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5746258 No.5746258 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Greek and Roman names so beautiful but Jewish and Christian names so ugly?

>> No.5746265

Because opinions, you opining opprobrium.

>> No.5746268

start with the greeks

>> No.5746270

Share some examples.

>> No.5746313

If Greek and Roman names are so beautiful why arnt they used and jews and christian names are

>> No.5746320

i can thing of several biblical/jewish names that aren't ugly. adam, eve, moses, aaron, Deborah, ruth, samuel, elijah, daniel, benjamin

>> No.5746335

I also like Solomon and Samael

>> No.5746336

Degenerate middle eastern cults infiltrated our continent. Just happenstance by the cultural proximities

>> No.5746339

I love the name Sarah and that's jewish

>> No.5746342

Jeremiah, joseph, jacob,

>> No.5746345

That's a fat woman's name

Doubly so

Men's name are alright, though

>> No.5746348

Funny because many Christian names are Greek and Italian too

>> No.5746351

The problem with Jew names is there's so few of them.

That's why like 75 percent of the Western world shares the same 30 names, or some direct variant thereof.

>> No.5746358


>> No.5746360

>Not even capping them to indicate names. (Except Deborah. Wtf?)

>Adam, Eve, Samuel, Daniel, Deborah, Joseph, Sarah, Jacob.
Bland names
>Moses, Ruth, Elijah, Benjamin, Jeremiah
Shit names
Aaron is the only nice one

>> No.5746364

You seem to have a snatch to grind against abrahamic religion, m'lady.

Remember that dubbing judaism a "degenerate middle eastern cult" is not only rude but inaccurate. I have heard that you were the pupil of "Homer-singing" Feminister, but I am sorrily disappointed at your level of plebness.

I do not tip my expensive headcloth to you, m'lady.

>> No.5746369

More importantly, can you mention a single Greek name that could given to a child today without its bearer looking like a retard, or a faggot, or both ?

>> No.5746372


I meant first names

Jacob, Joseph, Julia, John etc

>> No.5746373


>> No.5746374



Are you fucking stupid m8?

>> No.5746377

You are quite the troll.

>> No.5746380


Phillip you niggerlover

>> No.5746383

Nope, you're confusing that with Ἀλέξανδρος.

>> No.5746385


>> No.5746389

Yeah and I meant last names.

Try to facilitate a discussion here, you presumptuous pigfucker.

>> No.5746391


Latinized, so what?

I think a legit Greek name would be badass. You could make fun of all the faggot kids named after dead kikes

>> No.5746394

I am quite anti-theist, so religions are not any more respectable than a common cult. The cultures of the surrounding areas are still interesting to me, and I obviously have to accept history for what it is/was, but the garbage term "degenerates" is often slung carelessly *by* degenerates of these cultists.

I'm just sick of those names.

>> No.5746406

If by stupid you mean thinking that "Alexander" as a name doesn't make you look like a pretentious manlet faggot, then no.

I'll give you that Alexander smells like "higher class, refined, closeted faggot". That could be worse.

>> No.5746407

Julia is Latin, you kike. You're not wrong though, Jewish names can be quite noble. I'm proud of my own (Latinized) Biblical name.

>> No.5746411

You mean horse lover, but alright.

I should have mentioned no zoophilia either.

>> No.5746416

what about Naomi?

>> No.5746420


>some micropenis faggot on 4chin trying to diss Alexander

Now I've seen it all.

How does it feel knowing your ancestors were slaves?

>> No.5746434

>I am quite anti-theist, so religions are not any more respectable than a common cult.

How strange. You seem to believe that by calling your label "rude" and "inaccurate", I was referring to the word "cult". But "cult" applied to judaism is in no way inaccurate or rude. More specifically, "degenerate" is rude and not particularly accurate, and "middle eastern" is partly inaccurate, if you take into account that judaism as it has been practiced for the last millenias at least was formed by contact with mediterranean sources such as Roman law and Greek hellenistic traditions (not to mention the influence of assimilation).

Of course you could argue that modern-day judaism is still middle eastern infiltration, but that would be akin to saying that the Latin alphabet is a middle eastern mutated alien body.

>> No.5746449

>How does it feel knowing your ancestors were slaves?

Pretty good, considering that I run the world.

How does it feel knowing that you can't tell the difference between Alexander (the guy) and his Alexander (the name) ?

>> No.5746451

Pretty good.


>> No.5746455

For some reason I sense that you didn't pay full attention to my post, m'lady.

>> No.5746485
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>religions are not any more respectable than a common cult

>> No.5746490

>I can not because my reading comprehension is that of a fourth grader. My will and intelligence are spooky superstitions that appear as magic before me, because of the few synapses that formed due to only Philistine stimulation. -- butterfly

>> No.5746505

Not at all. I talk like this all the time. I blurt out something, [Incomplete thoughts here >>5746394 ] I get some feedback, positive, neutral or challenging, and I'm spent. "Okay"

Calling the the Abrahamic cults degenerate is intentionally rude, it's actually aimed at any one, but rather the institutions and their practices. If it shocks a hat tipper, I can smile.
I'm aware of the Phoenician and other cultural influences, again, I'm fine with all the other cultural influences, I'm just sick of some of the deeper scars.

You heard me frog-plague

>My will and intelligence are spooky superstitions that appear as magic before me,
Ridiculous. An atheist with superstitions?

>> No.5746512


>> No.5746515

>it's actually NOT aimed at any one

>other cultural influences, again, I'm fine with all the other cultural influences
Horribly rushed sentence. Blah.

>> No.5746517

>if you take into account that judaism as it has been practiced for the last millenias at least was formed by contact with mediterranean sources such as Roman law and Greek hellenistic traditions

So was Islam. Heavy Hellenistic influence is a feature of all three Abrahamic faiths. Still, Islam and Judaism were elaborated primarily in the Middle East (and related areas like Muslim Spain.)

>> No.5746520

>An atheist with superstitions?

That isn't really a contradiction. There are many forms of superstition or, to put it another way, there are very few thorough atheists.

Bot otherwise, fair game. I respectfully tip my head (which is covered in expensive headcloth) to you, m'lady.

>> No.5746536

Alexander, Alexis, Helen, Jason, Irene, Melissa, Philip, Phoebe, Roxane, Sophia, Theodore, Timothy, Zoe

>> No.5746559


>> No.5746581

>Alexander, Alexis

Already dealt with


What do you not understand in "no faggotry" ?

> Philip

Already dealt with, zoophilia is not faggotry but isn't much better

> Theodore

I'm currently picturing with quite some accuracy the kind fo old, affable, glasses-wearing closeted homosexual classical literature professor who would bear that kind of name. Pretty cool but faggotish nonetheless


There are only two kinds of Timothy: the children, and those who wish they were still children, ie fixed pedophiles.

> Helen

10/10 slutty as fuck
You could have a pretty mad porn run with those names.

I'll retract my statement, then. Female Greek names are hot. Male Greeks names are spread rather evenly between fagness, retardedness, pedophilia and zoophilia.

Thank for that eye-opening run, /lit.

>> No.5746586


Now that's the next level of slutty.

Confirms the findings in >>5746581

>> No.5746643

*Tips foreskin*