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/lit/ - Literature

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5762636 No.5762636 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you an Übermensch yet? Explain yourself, pleb.

>> No.5762649

I've been growing into that way of thinking since leaving high school. I figured I'd read more about it so I picked up Beyond Good and Evil to start.

>> No.5762658

>misreading nietzsche

>> No.5762712

Literature has not uplifted my soul. I'm still a cry baby nigga bitch

>> No.5762714

You can't become the ubermensch dumbass. You either are or are not

>> No.5762737

That seems kind of end times evangelical sort of thinking to me

>> No.5762741

I am uebermensch.

>> No.5762746

The Übermensch is actually a hypothetical future being that we are supposed to make way for, not something we can ourselves become.

The point is not to ever arrive at it, it's to arrange life in such a way that we are always striving towards future excellence.

To put it simply: It's a direction, not a destination.

Sorry, wanted to make an adjustment. I think he meant it quite pragmatically. The point is to give humanity a purpose, a sense of direction, new values.

>> No.5762749
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Let me rephrase the OP

What have you done to overcome man today, /lit/?

>> No.5762756


>> No.5762768
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>> No.5762769

Exert master morality so talentedly that I had underlings proudly and willingly serve my interests. It is an art form.

>> No.5762790

i-... i d-don't know h-how...

>> No.5762796

Everyone agrees with this.

>> No.5762878

Why aren't you truNEET yet? Explain yourselves.

>> No.5762881

>not realizing that master morality creates slave morality

stay herd, homosex

>> No.5762914

a duhhhhhhhhhhh nietzsche was egalitarian duhhhhhhhh

>> No.5762919

This is a great read. Thanks, Butterfly.

>> No.5762932


Good one.

>> No.5762936

Man is a bridge, fool.

>> No.5763141
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every time

>> No.5763657
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Nietzsche never said you can be the Übermensch. He did not write self-realization books. It's pretty obvious in Zarathustra where he says you cannot become the Übermensch, but the fathers and fore-fathers.

>> No.5764487


>implying those that finds themselves as ubermensch aren't just lying to themselves because of confidence issues

stay pleb

>> No.5764497

I have a capacity for empathy

>> No.5764510

>depicted as superman

God damn it, stop it already

>> No.5764524

>Schopenhauer even elevated the source of music's power to a higher plain. He argued that its power lay not in arousing emotions within the listener but was innate in the music itself: music was a representation of cosmic Will

Holy fuck my sides. I can picture old Schoppy in a lit art thread raging at his computer


>> No.5764532

pretty much this. fuck Nietzsche and his sociopathy

>> No.5764541
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Silly boys.

>> No.5764551

>hurrrr i was retarded my whole life pain is real imma go insane now

some hero you plebs have got yourselves here. he should've listened to daddy Schop

>> No.5764577

aaaaa why!!!

>> No.5764627

He was always deeply empathetic. Anyone who has taken a bit of effort getting to know his life and work would know that.

>> No.5764639

>moral nihilist

pick one

>> No.5764644

>create your own values
>can't be empathetic

>> No.5764653

>master/slave morality proponent

>> No.5764661

shut up faggots. anyone who doesn't kill themselves the second they realise what's going on in their world is deficient in empathy. we are all horrible people. spiders ate the insides of a a hundred thousand insects as I typed this.

>> No.5764689

Nietzsche wasn't a moral nihilist. Anyone who has taken a bit of effort getting to know his life and work would know tha

>> No.5764701

Not that guy, but he definitely was.

>> No.5764735

Moral nihilists wouldn't busy themselves with the endeavour of creating new values because it would be futile by their beliefs. Nietzsche dedicated his life to creating new values.

>> No.5766358

>tfw I am one of the last men

>> No.5766365

no he wasn't

a moral nihilist would deny the possibility of creating any moral value, while a good part of Nietzsche's philosophy is about doing just that

>> No.5766418

as well, Nietzsche is rumored to have gone crazy after seeing a horse get flogged. A Nihilist would not give a fuck.

>> No.5766450

most misinformed, retarded comment i've read today.

>> No.5767904

nice rebuttal faggot you really convinced me with those hot opinions

>> No.5767972


you seem to be confusing sympathy with empathy, a very common mistake, but never the less a grave one.

sympathy is an affectation, empathy is a capacity, one can easily have comprehension and understanding of a thing (such as another being, for instance) without being sympathetic.

likewise, autists and conditional solipsists have have a propensity for having sympathy with the darndest thinks, like inanimate objects, or untermensch, and think themselves noble because of this, imagining they have some great heart due to semantic confusion, when really, they cannot imagine at all!

>> No.5768075

neitzsche was the textbook definition of a sociopath

>> No.5768179

This is the philosophical understanding of the average /lit/ poster.

>> No.5768889
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>> No.5768891

*tips fedora*

>> No.5768893

>I haven't read Nietzsche

>> No.5768994

>A Nihilist would not give a fuck
[citation needed]

>> No.5769895

The nihilism for Federico is the complete rejection of all values, not the rejection of the meaning of life itself. Just a rebirth process

>> No.5769924

Rejection in order to create new ones. Hence, not moral nihilism.

>> No.5769940

He denies the moral as the misunderstanding of good and wrong to substitute it for the will power.
I would say he was just immoral

>> No.5769942

I am basically ubermensch.

>> No.5769980

Don't you mean amoral?

He wasn't though. He attempted to construct new ethics around a certain form of vitality.

>> No.5769999

Amoral is not having any moral, which less "The Stranger " of camus is not possible.
Immoral simply denies a preset moral

>> No.5770279

Immoral is generally used to mean "anti-moral" in the sense of transgressing against morality.

Nice nines by the way.

>> No.5770289

I don't want to be. I'd rather make my own life goals than follow Nietzsche's.

>> No.5770304

Joke's on you, that's what Nietzsche would want you to do.

>> No.5771453 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5771461

>Why aren't you...yet
>are not...yet
>implying being instead of becoming

>> No.5771471

>Why aren't you an Übermensch yet? Explain yourself, pleb.
God, the world, ancestors, chance, and society Take your pick. I'm trying to get healthier and read more though. It's tough.

>> No.5772466

>complaining about being tough
>not owning your mistakes
Confirmed for Last man.

>> No.5772503

Today a hobo insulted me on the street. I just laughed but I felt a strong urge to punch him in the face.

I'm pretty sure that hobo read Nietzsche and was more Ubermensch than me.

>> No.5772522


either that, or he was nodding

>> No.5772572

Because I'm a ghostbuster

>> No.5772620
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R u m8s serious? I'm not sure who's shittier and/or namedropped more by tryhards: him, or Plato. Maybe Camus is namedropped by tryhards and his philosophy consists of describing things as 'absurd' like that's somehow an argument, but at least he could write well.