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File: 14 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5713955 No.5713955 [Reply] [Original]

Help talk me out of pessimism, /lit/. I've always struggled with depression and anxiety, and then when I discovered pessimism, futilism, and nihilism, it was all made worse.
I want to not feel like shit, but at the same time I can't help but feel like it doesn't matter if I feel like shit because nothing matters. I understand that I'm probably just being incredibly naive. Surely everything can't possibly be ash shitty as I make it out to be. Any works to talk me out of this mindset?

>> No.5713963


>Help talk me out of pessimism, /lit/.

Community volunteer work. No, really.

>> No.5713966

Nietzsche. Beyond Good and Evil, Genealogy of Morals and Zarathustra in that order.

>> No.5714004


I'll do that. Thanks

I'll consider this.

>> No.5714015

Maybe it does all have meaning, and your purpose is to suffer. It wouldn't make it any better to give life meaning, you are unlikely to be a major part of that for the whole of humanity if it exists, and even if it did exist, suffering might be your purpose within it. Why would you think the world wants you to be happy when the most invested person in such a goal is doing such a shit job at it? Really, that no such investment exists for anyone else from the state of things should be some comfort to you in the face of what giving meaning to the universe would mean for you. Think of the responsibility you'd have if you weren't just mediocre like most people. And re-read Schopenhauer.

>> No.5714031

I actually haven't "read" anything by him. What really did it for me was reading The Stranger and The Conspiracy Against the Human Race, which frequently references Schopenhauer, but I do want to read him. What should I start with?

>> No.5714050

Suck helium until symptoms disappear.

>> No.5714060

Exercise to a heavy sweat every morning.
Eat right.
Get enough sleep.

Herodotus, Livy, Plutarch.

>> No.5714092

If you're English speaking Essays and Aphorism by Peguin is a good introduction which is mostly Parerga and Paralipomena, his last essays.

NB: Don't go with The World as Will and Representation for this, or without a reasonable understanding of his corrections and contemporary if you happen to like him, and be advised he doesn't have qualms about using Greek or Latin for kicks if you speak German. It's the most famous but you'd be better off reading his Fourfold Root of Reason for rhetorical and analytic skills for anxiety than getting to what the world is made of through that or his other stuff (besides P&P) first.

>> No.5714101

You have to read Kant first, you just do. After that you read On the fourfold.. his essay largely about Kant, and then you read his masterpiece. this is what he himself tells you to do, so you should follow it

>> No.5714202

Daniel Quinn. Start with Ishmael, then read The Story of B. Just be warned that you'll feel worse before you feel better.

>> No.5714406

LOL @ the people saying reread Schopenhauer

He provides literally no answer for escape from life except for consuming art.
And even then his view on art is extremely limited, he believes it only serves as an escapism from the suffering of life.

>> No.5714410

Who gave Buddha a keyboard?

>> No.5714433

Knowing my life mattered would cause a lot more anxiety than if it didn't.

>> No.5714513
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this. Also soapandshower had some pretty phil101 reasoning for not killing himself. Honestly he should of just practiced what he preached and docked his life. Hurr muh aesthetics bla bla fuck off.

>Surely everything can't possibly be ash shitty as I make it out to be.

It's far worse bb :^)

Get drunk and celebrate life for the slovenly mess it is, light the candles and throw the party cake on the rubbish tip let the seagulls blow the candles out, get a fucking snorkel and have a wee frolic in the septic tank. Conscious experience is basic shit but think of it like you've gone to see a movie and it turns out to be 'gravity' and it's absolute fucking shit, like really, really bad. Now you could continue to watch the movie, be pained by the awful storyline and tiresome sfx, all the way to the credits, or you could rip your movie ticket in half and walk out, I mean the movie really was fucking bad why watch till the end? Or the last option, and the one which you should adopt, is to continue watching, but now you're above it, because you're now a little bit smug, you got a litle upturned shit eating grin on your face, and you're looking down on this shite, laughing and feeling superior to just how pleb "gravity" is. Oh you are so above it, you are so above it you can not only swim in a septic tank full of piss and shit but you can open your mouth and show the brown stained grin of yours. If you can laugh at something, if you can feel smug and self-satisfied, cozy in your little conspiratorial smirk, then you can swim in shit and enjoy every last second of it.

Life is truly horrific, and yet here I am with a shit eating grin armed with dank mems
>being horrific

See what I did? This allows me to look down on the horror, and to look down with a whole smear of shit around my mouth, knowing there's nothing that can stop me from being a self-satisfied little smug poo smearing fucking cunt hahaaha

These are my words of wisdom, and you can sum it with just "learn to look down on life", rather than looking up at endless void of meaningless suffering.
>being meaningless suffering

Something like that I dunno. I had your dilemna and I take tonnes of meds and was in hospital because I tried to kill myself basically because life is nothing, and never forget you can always kill yourself it's totally a valid option, but I have my new outlook now, so I drink and take a lot of valium and crash roll my dads recently

who fucking knows dude we are all in the same boat all those authors and books and shit none of us really has any answer just drink Hennessy

>> No.5714657

>should of
stopped reading

>> No.5714673
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You feel depressed and pessimistic because that is the nature of this material world. Come home Light-man.

>> No.5714956

I don't believe in that, so no. This life is the only one I have.

>> No.5714979

Why do you care if you're "naïve"? Why is that more important than living your life?

>> No.5714987

That's the real problem with the species, everyone is always trying to 'escape' the truth and it just makes things worse. Just accept our situation and stop reproducing. It's that simple.

>b-b-but muh biology

Weak ass bitches.

>> No.5714996

It's not exactly their fault. You forget exactly how unintelligent the average human is. They are totally and completely slaves to their biology; to that endless pursuit of happiness. Their brain doesn't even entertain the idea that they could have it all totally wrong. The type of transcendence you describe isn't available to everyone.

Guess which type of people reproduces? And on and on it goes and will go until the extinction event. So give up trying to change things and do drugs or kill yourself, that's what I am doing.

>> No.5714999

meant to reply to

>> No.5715027

Get real son

You're an unimportant, useless, irrelevant piece of shit like me and all humans compared to this vast universe
But you should make out of that your swamp. Build a confort zone outside your confort zone, don't take life so seriously, you have to accept what we truly are: insignificant and small.
Embrace the nihilism, pessimism and futilism and make it your own. Stare at the abyss and call it a fucking gobshit cuntfuck and release a laugh about it. Call yourself a fucking complete good for nothing shitbuck and have a laugh about it.
Nothing matters, true. So what? You are going to end up dead like it or not, so if you are going to stay here might as well make your stay enjoyable
Don't take life so seriously. All of this is utterly meaningless and most of these reflections just hinder us down as they do not do much to improve our condition.

tl;dr: Life is absurd as it has no fucking point so man the fuck up, kill your ego, quit being a bitch about it(wah wah i'm not important things don't have a meaning oh noes) and enjoy and have fun as it is.

this guy got it spot on minus some thingsl>>5714513

>> No.5715030

>wah wah let me back in the matrix
>m-muh steak

why would you want to be like the plebs again, faggot?

>> No.5715036
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There are better alternatives than suicide or drugs. You just have to come to terms with truth, then you can detach from suffering.


>> No.5715037

>HURR I saw Troo Detective and read an essay by Schopenhauer, so I know antinatalism is right

>> No.5715040

This type of person is the most posionous on the planet.

>nothin' matters bro do whatevs l0l xD

There's more like him everyday. If everyone with this mindset killed themselves right now life would drastically improve immediately.

Suffering is real and it matters, don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise, OP.

>> No.5715044

Philosophy isn't where you want to look for happiness. Most philosophers were either miserable or thought everyone was always miserable.
You should check out religion.

>> No.5715047

Read gay science before any of that. It's literally a cheerful knowledge. Trying to develop a wissenschaft which produces cheerfulness instead of the usual gloomy "wisdom"

>> No.5715048

epic may-may /b/ro :^)

>> No.5715054

But i'm right.

>> No.5715059

Then please, go kill yourself silently.

Meanwhile we will stay here, try to
mitigate suffering, and let death take us when it will.

>> No.5715061

There isn't a way "out" of philosophical pessimism unless you actively put your defense mechanisms to full speed and/or get in the head with a rock.

David Benatar sounds like a chill enough guy though, give him a listen:

>> No.5715067

Yes yes everyone with an IQ over 120 knows reproducing is cruel as fuck.

But what do WE do in the meantime! As much as I abhor suffering, death is an unknown and I do not want to make a mistake in that regard.

>> No.5715071

Why would I kill myself? That's completely against what I said, I like living.
You are too obtuse and stupid to understand what I say, but i'll try: Make a piece of shit into a tasteful thing, because you have no choice but to eat it

>Meanwhile we will stay here, try to
mitigate suffering, and let death take us when it will.

For what fucking purpose? Might as well do as I say

>> No.5715073

>death is an unknown
Only if you're willing to go full on spectic, it's the same sort of non-existence as before you were born.
If you have any close ones, think of the suffering your "untimely" death would put on them. Just try to concentrate on the positive (for me it's reading philosophy, collecting records and playing the occasional video game that's not completely shit) while trying to cause as little pain to others as you can.

Suicide is always a option but I'm sure you're well aware that it's really, really hard to pull off in cold blood, especially without means like barbiturates etc.

>> No.5715074

The reason you're miserable is because you've taken that nihilistic attitude.
Nihilism is bad for you and everyone but nihilists knows it.

>> No.5715101

But i'm not miserable, I love living, life is beautiful
I just don't delude myself. We are completely by ourselves, life has no inherent meaning, everything is meaningless when we die but first we'll live and create an enjoyable society and world so we don't make life miserable because this thing has billions and billions of potential

>> No.5715104

>We are completely by ourselves, life has no inherent meaning, everything is meaningless when we die but first we'll live and create an enjoyable society and world so we don't make life miserable because this thing has billions and billions of potential
Potential for what?

>> No.5715113

To do things, to have pleasure. Just think how absolutely mindblowning human life is. The fact that you and I are here writing, the fact that you can simply move your arm and now look at a rock, or at water, or even at grass which is a living being. People don't give the approriate value to things they consider granted, specially small things.

>> No.5715114

Good and bad, shitty and not shitty-these are distinctions we make when we try to exist.

>> No.5715116

So what? Nothing means anything. Nothing has inherent value of any sort. All that is pointless. Wonder? Wonder is for children.

>> No.5715118
File: 161 KB, 1024x776, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a full on skeptic.

Our lives are unbelievably similar and I think we would be great friends if ever we should meet.

>> No.5715120


Embrace aesthetics, learn some music or read some more. The process of living in itself and being aware of it is the ultimate goal. Once you understand this, you can go on and rediscover your own meaning for life.

>> No.5715131
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Underrated post.

Not to mention, go for a walk through your town centre or anywhere else. Travel informs you that although the world can seem increasingly bad, there is still love.

When you do go for a walk, don't be miserable about it. Walk past people slowly, smiling and truly seeing.

I hope I have helped you in some way, shape or form.

>> No.5715132

I'm not telling you to wonder, i'm telling you to look.
And people still retain juvenile traits even in adult age FYI

>> No.5715134

What good is looking if what you're seeing is less than nothing? What good are juvenile traits in the adult world?

>> No.5715140

You sure showed them, champ.

>> No.5715144

>What good is looking if what you're seeing is less than nothing?

Now compare them with your life and see how good you have it

>What good are juvenile traits in the adult world?
It's not about being good or bad, you simply have them. You simply have them as heritage from your youth.

>> No.5715147

>Now compare them with your life and see how good you have it
Compare what with my life? Compare the nothingness of the universe a nihilistic pessimist lives in with my experience of that nothingness? What are you even saying?
>It's not about being good or bad, you simply have them
A businessman has no use for childish notions of sharing and causeless laughter when he's trying to make a deal. A soldier has no time to think of playing in a sandbox as a bullet rips through his skull.

>> No.5715154

Why do you think life HAS to have any meaning at all in order to be enjoyable?

If it had meaning at all you'd probably be complaining about it anyways.

>> No.5715159

>The fact that you and I are here writing, the fact that you can simply move your arm and now look at a rock, or at water, or even at grass which is a living being. People don't give the approriate value to things they consider granted, specially small things.

My entire point since the beginning. Learn to love the small things and the things you consider granted, and how good you have it.

>A businessman has no use for childish notions of sharing and causeless laughter when he's trying to make a deal. A soldier has no time to think of playing in a sandbox as a bullet rips through his skull.

>A businessman has no use for childish notions of sharing and causeless laughter when he's trying to make a deal. A soldier has no time to think of playing in a sandbox as a bullet rips through his skull.

Not my point.
As you implied in >>5715116 that childlike traits are inherently bad.

>> No.5715161

>Learn to love the small things and the things you consider granted, and how good you have it.
Why? What's the point?

>> No.5715162

This is what i'm trying to say the entire thread
They call me nihilistic for seeing things the way they are, but they are the true nihilists because in order to enjoy life they need to sugarcoat it

>> No.5715163

How much Kant do you have to read before starting on Schopenhauer?

>> No.5715164

I'm assuming you want to pursuit happiness
Well do you? it helps if you take what I said in consideration.

>> No.5715165

Why would a nihilist think happiness is worth pursuing?
What do you think nihilism is?

>> No.5715167

None, Schopenhauer can be read prior to, aside from, or after any other philosopher. He stands on his own and no one really cares about him.

>> No.5715168

fuck of Hegel you shrew

>> No.5715170

True Detective is antinatalist propaganda? Is it any good?
Jewish depopulation plan overdrive mode engage :^)

>> No.5715172

I'm not a nihilist

>> No.5715174


Life in itself isn't that bad, I mean, it is really enjoyable once you understand that in order for it to be considered "life" it has to end at some point. And not just talking in terms of an organism, I'm talking about life as we know it.

Learn to enjoy the diversity of everything, achievable experiences are inexhaustible

>> No.5715177

Ex fucking actly, thanks for wording my point much better.

>> No.5715179

Accepting that life ends does not make life enjoyable.

What makes you think that the only problem people have with life is that it ends?

>> No.5715180

It's true, though. Schopenhauer isn't wrong, but he also isn't really special.
You sound like one.
>Life is meaningless
>Nothing has value
>Everything is devoid of purpose
>Enjoy yourself because nothing else is worthwhile

>> No.5715182

only if you automatically identify with the edgiest character in a show, and fail to read message beyond this.

it's antinatalist propaganda in the same way Death Note is vigilante murder justice propaganda.

>> No.5715185

Is it any good?

>> No.5715191

I do sound like one, expect I embrace it and make it my own so I don't end up like OP.

>> No.5715199

>I do sound like one
Forgot to add that despite this i'm not nihilistic, or at least truly nihilistic

>> No.5715201

Schopenhauer was a misogynist creep. He was an MRA before MRAs existed.

>> No.5715202

>expect I embrace it and make it my own so I don't end up like OP.
But that's exactly what a nihilist does. You look like one, you sound like one, you think like one, you act like one-you are a nihilist.

>> No.5715204

go back to facebook

>> No.5715205


I didn't say it did, it just makes it easier once you stop focusing your energies on it.

And I know what you mean, life's biggest problem, as a human being, is suffering, both physical and psychological. I've been through this question myself and understood that pain is just a part of change, and since we are constantly changing, we'll always be in pain. This one's a little trickier, but same principle, once you accept that suffering is in fact a part of change and thus a part of life, it's easier to embrace it and see the beauty in the process.

>> No.5715206

I don't really care much about definitions, but if you say so.
Then i'm glad i'm one.

>> No.5715207

what male rights did he advocate for?

>> No.5715210


MRAs don't advocate for any actual rights. They just belittle women through chauvinist ideology. This is similar to Schopenhauer's claim that women mentally and emotionally resemble children. That kind of sexist marginalization is at the root of MRA ideology.

>> No.5715212

I shattered my arm years ago and the nerve got shredded on the bone and now the pain is constant all the time everyday the same no change the same pain doesn't stop it's always searing there is no end life is hell same same same send help Im losing it the pain never stops

>> No.5715213

It's easy to say this from a heated room, posting on your Cambidian animation forum, but it isn't going to be much comfort to someone who is actually suffering.

>> No.5715215

So he's not a male rights advocate then?

>> No.5715217

S-senpai, please stop, y-your bait is too delicious!

>> No.5715219

go away and suck more psuedo clit-dicks white knight fuckboy

>> No.5715222


Why haven't you cut your arm yet,? Through not accepting the fact that your arm is useless, and thus not accepting change, you are making yourself suffer. Come on, stop being so weak.

>> No.5715225

I'm right handed and need it. It still works, just causes me excruciating distress. Also knowing my luck I'd probably get incurable phantom pains.

>> No.5715226

You are using your arm as a fucking excuse to blame life four your suffering while you can end it yourself.

>> No.5715233

You can always use a prothesis, and learn how to use your other arm. It will obviously be really hard because of hemispheric dominance, but nowadays there is enough therapy and specialist devoted to this areas for you to still be hanging on to your arm, let it go.

>> No.5715249

The constant pain is a reminder of constant change.

>> No.5715253

Marx has a good quote on this,
"there is a billion bucks in the house next door."
"There is no house next door."
"Let's go build one!"

>> No.5715489

One such experience is being tortured to death. Millions of animals were eaten alive as I typed this. I think you and everything like you are seriously deluded regarding what it means to be alive.

>> No.5715680

I have a German copy that I got this Summer. I plan on reading once my German is more fluent. I'm only reading it in German because I have taken it for a ling time and think it might be fun and a better experience to read it in its native language, but I guess I'll read an English copy for now.

>> No.5715716

I normally work out all the time and do Krav Maga 3x a week because I used to want to join the military, but then I said fuck that, but I sprained my ankle and haven't been able to do shit for the past month.

>> No.5715766

This. Humans have a remarkable capacity for self-delusion. I guess we'd be extinct if we didn't. Fuck you, nature, you blind bitch.

>> No.5715781

what. the. fuck.

>> No.5715812

>it is really enjoyable once you understand that in order for it to be considered "life" it has to end at some point.

mmm this beer tastes so much better knowing it's my last and the liquor store has closed

if I had 12 more the beer would just be bland, but knowing that ethanol withdrawal is coming makes me all the more merrier

fucking dumbass

>> No.5715971

emotionally charged bullshit

>> No.5716068

>Fuck you, nature, you blind bitch.


>> No.5716092
File: 1.11 MB, 378x317, recreational misanthropy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a misanthropist and enjoy how existence is perpetually fucking people over. Align yourself with the Will.

>> No.5716105
File: 139 KB, 904x596, 1413429454490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is quality posting.

>> No.5716135

the people who cause real suffering are filthy breeders who tell poisonous tales about the preciousness of life and how it's all going to work out, not jolly jesters who fuck about with a drink or two before stumbling back into oblivion

>> No.5716198

Just learn to appreciate cruelty, anon. More Sade less Schopenhauer.

>> No.5716216

nah. by some twisted paradox if i ever find myself to be of the opinion that life is a good thing i'll kill myself because i can't think of anything more abhorrent

>> No.5716217

edgy, m80

>> No.5716250

capping this beautiful post when I get home

>> No.5716266

Not at all, just a calculated form of optimism. If you want to be happy, you have to accept the unchangeable. In the case of all the shit that goes on in the world, you have two options:

1. Tell yourself that it isn't really shit.
2. Tell yourself that it is in fact shit, but that shit is good.

The latter leads to far less cognitive dissonance.

>> No.5716277
File: 94 KB, 1237x510, smug pepe gives advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did, m8.

>> No.5716278

Here's a short tale of redemption I just wrote.

An Allegory

He was headed up Winchester Street in a single lane, the former being a two-lane, two-way street. But the second latter meant you couldn’t park here so “I guess that means I’ll have to hope no one else drives down the street so rifle-Christened.” There isn’t room for more than one of us in this town, he thought snidely. But of course, when push came to shove, he would have to swallow that round-shaped pill bouncing up against his teeth, not literally of course, but pride was a painful grain of salt to take. If it was to go down at all. The mission that is. It had begun innocently enough, if you could call that anything that down-on-their-luck men do. A well-to-do lady of no Cross giving him the finger. It was diamond-encrusted. Gilded with the fires of opulence, sparkling like an expensive asteroid flying by the sun, shimmering, shining, blazing, flaring. An ostentatious gesture that had set him off the wagon of balance, which was already hanging by a thread. Why? Because she had been jaywalking and he was on his way to an urgent fare. He had skidded to a stop, this fur-laden bitch jauntily caterwauling across the murdering highway. And she was obviously not been brought up to basic tact, or maybe she reserved that way of life for the ballroom. In any case, she had been rude. And that was a luxury not afforded to the person to literally cross his path at that moment. He was a little high-strung, so to speak. A little on the final tether, if you will. Well, it was the old story, so I won’t bother you with what exactly had brought us to the crux of his oblivious next moments, which he had (tactfully) kept to himself, but a stick of dynamite fire worked its way through the confines of his skull. And then suddenly everything seemed clear. He waved the lady on, with a simple smile, not blaring his horn or jumping out and giving her the what for. She had pranced off wherever she was destined, as if to infer “what nerve.” The rich kept getting richer, and old Robertson here kept getting the shaft from those cats. And now he was here. The fare was fate. No one drove up or down Winchester, which was ready to go off like it was loaded. Everything within his vicinity was. But he prayed for the self-restraint that would keep him his resolve. Not to do anything until it was all right, and alright. The girl came down the stairs, briskly trotting like a Shetland, with every next descending level, a harp string being plucked by the soft white hands of a true angel, which is what this young one happened to be. Well now, the Devil on his sinister shoulder, said, this is going to be fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun. But the trumpet of his devastated world view, an internalized Rapture and Second Coming, was louder. Now if only the chess game between good and evil, death and life, would go on. But the next move was anyone’s guess.

>> No.5716281


based whitepill

>> No.5716283

They would be after them, now that he had decided. But he had his cab, and his wits. They had fire arms, like chrome lions that shoot silver bees at you from their eyes, but he had faith. Soon it would all be over, and justice would prevail.
He had delivered the girl to the airport snug as a bunny in a basket full of eggs of all the different casts, and not the cellar where wolves lay in wait, ready to spring toothy snouts bared, spraying salivation. And it was all he could do but feel that Jesus had descended from the throne to spread cheer and benevolence upon all the unworthy.
Of course, the torment of his corporeality was the toll to pay for the girl’s oblivion, the weight of his soul in gold. Which was either zero, or infinity, depending on how you looked at it. Out of the frying pan and into the dark, starless void, cold as icicles careening along the xylophone of the spine. But he was willing and able to pay that price, if it meant the prolonged existence of peace on earth. For all the sun-drinkers and children of gargantuan ornate design.

>> No.5716294

What does the white stand for? Got any nice memepics?

>> No.5716341

or the non-sociopathic option of accepting it is shit and killing yourself or at the very least not reproducing

humans never think of the "hey maybe it is actually bad" option, they are always looking for some kind of escape and this causes even more harm

>> No.5716373
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If you truly cared about suffering and were really anti-life you would embrace omnicidism. Conventional antinatalism is just posturing and suicide just a cop-out.

But it seems none of the so called anti-life crowd seem to act according to their believes.

>> No.5716392

read schopenhaur, pleb

also 'omnicidism' was already a philosophical school before that ill-informed poster spouted his garbage, it's labelled as efilism.

>> No.5716526

1. Read the Tao Te Cheng and Chuang Tzu very carefully, try a couple of different translations and commentaries.

2. Sit down, lie down, whatever and do absolutely nothing for at least 3 days. No drinking, no eating, no moving, no pondering or thinking, literally nothing. If an intrusive thought enters your head, let it pass like water, do not interact with it, do not attempt to "force it out" do not recognize its presence. Ignore any and all pain, other people, EVERYTHING even if you are being robbed.

Repeat these three day trials until doing nothing feels the same as doing anything else.

3. You are now free to do things again. But now you have a new objective. Stop judging things, and I mean everything, don't even judge pain or your own sadness, don't judge the wall as whatever color it is, completely and consciously attempt to remove all barriers of labels in your mind. Do not judge up or down, do not judge your mind as your mind, or even the feeling of your feet on the ground as your own.

Do this until it is instinct.

4. Let go of dreams, aspirations, anticipations, expectations, and live entirely in the present. Keep up steps 3 and 4 while doing this.

5. Let go of your ego. Do not care about whether anything is "yours", whether it's your possessions, your freedom, your life. It is borrowed, when it leaves you it is returned.

You are now free. You may stop at any step, whether you become happy after trying one step or decide to quit.

>> No.5716601

I've read Schopenhauer. What about him?

Also, efilism isn't militant and therefore hypocritical.

>> No.5716610

How about a neutral stance?

>> No.5716647

Remember kids, nihilism will make you into a suicidal drunkard valium abuser who enjoys swimming in septic tanks and posting shit like "self-satisfied little smug poo smearing fucking cunt hahaaha"

>> No.5716770

Seems like the best option, really. His post sounds a lot more enticing than most of the pseudo-christfaggotry that's popular with the anti-edge-edge crowd here nowadays.

>> No.5716806

I don't know, if it leads you to swim in a river of shit because nuthin mattress bro then I seriously doubt it's even a good option at all.

>> No.5716819

You're swimming in the river of shit anyway, all you can do is change your attitude. Or stop swimming and sink down in the shit.

>> No.5717324

I'm hypoglycemic, so I would literally die if I didn't eat for three days lmao

>> No.5717431

>You're swimming in the river of shit anyway
That's just your perspective maaan
Tell me about the specifics of your epistemology, faggot

>> No.5717439

Just become a Lutheran, OP.

>> No.5717474
File: 3.43 MB, 3365x4001, Allan_Ramsay_-_David_Hume,_1711_-_1776._Historian_and_philosopher_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell everyone who isn't a logical positivist, shopenhauer is nonsense and you have no purpose. Not even to suffer. Things are this way just because they are, ok?

>> No.5717673
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>Tell me about the specifics of your epistemology, faggot
I admire this approach, but it comes down to you can't know le nuthing and the rest is arbitrary value judgements.

>> No.5717899

I don't think you can read about nazism and believe humans are worth having around. We are unfixable. My only suggestion is to get what you can out of life and help as much as you can. Morality and hedonism.

>> No.5718275

Then after that watch Jordan B Peterson's lectures on youtube. And read up on dieting and exercise. You ain't gonna fix your depression if your hormones are all fucked up from lack of exercise and proper nutrition regardless of your philosophies and thinking.

>> No.5718321

go see interstellar pleb

>> No.5718333
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>there are people on /lit/ right now who unironically refer to themselves as logical positivists

>> No.5718335

I'm already in good shape and eat decently. I can still run a perfect marine PFT even though I decided the military wasn't for me.

>> No.5718336

That movie sucked

>> No.5718342

listen to this guy
I am very neutral in terms of depression now. I started exercising and eating better. It helps a lot. Considering one does not always understand what text like >>5713966 posted you should step out of literature or others views to understand the self.

>> No.5718348
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>> No.5718361

B-but he'll turn into a balloon.
From there, the possibilities are limitless.

>> No.5718589

Your mom is still sucking, if it's any consolation.

>> No.5718606

Watch Synecdoche, New York.

Understand that the only things that have happened in your life are your birth and your eventual death. You didn't ask for this world, but you have been given it. .

>> No.5718622

I just watched that on Sunday lmao. Along with Magnolia. Great films. Yeah Synecdoche gave me that feeling, but I still feel shitty. Maybe I need to stop listening to Elliott Smith so much in this overcast weather.

>> No.5718647

Your thoughts on Sunset Limited? It's one of the few movies/plays where the pessimist/suicidal has the better points and somewhat "wins" instead of a cop out like in True Detective.

>> No.5718668

you inspired me to go to bed right now!

>> No.5718683

>Maybe I need to stop listening to Elliott Smith so much
Yes. I don't like Elliott Smith much but I find myself listening to some of his shit when I feel especially shitty and it just makes you feel even shittier. Don't wallow in your sadness. Don't surround yourself in shit that confirms that your life is shit.

>> No.5718741

>not listening to ambient black metal and drowning in catharsis
now that you've had them these feels will never leave you m8, learn to love them because they're going to be the best friends you'll ever have.

>> No.5719297

Even professional athletes can get depressed.
But it's still good advice.

>> No.5721038
File: 115 KB, 480x320, end-of-evangelion-neon-genesis-evangelion-106725-480x320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neon Genesis Evangelion.

>> No.5721283
