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File: 121 KB, 1600x900, zizek wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5779815 No.5779815 [Reply] [Original]

What would he think of 4chan?

>> No.5779819

I think it's an okay method of passing time.

>> No.5779822

It's a toss up between 'Pure Ideology' and *sniffle*

>> No.5779823

he wants to ban it

>> No.5779829

my God, and so on

>> No.5779836

isz liek..*sniff* really odd, to me.

>> No.5779839

A great place for fans of Tibetan puppet-shows to discuss their similar interest

>> No.5779845

[frantic gesturing]

>> No.5779855

plastic penises

>> No.5779869

Slavoj, I want to be your protegé

>> No.5779870

>zish slothrop *sniff*, he sheems like an cool pershon and so and so on

>> No.5779943
File: 34 KB, 441x280, zizekcute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sniff* I don't think it should be dismissed, of course not! *sniffle* Some of my colleagues - I won't mention names, haha - see these things, how do you say...internet memes, and so on...as childish, or obscenely stupid. *finger wave* I think it is quite the contrary, I think this is, more than anything, a valuable example of pure ideology at work. Absolutely! To see how these internet communities work...they are a microcosm of how real world ideologies function. Look at the different ways laughing is portrayed, on these sites. *shirt pull* There is great difference in the way laughter is portrayed, and of course, it's all the same thing, it shows laughter. But these communities, they're very particular about how laughter is shown, to the point of ridiculing outsiders for this. This *sniffle* this is the root of ideology!

That is not to say, I don't find it all very obscene, ha ha and so on. When I am in power, you know, they all go to the Gulag.

>> No.5779998


>> No.5780001

A playground for bourgeois identity politics

>> No.5780008

that's tumblr

>> No.5780020

>When I am in power, you know, they all go to the Gulag.
Okay, this dealt me a good one.

>> No.5780047

someone screencap

>> No.5780136

fucking great

>> No.5780144
File: 2.17 MB, 2481x3289, 2spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not very familiar with Zizek. Does he consider "pure ideology" to be a good or a bad thing?
>inb4 good and bad are just ideology

>> No.5780156

He thinks you should be aware of ideology and how it effects your actions, though it is inescapable. I don't think he considers pure ideology to necessarily be a bad thing (maybe devoid of real meaning or purpose), just the best example of the effect of ideology. Doing something irrational or unnecessary because of ideological influences is what he means by "pure ideology".

>> No.5780211
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>When I am in power, you know, they all go to the Gulag

>> No.5780215



>> No.5780217
File: 123 KB, 1258x190, Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 6.41.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5780220



>> No.5780233

>That perfect capture of zizek's character and the absurd combination of his speech and that fucking cat playing the piano.


>> No.5780234

thanks anon

>> No.5780240


> control of the internet is a battle
> private interests using clouds and intelligent suggestions to control what we see

easily the first cogent thing zizek has said that I agree with

>> No.5780247


is zizek becoming a meme once and for all? or has he always been *sniff* "meme" and so on and so forth

>> No.5780253

I don't agree much with his politics or the value of Lacanian psychoanalysis, but the man has some incredible insights into society, scattered around in his rants and digressions.

>> No.5780256


>mfw him becoming a meme is the perfect example of his own philosophy of ideology

>> No.5780261

pure mimeography

>> No.5780264


yeah, reading/listening to zizek is like panning for gold in shit. the shit is everywhere and makes you disheartened but right before you give up he delivers something so profound and thought provoking that it seems to make the shit worthwhile

>> No.5780267

Holy shit his tics distract me so much.

>> No.5780268

>these cop out bullshit opinion
that's like say communism would never work because of "human nature"

>> No.5780278

That comparison makes no sense. What do you even mean? That I have to agree with everything he says to agree with anything he says?

Nah, I find him very entertaining anyway.

>> No.5780297


true. i didn't mean to make the shit come across as unentertaining . I guess a better metaphor would be eating delicious cotton candy that has no nutritional value whatsoever but every once in while you come across a super nutritional supplement embedded within the cotton candy.

>> No.5780303

No just that your supposed critique is completely empty

>> No.5780304



My God....its a series

>> No.5780366


But it's true, communism never would work because of "human nature". A simple statement isn't necessarily untrue

>> No.5780428

? Cause I didn't give a critique you fucking autist, I said I don't share many of his opinions but still find him to be insightful.

It's an annoying statement not because it's untrue, but because people parrot it in a discussion as if it's their own opinion and think they sound intelligent, when they haven't given it any of their own thought.

And more than that, "human nature" is a very ill defined concept. You could also say Capitalism doesn't "work" because of human nature. You could say no systems work because of human nature, and you could say any system would work if particular parts of human nature were emphasized.

>> No.5780440

Soon we will have genetic engineering. That will make communism possible.

>> No.5780449


Not necessarily untrue but highly reductive. It's no fun when someone throws one of those out there in a casual situation and when you try to pursue it as a topic of conversation the anti-intellectual boots of the high-heeled pseudo-intellectual come on.

>> No.5781942

For those who haven't seen it:

>> No.5781954

"Why doaz theez 4chan *sniffle* say dezz words 'nigger' and the 'jew' so often? It is just...ah hehe..."

"I--I haev to say, I liek it. It remiandz me of Slovenia."

>> No.5781960

>that reaction to the applause and emotional breakdown

Holy shit that was great.

>> No.5781968

The third episode is great. I'm surprised to find myself thinking Zizek would say the exact same thing, except not be so comedic about it.

>> No.5781969

End of chorsh when I come to power szhey vill all be put in de re-education camp shomewhere *stifled laughter*

End I mean zhis quite literally! You know.

Anywhesh, back to my point.

>> No.5781978

What exactly is Zizek's master plan for society? I've gathered it to be Stalinist in nature but surely he doesn't want to just do the exact same thing all over again.

>> No.5782324

Communism is about avoiding slavery, not being enslaved to new things.

>> No.5782374

I think he's only a Stalinist ironically.

>> No.5782395
File: 200 KB, 660x451, Screen Shot 2014-11-27 at 11.04.33 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is he such a fucking edgelord.

>> No.5782401

It would most likely be a neo-social democratic society, but what it would look like he hasn't defined yet.

He's consistently said that the 20th century communist experiments miserably failed, and we should look beyond them. However, and this isn't unique to Zizek, he is a staunch critic of the impotent, insipid and spineless contemporary Left that populate all Western states.

Like quite a few critical Leftist thinkers, he believes that the apparatus to instigate change or an evolution in capitalist society are stymied, but equally very few can offer any sensible systemic alternative in current Leftist dialogue.

>> No.5782413
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1414766923028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is a staunch critic of the impotent, insipid and spineless contemporary Left that populate all Western states.

Then why does he keep inviting Laurie Penny round to braid his beard?

>> No.5782436

As much as I dislike Laurie Penny, she isn't just another limp-wristed 'oh, it would be nice for the poor to have a tad more equality, perhaps give them some more food stamps' working-class sympathizer; she is an outspoken communist who frequently calls for an armed revolution and leading politicians to have their heads displayed on pikes for the poor to throw fruit at.

She is an angry feminist, quite naive, and I would hate to be stuck near her for any amount of time, but from Zizek's perspective, she is a 'real' leftist who has done all the required reading, and campaigns for the same political outcome.

"The next generation don’t need a Nasa-funded study to predict that their adult lives will be harder than those of their parents. Slavoj Žižek, every hipster’s favourite communist philosopher, once opined: “It’s easy to imagine the end of the world . . . but we cannot imagine the end of capitalism.” I’m not sure that’s true any longer. I suspect that young people today are gradually beginning to imagine what the end of capitalism as we know it might look like – and while it might be exciting, it won’t be a lot of fun and might require some weapons training." -- Pennywise

>> No.5782449

>implying Penny didn't molest Zizek in the street to get a filtered selfie with her so she could put it on twitter
>implying he probably thought to himself that it was an illustrative example of peuure eedeology, as he limped away towards Abercrombie and Fitch whilst simultaneously schniffing and shiert pooling.

>> No.5782505

Capitalism is perfect, why does it need to end?

>> No.5782543

Is it normal for Marxist academics his age to have a Stalin/Mao fetish? Like my god his great friend Alain Badiou.

>> No.5782548


You're a hipster faggot disliking him for his popularity, not for his ideas.

Go read some Ranciere if you're in for a new intellectual high, fuckface.

>> No.5782587

That's something he actually says a lot (as a joke, it's pretty funy)

>> No.5782589

This sounds like Stirner

>> No.5782591

Stirner is a hegelian, Zizek is a hegelian

>> No.5782598

Hegel is Hegelian but he's not like Stirner

>> No.5782601

No one is like Hegel

>> No.5782613

>sensible systemic alternative in current Leftist dialogue.

They do exist. I'd recommend having a look at David Schweickart's work.

>> No.5782621


>> No.5782629


>> No.5782635

>He's consistently said that the 20th century communist experiments miserably failed, and we should look beyond them. However, and this isn't unique to Zizek, he is a staunch critic of the impotent, insipid and spineless contemporary Left that populate all Western states.

You're speaking as if this isn't almost a default left-wing positions nowadays.

Go to left-wing circles, even shitty student ones, and listen to what they say. It's always the same "harsh truths" about leninism and social democracy, without offering anything concrete to replace them.

When you ask them what should we do, they act like this is a childish thing to even consider. They just cross their arms and say something about "material conditions" not being ready and capitalism not reaching maturity.

This is by far the most coward, impotent and spineless position to take. It's the sort of position you take when you want to separate yourself from the crimes and failures of leninism and the difficulty of fighting capitalism in its own institutions like social-democracy.

>> No.5782639

>tfw Capitalism works a-ok for me
Why do I need to revolt again?

>> No.5782647

I find it interesting that if when these names are mentioned you either start rollng on the floor and yelling 100 MILLION DEAD or you're labelled a sympathizer.

Badiou's interested in Mao's early theory, yes, and Zizek's ironic stalinism is meant to poke fun of people who still associate Marx with Lenin and Lenin with Stalin. Other than that, it's not like they should regret that they have something more interesting to talk about two of the most influential people in history than muh gulags and muh cultural revolution

>> No.5782666

"Revolt" is spontaneous, uncalculated mobilization. A revolution is an organized, prepared, mobilization. You shouldn't revolt, you should organize

And you must do it because just like any earlier revolutionary doctrine, liberalism is now a conservative, stagnant system, less concerned with the values it once proclaimed its core and more concerned with the preservation of the ruling elites that grew out of it at any cost. We've seen this tale before, and we must secure at least basic institutions to not allow humanity to sink into a new shitty dark age

That and you'll be Commissar of Enlightenment under the new regime and we'll pay you to sit around and read books all day

>> No.5782901

This is precisely what Zizek says.

>> No.5783009


I think this is actually good...

>> No.5783024

It rly isn't tho

>> No.5783026

Can someone post the PLASHTIC PENISHES video?

>> No.5783035


>> No.5783039
File: 255 KB, 384x288, 1415421456873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw internet communism

>> No.5783059


>"I hate seeing me on screen"

>tfw self-hate

>> No.5783060

It rly is tho

>> No.5783062

>internet communism
wow clever

are you doing the "marxist with iphone" thing next?

>> No.5783088

alright I'm convinced

>> No.5783094

no on second thoughts, youre right

im convinced

>> No.5783146
File: 9 KB, 251x250, 1416353187397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My God, you idiots do enough salivating over my stupid clown persona to imagine what I might say without the need for me to to construct some sort of pseudo opinion for you. It is time you learned to work, but I'll gratify you this one time.

Is "edge", "fedora" etcetera not a self-imposed bourgeois mentality even on the ostensibly free, communal boards of 4chan? The irony, of course, is that without exception the very people decrying these things were at one time guilty themselves; it is a form of capitalist destruction over cultural capital in order to keep the treadmill running, so to speak; there must be 'progress' even if it is totally imagined. The result is that in a self-contained sphere of rapid dialogue, the 'right' and 'wrong' opinions become quickly formalised and shift far ahead of the 'real world'- the standards are in effect useless because the cultural capital exists in one sphere but not the next, an age-old capitalist trick.

>> No.5783184

i tried to read this in his accent and by the end it became woody allen

>> No.5784354

those carry an unstated dichotomy of criticism, that concealment is always needed for suggestions that break from any form of ideology. validating the individual can never be done, so futile assaults against their defences is a means of recognition of an individual.

>> No.5784362

then it turns out to be fools gold

>> No.5784369

first he would differentiate between 4chan and anon, the second being the political wing that was rejected by the older users. Then he would say that everyone thinks that 4chan is right wing but that in reality it's the only leftists collective. Then he will talk how 4chan mirrors the Maoist cultural revolution.

>> No.5784468


>> No.5784485

I would vocaroo this but I would make a fool of myself around all my relatives.

>> No.5784496

do it, you are anonymoose