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/lit/ - Literature

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5714029 No.5714029 [Reply] [Original]

Today is my birthday. I turned 21. I don't know what I want to do or even what I value. I feel conflicted, anxious, and scared about everything.

What should I read?

>> No.5714034

The bible.

>> No.5714038

I'll give it a try. Is it something you read cover-to-cover?

>> No.5714040

The Conspiracy against the Human Race

>> No.5714041

Holy shit I turn 20 in like 2.5 hours
we're like the same OP

>> No.5714049

>I'll give it a try. Is it something you read cover-to-cover?
Read Matthew Mark Luke Acts John Exodus Samuel Kings

>> No.5714057

Alrighty then. It looks like it's online for free so I'll get right to it.

>> No.5714058

Don't listen to him, start with Ecclesiastes and Proverbs

>> No.5714059

Today, I turned 28. Still a virgin. What should I read?

>> No.5714064


>> No.5714068

the Greeks

>> No.5714069

Yep. Odd. Many November birthdays.

>> No.5714070

kLiber null and psychonaut

>> No.5714073

November is nine months after February.

>> No.5714078

Thanks for the suggestions, I've read a little bit of Greek Philosophy here and there.

>> No.5714079

In a group of 36 you should expect 3 of them to be born in November

>> No.5714087
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Make sure you read Ezekiel 23:20

>> No.5714089

We're Scorpios. Astrology master race.

>> No.5714097


>> No.5714138

turned 21 monday. No book will fix these feelings, anon. You need to figure out your life. Get a job, a house and a long-term girlfriend. These are the big years, we're not there yet. Just keep your shit together and hold on.

>> No.5714151

Happy birthday anons!

>> No.5714160

Thank you!. Same to you if you have one cming up soon.

>> No.5714246


Stop being such a basic bitch.

>> No.5714272

>Don't listen to him, start with Ecclesiastes and Proverbs
Isn't it strange that I can tell exactly what kind of arsehole you are by which books you recommend starting with.

>> No.5714571

Happy birthday guys!


>> No.5714583


>> No.5714656


>> No.5714659

the words "astrology" and "master race" can never be used in the same sentence.

unless it's something like, "the master race wiped astrology from the surface of the planet"

>> No.5714666

happy birthday everyone!

>> No.5714684
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If I haven't sorted my life out by 21, I'm going to visit a brothel and tell myself I've gone full bohemian like Wilde and Joyce.

>> No.5714730

Whoa. Today's my b-day too. I'm turning 27.

I still live at home, have an M.A. in literature, and have no job, no lover, and no real friends to speak of.

How much longer should I pursue this charade before I kill myself?

>> No.5714750

20 year old here

had sex 10 times

dont feel any different when i lost the v card at 19

>> No.5714759

haha holy shit

>> No.5714768

Happy birthday, someday the '93 generation will be somewhat relevant.

>> No.5714781
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>> No.5714782

Until you have a PhD. Then start working on yourself. Don't kill yourself until you're absolutely certain that you can't "repair" yourself.

>> No.5714784

I'm 31, I wonder if I'm the oldest person on 4chan? And even at 31, I still don't know what to do in my life... I have no real job and I do various little online freelance things for a living. I do love life though, I'm happy, I have a beautiful wife (no kids; they're too expensive, at least for now), and having a spiritual life makes all the difference, OP.

Read about the Lotus Sutra (the highest text of all spirituality in the world) and Nichiren. But be careful, don't get caught up with SGI (it's a bit cultlike).


Here's a little text from Nichiren, for you:

>On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime

>IF you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death you have endured since time without beginning and to attain without fail unsurpassed enlightenment in this lifetime, you must perceive the mystic truth that is originally inherent in all living beings. This truth is Myoho-renge-kyo. Chanting Myoho-renge-kyo will therefore enable you to grasp the mystic truth innate in all life.

>The Lotus Sutra is the king of sutras, true and correct in both word and principle. Its words are the ultimate reality, and this reality is the Mystic Law (myōhō). It is called the Supreme Law because it reveals the principle of the mutually inclusive relationship of a single moment of life and all phenomena. That is why this sutra is the wisdom of all Buddhas.

Read the whole thing here (it's not long): http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-1/Content/1

(Just note that "Mystic Law" is not the best translation there... it should be "Supreme Law")

Practice this and attain enlightenment in this life. What other goals can ever be worthy of life?

You will achieve all there is to achieve.

>> No.5714845

>I wonder if I'm the oldest person on 4chan?
/k/ has people in their 60s.

36 here.

>> No.5714849

That shit sounds literally retarded

>> No.5714852

why nichiren buddhism, most pleb of all buddhisms?
(seriously, why that school, how'd you get into it, most people are all "zen")

>> No.5714854

fuck man
i hope you aren't 400 lbs

>> No.5714856
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cool birthday to have

>> No.5714859

im 21, 22 in a few months. feel the same way as u. the ride never ends!

>> No.5714873

>I feel conflicted, anxious, and scared about everything.
yea the bible will be just the right thing >>5714034
*tips fedora*

>> No.5714874

Notes from the Underground

>> No.5714986

the joy of sex

>> No.5715739

Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.5717637

Fuck off, you're both children. If you thought you knew what to do with your life you'd be 100% fucking wrong. You're 20s aren't your "big years", they're your thinking you're a grown up but are actually just a dickhead years. Watch pokemon, sleep late, take it easy and stop trying to cash in your chips immediately. Very little you do will matter for several years.

>> No.5717660

hang in there, only 2 years until you get your powers

5 for me

>> No.5717678

You should watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the origin of the greatest graduation dialogue ever.

Cameron: I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Sloane: College.

Cameron: Yeah, but to do what?

Sloane: What are you interested in?

Cameron: Nothing.

Sloane: Me neither!

>> No.5717686


haha wow, decades of Catholic education and only now do I hear about this

>> No.5717692

shit. i was conceived on valentines day
what a fucking joke

>> No.5717718

>highest text of all spirituality
you sure convinced me with those hot opinions fagtron

>> No.5717725

its tru doe
>If you’ve been going along to get along, a relationship is no doubt suffering. It’s a bit like selling somebody on a false bill of goods, Scorpio. Besides that, the differences are actually what make a connection dynamic. Today, stable Saturn aligns with your ruler Venus in Scorpio, helping you stand up for your beliefs. The time has come to speak up and keep it real. This might spark a lively debate, but once your nervousness passes, you’ll feel liberated for having lifted the mask!

>> No.5717753

serious reply: if you're looking for something that will cheer you up, confirm that the world & life are usually lousy and give you hope at the same time, plus a few good laughs, without being a 'heavy' read, then God Bless You Mr Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut is my prescription. You'll never know my name but you'll thank me forever.

>> No.5717770

Can vouch for this. not my favorite Vonnegut book but it sounds like it'd be a nice read for this point in your life.

>> No.5717777

yeah, not saying its his finest, but the most appropriate starting point for someone who needs cheering up a bit. Wouldn't recommend Mother Night, for example. GBYMR is bright, breezy, intelligent, compassionate, fun, easy & short.

>> No.5717849
File: 28 KB, 327x500, sirensoftitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, i'd reeeeeally recommend this instead. easy to read, excellently captivates the feeling of lostness and the perpetually present inescapable self-doubt at everyone's core. it doesn't provide an answer to what you should hold close or value; it's just a semi-satire on our search for it and how futile it is when you don't let things just happen naturally.

but if you don't give a fuck, the main message is this: if there's a meaning to life, you won't find it by blindly grasping outside. look inward instead.

>> No.5717857

I disagree, but hey, if we're arguing about which KV OP should read first then I guess all is right with the world.

>> No.5717868

He shouldn't read any Vonnegut if he doesn't want to end up killing himself due to knowing he wasted even more of his life.

>> No.5717872

...and this is why we can never marry *sads*

>> No.5717913

the game