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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 655x418, greentext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5733183 No.5733183 [Reply] [Original]

Greentexting is a brilliant, woefully overlooked and underutilized form of storytelling.

I believe that in the future, historians will treat the best of the stories posted here with the reverence typically reserved for great works of literature, and paintings and sculptures by the old masters.

Some day, some brave soul will write the first novel in greentext, and that work will be read throughout the ages.

>> No.5733190

everything can append

>> No.5733191

i dont think greentexting is going to be that famous but it is a good form of storytelling

basically you just condense a story into bulletpointed series of events, it doesnt allow for literary flair, but for comedy or just getting a point across its great

>> No.5733200
File: 85 KB, 897x570, 1352676008904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only for comedy

>> No.5733206

it is the highest form of minimalism

>> No.5733244

Always amazed by that picture.

Why do you think the father cried?

Did he realize that he failed in his role to give his son self confidence and will to succeed in life?

Is it because he realised his son is the same asocial loser he used to be?

>> No.5734366

lol no

>> No.5734383

It's certainly interesting, and is highly representative of 'internet culture,' but the issue with it I think is once you start trying to make it more 'literary,' you've really only just written verse.

>> No.5734453

>Greentexting is a brilliant form of storytelling.
>Is woefully overlooked and underutilized
>several years later
>historians treat the best greentext stories posted on 4chan with highest respect
>a greentext novel was published
>everybody reads it, forever

>> No.5734465

This pic still hurts

I have to read that thread

>> No.5734496

Isn't the arrival of greentexting a full circle completion of the history of written language? Where do we go from here?

>> No.5734503


>> No.5734726

>>a greentext novel was published
What's the name?

>> No.5734733

Notes from Underground

>> No.5734740


>> No.5734744

>be me

>> No.5734748

>Notes from Underground
You mean the novel by Dostoyevsky? But that's not written in Greentext style

>> No.5734754

Definitely the best title.

>> No.5734815

After The Legacy of Totalitarism in a Tundra /lit/ should publish a compilations of green text stories.

>> No.5734825


>> No.5734831

but /lit/ is the board with the least greentext stories around.

>> No.5734840

I would love this. If anyone has any great ones (like >>5733200) dump 'em here. I'd love to collect/sort these, this could be pretty cool.

preferably serious ones

>> No.5734844

but /lit/ is the board with the best judgment of what would belong in a compilation. other boards with just have randumb shit

>> No.5734852

that's true!
let's do this!

>> No.5734857

Right. because they're so stupid.

>> No.5734860

> be me

>> No.5734871


Yes, we already agreed that would be the title of the collection.

Also, jumping in here to say I would also be down to help with such an endeavor.

>> No.5734886


>> No.5734894

>tfw when editing my magnum opus for Penguin Classics
>the chapter just isn't working out for some reason
>deadline is tomorrow
>rack my brains trying to figure out what needs fixing
>rewrite the chapter in greentext form
>greentext's natural inclination for linearity, brevity, and clarity reshape the chapter
>it's better when the events happen in this exact order with no superfluous detail
>edit chapter accordingly

you fags with writers block are just retards who haven't harassed the power of greentext

>> No.5734895


The typical best of YLYL/Feels/GT threads on /b are like collections of the best greentext stories. You can also find great, long strories here https://github.com/bibanon/bibanon/wiki/

>> No.5734901
File: 175 KB, 1271x624, 1405458090649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5734907
File: 37 KB, 626x591, 1322439907298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going through a folder now, but I don't have many saved. Here's one I saved in 2011. We should have a "Fucking gamestop" chapter.

>> No.5734909

The best place would have been /r9k/ in the good ol days

Before McDonald's
Actually I think McDonald's itself was a greentext story. That's proof that /r9k/ was the greentext board before it was shit

>> No.5734928
File: 30 KB, 600x851, be-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5734931
File: 32 KB, 442x657, 1327573513140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5734935

the book of feels

>> No.5734938


I like the direction, but the subtitle should stick to the format.

>be me
>collecting implications

>> No.5734939

that exists? or just a concept cover design?

>> No.5734941

This fucking story

>> No.5734945

good catch

just concept

>> No.5734946

Neverending Story

>> No.5734950

>reading greentext compilations
>implying this isn't a greentext compilation
>not reading greentexts

>> No.5734954
File: 108 KB, 500x329, transylvania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How Green Was My Valley

>> No.5734958
File: 48 KB, 1234x400, why did you take the hammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5734960
File: 52 KB, 1386x386, wearetwoofsoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5734966

>implying this isn't a greentext compilation
I like that one. A bit silly, but sticks to the concept of greentexts being silly

>> No.5734967


We can expand this for a preface.

>be me
>collecting implications
>digging through my greentext folder
>it's incomplete
>digging through the archives
>pull out masterpieces of the genre
>these are the truest stories of our generation
>reading through them
>begin feeling feels
>try to suppress it
>tell myself greentext isn't an artform anyway

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

[Or at any rate, we'd have to be sure to record the way the genre plays on the interplay between greentext and normal text.]

>> No.5734977

I remember that thread

>> No.5734978

oh shit. I love it.

>> No.5734985

moot is a fucking genius man

>> No.5734987

/lit/ failed as an author, but as an editor?

I can dig it

>> No.5734992


The bit of normal text at the end is an optional powerful moment of reflection. Very Wordsworthian.

>> No.5734994
File: 666 KB, 2832x3184, lovestory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5735020
File: 231 KB, 603x420, 1336873282762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What about a chapter on pleb stories? We certainly have our fair share of that on /lit/.

>> No.5735022

Is this the new Kafkaesque?

>> No.5735025


Please, no tree touching, ma'am.

>> No.5735033

Not a lot of variety to them, even though that's the point

>> No.5735038

Would greentextifications of existing books/poems be fair use?

>> No.5735043
File: 75 KB, 992x536, 1351319479498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A true classic.

>> No.5735046

i don't think so, except for books in the public domain

>> No.5735051


I suppose we could make do. We have to present the range of greentext's possibilities. This in particular would also show how it relates to other forms of storytelling.

>> No.5735064

You could probably just rewrite them slightly if you wanted to. It's not as though anyone can prove they were the original author of any particular story. There are loads of books that are collections of stuff the author didn't write, I don't see why it's an issue anyway.

>> No.5735069

Of course, most of them would probably under parody.

>> No.5735070
File: 88 KB, 756x436, 1356502288524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5735073

Ugh gonna need some good image to text software, transcribing all of these would be a massive pain

>> No.5735075
File: 216 KB, 1026x1170, 1391337876920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5735087

not if we get everyone to do one each

>> No.5735091
File: 302 KB, 711x390, 1415901916395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5735096

>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
>Comments are owned by the Poster.

>> No.5735100

Greentext is worse than genre, because they're all the same and don't even pretend to be different.

Gosh, I wonder if this will detail some socially awkward thing that happened, with the last line hinting that the event still haunts the narrator.

>> No.5735108

>Comments are owned by the Poster.
yeah I wrote every single one of these stories

prove me wrong

>> No.5735136


>hurr I wonder if this sonnet will have a volta

>> No.5735139

I tested a few, ABBY finereader was the best

>> No.5735145

>thinking greentext even compares to a poetic form

>> No.5735157

>basically you just condense a story into bulletpointed series of events
I wish more people were aware of this. Everytime I see a greentext story taking up like 5 posts it makes me want to toss the pc out of the window.

>> No.5735164

Excuse me but I'm the owner of all thes posts I'd like due compensation for their exposure and distribution

Boobies will be nice

>> No.5735173
File: 83 KB, 500x628, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying it doesn't

>> No.5735174

It s garbage

>> No.5735190

The contents though

>> No.5735199

The absolute best greentexts come from /tg/, so it should be theirs.

>> No.5735218
File: 98 KB, 1005x385, plebdad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5735219

this one is so sweet.

Wish I could find the one of the Ocelot cosplayer who found a Big Boss cosplayer bf on /lgbt/

>> No.5735223

>capable of complex, nuanced storytelling
>anything other than a gimmicky joke form for people with low attention spans

>> No.5735227

That Guy

>> No.5735228
File: 661 KB, 1236x4000, big boy blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy that posts a poor screenshot of a longass thread and says "it's worth it, trust me"
I know, I know, but it's worth it, trust me.
unfortunately there's no better screenshot and the thread wasn't archived.

>> No.5735233

what an asshole

the Stones are way better than the Beatles

>> No.5735237


This isn't even a greentext.

>> No.5735240


>> No.5735243

if ripping off black blues artists and becoming 5000 times more famous and rich than them is being good then yes

>> No.5735244

they're both shit though.

>> No.5735249

both sucked

>> No.5735250
File: 149 KB, 781x687, fucking saved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meta content greentext best greentext


>> No.5735256

*tips fedora*
go back to /mu/ edgelords

>> No.5735260

Better than falling in line with god-awful teeny pop only to produce mediocre and unadventurous "avant garde psychedelia." everything interesting the Beatles did was on at least a one-year delay from being innovative

>> No.5735268

I'm not defending the Beatles, but, damn, The Stones don't deserve 1% of what they achieved

>> No.5735277

I think both are good, Beatles are more interesting though, everything from Revolver onwards is brilliant and the influence can still be felt in popular music today. I'm Only Sleeping is practically the blueprint for Elliott Smith's whole oeuvre , Tomorrow Never Knows still sounds fresh today etc... Not to mention that they redefined pop as an artform. I know all the Beatles dick sucking can be grating but they at least kind of deserve it.

>this is what plebs actually believe

>> No.5735279
File: 151 KB, 1016x620, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5735292

Starring bait

>> No.5735293

>this is what plebs actually believe
it's absolutely true. they didn't do Sgt. Pepper until Paul listened to Freak Out!, they didn't release anything reflective or psychedelic until after The United States of America. If you actually look into the music scene in the 60s, the Beatles become a fuck of a lot less impressive. They were always safe, never truly experimental and always one step behind.

>> No.5735294

This is beautiful.

>> No.5735298

I really like this one because I basically did something similar to make my mom think I hadn't dropped out of high school.

>> No.5735317

Make it blue board.

>> No.5735325


this is fucking golden

>> No.5735338

kekking my head off right now

>> No.5735340

Someone post The Roemer Saga please.

>> No.5735355
File: 65 KB, 897x570, Shit_c49cce_5327403[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just google greentext stories, and then request from other boards. I think
>be me
needs to happen, that really would be quite the piece in all seriousness. How would you sort it though? would you keep the comedy and heavy stuff to separate chapters? or mix it all in to give an emotional roller coaster feel with seemingly funny stories ending in tragedy and vice versa to keep the reader guessing?

>> No.5735356



Honestly the weirdest part of this one.

>> No.5735364

>would you keep the comedy and heavy stuff to separate chapters?
preferably this

divide into family feels, tfw no gf, etc.

>> No.5735372

>that image
>there are people actually like this
i refuse to believe it

>> No.5735377

I like this one but only because BBB is like a caricature of myself.

>> No.5735384


What if we started with a select, choreographed selection of top-tier greentext stories, then proceed into more ordered sections.

>> No.5735387
File: 39 KB, 723x254, 1345639534822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5735388

Wasn't Pepper a reaction Pet Sounds? Anyway, I know about Freak Out and The United States Of America but Revolver was out before USOA was even founded, for example. Same for freakout. And even if you want to discredit the Beatles for experimentation or innovation, I still think that it is simply very good, very approachable music. I even love their "god-awful-teenie-pop". I'm not a typical dadrock fan either.

The unpredictability of greentext is part of the appeal, I think.

>> No.5735389

Actually like what? Friendless virgins who don't want to disappoint their loving fathers?

>> No.5735391
File: 184 KB, 820x1004, the republic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of this shit isn't even /lit/ related

>> No.5735394

shit forgot to post this hours ago and doubled that image.
Good cover, except yeah, the subtitle needs work.

>> No.5735399

>friendless virgins
yes, this
how much of a freak do you have to be to be unable to make friends

>> No.5735401

greentext is a great literary form, but the correct way of consuming it is in 4chan threads, not in a book

>> No.5735407

holy shit that is sad

Though I can't help but think that most of the emotional weight comes from being on 4chan and not expecting to see anything that will emotionally effect me. It catches you off guard, and that's so built in to greentexting that it doesn't really work unless you understand the context of browsing a shitty site filled with memes and losers.

>> No.5735410
File: 129 KB, 1065x426, defender of true lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a /lit/ one.

>> No.5735416


This is a genre discussion thread, not a /lit/-specific greentext dump.

>The unpredictability of greentext is part of the appeal, I think.

Okay, but I still think we should have commentary on the form and its different sub-genres. Should we do this through an appendix, footnotes, endnotes, or what?

>> No.5735419
File: 588 KB, 2560x1440, Beautiful-Field-1440x2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5735421

well. I don't have any friends. I did growing up, but everyone moves on.

>> No.5735422

>go to theatre alone
>be awkward social retarded nerd with close to no friends
>go to buy a ticket
>put money on the counter
>mumble the movie I want to see
>the lady selling tickets says "one more time please" and smiles awkwardly
>repeat it
>she says "i'm sorry, I don't understand you. I'll have to call the manager"
>by now everyone around me is staring
>I stutter out "n-no wa- wait"
>she's already gone
>I stumble towards the door
>Behind me the manager is shouting "Excuse me sir, you forgot your money!"
>I turn my head towards the manager
>He looks confused
>Teenagers are pointing and trying to contain their laughter
>I continue towards the door
>trying to pull the door open, it wont open
>A teenager walks up to me, laughs and says "it's a push door"
>People start laughing
>I start crying and yell "I know"
>Everyone is laughing at this point, even the manager.
>I run out of the theatre and towards the bus
>Miss it by a few seconds
>Someone is approaching me while I wait for the next bus
>It's the manager
>"Sir, here's your money"
>He's trying not to laugh
>I thank him
>As he walks away, he says "see you, PULL up to our theater at any time" while grinning
>While i'm sitting on the bus i'm thinking of good comebacks that I could've used.
>At home, too worked up to download the movie.
>My dad asks me why i'm home already
>I say "my friends couldn't make it, we'll watch it tomorrow instead"
>Next day I tell my dad that i'm going to the theater again
>I go outside and hide in the woods for 2 hours

>> No.5735424

I'm all for that, but at the same time if the quality of the stories noticeably degrades a quarter way through the book thats gonna lose peoples interests pretty quick since there is nothing connecting any of these stories. It's like a book of poems, as soon as you get board you put the whole book down. Also it will seem amateurish like you stopped trying a quarter way through

>> No.5735426

If nothing else, you always have good pictures to post.

>> No.5735432
File: 48 KB, 770x437, Kierkegaard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For posterity

>> No.5735433


>> No.5735436

This was largely unfunny, and probably playing off some /tv/ joke I don't understand, but that last line about hiding in the woods for two hours really hit me. Fuck.

>> No.5735437

one of the best right here

>> No.5735439

I fucking recognized that story by the thumbnail before I even opened it. I've read too many of these things.

It's interesting to see this thread here; I've often thought of how interesting and unique greentext storytelling is, as it allows you to deliver punchlines and important moments in a dramatic and jarring way. I've seen it effectively used for comedy and horror stories alike, as well as some sad ones. I'd love to see more done with it.

>> No.5735440
File: 89 KB, 1027x402, Stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5735443

Paul explicitly said he heard Freak Out! and wanted Sgt. Pepper to be the Beatles' Freak Out.

United States of America is just an example, but they formed and were active in the New York underground before their LP. Just using them as an example of the kind of music that was very much alive in America that is ignored in order to create the SGT. PEPPER CHANGED EVERYTHING narrative.

>And even if you want to discredit the Beatles for experimentation or innovation, I still think that it is simply very good, very approachable music.
I love the Beatles (though not their teeny pop, come on now), don't get me wrong. This is kind of my entire point.

my favorite

>> No.5735445

this one is much better, and i'm assuming that the kant one was an attempt to copy it

>> No.5735446
File: 423 KB, 938x729, Non-Casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5735449


It seems to be playing off of this story: >>5733200

>> No.5735455
File: 124 KB, 1071x425, Why I Read Shakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5735460
File: 191 KB, 1253x485, Black & Decker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wanted to stick to /lit/ related ones but a lot of them are over-posted.

A personal favorite.

>> No.5735461
File: 336 KB, 816x672, 1405499397221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of all time coming thru

>> No.5735462

>It's like a book of poems
oh god you're right, and who would ever think of publishing that

>> No.5735465

I can actually imagine this working, you know those novels written as a bunch of letters? well this would be kinda similar, but with greentext stories, it could cover the topics of escapism, loneliness, waifus, and even false greentext stories, what is it that drives people to make that shit up?

just call it a "hero of our time"

>> No.5735470

god I saw the thumbnail and cracked up just thinking about this one

10/10, really is the best of all time

>> No.5735474

that's superb

>> No.5735477

we already have a title, and it's better than yours:

>be me

>> No.5735479

We don't think of it now, but 4chan is quite an interesting cultural phenomenon. There will be 4chan documentaries on television in 20 years with blacked out silhouettes of self proclaimed "perma-virgins" walking the average people through a day in the life of a poster. The early mornings of procrastination, the blackout nights of shitposting and those few magical times when they truly felt accepted, those rare highs they would lurk for months and months in search of.

>> No.5735483

then maybe a randomized set up is the best way to go about putting it together. With the only ordering being things that are apparently from the same thread/subject related but without chapters to keep expectation away from the reader

>> No.5735492

This is absurd. Is there something I'm missing perhaps? It's like a Kafka-Calvino nightmare or something.

>> No.5735503

>be me
>in college
>be learning literature
>mfw i can't write for shit
>desperately searching for new niche to fill
>yfw i make millions writing the first and last greentext novel

>> No.5735516
File: 21 KB, 590x319, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5735557

oh shit, I skimmed the thread so I didnt notice it, that title is a hundred times better

you have a good point, I have occasionally thought about something along the same lines, but trying to discuss the "meta-culture" of 4chan generally just results in shit-posting, besides which board is appropriate anyway?

>> No.5735558


>> No.5735585

Isn't third person essentially just greentext?

Tao Lin's Tai Pei is a pretty good answer since its both minimalist and third person

>> No.5735591

We should an introduction, footnotes, and maybe some more writing about greentexts.
We could say that the popular trope of taking up every point of view in a story through greentext>>5735391 is a sort of reflection of the dissolution of certainty and truth in a post modern society yada yada etc.

>> No.5735592

>Tao Lin's Tai Pei is a pretty good answer since its both minimalist and third person

It's also not concerned with fancy things like quality, so it fits in that regard as well.

>> No.5735596

LOL bad times

>> No.5735623


can someone explain please

>> No.5735626


Actually it has to do with community responding to personal narrative with speculative narrative told from another's consciousness in order to critique or build upon the initial story.

See: Wide Sargasso Sea and The Madwoman in the Attic.

>> No.5735629
File: 145 KB, 960x649, 1341655274648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to go that deep into it, you'll definitely have to put it as an authors notes in the back

>> No.5735632


if you read one, you read every single one of them

>> No.5735639


It's a parody of >>5735440, which is making a joke of the absurdity of Stirner's philosophy in everyday life situations. This image does it with Kierkegaard. For either, you need a basic knowledge of their ideas to get it.

>> No.5735650

There aren't any for other philosophers, are there?

>> No.5735698


Not that I know of. I didn't even know there was the Kierkegaard one until this thread.

>> No.5735708

the Kierkegaard one's a lot better than the Stirner one, the Stirner one

>> No.5735712

the Stirner one is clearly written by someone who doesn't know much about Stirner and just threw together some of the terminology he uses*

>> No.5735723

I like the rollercoaster idea, segregating them is just boring and does not reflect the hectic/random nature of greentext threads was that story about a guy in africa and a loli wife a greentext?

>> No.5735731

I don't remember that one but same question for the story about the guy who went to some South American (iirc, may have been a southeast Asian country) shithole and paid a guy to fuck his loli daughter

>> No.5735753

How can it be some simple, yet so criptic to anyone that isn't somewhat fond of this site structure

I mean, some of them feature

how can anyone understand this?

Yet, if done properly, they can convey a message quite easily, to anyone, and even don't actually making sense on it's on, each > adds a layer of depth to what's being said

holy shit this fucking site

>> No.5735780

This is maybe the best ITT because it is both extremely funny ("You discover answer. I know answer") and really very sad when you get to the end and realize this guy is very likely dead. It's chilling. The laconic nature of greentext gives huge emotional whiplash. It's some real Kolsti-esque humor but also just very tragic.

>> No.5735825

>This is maybe the best ITT

well its definetely the best in my opinion

whats interesting to me is that ultimately it does not even matter if the stories are real or not, it fact it only adds to them and makes them easier to enjoy

>> No.5735838

Eh. In this one it's a really clear samefag going on.

>> No.5735850


All communities have short-hand references which convey meanings to those within the community, but since the relationship between signified and signifier is arbitrary, it will be potentially meaningless to an outsider (unless it builds off an existing system of meaning from the larger society enough that the outsider can feel out what it might mean). Just browse through Urban Dictionary. It's cold and someone says it's "tight brick." This may mean nothing to you, but you may have the image of bricks packed tightly together in your head and draw something from that, such as molecules pulling closer together a substance gets cold.

Here we have the following succession of meaning as the community grows more and more familiar with each step (though there are more variations throughout):

>I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
>I shiggy diggy
>le shiggy donatello

What's new with imageboard culture is the repetition of certain images, or types of images (laughinggirls has many iterations), to convey certain meaning. People here are sufficiently familiar with these images that one can simply refer to the filename within a narrative to produce the same effect, or alternatively, to reference ironically.

>> No.5735852
File: 170 KB, 397x296, absolutelyFantastic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>those niggas

>> No.5735891

The fucking creativity in this one. Holy shit.

>> No.5735918


This is an easy 10

>> No.5735919

I don't get it. The ending is a Journey song? What is so good about that?

>> No.5735927

that's the point. you become absorbed in a long story that's just the setup for a stupid pun

>> No.5735931


underrated post

>> No.5735938

>What is so good about that?

No idea. That kind of twist used to happen all the time. Look into Bel Airing, for example.

>> No.5735946


filtered ;^)

>> No.5735949

I guess I've been here too long. It has been nearly a decade. ;_;

>> No.5735952
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>> No.5735953

This is beyond fucked up.

>> No.5735954


you can either try to associate the song to the context, or find no purpose at all and just laugh at the expectations being shattered right into your face.

Either way, this will evoke some emotion

>> No.5735958

babby's first semiotics

>> No.5735965


>> No.5735967


It's fucking hilarious. And if you notice, the ponctuation of the sentence (and thus, the way the story is thought out) matches the way the song is sang, and that for me is really fucking smart.

>> No.5735972

The purpose of this subgenre of greentext is to compel the reader into being emotionally invested in the story, then ending with the twist that signifies the entire story is false.

This is also known as "trolling".

>> No.5735979
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>> No.5735984


Not trying to write a thesis here, just trying to cool down Anon's jets.

>holy shit this fucking site

As if we're revolutionizing the way meaning works or something.

>> No.5735991
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>> No.5735996

>asking a barista to go out for coffee

>> No.5735998
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>> No.5736011

>he doesn't 'get' Tao
let me guess, you don't 'get' kolsti nguyen either

>> No.5736023

I have an entire folder full of greentext stories from many different boards, I'll try to work on a compilation and post it here, but should we would notes explaining all memes and shit?

>> No.5736032



>> No.5736047

I was about to post this

>> No.5736049
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>> No.5736053

of fucking course not.

not everything deserves or needs to be preserved for posterity

>> No.5736058


[3] "Sadfrog" refers to the character Pepe from Matt Furie's comic Boy's Club. Pepe is an anthropomorphic frog. A cropped image of his face looking sad became known as sad frog, while a panel of him saying "Feels good man" became popular to express the opposite feeling. For illustrations, see the table of images, page 324.

>> No.5736069
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>> No.5736088
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/tv/ has some good stories.

>> No.5736108


Damn it, /mu/. Legit story time:

>see a Joanna Newsom concert is coming up
>tickets going on sale at x time
>ask girl if she'd want to go with me
>she says she'll get back to me later
>says no
>go to get ticket for myself
>sold out
>fast forward a few years to Have One on Me tour
>buy two tickets as soon as they go on sale
>try to find qt to go with
>no one
>post online I have a spare ticket
>someone responds and I agree to meet them there
>turns out she goes to my college
>tickets are bound to seats so we're next to each other
>talk a bit before and after the show
>she never talks to me again

>> No.5736120

>the fact that

>> No.5736132


>> No.5736135
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>> No.5736151
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>> No.5736165
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>> No.5736177
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>> No.5736186
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>> No.5736187

saw this on some obscure retarded facebook meme page today

pretty funny though

>> No.5736198

>"mom help poop"
every time

>> No.5736310
File: 1.39 MB, 1632x4644, 1413793508961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a long one

>> No.5736330

Yes. This brilliant Irish bastard. Yes.

>> No.5736335

Long as fuck anecdotes that just happen to be colored green aren't that great.

>> No.5736345
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>> No.5736387

>mfw I thought of Pynchon while reading this

>> No.5736400

End with >I seriously hope you guys don't read this.

>> No.5736408

I don't know who any of those people are and I don't know which boards' "culture" this is a joke on - if any - so right now this shit is looking a little more surreal than I've come to expect from greentext.

>> No.5736436

No, that /tv/ copypasta has been around for YEARS.

source: me ;_;

>> No.5736450
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Unfortunately this sort of comment could never be encapsulated in a greentext novel. The form is perhaps more effective in pithy jabs than in longer stories.

>> No.5736462

anybody have the /mu/ pasta where plebs surround him and throw coldplay cds at him?

>> No.5736479

It's extremely surreal and the people are irrelevant, they're just the DFW and Stirner of /mu/

Jeff Magnum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3Bx1s8Nus8

Grimes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FH-q0I1fJY

>> No.5736498


You guys know that was intentional for humor

>> No.5736516

>mom help poop!
i just die there
why are scatological jokes so funny

>> No.5736517

The really good stories should be evenly distributed throughout their own sections to keep the reader's interest.

>> No.5736539

>and probably playing off some /tv/ joke I don't understand

It's in the same vein as the "no singles policy" joke.

>> No.5736540
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fresh off the presses

>> No.5736544

There was a /tv/ tripfag who made an infographic full of tips for going to the movies by yourself unnoticed.

>> No.5736583
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x748, wonderful bastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ones ITT.
>why are scatological jokes so funny
No idea but it's the oldest form of humor. Your eldest ancestor probably laughed his ass off that time one of the other cavemen stepped in mastodon shit and mocked him for years.

>> No.5736594
File: 74 KB, 876x458, holy shit he's alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5736601

there's only one tip you need

be unemployed so you can go to matinees in the middle of the week

works great, highly recommended

>> No.5736606
File: 69 KB, 400x534, sometimes you gamble and lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are scatological jokes so funny

>> No.5736609

I believe this originated on /mu/ about concerts.

>> No.5736612

where's this from?

>> No.5736624

anybody found a news article?

>> No.5736630


Matt Furie's Boy's Club. I'm not sure which exactly. Didn't you read the footnote (>>5736058)?

>> No.5736633


>> No.5736637


actually >>5735391 is one of the best examples of new sincerity you'll find

>> No.5736647

mfw no face

>> No.5736653


The text reads "her name in the news"; it's not about her but about the comet landing which reminds him of her cuz of the name

>> No.5736663

Pretty sure I read something similar a long time ago, might be a coincidence

>> No.5736678

Flesh it out, sprinkle in a little allegory, and you got a Pulitzer right there.

>> No.5736698

>defend yourself in what could be a life-and-death situation
>get suspended

What the fuck Britain

>> No.5736729
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>> No.5736735
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>> No.5736742

Could someone describe the form of greentext?

>> No.5736755
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>> No.5736766
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>> No.5736819

I agree. Although, I'm from /mlp/.

/mlp/ is probably the most greentext-laden board.

>> No.5736833
File: 498 KB, 3080x1612, deerheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the only differentiation to do is separate regular greentexts (1 post) from sagas (2 or more posts) as they are kind of different genres.

pic is from /x/, a favourite of mine

>> No.5736854

Nope, that's not popular right now

>> No.5736859
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>> No.5736885

I remember reading this when it was OC. Hoping something so terrible would not happen to me. At least I'm reading books everyday.

>> No.5736912

I guess you can really get away with murder when you're rich.

>> No.5736913

>I think the only differentiation to do is separate regular greentexts (1 post) from sagas (2 or more posts) as they are kind of different genres.
Agreed, we should include regular greentexts and omit all "sagas"

>> No.5736926
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>where's this from

>> No.5736944

I found it but just the text.

>staring at some girls before a lecture at university
>hear them talk about music
>one girl seems not to be a pleb, likes NMH and has an interesting taste
>decide to attempt to engage in an intellectual, patrician conversation with her
>she is sitting with her friends outside the library cafeteria having some plebeian drink, probably tea
>somewhat nervous, usually don't go within 15 feet of plebeians
>employ my courage-walking style, flinging my legs everywhere to portray superiority
>"if she's not a plebeian, she won't have anything against me speaking latin" I think to myself
>as I introduce myself as a patrician nobility, they interrupt me
>"tempus morendi, pathicus!" they yell at me
>it was a set-up all along
>suddenly, speakers are playing skrillex
>overcome by plebeianity, I start hyperventilating
>cry for help as my voice fails me, all I can muster are high pitched gasps
>place a spare pair of roman sandals on my hands as I flee the scene
>plebeian mob chasing me, I can hear nickelback playing
>nearby plebeians pick up on whats happening, throws coldplay records at me
>one CD hits my leg, I trip
>quickly recover as my shoed hands hit the ground
>employ spider walk, increasing my run speed
>laugh to myself as the plebeians give up, patrician victory once again
>pull out mp3 player
>enjoy NMH as I devour my specially manufactured laurel wreath spaghetti crown

>> No.5736945
File: 124 KB, 960x535, 995613_1498009960439856_687212950146472063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope you're joking

>> No.5736968

can we do this, like totalitarianism in a tundra

>> No.5736971

A story written as a non-metered poem with all endstopped lines.

>> No.5737014

That would give a level of understanding the greentexters themselves don't have, and add an unintended layer of meaning.

>> No.5737051

All proceeds from a greentext compilation should be put into self-serve ads mocking anons for their low class and poor taste.

>> No.5737094


Only profits would go to Lulu, as with Tundra.

>> No.5737167

The book needs

>the year of our Lord 2014

>> No.5737189


>> No.5737193

litwritesabook is doing this?

>> No.5737199

oh god I hope this isn't one guy, this makes me happier than anything I've read all week

unrelated, does anyone have the end of that /b/ thread where somebody greentexted his grandpa's diary about the Eastern Front in WWII? it was glorious and I have almost all of it screencapped but I had to go to sleep and missed the end of the story

>> No.5737206

This is so fucking bad. Not even above lowbrow humor this just could not be less funny.

>> No.5737214

And that's the beauty of it.

>> No.5737215

nearly every new artform is shitty when it starts out.

>Novels are worse than romance, because they're all the same and don't even pretend to be different.
>Gosh, I wonder if this will detail the quirky wanderings of some middle-class douche, with pointless twists and characters coming back in implausible ways

>> No.5737232


>> No.5737256

we should start with the greeks.
rewriting the wanderings of the greeks
everyone jump in > greentext.litwritesabook.com

>> No.5737292
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>> No.5737299
File: 94 KB, 1319x419, FXzNyFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh fav so far

>> No.5737304

What am I missing here? Is it just surreal for the sake of being surreal?

>> No.5737380

Should you include images? It seems weird to celebrate only one part of the post, especially on an imageboard.

>> No.5737385

this guy just described every 4chan user

>> No.5737396

Camus writes in such short sentences I like to imagine him greentexting.

>> No.5737436
File: 22 KB, 446x362, blind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mamam dies
>walking her casket to the nearest church
>raging sun
>hot as fuck
>mamams bf is melting
>so old his sweat gets trapped in his wrinkles
>one of the undertaker's men says something to me
>pretend i didnt hear
>he waits for my answer
>mumble "w-what" trying to hold my couscous
>"pretty hot" he says, pointing at the sky
>he asks if mamam was old
>realize i didnt even know her age

>> No.5737450

Jesus Christ, why is it so perfect?

>> No.5737473
File: 9 KB, 250x250, Smug pepe in the bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we totally got Brutus to kill ceaser

>> No.5737543

this is disgusting
and gays say they aren't pedos

>> No.5737569

Lold at
>I have no brother

>> No.5737578

Someone has to have the bear /tg/ story

>> No.5737608
File: 61 KB, 720x443, roar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you, mane.

>> No.5737629

The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.5737638

nominate this for the compilation

>> No.5737639

The >tfw guy will become the image of our generation. It'll be viewed at the Rijksmuseum.
>"That feel when". Ink on paper. (approx. 2010). Artist unknown.

Mark my words.You heard it here first.

>> No.5737643

My rage would melt our core itself and be the progeny of nightmares

>> No.5737646

This is probably true. I was in the McDonalds thread, and that was the most fun I'd ever had on 4chan. McDonalds and the next 4 days were just great.

>> No.5737649

It'll be our generation's version of Warhol's image of Campbell soup cans.

You'll see.

>> No.5737656


>> No.5737662

I seriously think /lit/ should rewrite all the great works into greentext.

Let's finance it.

>> No.5737668

What was the McDonald's thread?

>> No.5737678

A story about an autist taking a girl to McDonalds for a first date I think and then it ended and she never called him back

moot was there and it got stickied as a representative of /r9k/ when it was still funny to laugh at.

then moot asked for dating advice

>> No.5737693

How could we find every example of greentext on the archive?

>> No.5737709

> >these are the truest stories of our generation
These are only the stories of the outcasts of society.

The Mentally ill, the socially incompetent, the ones that were beaten and kicked, the ones that crawled away to this dark corner to recover. But recovery isn't possible when every other broken decaying being in this place is so obsessed with etching into every other heart the pain they've experience.

If you want a look at the stories of the majority of this generation go on twitter or facebook.

>> No.5737712

This is a great idea

>> No.5737716

I'm gonna do metamorphosis after exams

>> No.5737724

Does anyone have the first half of this?

>> No.5737737

My best friend is in publishing and we've often discussed the powerful nature of green text stories.

If we got enough OC together, I think he'd totally be down to make and distribute some kind of zine. If it's something people are interested in, we could feasibly make it happen.

>> No.5737758

Those kids weren't at all justified beating the shit out of the kid for taking away money from their prom though.

should have just brought it up to the school instead of disabling a kid for life, and the kid accepts it and thinks that he deserved it in the end.

what the fuck

at least none of what was in that story was actually true.

>> No.5737786

>passionate evening with lunchlady

Every goddamned time.

>> No.5737790

Why don't you approach the female if you're so certain of her wanting to connect with her heart with your own?

Just stupid

>> No.5737810

>wake up
>sit still and say thanks to the lord
>say my usual prayer asking for a successful harvest
>get out of bed, walk through the living room and say hi to my friends
>go outside to help my parents water the plants
>they're eating apples, and tell me to eat one too because they're ripe now
>bring some apples in for me and my friends
>they are pleased with how sweet and ripe they are
>they all agree to help me water the plants and pick fruit
>spend the rest of the day farming and drinking apple juice in the sun
>sun is setting
>we all sit on the roof talking about god and sharing our recent revelations

>> No.5737826

>Middle class
I'm not sure
>White cis straight male
check check check check
>spoiled by my parents
I'm not sure. My parents never really bought me much. Some video games(200 $ every couple years , maybe). Not anything else though, except food and clothing when necessary.
depends on what that even means. It's not that I don't do things because I don't feel like it, I don't do things because I don't see the point in most things, or I have panic attacks about the future and my inability to handle anything.
>average intelligence
aren't most people, by definition, of average intelligence?
>little political opinion
Not really. I just really love the prospect of being free. Of casting off the shackles of weakness.
>no talent
None that I know of.
>man child
Defined as? Do I like things that greater than 80% of people in my immediate area would consider childish, or for children? Then yes. But it's not like their forms of escapism are any better; Sports, celebrity gossip, it's all garbage.
What level of achievement does somebody need to attain before someone is considered an 'achiever'?
as in emotionally? no. Financially? Yeah. I am not good at keeping myself alive.
Someone that lets their fear control their actions. I try not to be, but regardless of my best efforts, I am afraid of going to therapy. I don't even know why anymore. It's not like I can be shunned or ostracized anymore by people than I already am.
>living in a small apartment in a crowded city
jokes on you, I'm even more of a loser. I live in my parents basement
>far from being in tune with nature
I don't even know what this is supposed to mean. What does it even look like when someone is 'in tune with nature'? I like the appearance of the crisp white snow smothering all life in winter. I love the cold empty sky with only a few points of light piercing the darkness. I like the moon spinning it's dagger points, grinning at us ants.
>full of vices and bad habits
Yeah, but who isnt'?
>emotionally fragile
Again, aren't almost all people?
>unaware of the possibilities of my physical body
Well, I did exercise heavily for a few year. Is that what was even meant? General fitness?
>afraid of life
what does this mean?
>full of self pity
Do you mean empathy for myself? Of course I am. Who else is going to show me any?
I've managed that well enough. Only when I think of the future.
I think the best medicine for frustration is not giving a fuck.
>somewhat stupid
Doesn't this contradict the 'of average intelligence part?

>> No.5737857


>> No.5737977

Why did you feel like it was okay to post this

>> No.5738418
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>> No.5738484
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>> No.5738817

That's something.

>> No.5739051

here, greentext stories:

>> No.5739128

That's beautiful.

>> No.5739510


>> No.5739557

>313 posts

>> No.5739568
File: 39 KB, 807x356, lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From /cgl/

>> No.5739580
