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5717440 No.5717440 [Reply] [Original]

I'm considering reading 2666, but at at 900 pages, it's a commitment. What are your opinions about it?

>> No.5717443

2665 was better

>> No.5717467

Fucking hipster

>> No.5717524
File: 98 KB, 768x388, Screenshot_2014-11-12-17-15-39~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I preferred the prequel 2001: A Space Morrisey

>> No.5717564

use warosu to research a book instead of making a pointless thread like this

>> No.5717604

Do it, don't be a pussy.

>> No.5717605

Most new threads could instead be searched for in warosu. Why even have a forum when most everything has been discussed before?

>> No.5717696
File: 98 KB, 470x647, 1363533060343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking read it, fuck. If you want to make sure it's good, read some reviews before you buy it. Or better yet, get that shit at your local library. Read ten or twenty pages, and if you absolutely hate it then throw it into the fireplace, you can afford to pay those late fees. I mean, what the fuck do you want us to say? Will some random Anon saying "it's good" or "it's bad" really matter to you? Get back to us once you've read it, and maybe then we can have a discussion, but as it stands you can easily figure out whether or not to spend your valuable time and money on it without making a shitty thread on /lit/.

Holy fucking hell.

>> No.5717985

Im reading it now, sort of. I got about 400 pages in this summer and put it down. Picked it back up a month ago and read another 100 pages and put it down again. Might read some more tonight.

Its a very strange book that doesn't seem to go anywhere. Don't expect a cohesive plot or climax or rising action or anything. It's part of the charm of it but it just kind of swims along. For example, apparently you can read the five sections of it in any order you like. It's definitely post-modern in that sense. It is interesting though, and well written. You can immersed in the framework of words and streets and characters before you know it. And some of the individual chapters/passages are brilliant. I'd say honestly don't bother unless you're really looking for something to push your idea of what a novel can be/is (once again, typical post modern experiment). It's okay, and when you check it out, make sure you open it to the middle and read a couple of pages, not the beginning, cus the first section is boring as fuck.

>> No.5718006

Yes and this is something that can easily be researched. If you've actually read the book and have something to DISCUSS then make a thread.

>> No.5718008


If a 900 page book takes you more than 10 days you're doing something very, very wrong so it's really not that big of a commitment

>> No.5718097
File: 13 KB, 400x295, bolano-1970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it while visiting Texas around last Christmas. It's great, not hard at all to get through because it's so good. Better than Savage Detectives.

>> No.5718291

Better than The Savage Detectives? Damn.

>> No.5718474

The first section was my favorite...

>> No.5718484

I'm on the first section and I agree that it is good. It's a very fluid read. He writes long sentences that drive you forward and aren't at all hard to read.

How is the first section compared to others, regarding prose and theme?

>> No.5718534

>What are your opinions about it?
Looks like another modernist quote-unquote-"masterpiece". Modernism a shit, le trash, etc, etc.

>> No.5718538

I want 2666 to be on my gravestone.

>> No.5718541

even though he supposedly died before finishing this book, i thought the last 2 parts were the best, the part about the murders and the part about archimboldi. i finished this in about 3 weeks, i don't like to rush through a great book like this. put in a couple hours every day and you'll love it

>> No.5718554

Great book. Like a previous anon said, don't expect a cohesive anything, but rather Bolano is experimenting with character,
placing them in various settings and allowing them to unfold. The part about the crimes can get a bit difficult to get through, but the beginning and ending are fantastic.

Also, the part about the geometry book? Genius.

>> No.5718574

I always recommend it to people. However, I'd say read the Savage Detectives first. I agree with the poster that says it is better than SD (at least on some level), but there are sections in 2666 that are really difficult to get through. I feel like if you already have a feel for Bolano, it would make a lot more sense to read it after SD. Not to mention, once you get a bit of his life story (which is pretty much the plot of SD just made to look better), you start to understand the urgency and associated feelings he had when writing this near his death.

>> No.5718575

>What are your opinions about it?
it's worth your time.

>at at 900 pages, it's a commitment.
what, like a couple days' commitment, right?

>> No.5718585

>what, like a couple days' commitment, right?
>pretending like you've read it in a couple days

>> No.5718671

OP here. These are the kind of replies I was looking for. Thanqs guise

>couple of days
Bitch por favor

>> No.5718676

>The part about the crimes can get a bit difficult to get through
Is it because of how depressing it is or because of the sheer repetition or because of the goriness?

>> No.5718704


a couple of days sounds like an exaggeration made by that person but it really shouldn't take you more than a week so I don't get why you're talking about it as a commitment

>> No.5718735

I guess I'm an ultra retarded-slow reader compared to y'all

>> No.5719820

Provided you don't attend college and aren't bogged down by numerous other readings

>> No.5719825

The sheer repetition is what got to me after a while. I understand the purpose of the section and I can see why it is as repetitious and lengthy as it is, but I found my interest dwindling after a while.

Thankfully the subsequent sections brought me out of the funk

>> No.5719840

Glad some other faggot decided to make a re-post thread that has been posted about a hundred times this year already.

I was about to buy this book today along with House of Leaves and Underworld.
Here is my question to you folks.

I like myself a good book in the hand to flip through, not that e-reader faggot hipster minimalist 'wish I could go nude and had a skin pocket for my e-reader and iphone' cock sucking shit.

So, to you who own a physical version of this book do you recommend getting the paperback that is the book whole, or the three part (or 4?) collection in a hard case.
Which is best for this books reading experience because I have been floating in the grey area for a while now trying to determine which would be best.

>> No.5719847

NEET pls

>> No.5719872

Honestly, I found the paper back to be a little frustrating just because I get really anal about destroying the spines/covers of my books (even if paperback) and the book is just so massive that it's inevitable. The hardcover set sounds fantastic and, looking back, I would've chosen that. Perhaps I'll invest in that eventually.

>> No.5719878
File: 27 KB, 500x333, 2666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you see, it's simply a hard case with 3 individual paperbacks in it.
Also, stop being a faggot. Books, much like tools, are SUPPOSED to find themselves used. They are not supposed to look fucking perfect after you actually do shit with them.

pic related

>> No.5719899

Listen pal, you're the one asking if you should buy three paperbacks instead of one because you're so hopelessly inept at making any choices by yourself. Also, since you're buying House of Leaves in going to assume you're pleb as all hell and you won't make it through the book anyway. Forget Underworld. My recommendation would be to browse used book stores for the first installment of the three-part set and see if you can manage reading the first few pages without lapsing into a catatonic, drooling stupor.

If you, you know, really wanna get into reading.

>> No.5719908

>really wanna get into reading
>pleb because you gonna read a book I couldn't get through so pleb pleb pleb cause I hate myself
>inept at making any choices by yourself


top kek faggot

2/10 for making me reply

>> No.5719928

Make it through House of Leaves?
Sending me to mu?

I'm not sure what board you came from but at least lurk here a little more before making any posts. I'm not sure what you hope to gain by posting here, im guessing it's one of those self-improvement binges that seem to plague lit.

>> No.5719941

>le tripfag

>> No.5719959

Do not make it your first Bolano novel. I consider The Savage Detectives to be more accessible. Also read By Night In Chile. Not much in common with 2666 or Savage Detectives, but it is a solid short read.

>> No.5720056

Why are you replying angrily to an anon on a chinese cartoon image board?

>> No.5720064

Wow that sounds horrible

>> No.5720532

there are 5 books.
you can read in any order. so is not a 900 pages commitment.

>> No.5721309


I work 60 hours a week my friend. Fortunately 40 of those are spent reading.

>> No.5721335

sounds like you're the one who shoul d be in mu to be honest. is that where you came from?