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5750516 No.5750516 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw everyone uses "kek" now

I understand, it feels the void that "lol" left when it became socially unacceptable.

But /lit/, you of all boards, why do you let your language be dictated by a social standard?

You've been wanting to use "lol" all this time and only got relief when "kek" came around, it dissapoints me that you wouldn't use "lol" when you previously wanted to.

Too afraid of >le reddit meme?

All of our language has been taxed by war.

>> No.5750534

This board and its posters are entirely motivated by fear of social rejection

>> No.5750557

remember when memes were cool? then other people started using them and making them and 4chan completely repelled meme culture by shifting the meaning of the actual word meme by giving it negative connotations like >le epic meme

>> No.5750564

Remember when 4chan pioneered rage comics? The FUUUUUUUUU ones?

If you posted one of those now, anywhere on the internet, you'd be fucking laughed at. It's really amazing the turn around time here.

>> No.5750571


kek is more fun to be entirely honest.
Gotta keep those memes fresh.

Laugh my ass off. Laugh out loud. Rolling on the floor laughing here.

great post OP, ten out of ten. I will print this post off and save it so that i can read it to my grandchildren and show them what a truely epic post looked like when i was young.

Really though, who the fuck thinks that people on 4chan care about what is "acceptable". You can post wharever the fuck you want and people do. People do still say lol, and they will continue to say kek.


>> No.5750579

Kek just sounds better when subvocalized. More snappy.

>> No.5750581

For the longest time, I thought it was some kind of antisemitic slur.

>> No.5750590
File: 1.98 MB, 360x199, All grown up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always used "hahaha" or "hehehe" when appropriate.

>remember when memes were cool?
Was that when planking hit it big?

>> No.5750592


>> No.5750628


>> No.5750637

honestly nothing is more "reddit" than staying up on what memes are most socially acceptable

lol and lmao until i die

>> No.5750639

I kekked

>> No.5750656
File: 48 KB, 511x455, 1415911933385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ OP, how high are you right now?

>> No.5750693
File: 115 KB, 366x725, Kek_Von_Kekenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek is definitely punchier, jej is nice sometimes though.

Its true that all memes eventually come to become >le reddit memes, except the fedora meme, I'm pretty sure that started on reddit. Even Baneposting, I fear, has reached terminal velocity.

>> No.5750703

>tfw you know kek from years ago when you played WoW
>tfw you get called sperg memelord when you tell this story
totally unrelated:
>tfw WoW nostalgia

>> No.5750707

My diaphragm experienced a pleasurable seizure!

>> No.5750712

People do understand that "kek" originated from World of Warcraft, right? If you were an alliance player, anytime you saw a horde player say "lol" in game, it would be translated to "kek." The autist in me wonders how many people actually know this.

>> No.5750725 [DELETED] 

We have been visited by Mr. Sperg Memelord. Thank you Mr. Sperg Memelord

>> No.5750733

i use lol, kek, lel, lmao, rofl

>> No.5750737

>being this alliance

>> No.5750742

it's weird how advice dog changed into just a format and pepe was revived (and changed to sadfrog)

>> No.5750754

Sorry m8, if you were a real memer you would've done your research and discovered that 4chan has gone through a series of bastardizations of lol (lulz>lel>kek) and dropped each one when it became played out.

If you were a real memer you would realize that memes thrive in that sweet spot of popularity when they are used broadly within the in-group but aren't commonly used outside of the group. This period generally doesn't last long, and so it's on to the next meme.

>> No.5750755

You're a big guy.

>> No.5750758

Way to miss the point!

"lol" is a gibbering laugh, "kek" is a cackling laugh.

Why cackling is now more popular here that gibbering I don't know, but certainly not due to reddit.

>> No.5750765

uhh, thanks I guess...?

>> No.5750802

It is intriguing how Pepe went through a total reversal from "Feels good, man" to sadfrog. But by no means surprising, given this is 4chan.

>> No.5752150

Remember when OP wasn't a fag?

No, me neither.

>> No.5752154

I don't use kek, but you make a good point, so I might start using lol.

>> No.5752155

Kek, who the fuck cares?

Only reason to get butthurt over words is if they are used in a formal setting.

It's the internet, there ain't noany reason to type correctly as along as people can understand what you're trying to convey.

>> No.5752440

I use "lol" all the time on this site. If someone just replies with ">lol", whatever they had to actually say probably wasn't worth reading anyway lol

>> No.5752476

On the web & chins, though, it only truly emerged as a deformation of "lel"

>> No.5753665

Kek makes me kek, so I just kek along with the other kekkers

>> No.5753685

>not using the superior pup

>> No.5753809
File: 29 KB, 388x304, 1395689490493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is in a constant state of linguistic, comedic and cultural progression in order to stay ahead of the internet curve.

It helps we have Reddit right on our tail, and 9gag right on THEIR tale.

4chan humor is already essentially incomprehensible to the indoctrinated pleb. It is only a matter of time until our language is similarly unintelligible.

>> No.5753814


>> No.5753816

>why do you let your language be dictated by a social standard?

Nothing wrong with participating in your community.

>> No.5753820

I still use pfftthaha

>> No.5753824

>not using wwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.5753850

language = culture
culture = language

no matter how refined you believe yourself to be, you are still going by some "social standard"

that's unless you reject culture altogether

>> No.5753851

Holy shit is that really the guy`

>> No.5753852

>not W W W W W W

>> No.5753855

Yes he's a famous and successful redditor now.

>> No.5753867

What guy?

>> No.5753870


>not zzzzzzz

>> No.5753872

language ∈ culture
culture ∉ language

>> No.5754058

That's why it's so fun. All you have to do is lurk for a few months to learn it and then you just have to keep up with it.
It's nice how online communities experience these progressions faster than any other communities before them.

>> No.5754134


>> No.5754247


>real memer

>> No.5754317


>> No.5754330

The little fuckhead kid on the computer that does the same thing. He has a disease which makes him keep doing that 24/7.

>> No.5754337

I call forward a suggestion to replace the stale 'kek' with 'alooughi looughi'

all in favor 'alooughi looughi'

>> No.5754584
File: 1.43 MB, 320x240, thumbsupcomputerkid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy