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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.22 MB, 6408x3040, pillreadingpol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5733136 No.5733136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ what do you think of the lists in this Image?

>> No.5733153

begone with your talk of "pills"
please stay in your containment corner

>> No.5733160
File: 484 KB, 499x375, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny that you plebs have to come here to justify your shit taste and that you actually took the time to make that.

>> No.5733161

I think they're far too small.

>> No.5733170

Open the image in a separate tab and zoom in.

>> No.5733175

...huh. And there was me thinking clicking always opened images at the right size.

>> No.5733178
File: 433 KB, 560x3568, IMG_3902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5733209

What the fuck are green pill and iron pill?

>> No.5733234

If you have to ask, you'll never know

>> No.5733278

Charlatanism and woo that hilariously reinvents and repopularizes extinct religions, superstitions, and rituals, for people who want to feel enlightened but don't have the intelligence or discipline for academic learning.

>> No.5733280


>> No.5733285


>> No.5733289

/x/eno/pol/ hybrids getting BTFO

>> No.5733299

Do you have a single fact to back that statement up?

>> No.5733306

Fuck off, /pol/tard.

>> No.5733311

>for people who want to feel enlightened but don't have the intelligence or discipline for academic learning.
It's cute that you think the wankings of academics have any importance at all. Sometimes I wish I could go back to being so naive, where learning is as straightforward as buying and reading a book.

>> No.5733313

Fuck off, /pol/tard.

>> No.5733319

>lack of facts intensifies

>> No.5733322
File: 24 KB, 320x394, 6a00d8341c562c53ef01347ff7ded8970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, there's an /eno/ board?

>> No.5733323

Fuck off, /pol/tard.

>> No.5733327

I thought /lit/ had the masters of debate and empirical evidence.

Guess i was wrong

>> No.5733328

the fact that this is from /pol/ and not /x/ is just sad

>> No.5733329

You want me to defend my generalized statement about over 30 books and the categorization associations assigned to them by documenting debunked claims and providing historical origins and context for modern mysticism? Are you out of your fucking mind? Get outta here.

>> No.5733333

>debunked claims
[citations needed]

>> No.5733334

There is no point wasting time debating chimps.

Fuck off, /pol/tard.

Threes say you fuck off.

>> No.5733336

>comes to /lit/ to post his /pol/ shit
>wonders why no one cares
>haha prove im wrong lit!!!

what a retard

>> No.5733337

>3 posts, all the same format
>implying it's not samefag
Even in the rare instance they are 3 different people, you honestly think i give a shit enough that i won't stop posting here?

>> No.5733340

absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.5733342

>ask /lit/ what they think
>get nothing but shitposting and wild claims with no evidence to back them up
I guess what they say about /lit/ is true...

>> No.5733343


You don't even know what a samefag is. Fuck off back to /pol/, newfag.

>> No.5733348

>Get called out
>Can't prove otherwise
Man, i almost feel embarrassed for you

>> No.5733349

>uses an ellipsis
>his bait is this bad
>wants lit to justify his shit taste
>took the time to make a shit chart

go away

>> No.5733351

hahahaha fuck off back to /pol/ logical positivist

>> No.5733352

The irony of this coming from someone defending the literature in OP is too delicious not to comment on.

>> No.5733358

Fuck off back to /pol/. No one cares about your image.

>> No.5733373

>can't read and understand OP

>Still can't prove otherwise

>> No.5733389

You've made yourself look beyond retarded. Just go away, man.

>> No.5733393

I wondered what idiocy I'd find if I opened a thread with this image. A meme-parroting troll grandstanding his perceived victory because he hasn't baited anyone into quibbling with him over his pet trash literature. /pol/ certainly never fails to meet everyone's expectations of it.

>> No.5733399

>h-hey /lit/ puh-please validate our cool t-taste in books
>d-do you like my new pills memes /lit/?
>we're enlightened now, r-right /lit/?
>e-even though our community college credits won't transfer over?

>> No.5733402

>comes to lit to ask for validation
>gets mad that no one cares

too good

>> No.5733408
File: 2.99 MB, 250x257, Reddit_tier_post.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look retarded
>implying you can quantify retardation
The amount of psuedointellectuals on /lit/ is a joke, not even leddit has this much pretension

Keep the keks coming though

>> No.5733409

If /lit/ is full of pseudointellectuals, why did you come here to justify your taste in /pol/ books?

>> No.5733414

>Asking for an opinion
Morbid curiosity is why i started this thread

>> No.5733415

>being this autistic and pedantic about an insult
>claiming other people are pretentious
fuck off you're such a dumb shit and your taste is worse

>> No.5733417

Sure, mate. Just go away now and let the thread die. No one cares any more.

>> No.5733425

>being this mad

Let me give you a piece of /pol/ wisdom shall i?
>"You do not engage the Shill, you do not try to expose the Shill - You ignore the Shill"

And with that, I'm off. Ciao, cousins our board is always open to you


>> No.5733426

Nice memes.

>> No.5733427

Fuck off, autist.

>> No.5733428

>our board is always open to you
ours is closed to you plebs

>> No.5733455

I wonder what that transgender Wachowski thinks of /pol/ hijacking xir pill meme

>> No.5733458

OP, you asked for opinions and you got them. Acting like the burden to back those opinions up is on the people who did what you asked instead of supplying evidence to the contrary yourself as the one looking for debate is the reason there is no discussion happening right now. It's on you to initiate discourse, and acting smug as if you've won a debate that never started is making you look like a fool (that and your constant parroting of memes like top kek).

If you want us to debate the quality of these books, you have to provide an argument and act like you're capable of more mature discussion than you've displayed so far. It comes off like constructing an argument it too difficult / much work for you and you'd rather just pick apart what pieces of other people's opinions you can.

Tell us, why do these books have merit and authority?

>> No.5733475

What irks me the most is how shitty these meme characters are drawn.
Even shittier than other ones

>> No.5733504

Is it common for other boards to have meme characters? If that shit spreads to this board I'm done with 4chan

>> No.5733515


>> No.5733533

brb working on concept art for /lit/ meme characters.

having a hard time coming up with a good anthropomorphic pinecone design, anyone got ideas?

>> No.5733538

Draw a character with pinecone earrings. Minimalism is always good.

>> No.5733545

>/pol/ embarrassing itself once again

>> No.5733550

as long as its done in a tasteful way who cares? it will only add some flavour to the specific board culture

>> No.5733567

So just like Marxism reinvents Neoplatonism for intellectuals who want absolute power but are too weak for the military and too coward for the secret service?

>muh academic learning

Academia have become as corrupt, power-hungry and dirty as 18th century Catholic Church. It's time for some heads to roll. My only consolation in the coming victory of communism is that a lot of "intellectuals" will be tortured and killed in the inevitable purges.

>> No.5733573

We'll see how that works out for you, Pol Pot.

>> No.5733591

Pol Pot is exactly the problem. He was a Marxist intellectual educated in Sorbonne, the type of guy that /lit/ aspires to be.

>> No.5733592

No, noooo. Why did you engage it? He literally just pulled a ridiculous non sequitur out of his ass and you decided to indulge it? Why would you want to have a /pol/ discussion here when OP couldn't even establish discussion about the books he liked?

>> No.5733596

Nice meme

>> No.5733604

>thinking he made that chart

>> No.5733606

Whoever made it is retarded.

Fuck off, /pol/tard.

>> No.5733616
File: 139 KB, 892x810, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /pol/

>> No.5733622

>as long as its done in a tasteful way who cares?
Give me an example of a single "tasteful" meme character

>it will only add some flavour to the specific board culture
It would do the opposite. Meme characters reduce board culture down to sitcom-level dialogue and dwindle discussion down to name-calling.

>> No.5733629

Nice reddit /tv/ image there, autist.

Now fuck off.

>> No.5733637

You clearly have no idea what autism looks like, friend. Your misuse of it is almost as bad as the misuse of words like literally, gay or retarded.

>> No.5733641

Your memephobic post is triggering me

>> No.5733647

You're clearly autsticm buddy. Go back to posting bane memes on your shitty board.

>> No.5733648

Your post was literally retarded. How much of a gay autist are you?

>> No.5733659

i like baneposting (kinda) but please stop.
/pol/ and OP's recommendation is shit, except for valis

>> No.5733662

>can't even spell autism
How fat do you have to be to hit the c key instead of s? Please post your ham hands.

Ebin bost :^)

>> No.5733666

I'm not defending OP's posts, I'm just engaging with the typical /lit/ sophistry

>> No.5733668

You're obviously autistic that you would pick something so small out.

Also, I meant to hit the comma key. Autist.

>> No.5733675
File: 879 KB, 900x900, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to /tv/ you go pleb

>> No.5733687

>still hasn't shown a understanding of what autism is
You can't just repeat words you see on 4chan, you sciolist. No one is going to be impressed by your ebin meming

>calls others a pleb
>doesn't realize he's lower in the hierarchy
Typical freedman

>> No.5733689

Just go away, man and let the thread die. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5733698

I'm not the one who keeps misusing words and acting above my station.

>> No.5733701

Come on, man, just let it die.

>> No.5733710

You have that power. All you have to do is stop posting. But then you'd let me have the last word I very much doubt you would suffer that.

>> No.5733717

I don't care, I'm just asking you to stop replying, just leave it. I'll stop posting from now on, I don't care about the last word, I'm not the same guy, just let it die for god's sake. Let go of pride.

>> No.5733725

Why would I debase myself like that. Without pride we are little more than slaves.

>> No.5733795

Is this what someone who lives on 4chan looks like?

They assimilate some identity from the board they spend everyday on and try to make some cross board joke as a cry for attention?

This meme culture is getting way out of hand

>> No.5733800

what are all the pills supposed to represent?

>> No.5733814

Idiocy and jokes that went too far.

>> No.5733817

i'm not entirely sure, but based on the picture i think it's something like the following:

"red pill" = i am an edgy teen, i have no experience of the world but i have watched a few conspiracy nutjobs on youtube and therefore i believe i have special insight into how things REALLY are (and it is usually something to do with jews)

"green pill" = as above but with aliens

"blue pill" = anyone who disagrees with me

"purple pill", "brown pill" (these seem to be interchangeable) = i am wasting my fucking life

"iron pill" = OMG BETA FAGIT DO YOU EVN LIFT or something like that

>> No.5733821

Does anyone have any more resources/materials on these pill archetypes? This seems like an interesting topic but I'm totally clueless on where to learn about them more because image search isn't turning anything up.

Anyone have any links or other images?

>> No.5733885

m8 its anonymous image forum get over urself lmao

>> No.5733922

>Does anyone have any more resources/materials on these pill archetypes?

It's some stereotypes /pol/ and similar sites made up. So I guess you should go to /pol/.

>> No.5733924

Post the ones with völkisch man and feminism.

>> No.5733960
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, No Pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You forgot about "No Pill".

>> No.5733991

My ego is not quite so small as yours that it can easily be beaten down and subdued.

>> No.5734006
File: 465 KB, 396x400, 14153373894072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice spook you got yourself

>> No.5734010

Le strong aryan man will maymay;÷^}

>> No.5734016

The droll of the plebs is like a symphony to my ears. Please continue.

>> No.5734019

Your condescension is adorable.

>> No.5734028

So you got Valis and the Illuminatus trilogy, both of which are pretty damn fine, but that doesn't change the fact that literally every other book in that list is complete garbage (with MAYBE the exclusion of Jung's Red Book).

>> No.5734039

>Not "Conservative Pill"

>> No.5734049

It's just jokes m8.
"Red Pill" is a naive neo nazi.
Red Pill is a conspiracy theorist with esoteric ideas.
Blue Pill a normal pleb
Purple Pill an occultist
Brown Pill some kind go ascetic monk with magic powers
and Iron Pill is a reasonable völkisch übermensch with superpowers who defends traditional values
It's just characters from funny comics like>>5733178
I want someone to post the Iron Pill ones, they were hilarious

>> No.5734052

>Immanuel Wallerstein
>Michel Foucault
>Jean-Jacques Rousseau
>Not "Protomarxist Pill"


>> No.5734054

Nope. Corn.

>> No.5734063

It juxtaposes Rousseau to Hobbes though. that and the strong capitalism kind of makes it fairly middle way

>> No.5734064

and to answer your question.
take >>5733178 to /pol/ and request the other comics

>> No.5734070
File: 1.46 MB, 6624x3024, 1406777851295[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image really needs to be updated.

>> No.5734072

This sucks. It's not as bad as the pill charts, but it still sucks.

Really, Friedman? If you're going to have a token conservative, choose a decent one.

>> No.5734143

These types of charts in general are awful. You will never cover all bases in one chart. I was trying to make an introduction.

Also, what token conservative would you choose?

The Hobbes Rousseau debate is extremely important and capitalism is the dominant economic system. They are the essentials

>> No.5734175

Yes they are essential to understanding the world today. Still doesn't explain why you think the chart is "protomarxist" whatever that means.

>> No.5734200

No, I don't think it is protomarxist. I made the chart. I was responding sarcastically to the guy that said it was conservative.