money could be held back is pretty limited.

Instead of a trust fund you could have the character receive checks directly from the parents, but if that's the case then how it would probably work is an upfront check for $28,000 in January (that's the yearly tax-exempt gift limit per capita factoring in both parents) and then they would write checks down the road as needed.

>> No.5783095

Maybe have an investment portfolio that crashed and burned and a lot of severed ties with his family.

>> No.5783204

i really have no idea. croatia has a very friendly tax setup so i didn't have to pay anything on inheriting it a few years ago (didn't get it appraised). it's in old town and i've seen a few similar places for sale over the last few years for a few million euros but they were all heavily remodeled where mine is untouched in a good while. Not that I'd ever sell it.

I also have what is almost literally a shack on Lesbos surrounded by land filled with goats. My grandfather was a fan of Daphnis and Chloe and grew impulsive in his old age.

>> No.5783286

>my parents made sure we understood the value of money and not to cling to materialistic endeavors
This seems like a contradiction in terms. Usually 'understand the value of money' means 'understand that you have to work for it', which implies 'materialistic endeavours', i.e. working to make money.

Or do you mean understanding that money isn't very important? Because arguably that's only true if you have enough of it.

>> No.5783305

>Or do you mean understanding that money isn't very important? Because arguably that's only true if you have enough of it.

yeah, in fact it's the most inaccurate way to asses the value of money.

another example of how the upper class literally lives in a fake la-la land.

>> No.5783361

Considering the proportion of the French population that would have been aristocrats, that sounds quite high.

>> No.5783379

Depends whether he's talking about those killed in the Revolution, or those executed.
I would've thought most of those sent to the guillotine were aristocrats.

>> No.5783388

Question: come the revolution, which rich/lits/ should be first against the wall?

Personally I'm thinking, in order of guillotinability from least to most:
>rich/lits/ who do time-consuming/non-trivial work
Because, while they're no doubt enriching themselves and their family further, they might conceivably provide some benefit to other people.
>rich/lits/ who do nothing but spend their family's money
They're doing their bit to redistribute wealth. OK, most of it will go to other rich people, but every little counts.
>rich/lits/ who live like they're poor
They're not.
>rich/lits/ who do nothing but spend their family's money on drugs
Because they're dedistributing wealth specifically to even worse rich people.

>> No.5783825

>where do you live
Shanghai, Beijing, Saratoga CA, Philladelphia and Key West. Parents are nouveau riche Chinese immigrants(hardworking investors). I'm politically left to liberal(Francis Fukuyama). I keep a very low profile because of Confusion teachings.

>what is your daily schedule?
I'm currently a senior in a private boarding school just north of the Mason Dixon line. I subvert cultural demusculinization of asian male by getting /fit/ (varsity swimmer). I'm looking forward to partaking of the tech startup scene(skipping college) although i will inherit a half a billion dollar so never have to work.

>How much do you spend on a regular day?
Around $50 running a bot that buys random thing from eBay. But the tuition is about 800$ a day. (60000$ a year)
My family donated 1 mil to Stanford.

>What kind of friends do you have?
I'm a token asian in my white dominant HS. My only friend is a WASP conservative qt3.14 gf on the religious left.

>Why are you on 4chan?
It is the definitive counterculture nowadays.

>> No.5783896

8/10 coinage, unless you stole it from somewhere.

>> No.5783912

the word is emasculate

and lol @ that post in general. this thread is pretty pathetic

>> No.5784000

Eh, emusculinization would look weird.

>> No.5784132


fucking gay

>> No.5784156

>i will inherit a half a billion dollar so never have to work.
The thing is you'll probably need to live 40 years after you get out of school before they pass, so unless they're the type to support you you'll have to get a job for a while. At least that's my situation.

>> No.5784160
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You got a problem with emusculinization? faggot?

>> No.5784392
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In the defence of everyone born into wealth (including myself) I didn't exploit or coerce anyone to to achieve what I have. I was BORN into it.

Yes, I could have gone the route of St Francis and abandoned my wealth and family to start a fraternity of aesthetics, but I am not St Francis. And had I gone that route it wouldn't have removed the wealth; rather it just would have put a greater concentration of that wealth in a smaller amount of hands.

I spend most of my daily time devoted to the study of history and writing fiction. I already have my own home, and I'm not interested in being wealthier than I am.

I wish everyone had the opportunity to devote themselves to their passions, friends, and loved ones like I do. Everyone is human and we all have the potential for greatness. Who's to a child-soldier from Liberia wasn't going to be the one to to cure cancer?

I accept that the world is very unfair, and I wish it wasn't. But don't blame someone who's only "crime" was birth for the injustices of the world.

>tl;dr you're just jealous and want to blame wealthy kids rather than capitalists.

>> No.5784401

lol. you are a capitalist you dumb child.

>> No.5784413

why don't you fucking go to thailand, snort heroin on the beach, fuck 10 prostitutes a day, and spend way less than 70k a year? I don't understand why staying in new york

>> No.5784423

>Around $50 running a bot that buys random thing from eBay.
What? Why?

>> No.5784495

>snort heroin
lol pleb

>> No.5784523

First because narcotics and Thailand don't mix unless you want to visit their jail system.

Second I'm gay, so I really have no problems getting laid, ny it's really a playground for that.

But yeah I go to camps for a couple of months a year just to train and drink singha.

This year I'm skipping it because I broke my leg and now I'm in P.T.

But yeah Im staying in NY just because I enjoy the city. I like the bars, I like the ppl, I like the museums and I hate the west coast.

As for the money that's not a problem.

>> No.5784531
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You don't know what the word capitalist means.

>> No.5784557
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my parents make about 750k a year combined. we live in a 10k sq ft house but you can drive 5 min down the hill and find yourself in a totally unremarkable middle class suburb. I drove an infinity in HS, alot of my friends had BMWs and similar. I try my hardest not to live out the snobby rich kid stereotype. ive never been told that I can't have something, but I don't have really ridiculous demands either.

>> No.5784566

If you're gay then you should probably move to Thailand.

>> No.5784692

you're already tainted by your commodities friend, already completely shaped by them and by everyone else's perception of you.

>> No.5784698
File: 40 KB, 500x375, 1410505372735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do i get a job working for a union organizing the workers that support the fags in this thread? actually asking.

>> No.5784708

That picture. I love to imagine the backstories of pictures posted here.
>go to organic super market to get some healthy food
>see this
>"hehe, my friends at 4chan will love this when I post it to make fun of newfags"

>> No.5784805



>> No.5784825

>'m not interested in being wealthier than I am.

nice that you have a choice in the matter, but the rest of us do fucking not.

>don't blame someone who's only "crime" was birth for the injustices of the world.

no, people blame vast wealth inequality for the injustices of the world. we hold YOU accountable for tacitly supporting this injustice.

coward and a hypocrite. don't shrug your shoulders and say "not my fault" while simultaneously reaping the benefits of injustice.

you know you could divest yourself from your inheritance or what have you. but i'm willing to bet that you would never, ever do that.

>> No.5784901

>grew up in a lowerclass family
not a richfag but I'll post my story anyway

>where do you live
In a small apartment in NJ.

>daily schedule
when I'm a hermit like I've been lately, usually
wake up-go to work-come home and chill for a while-go to gym-shower-go on a drive-sleep

when I actually want to do something enjoyable I go see some friends, go to coffee shops or book stores or hiking in random spots I've found over the years

>How much do you spend in a regular day?
Between gas, cigarettes, and food, probably around $25. I might splurge a bit on the weekend and go out to eat, trying to cut back on that though

>What kind of friends do you have?
mostly middle class college kids, most of them smoke weed/drink a bit, the usual. I try to keep my circle filled with people I can stand talking to for a few hours, who don't mind that I end up leaving pretty early as I get bored/anxious quickly. Most of them have parents that make decent money so I try to avoid them realizing I'm coming from a poor background

>reasons for 4chan-ing
interesting to see how other people live, every now and then you find threads like these that have interesting discussions

>> No.5784922

Don't blame us. We wouldn't be so rich if the poorest ppl didn't support us. Most poor ppl are right wing. Evidently they like this situation.

>> No.5784928

>most poor people are right wing
This is wrong. Rednecks are the only poor rightwing demographic that I can think of.

>> No.5784932

people who buy shit like organic mayo are successful poorfags. it's the same people who buy bmws.

>> No.5784973


yeah, and even then they only vote the way they do because they're deliberately distracted with social issues and race resentments.

so don't give us this "well lol obviously you guys LIKE us having all the money" horseshit.

dishonesty at its most craven. you are literally nothing like the rest of us.

>> No.5784987

>you know you could divest yourself from your inheritance or what have you. but i'm willing to bet that you would never, ever do that.

And who do you think would receive the wealth that I have? Do you honestly think it would go to starving children in Africa?

No, it will go to other wealthy people. Those other wealthy people might use the wealth I have to gain more wealth by exploiting others. I'm not doing that.

You on the other hand would probably happily exploit people (wittingly or unwittingly) to gain more wealth for yourself, and you'd justify that exploitation by saying that you had no wealth to begin with; that being "self made" justifies the exploitation of others.

Fuck you, you're just jealous.

And if you aren't jealous why are you not out helping the poor and disenfranchised, and instead arguing with someone who didn't exploit anyone to have what they have?

>people in glass houses

>> No.5785037


those are some amazing runaway assumptions you've got going on there, based on my post. let me re-explain this to you.

you yourself acknowledge that the grossly disproportionate amount of wealth your family holds is unfair. therefore the only conscionable thing to do for yourself would be to distance yourself from it.

now, that doesn't solve the issue of inequality, and i didn't say it would. what i said it would do is square your beliefs and understanding of wealth with your actual life. in short, making it so that you aren't a fucking hypocrite.

funny how even such a simple concept to you is tantamount to actively supporting inequality. huh. your true colors really come out the second you begin accusing others of jealousy.

despite your mealy mouthed lip service you don't actually care that it's unfair. you and your family got yours so fuck everyone else. just say it.

>> No.5785043

>Most poor ppl are right wing.
Are you talking about America? I don't think that's true in the least, where are you pulling that from?

>> No.5785054
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>mfw rich people think that criticisms of them are the result of jealousy and not actual serious concerns about the horrible role inequality plays in everyone else's daily life.

>mfw they think their critics simply want their lifestyle for themselves

it'd be funny if it weren't so sinister

>> No.5785082

my dad makes 300 grand a year, is a CFO of a moderately successful financial company.

I'm a student in midwest America. I go to class from 8:30-4. From 4-12 I dick around on my computer, then I sleep. I spend virtually no money on a day to day basis; my university has an all you can eat meal plan which I exploit to its fullest to the point where its been months since I've had to pay for food. I have no friends outside of my roommates with whom I'm not particularly close. I'm here because I like books and I have no where else to go.

Making a story about a helpless trust fund babby getting fucked by the world is super overdone and often pretty disingenuous.

>> No.5785087

>you yourself acknowledge that the grossly disproportionate amount of wealth your family holds is unfair. therefore the only conscionable thing to do for yourself would be to distance yourself from it.

(college tumblr bro encouraging random rich kid to ruin his life for for the sake of internet morality)

>> No.5785133
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>> No.5785137
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>you yourself acknowledge that the grossly disproportionate amount of wealth your family holds is unfair. therefore the only conscionable thing to do for yourself would be to distance yourself from it.

Um, actually using my the wealth I have in beneficial ways would be better than pulling a St Francis, unless you're a Catholic and think St Francis helped lots of people (not saying that's an incorrect assumption, just saying one has to agree with St Francis' achievement to accept it).

If you think the study of history and writing about history, or writing fiction is a bad thing to do with my life and money is not beneficial that is your opinion, which I will politely chose to disagree with.


This anon gets it. You basically think those who have more than you should give up what they have, but if a starving child in Africa were to pose the same question to you then you would, like me, ignore his statement because, when it comes down to it, you enjoy a lot of the comforts you have.

Well you know what? I enjoy the comforts I have, and you're just pissed off cause I have more comforts than you. Whose the real hypocrite?

Also, the only reason you're picking me as opposed to the other (significantly wealthier) anons is because I have a "degenerate" sexuality, as I mentioned before that I'm involved in BDSM. You're basically a puritanical moralizer who chooses their targets based on those who they think will be easiest to attack based on puritan ideas of sexuality.

>> No.5785138

see >>5785087

>> No.5785166

Who do you think is voting the racists populist parties that are doing so well right now?

Distracted? More like they either don't care or are not smart enough to get it.

My privilege is unjust, I give you that, but it's not like you really deserve better.

>> No.5785177
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OP was asking about the lives of wealthy kids; I.E trust fund babies. Some of these kids may grow up to become exploitative capitalists themselves, others may not. Regardless none of them are being exploitative capitalists at the moment.

Criticising the issues of wealth is completely fair enough, but people who are less well off than you could criticize you for exactly the same things, and if you aren't exploiting people for wealth at the moment, you'd defend yourself in much the same way.

Criticizing wealth is different than criticizing wealthy kids. But you like being on your moral high horse cause you assume poverty equals virtue.

>> No.5785189

Reminder that if you were born in a first world country, you are more privileged than the majority of the world for no reason. Complaining in that situation basically the same as a kid whose parents make $300k/yr and buy him a new Honda for his 16th birthday complaining about how it's unfair that they don't make $1mil/yr and that they didn't buy him a BMW instead

>> No.5785206

i'm not talking about your mom paying for you to study at school, i'm talking about the life that you will live from hereon out that will be funded by a disproportionate amount of wealth.

>when it comes down to it, you enjoy a lot of the comforts you have.

proportion is the word here. a starving child in africa is starving not because i'm a working class american, but because aristocrats and capitalists like you and your family have exploited this child's country's resources. you and your caste are guilty, not i.

>Also, the only reason you're picking me as opposed to the other (significantly wealthier) anons is because I have a "degenerate" sexuality

uh i didn't even know that was you and i give zero shits about your boring sexuality. lol @ your sexual persecution complex.

>> No.5785211


i never suggested poverty was a virtue you assumptive idiot. everyone should be comfortable, but no one should have such egregious wealth as to be able to be totally idle while most others have to suffer to varying degrees.

>> No.5785252
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>but because aristocrats and capitalists like you and your family have exploited this child's country's resources. you and your caste are guilty, not i.

You're accusing me of guilt by association. Also I imagine you have bought a product made in a third world sweatshop. If we're arguing guilt by association then you are just as guilty of exploiting them as I am.

However, in both cases neither of us is guilty rather the system is at fault for creating conditions where exploitation is the norm.

I, at least, am not using my wealth to pursue more wealth and power. You have never once made a claim for you goals in life which leads me to believe you do in fact want either wealth or power. If you don't then please explain what you want out of your own life

>i give zero shits about your boring sexuality. lol @ your sexual persecution complex.

Then why have you not responded to any of the other wealthy anons who have thus far posted in the thread.


Thanks for completely ignoring everything else in my statement and become incredibly defensive about that last point. As we're on /lit/ the words of the Bard are in order

>I think she doth protest too much.

>> No.5785646
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Not that guy but it's mostly because you're very outspoken in comparison and the posting style is easy to spot and follow. By being articulate and verbose you've drawn a target on yourself. You really are projecting your sexual insecurity onto a random poster.

>> No.5785669

Race to the bottom is stupid and you are stupid. You are quite literally a backwards retard.

>> No.5785676

I meant as in I've worked (during school holidays) in my dad's warehouses since I was 15

>> No.5785692

you are a decent man. The anon you are replying to is a scoundrel. Don't mind him.

>> No.5785815
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Fair enough for an explanation for the reply.



>> No.5785834

Guys, leave the BDSM guy alone, he's already very obviously self-conscious about being wealthy, trying very hard to love/obfuscate the idea of hostage situations with his sexuality

>> No.5785839

Sorry I had to say that, it's funny as fuck and probably true

>> No.5785840

Also, you should take it easy BDSM guy

>> No.5785847

I'm rich, but I'm country rich, so it's not really the same thing. I used to drink and take drugs a lot and be a degenerate but successful gambler, but I had a really good friend OD and that kinda woke me up from the mad dream I was having. I'm just trying to find something real to love now.

>> No.5785848

We're all mental dudes

>> No.5785852
File: 80 KB, 800x469, Autism - Get out of trouble free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You ceased being funny after this point.


Then you embraced autism

>> No.5785856

I am not a fucken funny machine for ur enjoyment motherfucker i am a feleing heman being too

>> No.5785860


Then stop shit posting.

>> No.5785862

It was heartfelt relating myself with the thread, u stop shitposting

>> No.5785868

Dear God, please kill everyone in this thread.
Thank you Jesus.

>> No.5785875

Tennis is a surprisingly fucking tiresome game to play, isn't it? You'd take that little box for granted, but it will fuck you.

>> No.5785888

Tripfagging can be pretty tiresome, too. How do your shoulders feel? How about your mood? Do you feel anxious?

>> No.5785896

I'm feeling kinda inspired atm actually because I just bumped into this really hot chick I know a while ago. Coming up on my grandfather's anniversary mass. I just wrote some damn depressing but really real fucking shit. I don't think I'm the sort of person who can really be brought down by tripfagging, anon. I'm not irrational enough.

>> No.5785902

I automatically kinda become predatory around women, it kinda upsets me afterwards thinking about it lol. It's just what's worked for me, I guess.

>> No.5785904

Are you some kind of nigger?

>> No.5785905

Us Irish are the niggers of white people anon, I am a proud nigger

>> No.5785993
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>where do you live and what is your daily schedule?
I live in Milan, Italy, in a 120sqm attic in the very centre, I live alone even it is my dad's property. I usually wake up at 10 and go swimming at the pool if I don't have class in the morning (I study mechanical engineering at the polytechnic of Milan), then I watch a movie or read or write, have lunch in a small restaurant near my house (I rarely cook at home), then I study or rehearsing with my band or to a museum or whatever. I go out at night only in the week-ends.
>How much do you spend in a regular day?
Depends, minimum 70€ and max 150€.
>What kind of friends do you have?
except my band which are kind of my bros, I have few friends, mostly people I get high and pick up girls with. >Why are you on 4chan?
because I enjoy internet humor I guess?

>> No.5786126
File: 261 KB, 1600x1212, Alexandre+Louis+Leloir+-+Jacob+wrestling+with+the+angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthropology in which uni/school?
And what do you intend to do afterwards?
(also, situation of your parents?)

>> No.5786338

I'm not exactly rich, but my parents own a few apartments out there and I have everything I want.
> litfags from wealthy upperclass families, where do you live
At the moment I live in Brasiia. My mom and I are planning to move to the US or Canada or somewhere in Europe, we don't know yet. My dad is a brute who likes to live here for some stupid reason.
> and what is your daily schedule?
Go to med school, come back home, have lunch, go back to med school if I have more classes. I play games, write on my journal and read during my free time.
> How much do you spend in a regular day?
Almost nothing. I only eat at home and I rarely spend money.
> What kind of friends do you have?
I don't consider my friends "friends". They're more like colleagues. They're all middle class people, and one of them is smart. The rest is eh.
> Why are you on 4chan?
I don't do much and 4chan is a nice place to discuss interesting topics lel. It also makes me laugh.

>> No.5786902

>Parents are nouveau riche Chinese immigrants(hardworking investors).
>I'm politically left to liberal(Francis Fukuyama).
>I keep a very low profile because of Confusion teachings.
I think this whole post is a joke.
if it's not... then you should be aware of your own stupidity and ignorance (and dyslexia)...

>> No.5786977

>Don't blame us. blame the people that keep us rich
you know you could, like, try helping them with all that money, right?

>And who do you think would receive the wealth that I have? Do you honestly think it would go to starving children in Africa?
you could just do something by yourself, like buying (cheap but quality [yes, that exists]) things wholesale and giving them to poor people, or selling them for really cheap (enough for you to recover some money, but for them to be not-so-expensive), or whatever
or find a techno-hippie that can do techie things to help people

>Well you know what? I enjoy the comforts I have, and you're just pissed off cause I have more comforts than you. Whose the real hypocrite?
you don't know how it feels to not have enough money for food, to sleep in the streets (even worse when it's cold), to be hopeless, to have kid(s) and not be able to feed him/her/them

>> No.5786994

>you know you could, like, try helping them with all that money, right?

Why? I don't really like them or care about them.

>> No.5787013

btw, if you faggots want to know how it feels to be poor, you could simply google something like "being poor", "poverty feels" or "what is poverty"
here's a good read: http://whatever.scalzi.com/2005/09/03/being-poor/

then you truly deserve this >>5781958 and much more

>> No.5787032
File: 2.18 MB, 472x360, 1414487905836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from a wealthy upperclass family. When the recession hit, we lost millions. Now we don't live a wealthy lifestyle. The upperclass doesn't change though, because despite what you might believe, class is a matter of culture, not wealth. That's not going to go away no matter how much money you lose (unless you decide to shy away from your family and friends completely). When upperclass families lose money they don't tend to change their lifestyles. They live more frugally, that is true, but they will not stop the habits/hobbies they have nor feel differently about their lives. And despite what you may think, the rich aren't heartless fucks that don't understand human emotion and struggle (but they can be heartless fucks to others, as this is not exclusive to being rich, it is just a human condition).

At least this is my experience, coming from a wealthy upperclass family that lost a lot of money after the recession and then was forced to make sacrifices.

>> No.5787045

I don't believe in an objective ethics. No one deserves anything. I don't deserve my money, nor I deserve to die, nor you deserve money, or deserve not to suffer.

Whatever happens happens, nothing is just or unjust. It just is. The world is indifferent to our concerns.

>> No.5787068


>> No.5787077

Not him. But you first, imbecile.
He will be more likely to get away to safety than you surviving if shit happens. He has more resource. His life is more prized even when that so called revolution happens. Yours, and your kind, with that mentality will be still worthless piece of shit. Merely cannon fodders. This is not Paris in the 18th century. If ruling class back then had the option to carpet bombing Paris, you bet your ass they would.
Don't believe me? I think those following headlines are very believable!
"Mr. X, a wealthy Y, was executed by angry mob"
"Hundreds of civilians were killed in the latest bombing"

You see. He retains his identity, no matter how trivial it is. You? You are "mob". You are "civilians." You are nothing.

Enjoy your existence.

>> No.5787099

Exactly. Also now the rich live in basically citadels where only rich people live. Good luck getting a revolution going in highly militarized Singapore or Manhattan.

>> No.5787109

>I don't believe in an objective ethics.
fine, but that's not the problem here
the problem is that people are suffering needlessly, and you rich kids also waste resources needlessly (you know it and assume so). IMO, it's a practical problem.

>No one deserves anything.
but we live in a society, with everything it implies, and there is no way you can escape from that fact.


>rich chinese
>hard working
>not cheating stealing, and profiting from their position of power

>Confusion teachings

u mad?
if you think these things cannot be done... I'm sorry for your ignorance ;^)

>> No.5787111

You guys are the reason I'm on 4chan. A perfectly educated debate tinged with memetic parlance. Kudos

>> No.5787148

oh I never claimed it would never happen. I said that even if it happened, he would be still better off, much

>> No.5787156

Wow, that girl is fucking FLAT.

She looks like a child.
I'm serious, if you're attracted to her, you're a pedophile.

>> No.5787165

Suffering is not a problems unless you posit an ethical standard.
Yes we live in a society with everything it implies. What it implies is that this society supports itself on certain systems that guarantee my wealth and preclude others from achieving more wealth. And I have a vested interest in things staying like this, as do the majority of people in power.

If you are really worried about people starving, your best bet is not to take away my money, but to convince people in power that it's in their interest to feed them.

>> No.5787188

I dont understand the joke

>> No.5787224


you don't smoke 6 grams a day

>> No.5787236

>Suffering is not a problems unless you posit an ethical standard.
suffering is a very real problem m8, and you can learn about it by experiencing it and comparing said experience with other ones.
you know, when you overthink things, they lose value. rich people obviously waste (as shown by this thread, assuming it's not completely made up) a lot of time doing worthless, fake shit

>And I have a vested interest in things staying like this, as do the majority of people in power.
shocking. but I doubt that spending $1000 in cheap blankets would harm you too much

>your best bet is [...] to convince people in power that it's in their interest to feed them.
they are already doing that, by telling people to work for them in exchange of money to barely keep themselves alive.

>> No.5787258

>suffering is a very real problem m8, and you can learn about it by experiencing it and comparing said experience with other ones.

What I mean is that I don't care m8. If they are hungry they can start eating their prole for what I care. What are they gonna do? Come and get me? Where? In ny? I'll be in Paris. In Paris? I'll be in Moscow. In Moscow? I'll be in Shanghai.

And when it's all over I'll be the best friend of the son of the tyrant they have brought to power and I'll keep partying with him in some hotel room in dubai before we take a plane to his villa in bogota.

>> No.5787265

This. A network and a family well connected are worth more than money.

btw, middle-class here

>> No.5787279

Son, it's ok. One day, pedophilia will be accepted. You will be able to come out.

>> No.5787285


Why Texas? I though the wealthiest people of USA lived in the Northeast or California. I mean, the liberal blue states.

Anyone know wealth people from Seattle?

>> No.5787286

Go fucking hand yourself, you little shit. You disgusting motherfuckers will never be accepted.

>> No.5787298

Texas has been experiencing a ton of economic growth and success in the past decade, and Dallas alone has 11 billionaires (17th highest number in the world).

>> No.5787317

Upstate nh in the mountains

2-300 a day, drop a g or so once a week

I invest\save up to buy property with a lot of my free cash, why waste it.

I clean my house, drink coffee, work out, read and eat out\cook dinner, chill out in got tub

>> No.5787323

These billionaires are farmers or something like that?
What are their political views?

>> No.5787326


not him but what do you want him to do? Give all his money to a charity and then get a bottom-rung job? Or give away some of his money but enough to get an education to get a good-paying job? Or give away just enough off of it that he never has to work again but maintains a minimalist lifestyle? What is not "passive to the criminal injustices" of the capitalist system? I suspect that there's maybe nothing he could do and you'd dislike him either way. If he gave away all his money wouldn't you say "he's fetishized the working class lifestyle and is self-righteously pursuing only for aesthetic purposes" or something like that?

>> No.5787342

Texas is oil money + no income taxes. You do the math.

>> No.5787360

are you the poltard in the other thread ( >>5786409 )? I'm pretty sure you are.
I'm also pretty sure that you are completely oblivious to your own contradictions, and haven't read this thread out of laziness.
and I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to rich kids who feel guilty for being rich, but have no interest in doing something against it.
you, OTOH, enjoy corruption and misery. that is, other people's misery...

>> No.5787363

You seem very behind on the times.

There's lots of oil money, especially in Houston. Tech companies and start-ups in Austin, real-estate and investors in Dallas-Fort Worth, a little bit of cattle wealth, etc. Quite a few international companies, like Siemens, have their headquarters in Texas.

The extremely wealthy are generally fiscally conservative, but all of the major cities lean left.

>> No.5787372

>buying property
OK, there's a special circle in hell for the rich people who do this shit. "Oh, yeah, property's a good investment because with all the other rich people buying it the price just keeps going up. It's not like poor people need places to live or anything, right?"

>> No.5787380

It's fucking vacation property, I'm not some slum lord, profitable as sec. 8 tenants are

>> No.5787381

this poltard, btw: >>5786682
not the terribly retarded one

>> No.5787383

No I'm not. I actually find the term cultural maxism pretty stupid and I'm a big fan of the frankfurt school. I'm just also a fan of Schopenhauer and Hegel, which makes me see their politics as a bit silly, especially Marcuse's.
But their analysis are lovely, and Adorno is probably the greatest philosopher of the last century.

>> No.5787391

Ah nope, but he is an intelligent one.

>> No.5787460

Not really, when i get bored i travel
and i pick friends who arent assholes

>> No.5787647

>The extremely wealthy are generally fiscally conservative, but all of the major cities lean left.

And culturally/ socially? They're conservatives or liberals?


>> No.5787656

>I'm a big fan of the frankfurt school

>> No.5787798
File: 108 KB, 996x509, Gallery-Lisbon-The-Seaside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year, my family was in the top 1% in my country, but then I live in Portugal so it's far from the top 1% in, say, the U.S.. My father is a politician, not a famous one though. He makes the money. My mother is a small-time lawyer in her hometown.
I go to a private catholic school in a big city. I moved here from the countryside when I was 10 and the adaptation was pretty rough. My school is usually number one in all the rankings, but I honestly don't think it's that good.
Anyway, I spend the morning at school, come home, go to the gym for about two hours, study french for an hour, do whatever homework I have or study and then I go to bed and read until I fall asleep. I've just finished Machiavelli's Discourses and I'm going to start Meditations by Marcus Aurelius tonight.
Not a very exciting life. I don't have many friends. I interact with people at school and get along with quite a few but I never really integrate into their groups, so when they go out together they don't invite me. A couple of girls have expressed interest in me, specially since I started getting fit, but it just didn't work out. I'm still a kissless virgin. I'm just not a likable person, I guess. Aesthetically, I'd say I'm average, although physically I'm considerably above that. I'm not shy and I'm pretty charismatic, so I don't really understand it. I always get excellent grades in oral presentations and I win all the debates I'm in, so I know I talk well and persuasively. I'm a very rational, sometimes cold, person so, although I don't care much for social interaction, my incompetence in this field does frustrate me. I'm sorry for deviating from the subject, but I just had to.
Anyway. if I want money for anything, all I have to do is ask but the only thing I buy is books and protein really. Occasionally I buy a new phone or computer.
Holidays are great though. Last summer we went to Madrid, Stockholm and Copenhagen. We go to Salvador every year in April. Every summer we spend a month in a house in the countryside and another month in a beach house. Still, I don't get along with my parents. My father is constantly bragging about his connections and meetings with important people. My mother is extremely emotional and superficial. I'm the exact opposite, I consider myself outwardly humble, as well as rational and I like to think I'm ahead of my age, although I realize many people think the same. So I'm completely incompatible with my parents. They're good, hardworking people, but I just can't help but feel like an outsider at the dinner table.
I'm applying to study Economics at Cambridge next year. My overall grade last year was 19,8 out of 20 and I participate in a lot of political initiatives as well as debates and competitions, so I think I have a good chance of getting in, but it's still very hard.
This ended up being more of an autobiography than an answer to your questions, but it felt good. I had never done anything like this before.

>> No.5787806

>first world faggot butthurt that his life of unearned privilege and comfort isn't easier and more comfortable

>> No.5787809


Where is it?

>> No.5787822

why does this thread make it seem like rich people are autistic retards?

>> No.5787824

Northeastern Brazil. Although we don't stay in the city, we always go to a resort.

>> No.5787826

Why contain it? Let it spill over the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end they'll beg us to save them.

>> No.5787842
File: 94 KB, 1280x1152, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why willingly be a suicidal retard? Are you proud of being this brainwashed?
>Throwing around words like butthurt
>As some whiney faggot going on about muh first world

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man. I sure hope die in agony for being this unabashedly stupid.

>> No.5787849

Socially more conservative, save for Austin. Austin is very liberal in all possible ways.

>> No.5787852

I'm sure most of them are lying for e-credentials but rich people are less human than people who have to actively work in their life.

They've no empathy, only existential crisis'

"waah, why am I still empty?"

>> No.5787858

Why can't they have existential crisis like everybody else?

>> No.5787860

lol good shit bro. stay poor and impotent. i'm from the same prole background that you likely are, assuming you're not born in the brazillian favelas or to chinese dirt farmers or something. it's called manning up.

>> No.5787870

Nothing that you just vomited out has anything to do with anything I have posted or implied. It doesn't even have anything to do with your prior whiney shitpost. What a coddled, brainwashed little le xDing faggot you are. Holy shit. If western society produced broken pieces of absolute garbage like you the perhaps it -does- need to be re-evaluated.

>> No.5787875

you are so fucking mad dude. your anger and self-hatred will never go away as long as you hide behind excuses and act like a bitch.

>> No.5787879

I've read DFW. I'm sure there's a certain dissociation rich people feel with reality, and I often question - how could someone who was nearly handed everything in life be so depressed that they'd kill themselves?

I suppose it was a gross generalization. I'm a "serf" who has to work for his living, I've little idea why people who have their entire lives paid for have something to complain about. Yearning?

>> No.5787884

>lel ur first world don't u know ur supposed to feel bad innately lol lazy pigdog lol

Hahaha. Seriously dude, how do you get this stupid? This is literally cognitive dissonance double-think.

>> No.5787887

sure thing lil bro

>> No.5787891


Capitalism ruins everyone.

>> No.5787894


Even if you're just some shitbird autist counting the keystrokes until your fat yet-under-nourished heart explodes there are still real live retards exactly like the one you are/are portraying.

>> No.5787901

im poor and by myself

>> No.5787918

Well, I've always heard the human being has two main instincts: self-preservation and reproduction.
As a rich person, you obviously don't have to worry about surviving since your basic needs are completely fulfilled, as well as your superfluous whims, so the first instinct is sated.
As to the second instinct, you will find no shortage of women willing to procreate with you to gain access to your material assets.
Your instincts are dissipated and you begin to feel less and less human, and like you have less and less purpose.
In addition to that, there's the emotional aspect. If you always have everything you need, you feel less and less happiness every time you fulfill one of your desires. It saturates. If you've never had a Ferrari, getting a Ferrari makes you extremely happy. But if you have a Porsche, a Bentley an a Lamborghini in the garage, a Ferrari isn't going to make that much of a difference. In that way, most positive emotions slowly disappear from your life due to sheer saturation. In contrast, negative emotions never fade away. Conflicts with your friends and family have an effect on you which does not saturate, because it actively bothers you and keeps you from going on with your life.
Therefore your life becomes a depressing grayscale, it's either boring and nothing's happening or things are going bad and you're depressed.
The suicidal thoughts come with the realization of this, specifically the realization that you no longer gain pleasure from things that would make everyone else extremely happy.
This is coming from a wealthy person (>>5787798 I'm this guy), although I'm not depressed or anything; I just figure this is what some people go through.

>> No.5787944

>monthly $4000 checks
>upper class lifestyle


$4,000 per month is low-middle class budget, a single Brioni suit costs more than that (and you need at least 6 suits per year if you want to look impeccable)

I mean your "trust fund baby" can't even afford a basic Rolex or a really top-class restaurant once a month with his girlfriend

$20,000 monthly would be more credible if you want to portray an easy lifestyle, a bit lavish but not too excessive (no private jets, no Bugatti cars, no crazy gambling in Monaco, etc.), in the upper class youth

Also, regarding your question, a wealthy person does whatever she wants to do, and nothing else; there is no quintessential lifestyle, there is only pure freedom to define your own self

>> No.5787956

$4000/ month will not let you live a free and easy lifestyle. That's about what I spend and I am solidly middle class

>> No.5787972

You are certainly not upper class if they cannot afford this. Sorry.

>> No.5787977

precisely what i was thinking

>> No.5788028

$4,000 cheques for a child is middle-upper class, but more "middle" than "upper" honestly

You are not at all upper class, or you severely underestimate the financial power of your family

If your family has a reasonable amount of $10,000,000 in the bank (which is the entry level of upper class IMO), they could send you $10,000 per month without a blink

If your family doesn't even have $10,000,000... sorry but you are solidly middle class

>> No.5788033

not sinister, just ignorant. and you're equally ignorant if you think none of their critics are jealous.

>> No.5788034

so they don't party hard with their money, neither make sex before marry and they go to churches?

>> No.5788044

do you consider $10 mil in assets upper class? Or does it have to be cash, assets notwithstanding?

>> No.5788073

Not that anon but I think it depends on how liquid the assets are. Stocks, sure, but if your primary house is worth $8 million and it's very hard to sell, then no.

>> No.5788078

so you're saying that you could be middleclass and live in an $8 mil house?

>> No.5788099

I think there's a difference in being fiscally upper-class and (being able to) living upper-class. For example, someone with a fund of $20million but only has it dispense $30k to them per year. They're upper-class in a way and not in another, and I think the latter is more relevant to the thread.

>> No.5788111

>if you don't have 10m in bank you are middle class

you are seriously delusional, even having 1 million in wealth puts you waaaay ahead

>> No.5788133

In assets, of course. If you have millions, pure "cash" should represent a very small part of your assets. At least 95% of your assets should be invested in stocks, bonds, investment funds, real estate, and alternative investments.

And we're talking about the assets of a whole family, so $10,000,000 for several people (including grandparents, i.e. up to six adults?) isn't that much.

Investing $10,000,000 should bring a yield of $300,000 yearly if you are very conservative, and much more if you like risk.

>> No.5788147

I would agree that $1 mil in liquid assets is wealthy enough and puts you ahead. But let's be serious, middle class houses range from $400k -$1million. It can be said that the owner would have X amount in "wealth" and would be "ahead" in some way.
Still no where near Upper class

>> No.5788149

Only 5 millionish americans have at least a million dollar in bank, not counting the value of the place they are currently living in

so even if you have a shitty house + 1 million dollar you are inside the top 5 million among 300 million, hardly a middle class

>> No.5788193

But if you live in a $8,000,000 house and have no liquid assets and no big source of income, you are pants-on-head retarded.

How are you going to pay those massive taxes and maintenance costs attached to a $8,000,000 house?

This is a legitimate case, but it's also quite special. Trusts don't exist in many countries (civil law countries often ignore them).

All my grandparents have more than $1,000,000 (on each side) and it's like nothing.

When you own $1,000,000, half of that is middle-class real estate; the other half will produce an impressive yield of $2,000 per month at best. And that's before taxes. Does not sound like upper class to me.

I know because I manage their "fortune", and I'm cutting costs everywhere to allow them a modest lifestyle.

>> No.5788253

>you are pants-on-head retarded
Indeed you would be, Alex.
What are Americans until October 2008?

>> No.5788259

>This is a legitimate case, but it's also quite special. Trusts don't exist in many countries (civil law countries often ignore them).

>But if you live in a $8,000,000 house and have no liquid assets and no big source of income, you are pants-on-head retarded.

>How are you going to pay those massive taxes and maintenance costs attached to a $8,000,000 house?

Oh I agree with you, I was merely demonstrating there are other conditions required to being considered 'upper-class' than just having assets valued at millions, but yes, anyone who has these kind of assets almost certainly fulfills/can fulfill those other conditions as well.

>> No.5788268

It doesn't matter if you're in the top 2% in relative terms, you're still stuck in the middle class in reality.

$1,000,000 with a 4% yield = $40,000 per year = $3,333 per month before all kind of taxes (so more like $2,200).

Is it "upper class" for you? $2,200 per month to feed your family?

If you have to "get a job" to afford a comfortable lifestyle, you are not upper class.

>> No.5788291


Also, to be more descriptive: Upper-class = Capital Class. this is the way it is these days.

>> No.5788340


how does that contradict his position? here in new york we have a glut of billionaires purchasing second or third homes. "vacation property" as you said. many times the buyers are wealthy foriegners. basically these (usually empty) units are pushing up prices all over the city, squeezing out normal people. it is happening all over and making life unsustainable for anybody who isn't either grotesquely wealthy or reliant entirely upon social welfare.

so yes, you are perpetuating a serious problem.

>> No.5788368
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EHESS, I think- the course title is ethnology and anthropology. Afterwards, who knows, maybe go into academia, go travelling, move to London.
The course lasts two years though, so its' not a matter of urgence

My parents aren't particularly rich, the money and appartement I have goes back to great-grandparents.

I'm probably one of the less well-off posters in this thread-my only real luxury is not having to worry about rent, finding work and the rest.

I'm guessing you are French? Your writing certainly suggests it.

>> No.5788423
File: 3.73 MB, 320x240, I Don&#039;t Even - Gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't know how it feels to not have enough money for food, to sleep in the streets (even worse when it's cold), to be hopeless, to have kid(s) and not be able to feed him/her/them

You don't know how it feels to have your family gunned down by foreign invaders, and live alone in a refugee camp.

You're basically saying that hardship and suffering equal virtue. If you truly believe this thwn why don't you give up all of your worldly possession? Or cut off your legs?

>you could just do something by yourself, like buying (cheap but quality [yes, that exists]) things wholesale and giving them to poor people, or selling them for really cheap (enough for you to recover some money, but for them to be not-so-expensive), or whatever or find a techno-hippie that can do techie things to help people

This answer depends on ones philosophical views on charity. I'm not saying your point is unjustified, but I do question the infrastructure and development of such a charitable endeavour, as well as weather such an endeavour is ethical.

>> No.5788466

>This answer depends on ones philosophical views on charity.

ah yes, and here come the tortured and twisted justifications for inaction. nothing ever changes.

>> No.5788479
File: 90 KB, 318x235, Mah Nigga - 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If he gave away all his money wouldn't you say "he's fetishized the working class lifestyle and is self-righteously pursuing only for aesthetic purposes" or something like that?

>> No.5788509

Friendly reminder that if you have 77 000 dollars or more you are in top 10% globally.

I wonder how willing these people would be to have their wealth 'redistributed' amongst the more unfortunate

>> No.5788511

>tfw previous generations in family were aristocratic, wealthy, and political in their native country until war relocated them, leaving their wealth behind
>tfw family is now poor

In an alternative universe I'm posting in this thread not wishing but sharing my experience with wealth too.

>> No.5788543

Is it morally justifiable to rape bourgeois women?

>> No.5788551

>You're basically saying that hardship and suffering equal virtue.
what in the actual fuck are you reading, fucking retard?
poor people live like shit, and it's not like they have any options. you (or the poster to which I replied) are basically saying that you won't give a single cent because other people are also suffering. don't you see your own retarded, ilogical, bullshit justification for being an egotistic miser (exactly as >>5788466 said)?
I said you COULD DO IT BY YOURSELF, you could go and help poor people, nothing to do with charity. You don't need to go to africa, syria or whatever, there are people suffering right there in your city, right now.
also, no one is forcing you to do anything (other than to pay taxes...), stop bullshitting yourself. if you don't want to help, simply say "I don't care", that's better than being the fucking hypocrite you are being here.

>If you truly believe this thwn why don't you give up all of your worldly possession? Or cut off your legs?
I'll suffer just because other people are suffering? dafuq?

>> No.5788556
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How do you thrive in a capitalistic society without fucking anyone over intentionally?

>> No.5788559

>post your lifestyle here so college leftists who have never had a job can judge you

>> No.5788561

Kinda like this. But I feel also that you don't have any distractions. That is it. The rich kid's like is what everyone dreams.
If you are minimally smart you realize how futile everyone's struggle are.

People struggle to get girls thinking "hey if I get a qt3.14 I'll finally feel good". But they can't because they are not the coolest guys in the block, so they say "maybe if I get a car I'll get girls". So they look for a job and they get a shitty McDonald job and they waste their summers so that they can get a car only to find out that the shitty car they got doesn't get them girls either. They need bigger cars and to get bigger cars they need better jobs. So they started hard on the SAT and they get in the best college they can get and hope to get a career. They finally meet a girl that wants to fuck them, but she doesn't love them, she wants their potential. So now they have to work hard to prove her that they can afford her life style. That they can get her the life she wants, the house she wants and that they are ready to commit or she'll just fly away.
And he is "man if I just get this I'll be ok". So he works hard and gets an entry job at pricewaterhousecoopers or whatever and gets to marry her but still he doesn't feel ok. Maybe he has to get a kid. But you need a house for a kid in a good neighbourhood with good schools. So he works hard to get the house. And when the kid is born he is still not ok. So he thinks maybe it's because I'm working too much. So he works hard to retire as fast as he can. But since he is working so hard he is missing out on his life. So he finally retires but his wife is by now estranged and his kid is off to college and barely cares about him and he feels like he has lost his whole life and he still feels like shit.
Only at 50 it hits him finally how futile this whole thing has been and he hopes that his kid won't have to go through it all over again.
And if he's rich enough his kids want and what you'll get is the lives of those rich kids who posted here.
And those rich kids now they will have the instruments and the lack of distraction to see in their 20s how everyone around them is just struggling to live their life and that even if they achieve it will be for nothing.

Because that's the thing, it doesn't get better than this and it feels pretty shitty nonetheless. So my advice is: work as little as you can, don't care about money, don't give a fuck about others and do only what you want.

>> No.5788568
File: 93 KB, 915x960, This Shit Drives Me Up the Fucking Wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A valid ethical argument against charity would be that charity is a symptom of an unjust system, and that putting one's effort into attacking the system is a more ethical use of one's time/resources than charity.

Also, it depends on your definition of charity. When I give money/resources to my friends to get them through hard times is that charity? I'd be more inclined to view it as gift giving rather than charity, but the idea is the same (I.E giving to those in need), in which case one could I give a significant amount to charity.

>> No.5788569

you can't, by merely existing you're likely fucking a bunch of people already

>> No.5788570

Honestly, anon, paying people to cook 200 g of rice everyday for 10 poor jobless people and help them find a job would be a really great things, metaethics nonwithstanding, and who cares that you do it to feel better about yourself ? It does make an actual difference. That's a

>> No.5788573


...or you could just look at it as alleviating actual, real suffering. but that's boring and inconvenient because it isn't at all abstract.

>> No.5788583


yeah, it's inconvenient because it doesn't allow one to sit on their ass, disproportionally soaking up resources.

>> No.5788596

Ah the memories. I used to live in place de l'odeon, in front of the statue of Danton, and I would walk all the way to Blvd. Raspaille to follow the classes of Marcel Gauchet. Or sometimes I would go and talk with Karsenti,

Good times.

>> No.5788599
File: 61 KB, 393x500, Is This Faggot Serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll suffer just because other people are suffering? dafuq?

That's what you're telling me to do because I don't know about suffering. You're saying that because I'm better off than you I should walk a mile in your shoes. A Liberian refugee could say the same thing to you, and you'd completely ignore his "request".

Suffering is relative, I could tell a billionaire to walk a mile in my shoes like you're doing, and he could point out that there are people worse of than me.

If you have a computer and the time to shitpost your half-assed resentment-philosophy there are people who have it worse off than you. And why aren't you giving up your unnecessary worldly possessions to help them?

>> No.5788616
File: 173 KB, 1920x1200, Llama - I don&#039;t give a fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly, anon, paying people to cook 200 g of rice everyday for 10 poor jobless people and help them find a job would be a really great things, metaethics nonwithstanding, and who cares that you do it to feel better about yourself ?

Because I'd prefer to spend my time writing history and fiction to give to mankind. If you don't think history and fiction are good for mankind then I don't want to live in the same world than you (though I'm not saying you're suggesting this, I'm just saying that I do with my time).

I understand that very few people (mostly other academics) have read the small amount of essays I've had published, but I do not equate populism (in academy) with quality.

>> No.5788639


i don't think he's asking you to suffer. i think his point is that you have the capacity to give and alleviate others' suffering, without having to actually suffer yourself.

>> No.5788654


and btw your conflation of charitable giving with the cutting off one's legs is pretty contemptible.

>> No.5788663


this guy is the epitome of so-rich-his-head-is-up-his-own-ass.

>why no i shall NAUGHT give my gross wealth to charity! i prefer to HELP the poooooor by wrrrrriting academic articles!

>> No.5788665


right? as if he couldn't possibly do both.

>> No.5788683

I think he's writing academic articles because he wants to write academic articles. He challenged you upthread to provide a connection between "the poor exist" and "they have a claim on my extra wealth", and I haven't seen one yet. Please moralize for our entertainment.

>> No.5788702


the connection is "the poor exist because resources are syphoned from all of us disproportionately deposited into the coffers of those like he and his family. the poor are the ones who are left over" and therefore they do have a reasonable claim on it.

not knowing the specifics of the source of his parents' wealth i'll have to generalize.

>> No.5788713

The poor existed before capitalism. Without capitalism most societies lived on the brink of poverty/subsistence level as they do now (or worse, at least now they get some sort of aid from richer countries).
If anything you have to thank capitalism for helping that 10% of the people to live well.

>> No.5788733


how is this even an argument? because wealth inequality has existed in the past, we should be satisfied with it existing today?

>> No.5788741


You can't say most societies used to be in poverty and now say it's OK because 10% live well.

>> No.5788756

I got a suggestion for you, faggot:
learn it

>> No.5788759

You shouldn't be satisfied. Satisfaction would imply that your actions could have a real effect on the situation. Equitable (how do you even define this outside of ideology) wealth distribution is not a condition that has ever been met. In a world full of extremely unequal individuals, families, and states what reason is there to think it will ever be met? He's asking you to give up on your utopian dreams and accept that the poor will always be with us.

>> No.5788765
File: 40 KB, 360x259, Oh Indeed - Omar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the specifics of the source of his parents' wealth i'll have to generalize.

Nouveu riche parents. One's a very successful lawyer the other a successful cryptologist (or was a cryptologist).


Thank you for getting the point.

If you don't agree with furthering mankind's knowledge then I don't actually care about your opinion of ethics. Is writing academic articles and essays the most noble course I took take? Possibly not, but it is important that people do it.

You make it sound a lot easier than it is. Buying the rice and cooking it would not take much time out of my day, true. But distributing the rice, transporting it, and other such sundries makes it a lot harder than it initially sounds. especially as (shockingly enough) I don't live in a particularly lower-class area. I chose not to spend my time on such things, as I don't think it's particularly enjoyable (for myself, not saying others don't enjoy spending their time feeding the hungry).

Also, I billet lots of friends who come over to my home quite a bit. I encourage them to eat my good and enjoy my hospitality because I know I can afford it.


I'm using it as a comparison for the various moralising anons who think I have too much (in comparison to themselves), but won't look at their own life in the same lense from someone worse off than them. Their argument is compemtible based off a philosophy of resentment.

>> No.5788776


I'm the wealthy anon arguing the most, and I think your post in incredibly solipsitic, and devoid of any ethical or logical merit.

>> No.5788791


what kind of law does he practice

and i like how your argument for not giving to charity is "well, it's just not convenient for me to do so..."

meanwhile i bet you think that poor people are poor because they're lazy.

>> No.5788825

you, your retarded images and your retarded replies are worse than the most retarded tripfag here in /lit/

>Nouveu riche parents. One's a very successful lawyer the other a successful cryptologist (or was a cryptologist).
everything makes sense now...

>> No.5788828


what is it that cryptologists actually functionally do? what did your mother actually do? genuinely curious.

>> No.5788875
File: 55 KB, 370x300, He Mad - Star Wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile i bet you think that poor people are poor because they're lazy.

I don't think poor people are poor cause they're lazy. I think poor people are born into poverty and it's very difficult (and also requires a lot of luck) for them to escape those conditions.

As for convenience please explain how you go out of your way to help out people worse off then you, and is the reason you don't help also because of convenience?


Cryptologists write encryption, this can be used for lots of things, my father make his money writing encryption for pokie machines (slot machines for those not from New Zealand). My mother is a criminal defence lawyer.


Attacking style, cool story bro.

>> No.5788968

Hey, sorry if this is weird...but if you're still around, do you have a Skype?

The stuff you just said is spot on and I want chat with you about it

>> No.5789010

>useless and annoying images, and general retardation = style

>Cryptologists write encryption
uhm, you mean, programmers and engineers, right? Cryptologists study it and try to break it/create new systems, not "write it"

>As for convenience please explain how you go out of your way to help out people worse off then you, and is the reason you don't help also because of convenience?
not the same anon, but... not everyone has money or time to throw at poor people.

btw, how much do your parents make? judging by their professions, they either were very lucky, or they are just middle class

>slot machines
>criminal defence lawyer
>New Zealand
so, a bit of luck. doubtful that you are as rich as the other anons in this thread.

>> No.5789254

Oh man this thread is fucking hilarious.

I'm laughing hard of the jealous SJWs freaking the fuck out because of the wealthy kids.

They want others to donate money and time to help the poor.

Ironically, SJWs are claiming that they don't have time to help, but they find time to shitpost on an vietnamese cartoon website.

>> No.5789294


actually despite growing up poor, getting top-tier education and still somehow ending up a poor adult, i do volunteer at a foodbank here in nyc, and during the holidays (like now) i spend nights at a homeless shelter.

but one doesn't have to do things like that. if one is the recipient of unjust wealth, the best thing to do would be to send it in a more productive direction (charities, progressive politics, etc), or refuse it outright. don't perpetuate the status quo.

the worst are those who agree about its injustice yet are too cowardly and comfortable to take any action. in some ways they are worse than those who explicitly exploit others in that they are tacit enablers.

>> No.5789412

>They want others to donate money and time to help the poor.
>Ironically, SJWs are claiming that they don't have time to help
I love how people misread or assume things without even thinking about it...

I wrote >>5789010 , and I am poor, so it would be really stupid for me to even try giving other people money or try to help them without any resources... when I can't even help myself.

but it doesn't matter, we can always assume some shit, right?

>> No.5790624

You realise that charity is the pressure valve of capitalism and that you are actively opposing actual change, right?

If anything, you should make it worse for the poor so that they may emancipate themselves.

>> No.5790967

He just works for me, so that I am comfortable in my numb