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/lit/ - Literature

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5742048 No.5742048 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The worst idea for a book you can come up with

>Homoerotic objectivist sci-fi vampire novel

>> No.5742056

i read that

>> No.5742074

1800 pages of just the letter Q

>> No.5742079

That actually sounds awesome. I'm imagining something along the lines of Ultraviolet and Day Breakers (sci-fi vampires), with the villains being parasitic businessmen (Objectivism), and there being some (homoerotic) tension between the lead male characters.

>> No.5742081

Catholic priest takes the virginity of each of the children in his parish.

>> No.5742084

that has been done before

>> No.5742087

A rich Jew and his girlfriend hit and run a black - a middle class Jew and an Englishman are thrown into it and a "charming" wank of a story unfolds

>> No.5742089

Was it bad?

>> No.5742092

If that's your worst idea, I shudder in anticipation of your best.

>> No.5742094
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>> No.5742099
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jayden Smith's translation of The Odyssey

>> No.5742106

>chosen teenage girl disrupts normative oppressive system while finding herself and her true love

>> No.5742110

the problem with "worst ideas" is that they usually end up being pretty interesting. i'd read that book.

>> No.5742115


A book which appears to be a shitty fantasy novel at first, but takes a radical turn when the protagonist fucks the female dragon in his adventuring party.

The skies then open up, revealing that the entire fantasy world was a pet project for a strange Alien race, which later turns out to be normal humans.

>> No.5742119

>implying that wouldn't be the most hilariously entertaining faux-philsophical literature in the history of the world

>> No.5742123

The day-to-day chronicling of a pregnant woman who works in a toothbrush factory and nothing out of the ordinary happens.

>> No.5742125

okay, that's normal bad, it seems

>> No.5742127

An epic novel in which the main character experiments with quantum physics, culminating in his altering the very nature of reality so that it cannot support existence.

You get seven hundred pages of blank, ink-repellent paper.

>> No.5742134

That would make a wonderful piece of socialist realism.

>> No.5742136
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Sounds modern.
Liberal intellectuals would LOVE it and mock the plebeian masses too ignorant to enjoy/understand its complexities.

>> No.5742140

>tfw this is basically the state of modern art
If Hirsch did it, it'd sell for a half million, at least.

>> No.5742145
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Stereotypical Italians saying "FUGGEDDABOUDIT" to each-other for 300 pages.

>> No.5742146


Let's see...

A young black man discovers his sexuality by playing shitty furry porn games online?

A presidential election chronicled through the eyes of a 4-year-old child, where both candidates are very obviously in love but afraid to admit it?

Moot: The movie: The book?

>> No.5742150

Some wastes his life posting on 4chan, until one day, he looks in the mirror, and it turns out he's Hitler.

>> No.5742155

The blossoming of a preteen girl's sexuality through her relationship with an older Roman Polanski

>> No.5742157
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>basically the state of modern art
True. I'm not completely philistine. I intellectually understand *some* of the basis behind modern art.

But then I'm occasionally reminded of pic related, and realize much of modern art is the result of THAT and money laundering.

Jesus Christ, don't stop. Can someone write these? At this point, I suspect any "shitty" ideas would make great Transgressive fiction.

>> No.5742158

A young mother gets impregnated by the abstract concept of Capitalism in a very tender, loving sex scene involving her masturbating with dollar bills.

Her son grows up to start a major corporation.

>> No.5742163
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Evangelion 5.0: Steve Buscemi in Hot-Pants edition

>> No.5742164

You know Descartes never said that, right?

>> No.5742167

Of course.
Still applies.

>> No.5742173

A Jewish man eats Matzah for six hours, dying at the end.

A black man washes his skin with wasabi and turns into an Asian woman.

An programmer creates a virus which infects all computers, forcing them to play nothing but gay porn involving Goats, as a critique of modern literature.

A man takes a motorcycle ride across America, having sex with as many homeless men as he can along the way.

Three hundred pages of a woman masturbating with an iPhone.

>> No.5742178

The author goes on a road trip with his favorite author to find his waifu.

>> No.5742179

this is a bad idea thread, not a brilliant idea thread.

although maybe i'd change the masturbating with dollar bills scene to a junkie erotic dancer immaculately conceiving by having andrew jackson's face on a $20 rub against her snatch
like a non virgin mary

>> No.5742182

>Her son grows up to start a major corporation.
But first there's the wandering and the his first start-ups, and of course the very moving seminar scene "Blessed are the go-getters ... The cut-throat shall inherit the Earth"

>> No.5742185

A man goes about his daily life which shows parallels to the old story of Jesus Christ.

>> No.5742187

some sjw's selfpublished collected livejournal posts

>> No.5742190

That's actually a fucking fantastic idea.

/lit/ collab novel?

And then, during the last half of the book, he learns to be charitable and adopts a homeless woman, who uses him as a sex toy and is impregnated (something about "giving his seed"), who is himself a ghandi-like figure of charity. This son eventually has an encounter with capitalism that produces a child, starting the cycle over again.

>> No.5742195

i thought of ulysses

>> No.5742200

let's make it fucking happen

>> No.5742201

As intended.

>> No.5742203
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>> No.5742204

Has anybody ever made a piece of artwork that's just the starting bid at auction printed onto the canvas? 'cause that sounds like something someone would do either ironically or sincerely at this point.

>> No.5742208

/lit/ collaborative novels will never be anything but awful.

>> No.5742210

Yes, let's.

I'm sleeping now but I could post a scene tomorrow.

>> No.5742214

This is basically a capitalist account of the Immaculate Conception.

>> No.5742216
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>A black man washes his skin with wasabi and turns into an Asian woman.

>> No.5742218

if this thread is dead or autosages by then put a trip on so I know it's you

we'll make more money than Divergent did

>> No.5742220

But that shouldn't stop us.

>> No.5742222

I wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.5742225


>> No.5742226

A Randroidian conservapedia friendly retelling of the New Testament.
Because Jesus is too much of a commie.

>> No.5742230

A novel criticising the impotence of internet overusers by narrating the story of online literature forum users' attempts to write a story about a woman being impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism.

>> No.5742239

A novel about a man who criticizes the impotence of internet overusers by narrating the story of online literature forum users' attempts to write a story about a woman being impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism, himself being a forum-dweller.

>> No.5742241

socialist realism usually had some conflict even when it was an everyday life 'factory literature', either among people, or with the environment/situation, also it often had a love story etc. >>5742123 sounds as an example of petty-bourgeois post-modern lit

>> No.5742242

A novel about a man who criticizes a man who criticizes the impotence of internet overusers by narrating the story of online literature forum users' attempts to write a story about a woman being impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism, himself being a forum-dweller,

>> No.5742248

Trip acquired.

>> No.5742249

There would be no conflict and no love story whatsoever.

>> No.5742252

A novel about a woman impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism who attempts to save a man she finds stuck in endless recursion about criticising people who criticise a novel criticising the impotence of internet overusers by narrating the story of online literature forum users' attempts to write a story about a woman being impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism.

>> No.5742254

appropriate trip

>> No.5742259

A novel about a man who criticizes a woman who was impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism who attempts to save a man she finds stuck in endless recursion about criticising people who criticise a novel criticising the impotence of internet overusers by narrating the story of online literature forum users' attempts to write a story about a woman being impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism.

>> No.5742262

My trip is already confirmed.

>> No.5742264

A meta anti-novel about the perils of post-modern recursion and reflexivity

>> No.5742268

i meant that your trip was appropriate, not that mine was better suiting. i just adopted one to match yours

>> No.5742269

An illustrated children's book criticising a meta anti-novel about the perils of post-modern recursion and reflexivity due to its lack of reference to its inspiration, specifically the novel about a woman impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism who attempts to save a man she finds stuck in endless recursion about criticising people who criticise a novel criticising the impotence of internet overusers by narrating the story of online literature forum users' attempts to write a story about a woman being impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism.

>> No.5742277

I once considered making an oddball setting in which Mr. Rogers was the last true-believer in Pluto's status as a planet. He had carved Pluto's astronomical/astrological symbol into his forehead and his eyes had been replaced by blurry photographs of Pluto.

He acts a a metaphor for post-Nazi Germany: a man who can neither forget (which leads to clinging) nor acknowledge (which leads to denial) the past; unable to incorporate new information, he lives life in a fixed loop.

All of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe would be an allegory for the Holocaust.

The trolley represents the cargo trains that transported the victims to the concentration camps. Daniel Striped Tiger represents the Boy In the Striped Pajamas. Lady Elaine runs the Holocaust Museum Go-Round, a Kafka-esque institution where the atrocities of the Shoah is both promulgated and perpetuated.

>> No.5742307

Tom Selleck and Tom Skerritt are transported back in time to the late 70s/early 80s and are reassigned from actors to detectives in the fictional gay Asian community of Rice, Queens NY. They become heavily involved in disco and drug culture while trying to shut down the cartel of Vietnamese smugglers who have disguised themselves in a pride parade. Skerritt dies of HIV-related illnesses after one of the homosexual drug lords injects him with a dirty needle. I'm not sure how it ends.

>> No.5742332
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When are you guys being published? I need this

>> No.5742388

I've decided on an ending. And I'm changing Skerritt's death a little. Instead of being injected by the drug lord, he's injected by the drug lord's #1 henchman, Ed Foo Young, a transvestite who stars in the real drug lord's burlesque show, the drug lord being a sultry heterosexual dominatrix named Ling-Ling. Selleck is nearly seduced by her before engaging in a racist martial arts duel, ultimately winning and leading her out to his squad car. Shortly after, he travels forward into time and joins the cast of Blue Bloods.

>alternative ending: Selleck goes further back in time to before Skerritt dies and then they both neutralize Ed Foo Young before the investigation even begins, and then their adventure plays out like it did before but with both of them surviving and going back to being actors.

>> No.5742418

Tom Selleck and Tom Skerritt are transported back in time to the late 70s/early 80s and are reassigned from actors to detectives in the fictional gay Asian community of Rice, Queens NY. They become heavily involved in an illustrated children's book criticising a meta anti-novel about the perils of post-modern recursion and reflexivity due to its lack of reference to its inspiration, specifically the novel about a woman impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism who attempts to save a man she finds stuck in endless recursion about criticising people who criticise a novel criticising the impotence of internet overusers by narrating the story of online literature forum users' attempts to write a story about a woman being impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism.

>> No.5742434

do tell us all when you finish this great work anon.

>> No.5742459
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I'm fucking crying. This is the best thing I have ever read. You win.

>> No.5742482

>This is the best thing I have ever read.

Someone should write a book about it.

>> No.5742503

>mfw sever of these ideas sound badass and refreshing if they were written tongue and cheek.

my idea, as bad as i can make it:

A teenager is accidentally drowned by some bullies who take things too far while holding his head under water in a towns lake. the boys body is discovered by a local elderly woman who takes the body home.
The boy wakes up dead. He has forgotten who he is and is informed by this old lady that she is a witch and that he has been reanimated so he may exact his revenge.
He has only a short time in which his body will hold together.
the book revolves around the moral question of revenge and the boys trying to relearn who he was in the short time he has to decide if he wants to kill the bullies or not.

>> No.5742504


You know it's Voltaire, right?

>> No.5742521

Sounds like Lilith's Brood, minus the objectivist bit.

>> No.5742523

>A diabetic high school student pays for his first car via professional clowning and learns to accept medicrity by filming his snowboarding friends as a poor skiier
>A man stuck in traffic evaluates his surroundings in real time for two and a half hours with no context of his identity until the last page when he looks in the mirror and is actually nobody
>A 100 chapter novel that consists of long run-on sentences of repeatative asjectives regarding the narrator, and elderly woman with severe sight-impairment,'s uncertain number of housecats
>The chronicles of an asthmatic fourth grader in wisconsin who's father is attempting to quite drinking. The child is unpopular and possibly retarded, the father is successful but gains a pill addiction. The story lines never intersect.
>Pride and Prejudice

>> No.5742529
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>wakes up dead
i'm dying from eternal bleeding
>can't read thread title, lists fantastic ideas

>> No.5742551

YA fiction involving a teenage girl protagonist who loves the works of Kafka

>> No.5742632

Young boy missing being molested by his uncle/sport teacher.

>> No.5742634


What is Ulysses?

>> No.5742770

>implying it was rape
>implying she didnt consent

>> No.5744136

That's boring.

So it's actually within the thread theme.

>> No.5744153

So... The Fountainhead with more elevators and day walkers. This is bang on market right now

>> No.5744184

>I intellectually understand *some* of the basis behind modern art.
So you understand how rich people form investment strategies? Good for you. Remember, however, that these people also cannot raise a child that isn't clinically retarded.

>> No.5744213


A book about a man with an extremely large dick. It's so large that it's actually a hindrance for him. He becomes famous through porn and eventually becomes and actor, and eventually Governor of Arkansas. The twist ending is that his dick is actually only 5 inches long, he just lives in a world where everyone has a tiny dick

>> No.5744292

Sounds like Boogie Nights: A Novelization By Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.5744329

Are Friends Real Friends If They Are Living in my House with My Wife, If I Am Not Home?

>> No.5744350

could make a pretty cool movie, with the unexpected moral dilema.

>> No.5744367

>The story lines never intersect.
fucking gold.

>> No.5744397

A book about a man with an extremely large dick. It's so large that it's actually a hindrance for him. He becomes famous through porn and eventually becomes and actor, and eventually Governor of Arkansas. The twist ending is that his dick is actually only 5 inches long, he just lives in a world where a diabetic high school student pays for his first car via professional clowning and learns to accept mediocrity by filming his snowboarding friends as a man stuck in traffic evaluates his surroundings in real time for two and a half hours with no context of his identity until the last page when he looks in the mirror and is a100 chapter novel that consists of long run-on sentences of repeatative asjectives regarding the narrator, and elderly woman with the chronicles of an asthmatic fourth grader in wisconsin who's father is attempting to quite drinking. The child is unpopular and possibly retarded, Tom Selleck and Tom Skerritt are transported back in time to the late 70s/early 80s and are reassigned from actors to detectives in the fictional gay Asian community of Rice, Queens NY. They become heavily involved in an illustrated children's book criticising a meta anti-novel about the perils of post-modern recursion and reflexivity due to its lack of reference to its inspiration, specifically the novel about a woman impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism who attempts to save a man she finds stuck in endless recursion about criticising people who criticise a novel criticising the impotence of internet overusers by narrating the story of online literature forum users' attempts to write a story about a woman being impregnated by the abstract concept of capitalism.

>> No.5744404

A story where the hero slays the dragon and gets the princess and nothing else happens whatsoever. No character development. No subplots or sideplots.

>> No.5744419

That sounds like just the pretentious, incoherent, postmodern trash I would want to write about.

>> No.5744423

>uncritical and bland story about the daily life of an adolescent

>> No.5744425
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The Furry Bible

>> No.5744427

but wher's the tweest?

>> No.5744470

A middle-age African American man loses his penis in an accident, and unable to cope with castration he opts in an experimental dick prosthesis procedure by paying a group of fly-by-night cock doctors under the table with money he secretly lifted from his wife of 20 years. Their relationship long having grown tepid, he plans to leave her for a younger mistress enthralled by the idea of his mechanically renewed virility.

>> No.5744494

I just threw up

>> No.5744531

The chronicle of a Slavic man attempting to cook Ramen in his dirty bathroom on a griddle because he's hungry. Numerous failures turn what would normally take a few minutes into a several hour epic. He's in the bathroom because there was a party last night in his house and almost a dozen people are still there sleeping, and he doesn't want to wake any of them up. He posts about it on the internet out of boredom.

It turns out he is a midwest guy living with his parents and the only reason he's doing all of that is because of the hope of internet fame for a short while.

>> No.5744547

An out-of-work ironworker with an unfaithful wife, autistic son, sexually-abused daughter and newborn [strike]baby[/strike] [strike]twins[/strike] triplets loads his family into their barely-running stationwagon and leaves Detroit for a job in the oil fields of North Dakota. Hilarity ensues when they're stranded in a blizzard, face one anothers demons, and must choose which babies to eat in order to survive. A completely unrelated narrative about a journalist in New Orleans revisited every few xhapters eventually connects with the main story when said journalist goes to interview the survivors and bangs the protagonist's unhappy wife; the protagonist and his daughter rejindle their incestuous experiments in a failed attempt to deal with grief, while autism boy does awesome autism stuff.

Just write the cheque now; I'll hammer out a 600 page treatment by friday.

>> No.5744908

a book that ends in the middle of fucking noth

>> No.5744937

John Octave Trashen-heimer - A down-on-his-luck graphite farmer from rural Virginia, John Octave is unique in that he his teeth ring in perfect pitch with any musical note, hence his nickname 'Octave'. What is seemingly an absurdist oddity, later in the book, turns out to be an absurdist oddity as well as an important plot point. But mainly the former.
A running gag throughout the book is people getting his last name wrong. He is referred to, at various stages in the book, as John Trace-the-Rhymer, John Crashed-Your-Flyer, John Bastard-Timer, John Pacifist-Fire and Johnny Valdez.
Pencil - A studious pencil-maker from Boston Massachusetts. He has amnesia and cannot remember his true name, so he also refers to himself in the third person. Awoke from his Amnesiatic experience with the letter 'C' tattooed on his forehead. He believes this letter holds the key to his former identity, and also that it would provide a good plot-device for the novel he is writing.
Pencil, though actually a human, is very similar to a pencil in many ways: he is tall, is tangible, has a definite shape, is capable of producing marks on paper, occasionally stabs things, and is a tool used by shadowy characters of dubious moral distinctions and background. Plus he has an eraser.

>> No.5744944

The Plot of the novel bounces, seemingly haphazardly and not unlike a full-figured woman, through over 70 short story like scenes, each a separate chapter. These scenes have little connecting them and exist mostly as poetic vignettes. The actual plot of the 500 page book is resolved in just 13 pages (the line "'Yes, yes. Thirteen of us rule the world in secret.'" on pg. 502), but good luck finding which ones.
Chapter 1: A duck-board? Turn-about on the Freeway. A languishers Taile and more
The novel begins with a scene, ostensibly set in the 1950s, in which John Octave T. is alone in his room contemplating the sandwich before him on the table, and how his life is very much like the sandwich, aside from the obvious differences in taste and complexion. Before long, cohorts Alfred Pickwick, James Armalite-Rifle and Dickston Noun show up and implore to him come out for the night and go snarking, which is of course Pynchonesque for getting into absurd situations. Before long the Cadre (alternatively Camarilla or Coterie or Retinue) is involved in a plot to overthrow the government, invent the A-Bomb, and attend a gathering of Guy Fawkes look-alikes. In typical Pynchon fashion, they attend none of these events and instead play a game of basketball with some other strangely named social outcasts. They lose, of course, but learn a valuable lesson to relay to their parents over milk and cookies before their allotted bed-times: it is our differences that make us who we are.
Chapter 2: Pencil surprise. Pens for dinner, paper for lunch, and what's that on your head?
In this chapter, Pencil encounters the semiotics professor from the local University of Au Flange. He tells him that the C. on his head really stands for Cerebrall Disease, and that it was Pencil himself who carved it into his own forehead in an attempt to deal with his embarrassment at the affliction.
Many readers think this scene solves the plot, but this is not the case. The semiotics professor, it turns out, is merely a figment of Pencil's feverish dreams, and so he slowly morphs into Pencil's mother throughout the scene, a subtle reference both to Merliot's classic novel My Mother is a Post-Modernist and to dream scenes, popular in books since the Middle Ages.
Pencil soon wakes up from his dream and, in a hilarious bit of meta-commentary calls this chapter a chapter. Pencil then writes this scene into the book he has hidden away under his mattress.
Chapter 3: < or > Antilles which only a bear, Arcweld Tungsten and Freeboat Cascade can decide
The first of the chapters which contain neither of the main characters. In this humorous diversion Arcweld, Freeboat and a Canadian brown bear attack a mathematics book and devour it in an attempt to acquire its 'sacred knowledge'. Author uses this chapter to make witty jokes on the transubstantiation of matter and knowledge, the masturbatory habits of Tibetan Monks, and structure of the Papacy and its relation to piecewise functions.

>> No.5744960

A novelization of "Two Girls One Cup"

>> No.5745003

So Ulysses?

>> No.5745007

>A presidential election chronicled through the eyes of a 4-year-old child, where both candidates are very obviously in love but afraid to admit it?

10/10 would read

>> No.5745027

>fictional gay Asian community of Rice, Queens NY

fuckin kekked

>> No.5745091

It was then, there, in the penicillin bar that she found marriage. The touch of the dollars, previously a means to an end, tender morsels to be exchanged for the atomic bonds she craved, gained new grace. Her womanhood, long used as a sheath, as a pleasure-morsel, cum-bucket, fuck-hole, became fertile once more, Eve spitting out her UNIX. No longer wood inside but Hickory, the twenty suddenly a number in a base indescribable.

In that instant, she came, soaring to heights which she had only glimpsed before. An invisible hand caressed her, as her father had, but without the shame, the hate, the rape: this was love, white as the powder she was dancing for.

>- - -

That physically hurt to write.

>> No.5745108


>> No.5745110

Joe was having enough trouble with highschool, but when he finds out he is the secound coming of christ things get a whole lot more hectic! And he thought he had enough on his plate with the big exam coming up on friday! WHATS A TEENAGE MESSIAH TO DO???

>> No.5745174

In a way that sounds like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 1-2.

My idea of worst books idea would be something along the lines of "A middle-class American white/minority male/female urbanite in his/her late twenties writes about the quirky existential plights of being a middle-class American in his/her late twenties in the Internet age".

>> No.5745177

Transgender young-adult paranormal romance

>> No.5745213

The Pencil story sounds brilliant.

>> No.5745508

>Homoerotic objectivist sci-fi vampire novel
You mean Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.5745519

I'll read it if he goes to a party and uses his water to wine trick.

>> No.5745729


>> No.5745731 [DELETED] 

And on the 314th page appears the letter P

>> No.5745758

I really want Kierkegaard's works as written by Jaden Smith.

>> No.5745775

Women run the world

>> No.5745785

>I'm sleeping now
Holy shit I feel less bad about his much time I waste on here now that I know at least one anon does it in their sleep.

>> No.5745790

A guy writes a thriller about a guy who's writing a romance about a guy who's writing a comic novel about a guy who's writing a horror about a guy who's writing an SF epic about a guy who's writing a high fantasy about a guy who's writing an epistolary political farce about a guy who's writing the fifth installment of a legal-thriller franchise wherein the protagonist uncharacteristically attempts to write a YA post-apocalyptic dystopia in which the protagonist is a guy writing a thriller.

At every iteration, the guy has terrible writer's block.

>> No.5745792

This would make a phenomenal short story.

>> No.5745896

nice drakengard there mate

>> No.5745912

A novel about how to shave off bad parts of your body.

The only method to remove the bad parts of yourself is to shave with a rusty blade.

>> No.5745918


No, not fucking Ulysses.

>> No.5745982

An erotic retelling of the journey that would ultimately lead to the deaths of the Donner family.

>> No.5745997

Thats the meme

>> No.5746034

A man whose penis is a mattress and he's always tricking people to sleep on his dick

>> No.5746059


Work in a name that plays off Procrustes and I say fund it.

>> No.5746062
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here's an example of how the trickster fools unsuspecting people. in this example, he has constructed a wall around his mattress penis and he waits for a woman to sleep on it

>> No.5746071


What if a guy sleeps on it? Does that blow the gig? Or is he AC/DC, mattress/penis-bamboozlery-wise?

>> No.5746072

I want my Nobel.

>> No.5746081


he has a partner who tries to lure guys away from sleeping on the mattress, but sometimes guys become aware of the plan and try to fool his partner. other times, his partner slacks off and a guy sleeps on the mattress. this torments our hero, but he can't do anything lest his secret be revealed. this is where some of the conflict comes from

>> No.5746100

>And Mr Donner ate Tommy's leg-flesh, sexually. Tommy's bereaved screams only drove Mr.Donner on, harder and harder.

>> No.5746102

There's at least 30 best sellers in this thread.

>> No.5747434
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>Homoerotic objectivist sci-fi vampire novel
It's been done, see pic.

>> No.5747760

A love story about two Jewish homosexuals who are captured during WW2 and both meet inside Auschwitz.

The story will follow their struggle in the camp and how they begin to love one another until their eventual death in the camp.

It will be entitled:

Mein Camp.

(As in camp for you know)

>> No.5747765

how about
>Kraft durch Friends of Dorothy
after Kraft durch Freude, not sure how many non-Germans know that organization

>> No.5747780


Too late, dog.


>> No.5747799

Don't worry, m8. Brave New World and 1984 copied We but they're all patrician.

>> No.5747874
File: 53 KB, 725x290, 1401402151684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please continue

>> No.5747938

A knight in the middle ages coming home from the English Civil Wars is ambushed and killed on the road. While dying in the twilight hours he ascends to the fairy realms and learns the fae courts are in discourse with one another and they seek his help to restore order. Written in middle English.

A surrealist novel about a man having a mental breakdown after noticing how everything is related towards Judaism. He sets off on a solo crusade to thwart what he considers their evil plans. It ends with him in the word trade centre on 9/11.

A tale of a young, Muslim boy who tries to survive in the modern world after he and his family are extradited from their homeland to the UK...However he's mentally challenged and has a best bro puppy that dies.

A generic fantasy novel from the POV of the bad guys that is really an allegory for the Bolshevist movement.

A minority, gay female discovers that Ebola is actually being regulated so that medical stock and supply would go up to help businessmen get rich taking her crusade as a feminist appeal she sets out to stop them but causes WW3 after raping a politician prior to injecting herself with the virus causing an international scandal.

Every time a man ejaculates he produces coins instead of sperm. What will this wonderful allegorical tale of capitalism teach us?

>> No.5748007

>Homoerotic objectivist sci-fi vampire novel
Isn't that the Steel Remains by Something Morgan?

>> No.5748014
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>A man takes a motorcycle ride across America, having sex with as many homeless men as he can along the way.

>> No.5748024

some beatnik probably already did it bro or were u trollin me

>> No.5748059

Would read

>> No.5748929


Someone did that shit around here in Brazil. Like 500 pages of the same fucking word.

>> No.5748949

>Atlas Shrugged

In what wat is this gay related?

>> No.5748985
File: 436 KB, 2448x3264, Ify9RBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 500 page book describing in immense detail the secret inner consciousness of a middle age womans dildo.

Or perhaps this is a good idea, shit, I better write this down...

>> No.5749589

I can't. That hurt so much to write.

When I thought to replace the word "Apple" with "UNIX" because OSX is technically UNIX, I literally almost threw up.

>> No.5751430
File: 16 KB, 691x597, 1336300998047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i'm there

Where is this from?